πŸ—―. . Dsmp oneshots archive b...

By Love4hollyberry

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Used to be a oneshot book, please note that I am no longer a dsmp fan so this will not be updated More

Request !! Open !!
Finally free - Dream
No longer Winged - Quackity + Sapnap + Karl
Jealousy - Tommy + Tubbo + Ranboo
Muddy Hoodie - Dream + Wilbur
Sickening mornings - Wilbur + Dream
I tried my best - Sbi . Pt 1
I tried my best - Sbi . Pt 2
Unexpected Playdate - Dream + tommy
It just isnt me - George
Rough baking - Bee family ( unfinished )
Apologies treats - Sapnap + karl + quackity
One in particular - Philza
Shouting tnt - Sbi
Thank you !!
Headcanons !! - Dsmp!
Fuzzy panicky - Jschlatt + Quackity
Distastrous nuptials - Dream + fundy
Sadness and cuddles - Wilbur + Tommy
Ender and forever together - Ranboo pt1(?)
Ender and forever together - Ranboo pt.2
hello !!

For your own good - jack manifold + Tommy

428 9 9
By Love4hollyberry

Littlespace oneshot

Request from Mar1p0s1ta ! I hope i made it justice :D

i don't know much about jack manifold and tommy friendship / story so i apologize if this story doesn't not fit the actual storyline . This oneshot isn't related to the actual storyline, sort of but it's still disconnected.

Prompt : Tommy and Jack get into a fight over the hotel guard but Tommy going too far causes the little to slip under not of the best circumstances but Tommy gladly takes control of the situation and comforts the boy.

Tw : mention of character death , trauma and abuse , fighting , swearing , small threats , Crying .

Little! Jack (1-3 )
Cg! Tommy


Screams and shouts echoed on the hotel walls. Tommy finally got away from his traumatic cell where he rested for so long , He came to get power over his hotel but Jack refused. No not from jealousy or greediness but for the one and only reason of protecting Tommy from any other overwhelming stress. He knew he was carrying trauma and didn't want to add more on his mind and from experience he knew how stressful holding a hotel can be and like any good friend he just wanted the best for his friend but Tommy didn't seem to comprehend the situation from the same perspective as Jack

" What do you mean you won't let me get my hotel back ?" Tommy quizzed madly " I trusted you on this Jack ! can't believe you're doing this to me RIGHT NOW. At the worst time of all "

Jack sighed , getting closer to Tommy " Exactly Tommy . This is not the time for you to get back to the head of the hotel ! You have been .. locked up in a cell with Dream for so long and with all the trauma you must have got I think it's better for you to take a break and stay far from responsibilities " Jack voiced calmly.

" i don't - ok look I'll go easy on you ok? Else you give me back my hotel else I'll take it by force " the blond growled , clenching his fists as his boiled out of anger.

When he got locked up with Dream in Pandora's vault , he sent a letter to Jack saying he would need him to take care of the hotel while he was gone and out of his good gut Jack did as he was told , promising. But neither of them had planned for Tommy to get abused and nearly canonically killed during his stay and now that he was back , Jack would feel awful if he let his friend get any more stress so he would, against Tommy's desires, do his best to keep him far from those , no matter the cost.

"I'd like to see you do as told Mr.innit " Jack teased jokingly but soon caught himself back together, there was no time for jokes. He had to convince Tommy to go home and leave him at the head of his hotel , to him it kind of sounded selfish but it was for his friend's health so either be selfish for the good reasons huh?

Tommy was mad and he had all the rights to be . Being tortured by someone that is supposed of being your friend in a prison cell can be really emotionally draining , not to add that he has lost his friend to an enderman guy that forgets everything and is mentally unstable and for taxes . Yeah Tommy did have all his right to be mad

" look Tommy I know you're mad at me for this but it's for your best! I mean look at you...you " he stammered, he lost the track of his wording as Tommy replied to his stammering.
"Yeah ! look at me , I am completely fine dumbass! You had promised me manifold , you had promised that you would give it back without any inconveniences and look at us now ? What are we doing HUH?"

"I know Tommy but I'm just trying to help" Jack stuttered

" and so does everyone else since I got back from prison! Everyone treats me as if I was a little weak broken piece of shit just because I have trauma ! I know trauma is something no one should take lightly and I sort of appreciate you guys caring for my health but come ON ! TRAUMA DOES NOT DEFINE MY PERSON DOES IT? I HAVE LOST MY FRIEND TO A MARRIAGE FOR TAXES , I BARELY SEE HIM ANYMORE AND MY HOTEL IS ALL I HAVE LEFT ? " he started lashing out , and that was just a bit of all he had to say , of all he had been feeling.

"You can't take that away from me and I will not let you . You are just like everyone else , trying to help but only care for the greedy being you are , fucker. You promised me Jack , you promised and you sweared ! But you're a little liar aren't you huh ? Bitch " he continued and he was far from done yet. Jack looked down , his mind suddenly started to become tinier .

Jack raised his head quickly , a worried look painted on his face . No he couldn't allow himself to slip under those circumstances, Not with a blood boiling blond by his side no.

Lost in his thoughts , Jack snapped out at Tommy calling out his name.

" Oh and You're not even listening ! How funny . "

"Sorry I got lost in my mind " Jack practically whispered, his headspace playing tricks on him was not helpful.

" Spare me from your apologies I don't have time for your bullshit " the blond bellowed
" if you think that I am that weak , say it ! I know you think of that , supposing that even holding a hotel would kill me after I ACTUALLY DIED BUT WENT THROUGH IT ? I seriously wish you were better than this Jack but no! Everyone decides to turn there back trying to help but only causes more harm "

" I didn't mean to ! Im sor-"

"QUIT IT AND KEEP THE SORRY FOR YOURSELF MOTHERFUCKER !! I HATE YOU SO MUCH I WISH I HAD NEVER TRUSTED YOU ON THIS!! You are seriously not worth my time. I wish I had chosen someone else over you , they would have spared me of this bullshit " Tommy finally said everything he had to say , Pulling the last straw .

Jack took a few steps back as a wave of hurt overwhelmed his mind , he started to shake slightly as his mind slipped to a younger one . Bad Timing
Did Tommy Actually mean it ? Did he actually hate him? No it couldn't be

" Wait jack I- I'm sorry i-" he urged ,realizing his words he took steps closer to his friend but the other would continually take steps back. " I didn't mean it. Come on Jack "

" No! Chu mean it an' chu no likes me" Jack mumbled , his lips trembling as he tried to retain the tears in. " i justs wan'ed to do good fowr Toms " the little cried out softly , shuffling his feet around. He look down at the ground as Tommy got closer and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder . " I'm sorry , I was just mad you're all okay buddie "
He said , giving a confused look at the other as he replied back

" but chu said i was was'ing chur time an was not wor'h it! I jus wan'ed chu to no get huwt no more " Jack sobbed quietly rubbing his fists against his eyes as fat tears rolled down his cheeks. Tommy's eyes widened in panic , he immediately pulled Jack against him , Jack collapsing under his grasp . Tommy rubbed his back slowly in hope of calming him a little " hey jack im sorry , i'm not mad anymore ok? It was a mistake of mine i promise it won't happen again " he cooed , only getting sniffles and hiccups as an answer. The blond was still processing the current behaviour of the other before it flashed in his mind. " jack are you regressed ? You're acting just like tubbo when he lost his father back then " he questioned the mentally younger. Jack only sniffled , nodding eagerly at Tommy's statement.

" i see ,, how old are you bubs ? " he cooed softly , seeing the other's eyes fluster at the nickname and raised two fingers shakily. " oh such a little boy aren't y'a? " he stated smiling " i guess I have to care of you now " he said , Jack looking up to him . " i'll gladly do , you're adorable " he laughed , jack giggling.

" chu no hawt me? " He mumbled , questioning Tommy , which the boy in question answered. " i would never hate a little bubba like you jacky " he said softly , bringing reassurance to the little . " anyway let's go , i'll get us a room where we can rest ,does that sound good to you ? " jack nodded happily.

After getting through the staircases that led to the next floor, they made their way to the best room of the hotel for Jack's current state. The little , tired from the fight and climbing up all the stairs collapsed comfortably on the bed's fabric . He turned to Tommy who was seated at the point of the bed and opened his arm widely. " snuggles !! " he exclaimed happily. Tommy giggling stood up and went to the counter " yes , just wait . Are you hungry for some milk bubba ? " he questioned the mentally younger , which eagerly nodded as he positioned himself in a sitting position on the bed. " alright , you can grab the remote and put something on the tv if you can , unless you want me to do it for you ?" He shook his head saying yes and threw the bed sheet on his back , processing to suck on his thumb , an action Tommy stopped the little from doing.

" I'm pretty sure that's icky bubba " he cooed , tipping the edge of his nose , jack giggling. Tommy sat next to Jack and grabbed the remote. turning on the tv , he played on a kid show ( i can't think of one jack would like ) , jack giggling and clapping happily at the images that showed up on the screen. The blond then left his position and walked to the counter where he was making milk for the little.

Tommy poured 12 oz of milk in the bottle , then added 1 tablespoon of table sugar . Adding A small splash of vanilla to the milk , he mixed the ingredients together and warmed the bottle up to the perfect temperature. It was the first time he made such but it was for sure the first time he did it for Jack , so he hoped he did it all alright for the little bubba's taste.

He got back to the bed and gave the milk bottle to Jack , who instantly grabbed it and started drinking the warm substance. " you like it huh? Is it warm enough ? " He asked slightly anxious , in fact the blond British had not ,uch experience in taking care of a little. Sure he did sometimes take care of tubbo but Wilbur did most of it so he was still at the beginner level , at least it was a good start.

" yep ! Ish good " he exclaimed . Tommy then layed on the bed , allowing Jack to place his head on Tommy's tiny but strong chest. The blond threw some more blankets on him and jack ,adding up to the one jack was covered with and made themselves comfortable to enjoy their little show.

Jack still sucking on us bottle let off of the nip and voiced
" chu can hav your howtel back , i no keep it from yu anymwore. Sowy fo making yu mad today " he babbled . Tommy's expression only softened as he started playing with the little's hair . " it's ok bubba, you only tried to help. And thank you , actually you can stay at the head of the hotel if you'd like ! I actually like knowing the hotel is in good hands you know ? Plus I'd be able to help you when you regress to the teeny weeny pogchamp version of yours " tommy chuckled , booping Jack's nose. " but let's talk about it when you'll be big again , we have a show to finish , don't we ? "

" Yah ! " jack giggled , clutching himself nearer to Tommy .

Jack felt warm and safe under Tommy's hold and Tommy liked cuddling with Jack somehow .

There surely was place for someone else at the head of the hotel and if it was jack , it wouldn't bother tommy more to have his little friend by his side


took me all day to write because i couldn't get myself to concentrate on writing it i'm sorry it took so long :')
Hope you like it ! I don't really know how to feel about this

2094 words

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