Legend of the Phoenix miracul...

By CourtneyStoker96

77.7K 1.9K 474

Scarlet Waters, a girl who lost her mother to cancer, was adopted by her mother's dearest friend, Wang fu, wh... More

Character background
The Orgins of Scarlet Waters
New life in Paris
I Think I'm In Love
The New Girl
Begining Of Fiery Fall Part 1
Begining Of Fiery Fall Part 2
The Bubbler
Stormy Weather
Mr Pigeon
The Truth
The Evillustrator
Dark Cupid
The Mime
Simon Says
Legend of the Phoenix Miraculous Season 2 is Out

Practicing & Reminiscing

4.6K 130 21
By CourtneyStoker96

Scarlet walks to the park with her guitar case in her hand. As she looks around at how beautiful Paris is, she thinks about what Fu said about her mother and she smiles to herself. She then thought about how Fu did everything for her.

(Flashback to when Scarlet was 4 years old.)

Scarlet cried her eyes out. Her teddy bear's arm was ripped. She showed it to Fu and he kneeled and stroked her head to calm her down. He grabs her teddy bear and goes to the table, gets sewing equipment, and sings a Chinese song while sewing her teddy's arm.
Scarlet sniffles and wonders what Fu is doing to her teddy bear. When he is finished he gives the teddy bear back to Scarlet. She gasps and smiles happily grabbing her teddy bear. "Your teddy bear has been cured," Fu said calmly. Scarlet looks at her Grandpa Fu happily and hugs him tightly. "Thank you, grandpa!" Scarlet thanked her sweetly while hugging Fu.

(Flashback to when Scarlet was 9 years old.)

Fu was teaching Scarlet to speak Chinese and Martial Arts. "Okay Scar, all you need to do is break this wood that I'm holding," She nodded and stood 5 meters away from him and prepared herself to get ready. She ran, did a front flip, and a tornado kicked on the wood but it didn't break and she fell on the mat.
"You need to empty your mind Scar, you need to be calm as the river flows," Fu informed her while she stood up and brushed herself off. She nodded and went back to her usual to try again, before she tried doing it, she closed her eyes and emptied her mind just like her grandpa Fu said.
'Calm as the river flows,' Scarlet thought in her head. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes again. She ran and did a front flip and did a tornado kick on the wood and it broke in half as she landed on her feet. She looked at the broken wood and smiled happily. "Oh my gosh, I did it!" Scarlet did a victory dance of what she achieved while Grandpa Fu smiled.

"Excellent work, Scar you've done well," Scarlet looks at her grandpa Fu "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She hugged Fu. "你媽媽會為你感到驕傲 (your mother would be very proud of you)" Fu said in Chinese.
"沒有傅爺爺我做不到, ( I couldn't have done it without my grandpa," Scarlet hugged Fu tightly and he hugged her back for a moment. "Scar do you want some chicken and rice after all that training?"

"是的, 請 (yes please?)"

(End of flashback)

Scarlet thought of her childhood and smiled at all the things her grandpa had done for her. She made it to the mostly empty park sat down on the bench and opened her guitar's case. She took her guitar out and checked her strings to make sure they didn't break. She played a few strings to check that it sounded right. She then looked in the guitar's case and saw a photo image of her mother. She smiled sadly. "I miss you, mom." She kissed the photo and put it back in the guitar hold so that she could look at her photo while playing her music.

(Sukura41 helped me suggest this song for Scarlet while practising her music, massive thank you to Sukura41 👏🏼👏🏼🔥🔥)

"When the raindrops fell
Down from the sky,
The day you left me
An angel cried,
Oh-oh-oh, she cried,
An angel cried,
She cried,"

As Scarlet sang her song, the whole park stopped what they were doing and listened to her. They gathered around the girl as she sang like a thousand angels. As she finished her song, she didn't notice everyone who had watched her sing. That was until they started applauding.

Adrien's POV

I was doing the boring photoshoot for my father's company while my kwami Plagg was in my jacket eating his Camembert. I was doing poses as Vincent took some photographs of me. I was starting to get tired. The photoshoot had gone on for half an hour, I wanted to leave. "Come on, happier! Smile like you're smelling a delicious lunch in the seasoned kitchen!" Vincent instructed.

I posed with a charming smile.

"Ah! That it hold still..." Vincent took the photo. "Oh no, oh no, oh no," he shocked and panicked. He went to his bag, probably trying to find new batteries for his camera. I guess he didn't have a new battery cause he ran over to me.
"Adrien I have to go to the store to get more batteries for my camera. Wait here. Could you wait here, please? I'll come back to resume your photoshoot."

"Okay Vincent, take your time, I've got all day," I said. I had nothing else to do because I wasn't allowed to go anywhere. "Thank you, Adrien, I'll be right back." Vincent ran toward his destination to get more battery for his camera.

I sat at the fountain waiting for Vincent to come back and all of a sudden I heard the most beautiful voice. I looked around the park to find where it came from and I was shocked to see the prettiest girl that I had ever seen before.

She had beautiful auburn hair that the sunlight shined on, and when she opened her eyes... wow, they were the most gorgeous eyes I had ever seen. 'Wow, she so beautiful, like an angel fallen from heaven, and the way she sang... it was so beautiful. Am I dead? Oh god, please don't take me away from heaven if I am.' I thought to myself as she finished her song while everyone clapped for her. I clapped as well and got up, walking toward her so I could introduce myself.

Scarlet POV

I was watching as everyone clapped for me with a small smile. I then noticed that a handsome boy with blonde hair and green emerald eyes was walking toward me. 'Whoa, he's kinda cute... I've seen him in an advertisement on my laptop but never up close. Gosh, my cheeks are so warm!' I thought as he approached me.

'I never believed in love at first sight but... wow.' I stand up from the bench and rest my guitar down, tucking a piece of my auburn hair behind my ear. "Hi," he greeted me softly with a small wave.

I was about to reply but I was interrupted by a yell. I saw a big thug trying to take an elderly Chinese lady's purse and gasped at the scene, furious. "Hey, could you look after my stuff for me please?" I asked the blonde boy and he nodded, blushing. "Thank you." I smiled at him before I marched towards the thug and the elderly lady. I tapped on the thug's shoulder. "Oi, mister,"

The thug turns to look at me.

"Stealing is bad you know. Didn't your mom ever tell you to respect your elders?" I asked, frowning at him. I glanced around, noticing that citizens were slowly gathering around us. The thug laughed mockingly. "Why don't you run along and buy a little book for your baby song?" As he laughed again, I got mad again."Look, mister, I don't wanna do this, but you leave me with no choice,"

"Ooh, whatcha gonna do little gir-" As he put his hand on my shoulder, I grabbed his hand and flipped him over with all my might, letting him go last minute. He flew 5 meters away from me and landed hard on the concrete ground. The thug groans from the pain and I angrily look at him while everyone else is gobsmacked. He stands up struggling a bit. He growled and ran towards me. I smiled before I ran at him did a front flip and did a tornado kick on his belly, he went flying toward a police car that had shown up with a critical hit. He groans in agony.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" A female officer scowled. The badly injured thug collapsed when he tried to get up and passed out. Everyone applauded and cheered as I brushed myself off picked up the woman's bag and gave it to her. "謝謝, 小姐, 你是怎麼學會做到這一點的? (Thank you, young lady, how did you learn to do that?)" She asked me in Chinese. " 小姐, 不客气, 我小时候我爷爷教我武术 (You're welcome miss, My grandpa taught me Martial Arts when I was a little girl.)" I replied in Chinese, bowing to her.

She thanked me once again and bowed to me as well. She walked away and I smiled to myself. I noticed that the blonde boy was still there by the bench with my stuff. I walked toward him. "Thank you for looking after my stuff."
"You welcome miss. You speak Chinese so fluently. How did you learn it?" He questioned me. "Oh, well my grandpa taught me when I was little and also Martial Arts" I blushed and looked at his mouth closed and smiled as he looked at me, blushing as well.

We started at each other for a few seconds, and then after a moment, the alarm on my phone rang. I checked my phone and saw that it was late and I needed to get back home. "Oh sorry, I have to go." I collected my stuff and packed up my guitar. I looked at the photo inside my guitar's case before closing it. I was about to walk away but the boy grabbed my wrist.

"Wait! I didn't even get to know your name. Please tell me." He pleaded for my answer and I blushed madly. "Scarlet... my name is Scarlet," With that, I turned around and ran out of the park.

Third Person's POV

Adrien was standing there, lovestruck. He was now in absolute heaven as he got to know the name of the girl he was already falling in love with. He turned around and sat on the fountain. 'I wonder if I'll see her again.'

Just then Vincent returned with the new batteries for his camera. " I'm back Adrien, now we can continue the photoshoot," He looks at the still lovestruck boy. Vincent smiled and put the new batteries in his camera and began to take multiple photos of lovestruck Adrien. When he finishes his photoshoot, Adrien smiles to himself while he gets into his limo. The vehicle then started to drive toward his mansion.

"You seem quite happy Adrien, did anything happen today?" Nathalie quizzed. Adrien sighed dreamily, resting his head in his hands. "Yeah~." Nathalie raised an eyebrow but didn't question him further. 'Scarlet... her name is Scarlet... what a beautiful name.' Adrien thought, sighing dreamily once again.

He hoped he'd see her again.

Oooohhh...... looks like Adrien Agreste is in love with Scarlet Waters now 😍😍 awww.... love at first sight. So what happened next?!?! Other thanks to Sukura41 for the suggestion of the video for Scarlet's song👏🏼👏🏼 Please leave a like, share and comment.🔥🔥 See you in the next chapter 🔥🔥

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