Her name is Mina...


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I woke up at my bedroom here at my Grandmother's beach house feeling down. I chose to stay here while my pare... Еще

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Thank you
Part 16
Special chapter

Part 7

655 25 11

Mina's house...

Chaeyoung walk to Mina's house for their scheduled lunch. She knock at their door and Nayeon unnie welcome her with all smiles.

"Uhmm hi, im looking for Mina?" She nervously said. Nayeon unnie was smiling but seems amazed of the beautiful lady in front of her. Nayeon unnie said nervously..

" yes of course, uhmm please come in. I am Nayeon by the way, Mina's caretaker here. And you must be?" Nayeon of course will await to let chaeyoung introduce herself as it may sound so weird if chaeyoung would know that they already know who she really is..

"Hi I am Son Chaeyoung, i live there actually at the other house. I am your neighbor" chaeyoung said casually as she offered her hands and shake nayeon's.

"It's nice to meet you Ms. Son, please come in and have a sit. I will call Mina,do you want anything to drink Ms. Son?" Nayeon unnie said.

"Uhmm it's okay, i will just wait for Mina, and please call me Chaeyoung, Ms. Son is so formal." Chaeng said smiling.

"Okay chaeyoung, just wait here okay i'd be right back" nayeon said as she proceeded upstairs to call Mina.


"Mina, hurry up the heiress is downstairs! Hahaha c'mon dont let her wait" nayeon said smiling while she open up Mina's room.

"She's downstairs already unnie? Oh my god! Wait i'm coming up. Unnie! How do i look?" Mina said nervously..

Nayeon said smiling and hug her,
"You look pretty minari,dont worry just be yourself. And enjoy okay?. And one more thing, tell her you know who she is if it will get to your conversation mina, its best to be honest." She said seriously.

"Yes unnie i will, and unnie thank you so much." Mina hug her unnie as they both went down the stairs to meet chaeyoung.

As they were both going down, they both saw Chaeyoung pretty standing,her back facing them while she was speaking to her phone. Both of the ladies were stun to see how beautiful chaeyong is on her white simple dress,hair neatly flowing and her scent can be smelled from quite a diatance. She is really a rare heiress and one of a kind.

Mina slowly approach chaeng whose still on the phone and tap her shoulder. Chaeng slowly turned her gaze to Mina as she was kept silent for a while. Chaeyoung at the same time was mesmerized to The goddess in front of her,with her all smiles directed only for chaeyoung. Chaeyoung smiled..

"Hey cub your still there" tzuyu said on the other line.

"Uhmm yeah anyway tzu i got to go and i will call you back kay? Love you" she said as she hung up the phone instantly without breaking the eye contact to mina. Mina somewhat was confuse as she heard chaeng said the " i love you". She was a bit curious who would that be.

" hi mina, sorry about that. You look beautiful, are you sure this is just a simple lunch or we are expecting anybody more haha" chaeyoung said happily as she hugs mina to greet her. Chaeyoung smelled mina and wow! She smells so fragrant. A scent she would really not get tired to smell everyday. Mina laughed a bit as she hugs back chaeyoung, mina also smelled chaeyoung and she like how the younger one smelled. She knew chaeng's perfume was one of the limited edition of Chanel's and only the elite people can buy as it is made to order. She smells so fragrant. As they broke the hug. Mina answered chaeyoung's greetings.

" you look wonderful as well chaeng. Hehe and yeah this is just a lunch. I wanted it to be special as your special chaeng. So shall we?" As she ushered chaeng on their balcony outside,where the beautiful sea can be seen.
Chaeng was touch with Mina's words..

"Special hmmm" she said to herself but otherwise followed Mina.

As they were at the balcony, chaeyoung look at the nice lunch mina prepared for the both of them. Mina ushered chaeng to her seat. Chaeng was amazed on how mina's effort paid off just for their lunch.

"Wow mina, this is amazing. You have prepared it very well in a short time. I'm impressed! Hahaha . I wonder if you always treat your friends like this?" Chaeyoung said.
Mina smiled wonderful.

"  hahaha..thanks that you like our preparation, ahmm well its because you are our guest so haha" mina nervously said.

After a while, nayeon serve the food for the both of them. Chaeyoung tried to take a bite of the steak and it was so delicious. Mina was consciously looking at chaeng's reaction as she wanted to impress the heiress.

" so..how does it taste like? Do you like it? There's no peanut or anything that might cause your allergies in there chaeng hehe" she said nervously.

Chaeyoung smiled and savored her food. It was indeed delicious and to be very honest she was very impressed. She felt like they were having a fancy date at a restaurant.

"It was indeed delicious Mina, nayeon unnie prepared it well. I love it. Thank you." She said back. Mina was relieve..

"Thank god you love it hahaha. Well lets eat more"

"Hey relax Mina, i love it okay, besides im a simple person and you dont have to worry on anything." Chaeng said. Mina smiled and kept her silence. She wonders if she should tell chaeng that she knows her background and stuff. Chaeyoung notices this and casually ask Mina.

"You seem utterly quiet. Is there something wrong?" As she took a bite of her steak. Mina look at her and holds her free hand.

"Uhmm chaeyoung, i needed to tell you something. I mean, its because we are already friends and i wanted to be honest with you" mina calmly said. Chaeyoung look at mina curiously..

"What is it? You can tell me anything you know, im nervous now." She said.

"Uhmm it is because, i know your background and stuff. " mina said as she look at chaengs eyes. Chaeyoung somewhat knows what Mina said,as she smiled and hold back Mina's hand.

" background huh? Does it matter?" She said back. Mina was surprised as there was no anger seen at chaeng's face. Mina knew chaeng didnt want to be involved in the limelight.

"Your not mad? Im sorry if i didnt said it right away, but believe me i didnt knew it was you at first" mina explained.

"Hey Mina,"


" why are you explaining? Look, it doesnt matter who I am or what family i belong to okay? I know for a fact that I'm not known to the media,and alot of people likes to meet me. But your different..youve met me as me,besides youve been there for me regardles of who i am, you save my life remember?" Chaeyoung explained. Mina look at chaeyoung and said.

" i just wanted to explain, because i didnt see you like that or anything. The first time i see you i knew i want to be friends with you. But at the same time i needed you to know that i have found out who you were when ive asked who is my neighbor" mina explained.

"Well, i guess we can't do anything about that don't we Mina? Anyway let's just forget about that and focus on this delicious food of yours okay? It's really fine and besides i trust you and your my new friend now" chaeng said as she continues to eat her food. They both continue to eat their food and luckily chaeyoung consumes hers. Mina was beyond happy that she enjoys her food.

"Wow im so full thanks for the wonderful lunch minari!" Chaeng said.

"Your always welcome.. would you like some tea?" Mina said.

"Yes please.. thanks" chaeng said.

As Nayeon unnie brought their tea, the two newly friends continued to chat for a bit,enjoying each other's company.
While chaeyoung was sipping her tea, she accidentally spill a little from her clothes and mina immediately went to wipe her white dress.

"Wait wait i will help you.." mina immediately wipes the tea from chaeyoung's chest as their distance was so close. Suddenly their eyes met and they both stare at each other. Their gap was so close, as they both stare in each other's eyes.

"Ehem.. uhmm Mina? Here's your cake sorry.." it was nayeon unnie. Mina suddenly looks down and remove her hands from chaeng's clothes.

"Uhmm sorry but are you okay chaeng?" Mina said.chaeng kept silent for a while as she was contemplating on what to do. Her face is very near at Mina's and she knew her heart beats fast.it took a while for chaeng to respond.

"Ahmm yeah sorry im so clumsy. Anyway it's okay i will change it later " chaeng said.

" okay..here please have some dessert,i baked it," nayeon unnie said as she serve chaeng a portion of the cake.

"Thanks unnie," chaeng replied.

"So i will leave you two then okay Mina, chaeng?" Nayeon unnie said as the two ladies smiled and nods her head.

As the two were alone, they kept silent for a while after the awkward moment earlier. Until Mina broke the suffocating silence between them and asked chaeyoung a more personal in depth question.

"So uhmm chaeng, do you have a special someone right now? Im just curious" mina ask. Chaeng was surprise by her question but nevertheless answered it honestly.

"None at the moment, i haven't found the one yet. I think its difficult considering my status in life. I mean it would really take someone right?, but we"ll see, its not yet too late. Maybe the right person is already in front of me and i havent notice it just yet" chaeng suddenly replied which caught Mina by surprise.

"Hmmm y-yeah hahaha. I understand" mina said nervously.

"What about you?" Chaeng ask. Mina was caught off guard by the question but she answered it anyway.

"Uhmm she left me.. Lisa my uhmm ex girlfriend" she look down and sadness can be heard.

"Sorry Mina for asking, it's my bad.. uhmm any way. I may not know the real deal between you too but i guess everything happens for a reason right? What matters is your okay and surviving" chaeyoung sincerely replied. Mina was touch at this words of chaeyoung as she replied honestly..

"Well, your correct and i know i will be okay, it's not yet late to open my heart to somebody deserving right?" Mina said which chaeyoung agreed..

After two hours of their worthy lunch and chat. Chaeng decided to go home for a while to take a rest and answer her emails at work. As she bids Mina her goodbye she said.

" thank you so much for the lunch mina, i really enjoyed it. I'l see you around" chaeng said as she kissed Mina's cheeks. Mina was so surprised at the act and she suddenly asked chaeng to go out on the beach at night.

"Uhmm would you like to go and see the beach tonight? I mean uhmm let's walk at the beach tonight..if your f-free" mina said.

"Your not tired being with me arent you haha. Of course i would love to..see you then mina" she smiled and wave her hand. She went back to her house and took a nap.

Meanwhile, as mina touched her cheeks,nayeon unnie was behind her observing the dongsaeng's cute behaviour.

"So it's the hug and the kissed huh?" Nayeon unnie said as she teased the now red Mina.

"Unnie!!! Hahaha, she was just being friendly i supposed? But im really happy unnie, honestly. Chaeyoung is a breath of fresh air." Mina sincerely said.

" i know mina, i can see it in your eyes. Your never happy since you came actually. And being with her makes your eyes shines so bright and your heart at peace. Maybe its a sign to move on minari" nayeon said sincerely.

"But i dont know unnie if she will like girls, i mean i did ask her if she has already someone but she said she havent found the one"

"Maybe she is still looking and just really waiting" nayeon replied.

"Anyway, ive ask her to walk at the beach tonight unnie and she agreed!!" Mina excitedly said.

"Wow your fast minari, first you came to rescue her of her allergic attack, then this lunch date and third is a walk at the beach, what's next? Kiss her? Hahaha" nayeon unnie said.
Mina was blushing all over as she laughed so hard too.

"Unnie!!! Stop teasing me she might hear you!! Hahaha. But uhmm maybe" she replied.

Fastforward night time..

Chaeyoung was awaken by her oemma as Mina was waiting down. Chaeyoung went down and fix herself as she was only wearing a short and a hoodie. Mina was wearing the same.

"Sorry to keep you waiting mina,i must have fallen asleep from answering the emails. Are you ready? Let's go? " chaeng said smiling. Mina took her hand and they walk outside.

"Its alright chaeng, i didnt wait for too long, i knew you have fallen asleep as i have asked your oemma earlier. Ive waited for you to wake up. Hehe" as she continues to hold chaeng's hands which Mina finds so warm and soft and chaeng didnt even seem to mind.

As they reached the beach, chaeyoung started to run while laughing. Mina was surprised.
Mina run to catch chaeyoung,

"Hey old lady, come and catch me hahaha" chaeyoung said teasing. Mina was shock at what she said.

"Whose the old one? "

"You! Hahaha "

"Im not old! Wait till i catch you son chaeyoung! You will regret this hahaha!" Mina said as they both run and tried to catch one another.  As they were running and Mina is failing to catch the younger one. Mina pretended to fall down and get hurt to catch the younger's attention.

"Ouch! Help" mina shouted as she purposely lay down on the sand. Chaeyoung stops from running and went to look at Mina, she immediately run to Mina's side and check on her. Chaeyoung was super worried about Mina.
"Hey what happened? Are you okay? Where does it hurt mina? Let me see?" She continuously said to Mina. Mina look at chaeyoung's eyes and she said while smiling..

"This hurts! Hahaha" as she tickles chaeyoung on both hips which earn a surprise reaction from chaeyoung and as she laughs so hard, chaeyoung loses her balance and fell down on top of Mina. Chaeyoung look at Mina's eyes lovingly while Mina couldnt help herself but to be mesmerized with chaeyoung's beauty. Mina took the courage to kissed chaeyoung's lips softly. Chaeyoung took a while to reciprocate the kiss but nonetheless answered Mina's craving lips. The kissed was soft but passionate. As the kissed turn into a passionate one, mina nibbled chaeng 's lips begging for entrance. Chaeng opened her lips more as she allowed mina's tongue to enter her mouth. Their kissed was sweet and addicting. Mina's hands roam around Chaeng's body, they continue to kiss even more until They broke the kiss panting, chaeng looks at mina's eyes and Mina said..

" let's go inside my room" mina said to chaeyoung. Chaeyoung help Mina to stand up as lust was seen in both of their eyes. Chaeyoung was nervous and at the same excited and it will be her first time. She didnt know what comes to herself but all she knows  is that she wants Mina.

As they went inside Mina's room, mina cups chaeyoung's face and kissed her with more passion. It was sweet but aggressive at the same time. Mina's hands roam around the inside of chaeyoung's hoodie as she felt the younger's soft skin. Chaeyoung shivers with Mina's touch. She liked it, she knew she wanted it. Chaeyoung's hands was around Mina's neck to hold her more. Mina stop the kiss and both of them was panting. Mina said to chaeyoung..

" chaeng i want you.." mina said softly but lovingly. Love and lust was seen at Mina's eyes. Chaeng nodded and she kissed mina's lips, they kissed passionately as mina removed chaeng's clothes. Mina carefully lay down chaeng's body on her bed as she kissed chaeyoung's neck which earn a soft moan from the latter. Chaeng removed Mina's clothes as they cover themselves with blanket. Mina trailed down chaeng's body with kisses.and chaeyoung is loving it. As mina carefully remove chaeng's shorts exposing the younger's undergarment's, mina stop and kissed chaeng's lips.

"It's my first time mina please be careful" chaeng said lovingly. Mina smiled as she kissed chaeng's lips.

"Are you sure?" Mina ask, chaeng nodded as she embraced the older's body. Mina cupped chaeng's breast  as she nibbled the younger's nipples. Chaeng moaned from what Mina is doing and mina is enjoying the sound of it. Her moans was addicting as she wanted to please chaeng more. As she was finish, mina removed all their clothes and she slowly proceed to kiss chaeng's wet private part down. Chaeng gasped and moan from the sensation Mina is giving, while Mina is enjoying every bit of chaeyoung's juices.

"Hmmm you tasted so sweet chaeyoung" mina said hungrily. She continued to lick chaeng's private part and the younger one continues to moan and arch her back.  Mina went up to kissed chaeyoung's lips as she slowly began to insert her finger to chaeyoung's dripping and sensitive private part. Chaeyoung gasped and moan and hold Mina's back tightly as she said..

"Slowly Mina.. it uhmm hurts a bit" chaeng said panting. Mina kissed her again and continues to massage her breast while she slowly inserted her fingers to chaeyoung allowing the younger to adjust from the sensation. When mina notice chaeng was already is adjusted she thrust her fingers faster which turn chaeyoung a moaning mess.

"F-fas- ter Mina, yeah t-there sh*t, oh god!"

"Your s-so tight chaeng" as she kissed her continously. After a while of continuously thrusting her fingers in and out, chaeng's body trembles.

"Im cumming mina" chaeng weakly said. Mina continuous to do it until she felt all chaeng's juices to come out. The younger's body trembles and mina hug her tight. Mina cleaned chaeng's juices as she allowed the younger one to rest. She kissed her again as the younger one closws her eyes. She laid down beside her and embrace her warmly. Chaeng hug her back as they lay inside the covers.

"You were great chaeng.." mina said as she kissed the younger's forehead. Chaeng responded with a simple smile as she was tired and sleepy. They continue to cuddle as Mina knew the younger will fall sleep in a second.
Mina checked chaeyoung after a while and the younger one was already sleeping. Mina smiled on how cute chaeyoung was. She knew she like the girl and she will take full responsibility in what happened between tonight. .

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