Long Way Home | TaeKook

By towhoeverlikes96

115K 6K 955

He was engaged to a beautiful man Park Jimin, everything was planned...his emotions were in check...and just... More

The Destiny
Who are you?
The Feel of Return
Over The Edge
The Forbidden Emotion
The One That Got Away
The Messed Up Night
The Past
Losing Game
Fools And Cowards
The Love I Lost
The Advice
Circle Of Lies
The False Trust
Why Tears Fall
The Rain - Part 1
The Rain - Part 2
Point of Return
The Plan
The Wedding Day
The Answer
Unexpected Visitor
How Did You Do It?
The Cafe
The Chase
The Misunderstanding
The Deal
The Invite
You are him?
Why are you here?
Bubble Gum
The Event
The Fashion Icon
The Gift
The Moon
The Meet
The Search
The Chaos
Those Eyes
Things Friends Do
Should I Stay?
Just Us
After Storm
The Warmth
The Apartment
Press Conference
Into Your Arms
Jeon Cop
The Papers
My Letter
Be Mine?
The Dinner
Movie Marathon
The JK Enterprise
Hate & Guilt
The Separation
Crossing The Distance
The Count of Promises
Unwanted Existence
Broken Pieces
Breaking Down
The Request
Revisiting Memories
Choose Wisely
New Book

Those Left Behind

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By towhoeverlikes96

--- Taehyung's prov ------------

I don't know how much more I could take. Sure, he was completely still beside me, he was not disturbing me in any way. And yet I was feeling uneasy. I wanted so badly to talk, but that, in my opinion, would only make things worse.

I can't take this, I have to do something....

I stood up and went to the counter and bought myself ice cream.

---- Third person prov ---------------

An ice cream in this chill weather?... Jungkook asked himself, but of course, he would never admit that there was something he couldn't understand. He watched as Taehyung started licking the ice cream, he tried not to be affected as he saw Taehyung's pink tongue dart in and out of his mouth. Suddenly the air conditioned room was getting hotter and hotter for him.

Taehyung felt eyes on him, he wished he had a lot of self-restrain so that he could keep himself from staring back at those intimating black orbs. Well he could change that. Two can play the game.

"What are you looking at?" Taehyung asked

"You don't like me much do you" He smirked.

Oh, you have no idea how much I do.... Taehyung thought

"You are right. I don't. I think you are too cold, too obnoxious. No, I don't like you at all", he finally answered.

Jungkook knew that wasn't the case, because Taehyung wasn't directly looking at him. So, he liked me, he just felt really uncomfortable around him. Well he could change that, since two can play the game.

"So, you think I'm not good enough for Jimin"

It was more of a statement then a question. At mention of his friend's name, he saw Taehyung loosened up a bit.

"I think you are perfect for him. He is the type that never shuts up and you are the type who could definitely shut him up, and the world would be peaceful again, at least my world"

He chuckled to himself at Taehyung's words.

"I was wondering, how did you two become best friends, I can tell you are opposites."

"Well as they say, opposite attracts."

Opposites attract huh?... is that why I am attracted to you? Because I am ice and you are fire.... Taehyung was making him lose his sanity.

He titled his head to the side, prompting him to continue talking.

"When I was a kid, I didn't really had lot of friends, kids bullied me for my ugly features..." Taehyung laughed gently at the memory

Jungkook couldn't imagine him finding Taehyung's features ugly, his face was too perfect for him.

"Jimin, back then was already beautiful, everybody adored him, he was loved. Even so, he chose to protect me from the other kids. Since then we were always together. I owe him so much...."

Jungkook couldn't understand him. How could he change his emotions that easily, one moment he was mad, another moment he was happy, and now... he looked sad.

"Until now I can't believe he is getting married. I guess I really have been away for too long to not realize he has changed. So please Jungkook, don't make him cry, don't ever hurt him."

---- Jungkook's prov -------------

I was watching all the emotions that were on his face as he talked about Jimin.

"Until now I can't believe he is getting married. I guess I really have been away for too long to not realize he has changed. So please Jungkook, don't make him cry, don't ever hurt him." He said ...

And then he turned his hazel eyes towards me, in that moment, I felt a clenching in my gut that told me, I did rush into things. It was one thing to choose a person to marry, it was another to try to love that person. Specially when I was the one who doesn't believe in such a thing.

This was the first time that I actually felt something akin to regret.

I had no answer to give him, not while he was still looking at him with those beautiful eyes.

It was a great relief when the rain stopped.

"It stopped raining, come on, I will take you home Taehyung."

"No, it's okay, I still have somewhere to go. Bye"

He went out of the shop and continued on his way. I watched his retreating back, wondering all the time what was it that made me interested in him so much.

------ Taehyung's prov ----------------

I was walking on the streets, as I passed by Jimin's Dance studio. I saw someone and I knew perfectly well who it was. The man was debating whether to go in or not, and I decided to help him out.

Not knowing that Taehyung was once again followed.

Jungkook felt really foolish at what he was doing. He was beginning to suspect that 'stalking' Taehyung was his new favorite past time. He watched through his car as Taehyung approached a man....and he didn't know why, but he felt like dragging him away from that man.

As I got nearer, I smiled widely..... so, he is still here....

"Jimin is not there, Yoongi hyung."

The man with pale skin looked behind him immediately.

"I wasn't looking for him, I just came to pick my cousin from her dance session'

"I just saw your cousins post on Instagram, she is on trip with friends"

"Fine, so I was lying. Where is he anyway?"

"Why do you want to know hyung?"

I smiled at him slyly, how much I missed Yoongi hyung. He only shrugged lazily.

"I don't know where Jimin is right now, sorry hyung", I gave him a hug.

"It's fine, I don't think he will want to see me anyway." He said while patting my head.

"Hey hyung, do you ... still have feelings for Jimin?"

Yoongi only stared at the glass door of the studio.

"I am sorry hyung, I guess I should hav-"

"I still love him tae, if that's what you want to know."

To say that I was stunned was an understatement. Yoongi was smiling. But I had a feeling it wasn't because of happiness. I found it hard to breath, hyung wasn't like this.

Yoongi used to look nonchalant, as if he cared about nothing at all. Though it was infuriating at times, it was better to see his hyung that way than he looked right now.... Right now, Yoongi hyung looked so sad. And he looked like he was ready to break.

"Then why didn't you--"

"He couldn't be happy with me Taehyung, you know him, he will never be satisfied. I couldn't give him what he wanted."

I was silent for quite a while, I didn't know what to say. I was torn, should I encourage Yoongi hyung? But I knew Jimin was already in love with Jungkook, and if I sided with Yoongi, would my feelings towards Jungkook surface?

It was hard for me, and in the end, there was nothing else I could do but watch Yoongi hyung walk towards his car.

"Hyung! Are you at least going to attend the wedding?"

"Nah, that would be too troublesome."

I am so sorry hyung...

"Come get in, I will drop you home. I have a meeting to attend"

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