The Darkest Awakening Vol. 5

By Zoethe80slover

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With a new era dawning with Zach as the new leader, things have changed. The amulets have got a new design, Z... More

Chapter 1: A New Era
Chapter 2: More Rivalries
Chapter 3: Darkness
Chapter 5: Courses
Chapter 6: Meeting Up Again
Chapter 7: Time For A New Beginning
Season 1: 1# It's Been A While
Season 1: 2# New Inventions and Team Member
Season 1: 3# Memory Book
Season 1: 4# Tommy Vs. Dream
Season 1: 5# The Sick Leave
Season 1: 6# The Dragon Gem
Season 2: 1# The Legend Behind It
Season 2: 2# Dinner
Season 2: 3# Mysterious Spirits
Season 2: 4# Back To The Hospital
Season 2: 5# The New Amulets
Season 2: 6# Jschlatt Became Dictator
Season 3: 1# Keeping The Dragon Gem Safe
Season 3: 2# Plan To Overthrow The Dictator
Season 3: 3# Preventing Lunatite Vines
Season 3: 4# The Kidnapped Leaders
Season 3: 5# Extracting My Spiritual Self
Season 3: 6# Work On The Plan
Season 4: 1# As The Sun Sets
Season 4: 2# Getting Executed
Season 4: 3# Saving Tubbo
Season 4: 4# Lunatite Poisoning
Season 4: 5# Tommy's Out Of The Hospital
Season 4: 6# A Week Later
Season 5: 1# The Lowest Point
Season 5: 2# Nightmares
Season 5: 3# Walking Again
Season 5: 4# Firework Attack
Season 5: 5# Therapy Sessions
Season 5: 6# Welcome To The Team
Season 6: 1# Maggie's Backstory
Season 6: 2# Cool Outfits
Season 6: 3# Hog Hunt
Season 6: 4# Quackity's Eye
Season 6: 5# Blinded By The Injuries
Season 6: 6# The Beginning Of The Trial
Season 7: 1# Trial Time
Season 7: 2# Training
Season 7: 3# No More Trauma
Season 7: 4# Afternoon Plans
Season 7: 5# Hunting Dream
Season 7: 6# Slimecicle's First Day
Season 8: 1# After Courses
Season 8: 2# Dream Stuff
Season 3# Dream In Yuansu Park
Season 8: 4# Just A Normal Day
Season 8: 5# Simon Meets Brad... Again
Season 8: 6# A Normal Night
Season 9: 1# A Few Months Went By
Season 9: 2# They're Back
Season 9: 3# The Footage
Season 9: 4# Jschlatt
Season 9: 5# Assembly
Season 9: 6# Going To London
Season 10: To The World

Chapter 4: Dream Vs. Zodiac Heroes and Yuansu Park Spirits

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By Zoethe80slover

Zach's POV

Me and my team went into our spiritual states and started attacking Dream. The same goes to the Yuansu Park spirits who activated their powers and started fighting. I saw Sapnap and George go into their spiritual states and attacked Dream as well. We have outnumbered Dream for good.

Dream: George, Sapnap, what are you doing? You're supposed to me on my side.

Zach: Actually Dream, this has been a trick all along. I sent them on a secret mission and lure you all the way here.

Dream: You naive child, who has chosen you as the leader?

Zach: How do you know I'm a child, I'm turning 18 next month.

Dream: I don't care.

Toby: Actually, Tommy and I are also leaders.

Dream: Since when did Brad chose you as leaders?

Fundy: Who's Brad?

Dream continuously attacked us as I took out my Kris to attack him. I dunno why did Dream mention Brad but maybe because of a connection or something. Then, Dream attacked Tommy and Tubbo causing them to get out of their spiritual states. As well as getting injured.

Zach: Tommy! Tubbo!

Nick: Dream, why did you injure them? You know they're still kids.

Dream: I don't care! Zach is next.

Ryan L: Zach, look out!

Zach: Fundy, Slimecicle, take Tommy and Tubbo to Shui river, Audrey, help heal them.

Audrey: But I wanna fight.

Fundy: Audrey, just listen to the leader.

Audrey: Fine.

Audrey, Fundy and Slimecicle escorted Tommy and Tubbo into Shui river to heal them. The rest of us fought Dream just like how we fought the other dark spirits. But he seems to be a lot stronger than any of the dark spirits we've encountered in the past.

Carm: This isn't working, Dream is invincible.

Ken: Yeah, green spirits are really strong.

Zach: This isn't going to plan. Everyone retreat!

Dream: You kids, come on and fight me like the men and women you are.

Zak: We're not kids anymore, you green boy!

Badboyhalo: C'mon, Skeppy!

We went out of our spiritual states and went back to our base in Yuansu park. Fundy, Slimecicle and Audrey came back with Tubbo and Tommy who had recovered from their injuries. They were severely injured on the battlefield but quickly recovered because of their healing powers. Even Audrey's powers worked on them.

Zach: You guys alright?

Toby: We're good.

Tommy: What happened?

Cooper: We retreated, Dream is too powerful.

Jacob: Why would you 3 let our team retreat? You're leaders, you should make our team defeat Dream. Well, you 3 are leaders. When was the last time you had a real man as a leader?

Zach: Last month, that was the last time Brad became the leader.

Jacob: I don't care of this Brad dude, you 3 should man up. In fact, help us man up to defeat the green boy.

Toby: How can we man up when we have personal problems to deal with?

Jacob: I don't care about 'personal problems,' I care about winning.

Zach: I shouldn't have put you, a jock, into our team.

Jacob: Then why did Brad let Justin and Joanna into the team?

Tommy: Wasn't Justin added before Brad?

Zach: Brad didn't add Justin, Luke did.

Luke: Hemmings, actually, not me.

Zach: Brad added Joanna because she's sick of how jocks like you behave.

Jacob: Just shut up, you're probably the weakest leaders in Zodiac history.

Jenna: Jacob, you shouldn't make fun of them. All of the leaders we have suffer from medical conditions which is why they couldn't man up. And plus, they're younger than you so you shouldn't mess with them.

Jacob: So what? I don't care.

Tommy: Zach shouldn't have added you and you shouldn't have replaced Kris, who was the oldest Zodiac hero. At least he's more loyal than you.

Toby: Wait, how does he know?

Zach: When a leader adds someone who'll be their leader, they pass down the knowledge of previous Zodiac heroes.

Zoe: Guys, Dream, Sapnap and George are having a discussion.

We all watched as Sapnap and George have a discussion with Dream. However, we hid in our base to make sure he doesn't see us eavesdropping. But I'm still scared because we haven't won and all we did was retreat.

Dream: Sapnap, George, why did you decide to join the Zodiac heroes? Why did you betray me?

Nick: Because we don't want to be under your manipulative ways. Look how terrible you've been treating the 3 new leaders. And blame Brad for choosing them when he decided to choose Zach for leader and Zach chose Tommy and Tubbo.

George D: Sapnap's right, they all have medical conditions.

Dream: You're colourblind.

George D: Yeah because you're yellow and not green.

Nick: (laughs) Nice one, Gogy.

George D: Anyways, we're tired of the way you've been treating people. We're done, Dream. We're no longer in your team anymore or whatever thing you're doing. Now, let the kids attack you. I know they won't give up. Zach, for real this time.

Yuto: Did you hear what he said?

Zach: It's time we continue our battle. In your spiritual states, everyone.

We all went into our spiritual states followed by George and Sapnap. Then, we floated in the air and surrounded Dream to make sure he is intimidated and would accept defeat. But he isn't, so we used all of the elements (our power types) and surrounded him in a storm.

Dream: What are you guys doing? You can't be serious.

Zach: Say that to yourself, we are the new team of Zodiac heroes. This is the dawning of a new era and you shall be gone.

Dream: You can't defeat me, I'm invincible.

Tommy: Say it to yourself, green boy.

Toby: Zach, how do we usually defeat dark spirits.

Zach: Combine all the powers we have. Dream, you are going to loose to a bunch of kids.

Tommy, Tubbo and I used all of our powers and aimed them at Dream. The rest of our team and the other spirits did the same thing and then, Dream is back to his normal form. But he's all dirtied up. The rest of us went out of our spiritual states but we got tired.

Cara: That was quite a battle.

George D: Yeah, even though not everything could come to plan.

Zach: I'll come up with better plans next time.

Clay: No, you still haven't defeated me. I'm still alive.

Niki: Yeah, green boy.

Wilbur: Better luck next time.

That's when Clay disappeared and all of the spirits in Yuansu park cheered. But before he left, he gave us one condition which left us in shock. We prepared ourselves for what is going to happen.

Clay: By dawn, I want to see white flags to show that you Zodiac heroes would surrender. And tomorrow night, I want a duel with a young boy, Tommy Simons. (Disappears)

Hannah: What did he say?

Shawn: He just wanted to see white flags and wanted to have a duel with Tommy. Tomorrow night.

Niki: How do you know?

Shawn: I'm the longest consecutive hero here so I know and understand what dark spirits want.

Zoe: Yeah, because we know the one thing they want. They want to see us suffer and want years of darkness. Without us and our previous incarnations, life wouldn't be what it is now. Yet dark spirits still want to ruin it.

Toby: Why do dark spirits exist anyways?

Robert: Honestly, I dunno.

Slimecicle: Welp, me and the other spirits would be heading back to our homes. See you tomorrow night?

Zach: Sure.

We walked back to our dorms but we didn't go directly to our rooms. Instead, I decided to introduce my new teammates to our robot who's in Australia, Aren. Because I know she loves meeting new team members but I also have to update her on what happened to the old heroes.

Tommy: Who are we going to meet?

Zach: We're going to meet someone very important and was helpful during Luke and Brad's eras. She also alerts us whenever there are dark spirit attacks. But she's in Australia and we're in the UK so it's gotten harder to get in contact with her.

Danna: She was also the robot who trained me before I got recruited.

Niki: That's cool.

After a while, Aren picked up. She's in her hologram form because we couldn't meet up in person. Hopefully we could when we're able to go back to Australia. Anyways, we started off our conversation between my team and Aren.

Aren: Hello guys. Where's Brad?

Zach: Brad's in the hospital. Because he's a doctor. Anyways, I have to replace him as the 1st leader.

Aren: That's cool. What did you do as the 1st leader?

Zach: Change history. I added a 3rd leader, I allowed humans and spirits to thrive in harmony any time and allowed other spirits to fight the dark spirits with us.

Aren: That's very good. I've never seen a leader willing to change things up for the Zodiac heroes. Anyways, can I see the new members?

Zach: Sure.

Toby: Wait, she wanted to see us now?

Zach: Yup.

Aren: You must be the new recruits, right?

Niki: Yup.

Wilbur: We are.

Zach: Tubbo and Tommy are the new leaders.

Toby: Hi.

Tommy: Hi.

Aren: Is it me or Tubbo looks like you, Zach?

Zach: Wait.

Toby: We're not even related.

Aren: Probably spiritually.

Tommy: I dunno.

Aren: And the blonde one, Tommy, looks like Hemmings.

Luke: You mean the Aussie one?

Aren: Yup.

Zach: Wait, why do you think Tubbo looks like me and Tommy looks like Hemmings?

Aren: I can see the resemblance. Anyways, I heard that there's a new dark spirit who is rare and is coloured green. Who is it?

George D: His name is Dream. He was my ex-boyfriend.

Everyone: What?!

Alex: The green boy was your boyfriend?

Nick: I don't believe you.

George D: He was my boyfriend until I discovered my spiritual self. I became a recognised light spirit. When I realised that he's being so manipulative, I betrayed and broke up with him.

Nick: That's rough, buddy. (Avatar fans, where ya at?)

Zoe: Wow, you broke up with your boyfriend because of how manipulative he is?

George D: Yes. Are you guys going to judge me for that?

Raphael: No, you did the right thing. Hemmings had to break up with Arzaylea because of how manipulative she is. Michael also had to break up with Abigail for the same reason.

Cara: Didn't know you guys went through it before.

Robert: It's a thing mostly adults go through but teenagers like us go through it as well. But we just haven't gone through it yet.

Aren: It just happened. Luke broke up with Arzaylea and moved on with Sierra because Arzaylea, along with Michael's ex, Abigail, attempted to expose us.

Tommy: Makes sense.

George D: Can we change the topic? I don't think I'm feeling comfortable about this.

Aren: Okay. So did you recruit more light spirits?

Zach: They're just temporary members, we only need them when there's an emergency. Like Dream.

Aren: That's good. Anyways, you gotta go to sleep right now. Tomorrow is your next course.

Ryan L: Oh, right.

Aren: Wait, aren't you guys remaining in the biology course?

Jacob: No, I'm in the soccer team.

George S: Football.

Jacob: Shut up, I'm American.

Toby: I'm in the music course.

Tommy: I'm in computer science.

Thaiyo: I'm in business.

George D: I'll just be in computer science.

Corbyn: I'm in chemistry.

Zach: I'm also in computer science.

Wilbur: I'm in music.

Alex: I'm in law.

Nick: And I'm in computer science.

Aren: Oh, so not all of you are in the same course?

Alex: Yup.

Aren: Alright, anyways you better go to bed now. Good night.

After Aren hung up, we all went to our dorms. But I didn't assign the new members in each dorm so I have to do it last minute. I didn't even know that they need dorms, or else they would sleep in the common room.

Zach: Oh, I forgot something. I need to assign you to your dorms. Tubbo, you're with Tommy.

Toby: Yes!

Tommy: 2 leaders in one room.

Zach: That would be cool. I'm sleeping with my boyfriend, Ryan.

Ryan L: And I'm not the leader.

Zach: George with Quackity.

Alex: Yes!

George S: No I'm with Reece.

George D: Not you, me.

Zach: Niki and Puffy.

Niki: Wait, really?

Cara: Yes!

Zach: Wilbur and Skeppy.

Zak: It's because Bad resides in Yuansu park, I'm with a dark spirit.

Wilbur: No, I'm a light spirit. I just have dark and water-based powers.

Zach: Jacob and Jenna.

Jenna: What? Why am I with this hobo?

Zach: You don't have to be mean.

Jacob: Seriously, I don't like her.

Jenna: Whatever.

Zach: Connor and Purpled.

Grayson: Okay.

Connor: Fair enough.

Zach: And Karl and Sapnap.

Karl: Okay.

Nick: That would be good.

Zach: Now we can go to our rooms.

The end...

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