
By dom_harrison_bby

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It was my family. And as unconventional as it was it was fucking perfect. Toms back and Lexi is just learning... More



115 7 0
By dom_harrison_bby

"and you're sure it's okay if I go? It's almost your due date and-"
"Dom. Stop worrying. I'll be fine. Toms here with me to make a call if he needs to. Just don't be silly with it okay. Just social nothing else?" I usually didn't like telling him what to do when he had his free time, or really at all. But the fact I was pregnant with his child meant I had at least some say. He pulled me closer by putting his hands on my lower back and pushing me towards him.
"Okay. Just social. A couple of drinks, a chat, then home." He said softly pressing a kiss to my forehead and letting it linger
"Thanks. See you later" he smiled and let go of me "I love you. And please stay safe."
"Don't worry. I'm driving him home so I'm not drinking. I'll keep an eye on him for ya sweetheart" Adam said crowding over to bring me into a hug of his own "Stay calm and relaxed here. Ill see you later if you're not asleep"
"Bye guys." I said as he pulled away. They all said their goodbyes back and soon left the house " not tired so you wanna watch a film?" I asked Tom. He shrugged
"If you want"
"I do want. That's why I asked silly. You don't have to if you don't want to. Just a thought."
"Do you-"
"Stop overthinking everything Tommy. I'll be in the front room if ya want me."

"You alright?" I asked when he finally came into the room. He nodded and sat down a little distance away on the couch "Just watching Riverdale if you wanna stay? It's not great but I've exhausted the whole Netflix library by this point in my pregnancy"
"Yeah yeah. I'll stay" he said sounding quite disinterested in the idea
"You sure you're alright? You seem a little dazed"
"Just don't wanna tread on anyone's toes. We're here alone and it's Dom's job to look after you. But he's not here."
"He put you in charge. Remember? And anyways he will be home soon so you can leave me alone if you want" he shook his head
"Ill stay. In case anything happens." Although I wanted so desperately to bring up the fact he had indeed left me alone for around two hours at that point I didn't. Instead I smiled nodded and continued watching the screen despite it being boring to me "I do want to stay though." He spoke up probably realising he'd come off a little harsh with what he'd said prior "Don't think I don't wanna spend time with you."
"I don't. I know it's weird. So if it puts your mind at ease you can stay right there" he smiled and nodded

I heard the front door open. And the handle of the living room door. Then all of a sudden Adam came bursting through pushing past Dom
"Lexi you've got to calm down okay? It's not what it looks like it-"
"Lexi!" Dom shouted cheerfully, clearly drunk. He moved closer and I noticed his neck. Adam noticed that I noticed too
"He pushed them away. They took advantage of him lex. You've gotta believe me."
"I can't do this shit. I'm going to bed."
"Lexi baby where are you going." Dom said pouting over dramatically since the alcohol flooded his brain "Don't leave me"
"Sleep on the couch. I told you one drink. And now you're drunk as fuck with a hickey on your neck." He turned to check in the wall mirror and was clearly confused. It still bothered me though because he shouldn't have been that drunk in the first place "Adam make sure he's not sick yeah?" Adam nodded "And Mikey are you alright?" He seemed to be the only one that had listened and it wasn't even a rule for him to stick to
"Yeah sweetheart." He said softly trying not to worry me anymore "I'm going to go to bed though."
"Okay. I'll walk up with you." I left the room and after closing the door behind me took a deep breath
"Are you alright?"
"Was I wrong to get so mad at him?" I asked expecting an honest answer
"No." He replied instantly "Cmon. I know you waited up to see him but go and get some sleep. There's people there to look after him."
"What if I had gone into labour Mike?"
"You never heard me say this, but I think Tom would have took that role on very fucking well. And he would have done everything Dom would have." I nodded "Do you wanna talk? I could tell you what happened to put your mind at ease. Because Adams explanation wasn't great." I chuckled as he did
"Yeah. Please. So I can make sense of it all. Cus no one takes advantage of my boys. Ever." He smiled and held his hand out for me, knowing full well if he didn't I'd stay stood outside the door thinking about what just happened all night
"And no one ever will okay?" He said as I took it. I nodded "Come on. Let them deal with him and we will go upstairs to calm down."

"Lexi darlin'?" I heard Tom speak up. I had gone to bed a few hours after I spoke to Mikey and left the boys to it
"Yeah Tommy?"
"Dom's asleep. Said he's sorry and he genuinely didn't realise what was going on."
"Mikey told me what happened." I felt the bed move as he perched himself down on the end of it. He rested his hand on my leg gently "He also said that he thinks I would have been fine if I'd gone into labour with you there. Because you'd have done everything Dom would."
"Didn't come to that though. Did it?"
"But he's right no?" I could practically hear him thinking
"Yeah he's right. You want me to stay with you? In case anything happens?"
"I'm fine." He stood up and at first I thought he was going to leave but he leaned down and kissed my forehead gently
"Now you know everything's okay try and get some sleep. You're seeing the midwife tomorrow."
"Night Tommy." I mumbled. He chuckled and pulled away
"Goodnight Lexi."

I walked into the kitchen fairly late, bumping into the whole house gathering into the kitchen. Dom looked very apologetic and honestly, after sleeping on it, I didn't really see any point in arguing with him. Didn't stop him going on though
"Lexi I'm really fucking sorry baby. You know if never cheat on you. It was a mistake and I was drunk and I didn't know. I swear."
"Mikey told me the story." I said simply trying to calm him down.
"I know he did. He told me. But that don't mean I can't be sorry. Fuck, you could have had the baby, my fucking baby and I would have missed it. Fucks sake Lexi I promise that-" I'd had enough of him and cut him off by kissing him softly. He kissed back and we stayed like that for a few minutes completely ignoring the boys in the room. He moved his hands down from my waist to my bum and that was when Tom stepped in
"Alright. Everyone's forgiven. Now take your hands off each other and go and get ready for this appointment." I pulled away from Dom and rolled my eyes
"Am I actually forgiven?"
"I'm still really fucking mad you didn't listen. But I also know how much that night meant to you. And Mikey told me that you were just having fun and I shouldn't be mad at you forever." He smiled and kissed me again slowly, deliberately making the boys feel uncomfortable since we were practically down each others fucking throats
"We should go." He said pulling away again "And get ready shouldn't we?"
"Yes" came a chorus of all three boys. I giggled
"Let's go I guess. See what she has to say"

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