By could_careless

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A gifted kunoichi from a far away land in a village hidden in the leaves embarks on a journey with her teamma... More

Before we start..
Prologue: The Untold Story
Chapter 1: Team 10
Chapter 2: Musutafu
Chapter 3: The Big Three!
Chapter 4: U.A. High!
Chapter 5: Q.A.T
Chapter 6: Battle Trial
Chapter 7: Battle Trial Part 2
Chapter 8: Class Rep?!
Chapter 9: Rescue
Chapter 10: League Of Villains
Chapter 11: What the Jinchuriki?!
Chapter 12: My Story
Chapter 13: New Comers
Chapter 14: First Training
IMPORTANT A/N: Your ex โ™ฅ
Chapter 15: Sports Fest
Chapter 16: Fight!
Chapter 17: Todoroki
Chapter 18: Healing
Chapter 19: Shinsou?
Chapter 20: Gather Around
Chapter 21: Making Memories
Chapter 22: Tenya Iida
Chapter 23: Internship
Chapter 24: Internship Part 2
Chapter 25: FREE!
Chapter 26: Stain
Chapter 27: Katsuki Bakugou
Chapter 28: Back to school
Chapter 29: Lunch (Love Interest Progress)
Chapter 30: Momo
Chapter 31: Examination
Chapter 32: His weakness
Chapter 33: "Thank you"
Chapter 34: Kakashi Sensei
Chapter 35: Wild Wild Pussycats!
Chater 36: HOME!
Chapter 37: Sasuke and (y/n)!
Chapter 38: Hot springs, Curry and Ramen!
Chapter 39: Mankai and Naruto VS... MINETA?!
Chapter 40: Gray
Chapter 41: Day 2
Chapter 42: Genins
Chapter 43: Sadness and Sorrow
Chapter 44: You (โค๏ธprogress~)
Chapter 45: WHAT?!
Chapter 46: The Reunion
Chapter 47: Ice Ice Baby
Chapter 48: The night
Chapter 49: The Night Part 2
Chapter 50: Training Ground 3
Chapter 51: The Wait
Chapter 52: Aim
Chapter 53: Unlikely Group of Rescuers
Chapter 54: Akatsuki
Chapter 55: Akatsuki part 2
Chapter 56: (y/n) vs Akatsuki
Chapter 57: Asuma vs Hidan
Chapter 58: Asuma Sarutobi
Chapter 59: Pain
Chapter 60: Beast
Chapter 61: Safe And Sound
Chapter 62: A Promise
Chapter 63: More
Chapter 64: Ill at Ease
Chapter 65: Belief
chapter 66: Red Tailed Hawk
Chapter 67: off the heat
Chapter 68: Founding Fathers
Chapter 69: Sleepover Reunion
Chapter 70: Rock Lee's New Mission!
Chapter 71: Lee's Demise
Chapter 72: Shikamaru in Pursuit!
Chapter 73: Lee's Redemption
Chapter 74: Aizawa Vs Kakashi?
Chapter 75: My Big Brother
Chapter 76: Shikamaru Nara
Chapter 77: Stronger than i was yesterday!
Chapter 78: Suspicion
Chapter 79: Team 10's Will Of Fire!
Chapter 80: Will of fire! Part 2
โš ๏ธโš ๏ธ IMPORTANT โš ๏ธโš ๏ธ
Chapter 81: Tracking The Immortals
Chapter 82: It Begins
Chapter 83: Two Immortals, Two Copies
Chapter 84: The Separation
Chapter 85: Naruto!
Chapter 86: Kakuzu vs The Uzumaki Twins!
Chapter 87: Mission Complete!
Chapter 88: Sai and Ramen
Chapter 89: Sakura Haruno
Chapter 90: Hugs and Kisses~ ๐Ÿ’•Progress
Chapter 91: Goodbyes
Chapter 92: Goodbyes part 2
Chapter 93: Road trip?
Chapter 94: Invitation
Chapter 95: Uchiha
Chapter 96: Just a Dream
Chapter 97: Done is Done
Chapter 98: (m/n)?
Chapter 99: Dinner?
Chapter 100: Moving
Chapter 101: shopping mistake
Chapter 102: Dadzawa
Chapter 103: Dadzawa part 2(?)
Chapter 104: Welcome To Sports City!
Chapter 105: Iwatobi High!
Chapter 106: Daddy yo zawa (lol)
Chapter 107: Keeping up with the Bakugou's
Chapter 108: Family Portraits
Chapter 109: Sports, Classmates and Friends!
Chapter 110: Forward and backwards.
Chapter 111: Ninken
Chapter 112: Totally Oblivious
Chapter 113: Eren Yeager
Chapter 114: A Familiar face
Chapter 115: Yuri Plisetski's Request
Chapter 116: Practice...
Chapter 117: Moving in!!!
Chapter 118: (y/n).. (m/n).. what?
Chapter 119: Competition!
Chapter 120: Yuri Plisetski Special ๐Ÿ’–
Chapter 121: Reverse come back
Chapter 122: Shota Aizawa
Chapter 123: End of Sports City
Chapter 124: Dorm room
Chapter 125: Shoto Todoroki
Chapter 126: After effects
Chapter 127: Iruka Umino
Chapter 128: Tomorrow
Chapter 129: Provisional Training
Chapter 130: Ninken, Gamakichi and Katsuyu
Chapter 131: We meet again, Sasuke.
Chapter 132: Unwanted Reunion
Chapter 133: Revisiting Old Memories
Chapter 134: Sasuke VS .. (y/n)?
Chapter 135: Under A Genjutsu
Chapter 136: Our Bond
Chapter 137: Sleep...
Chapter 138: The Misunderstanding
Chapter 139: Isolation
Chapter 140: Depression.
Chapter 141: Advice
Chapter 142: Provisional Hero License!
Chapter 143: RUSH!!!
Chapter 144: Rescue part 1
chapter 145: Rescue part 2
Chapter 146: In or Out?
Chapter 147: The Master and the student(s)
Chapter 148: Training
Chapter 149: Forgive and Forget
Chapter 150: Collaboration
Chapter 152: Sparring 0700
Chapter 153: What if?
Chapter 154: The Announcements!!!
Chapter 155: Letters from Gaara
Chapter 156: ๆ„›
Chapter 157: USJ
Chapter 158: Hide and Seek
Chapter 159: XOXO~
Chapter 160: Meow~
Chapter 161: Works of a Medical-nin
Chapter 162: Isami High!
Chapter 163: STICK to the plan
Chapter 164: A wake up call
Chapter 165: A close call
Chapter 166: Friends
Chapter 167: Two Great Sage Toads
Chapter 168: Jiraiya the Gallant
Chapter 169: The Seal's Key
Chapter 170: Bingo
Chapter 171: Bingo Book part 2
Chapter 172: villains alike
Chapter 173: News
Chapter 174: Death to another Member
Chapter 175: home alone
Chapter 176: Visiting Konoha
Chapter 177: Big bro, Naruto.
Chapter 178: Sage Mode Continues
Chapter 179: Invitation to I-island
Chapter 180: Mt Myoboku
Chapter 181: Gamamru
Chapter 182: Bittersweet Vacation
Chapter 183: Melissa Shield
Chapter 184: shopping and sightseeing
Chapter 185: Guess who?!
Chapter 186: Challenge Accepted!
Chaoter 187: The Honored and The Unexpected Guests
Chapter 188: Cornered to a fault!
Short A/N!!
Chapter 189: Mistakes and Regret
Chapter 190: Mind Control Puppetry
Chapter 191: Wrath
Chapter 192: Fight or Flight
A/N ๐Ÿ˜ฑ (BOOK 2!)

Chapter 151: Sage Mode?

703 35 38
By could_careless

-----NO ONE'S POV-----

"Sage Mode is a special form that only a handful of people can use. It is an empowered state that can be entered by blending natural energy with one's chakra, creating senjutsu. Sage Mode allows users to tap into the natural force of the world, opening up new techniques to them and allowing them to power up existing ones with the new senjutsu chakra." Jiraiya informed the two in front of the twins.

"Okay but how do we do that?" Naruto asked.

"That's not the question here." (y/n) said calmly. "The real question is.. WHY DID YOU MAKE US TAKE OUR CLOTHES OFF?!" She yelled at Jiraiya.

(Sportswear underwear.. idk how to explain it.. Black sports bra with compression shorts for you and shorts for Naruto.)

"Im getting there!" Jiraiya said. "In order to enter Sage Mode, you two must remain absolutely still in order to be one with nature and balance the natural energy with your own physical and spiritual energies. If the user puts too little natural energy into using senjutsu, the technique will not work. Conversely, if too much natural energy is taken in, your body will turn to stone forever." He paused. "So are you two still up for this?"

"YEP!" Naruto said.
"It's too late to back out now..." (y/n) said in a defeated tone.

"Great!" Jiraiya turned to Yamato and nodded. Yamato nodded back with a smiled. He placed his hands together and then slammed them on the ground. The earth shook, layers rose up forming small hills and a giant crater formed in the middle. Trees rose up on the side and water rose in the middle of the crater slowly filling it up. It was beautifully decorated with a small waterfall too. Logs of wood emerged off from the side forming a bridge that went over the water to a smaller island complete with grass trees and a wooden bench.

(something like these but a bit bigger.)

There in the middle of the lake rose three stone earth like spikes that grew about 10 meter-ish tall. Yamato looked at them with a proud smile. 

"Woah." The twins said in unison. They stared at the garden Yamato just made in astonishment. 
"Woah indeed." Yamato said with a proud smile. Jiraiya let out a fake cough. "Oh right." By using his wood style, he gave Jiraiya three planks of wood. 
"Alright lets start." Jiraiya said handing two of the planks to (y/n) and Naruto. Jiraiya then proceeded to take off his top and shoes leaving his pants and forehead protector on. (y/n) and Naruto's eyes landed on the large scar he had on his chest. The two fell silent and pressed their lips together in a straight line with a saddened expression. 

"What?" Jiraiya asked. When neither talked he followed their gazes that landed on his scar. "Oh this?" He asked in a cheery tone. He smiled brightly at the twins. "This is nothing. Let's go alright?" 
The three walked bare foot on the water towards the three spikes.

Jiraiya jumped up and used the wood as a platform balancing himself on top. The two followed suit.

"Well, I guess it's time to do our bit." Kakashi said looking at the younger ninjas.
"What should we do sensei?" Sakura asked.
"We'll be eating dinner here tonight and since Aizawa kindly let us stay here for tonight, we'll do the kitchen work." Kakashi said
"Although we'll be staying in their common room tonight we still have to get up early to check and test the barrier before leaving." Yamato finished.
"Right. So let's get in there and give them a Konoha special treatment!" Guy said dramatically.
"YES GUY SENSEI!" Lee cheered.
"We aren't even in Konoha." Tenten said.
"And there is no 'Konoha special treatment." Neji said.
Guy laughed. "THERE IS NOW!" He pushed his students towards the dorm. 
Kakashi sighed and followed Guy with Yamato and the others following him.




 ((NOT MINE!!! JUST FOUND THIS ON GOOGLE although i think we have the same program.))

Both students were having trouble as expected. Balancing took time to get used to. Once the two had gotten used to balancing, their muscles relaxed and now were able to concentrate. Of course like every other person that tried this, mastering it would take some time. Even Jiraiya would have to admit, he hasn't mastered it himself. One in particular student was having a harder time than the other. Their eyes were shut tightly and their muscles that was once relaxed was getting more tense by the minute.
"What's wrong, (y/n)?" Jiraiya asked.
(y/n) slowly opened her eyes exposing her troubled gaze.
"I don't know. I don't feel good."
"Huh? Are ya sick or something?" Naruto asked looking at (y/n).
"No no that i feel fine. My body feels fine." She replied.
"Then what's wrong?" Jiraiya asked.
"Nothing.. Maybe it's just me." She said dismissively and continued on with meditating.

An hour or two into the meditation and Naruto has officially received his first hit from Jiraiya completely losing his balance and tip over causing him to fall. After falling into the water below Naruto yelled at Jiraiya.
"What the hell was that for Pervy sage?" Naruto screamed from the bottom.
"It was so you wouldn't turn into a stone! Now quit whining and get back up here." Jiraiya yelled back. The two took turns falling off their platforms. Either by falling asleep or sneezing, couching or something as simple as the wind blowing past them. All until the sunset where Jiraiya that should be enough for their first lesson.
"But i wanna continue pervy sage!" Naruto said.
"Me too!" (y/n) agreed.
He laughed. "I bet you do but you two need to think long and hard about what to do while training for the sage mode. Only a handful of people can get to sage mode so dont be too bummed out about it."
"Just a few minutes more?" Naruto asked practically begging.
Jiraiya sighed. "Alright fine. Just a few more.

After a few seconds of silence Jiraiya glanced at (y/n) who was deep in thought.
"Yes (y/n)?" He asked.
"It's nothing." (y/n) said dismissively.
"You've been sitting there in a daze deep in thought. You expect me to believe it's nothing?" Jiraiya expected her to answer back and defend herself but she didn't. "So come on out. What is it?"
After a seconds of debating with herself she finally spoke. "Im just remembering what happened on the beach a few days ago. It's clear he's becoming stronger. Im just wondering if im becoming stronger as well. I wonder if i can catch up to him and knock some sense into him so we can finally go back home to the village." She said with a sad yet conflicted tone.

"Forget about Sasuke." Jiraiya started. (y/n), with widened eyes looked up at her Master. "He's gone..." She couldn't believe what he was saying to her yet, she listened. "Sasuke went to Orochimaru in his own free will. No matter what you do." He looked at her. The same eyes he too bared many moons ago. A look of despair he once felt as well. "He will not change."

"But Sasuke is-"

"Trust me!" He interrupted his words. "You should just forget about bringing him back. It's the tragic path of self-righteous fools."

"He may mean nothing to you pervy sage, but Sasuke is my friend!" She defended.

"Can you honestly call him a friend?!" He looked at her. "Just look at what he's done to you!" (y/n) was silenced unable to talk back to Jiraiya and honestly, he was right. Nothing could defend the damage he did on that day. She turned her head away looking down at the water. "He was destined to leave sooner or later." He looked at her as tears streamed down her cheek.
"Don't blame yourself. Dismiss him from your mind and move on. To be a ninja you need more than just strength and jutsu. You must acquire the judgement to make the right decisions. If you want to live as a ninja, you must become smarter. This world is not place for a fool." He closed his eyes. "That's the reality."

"I understand." (y/n) said softly, wiping the tears away. "If being smarter means what you say it does, i'll remain a fool my entire life!" Jiraiya looked at her, her eyes burned, fuel by her will. Just like her brother. "Even if i have to master all the jutsus. I'll rescue Sasuke no matter what!" She declared. Somehow, He wasn't all too surprised at (y/n)'s declaration. So, he smiled in satisfaction.

"What did i tell ya pervy sage? She won't give in no matter what!" Naruto said.
"I guess so." Jiraiya admitted.

Naruto turned smiling at (y/n). "And neither will i!"

(y/n) smiled back. "Naruto.." All of a sudden Naruto fell out of balance making him fall into the water again. Jiraiya sighed.
"Well, i guess that marks the end of our training." He jumped down with his plank and (y/n) followed too. The three went back to grounds and walked up to the bench were they left their clothes. They changed their clothes, picked up their things before going in.

"Hey guys. We're done- What the hell happened here?" (y/n) blurted out after seeing what a mess happened in the kitchen. Her ninja friends, aside from Shikamaru and Choji were arguing in the kitchen. Shikamaru and Choji who sat on the couch in the living room area facing away from their friends. Meanwhile class 1A was with them but they're eyes were glued on the ninjas having a full blown argument in the kitchen.
"How long has this been going on?" Naruto asked.
"For quite a while now." Shikamaru sighed. "Everyone was bumping into each other and the whole thing went sideways. What a drag."
An audible growl came from Choji. "I just want to eat. Im starving."
"What about Kakashi sensei, Captain Yamato and Guy sensei?" (y/n) asked. Both Choji and Shikamaru looked to the side by the window the three were in their own little world.

(y/n) handed over her things to Naruto unintentionally rough making Naruto look at her and gulped. Something about (y/n) clicks when the kitchen is involved. Maybe because it was her sanctuary? Or maybe she just likes the food and she respects the place its made in. Whatever it is, when the kitchen is included it gets a tad bit personal. It didn't help that she was always scary whenever she's mad.

She marched up to the kitchen and immediately they all stopped.
"So?" She started. "What happened?"
Everyone started complaining pointing at eachother.
"Okay! OKAY!" She said louder to get them to listen. "One at a time please?"
"He pushed me!" Kiba said shrugging off Neji who was beside him.
"I did not." Neji said
"Did too!" Kiba said loudly. The two glared.
"If you must know it was Lee." Neji looked away in displeasure with his arms crossed.
"With all due respect, Tenten was the one handling the knives." Lee said.
"Oh please. How can someone good with weapons not know how to handle knives? You were literally throwing it all over the place. You almost cut my hair!" Sakura complained.
"Hair? Is that your concern? We're supposed to be cooking food not braid out hairs!" Tenten scolded.
"Oh like what can you do? You can't cook!" Neji retorted back.

Everyone started to argue again pinching and pulling on each other. Their voices collided with one another, their words becoming intangible yelling in the background. (y/n) breathed in.

"ENOUGH!" (y/n) yelled. They stopped yet again looking at her. "I've heard enough with the complaints, accusations and arguments that lead nowhere!" They let go of each other and look down guiltily. "Forget it IM cooking. No one steps foot in the kitchen! Not until im done!" She said in an angered tone. One by one they walked out still glaring at eachother.

"HEY! I AIN'T YOUR MOMMA! CLEAN THIS PLACE UP!" She yelled pointing signing them to get back in the kitchen. They jumped at the sudden tone of her voice and bolted back in, cleaning the kitchen. 

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