Son of Darkseid

By VgNishiki

85.8K 1.3K 479

What would have happened if another kryptonian besides Kal-EL and Kara zor-el had been sent to earth but by a... More

Training to become a God
A new God is born
League of Justice
The last training
The war Start
Fight between Gods
A Normal Life
A second chance
A new member in the family
A bomb of Laughter
Unexpected visit
Flash War Vol.46
Flash War Vol.47
Flash War Vol.48
Flash War Vol.49
Flash War Vol.50
Justice League vs Suicide Squad
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.3
Justice League Vs Suicide Squad Vol.4
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.5
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.6
Old Gods
Old Gods-First Contact
Old Gods-Lust and Power
Old Gods-Declaration of War

Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.2

640 10 4
By VgNishiki

Amanda Waller: Suiced Squad. YOU WILL DO AS I SAY! Or I'll blow those bombs in your heads. How far out is Colonel Flag?

Worker: Ten minutes from the island Ma'am

Amanda Waller: Tell him he has five.

A pitched battle between the Justice League and the Suicide Squad was taking place on Badhnesia beach. A very unfair fight for Waller's puppets but they were willing to try it was better to die fighting than the alternative which was to have their heads explode

The first day of Killer Frost had become somewhat violent fighting against the Justice League was not what she expected today.

At least she didn't have to fight Superman or Wonder Woman, even worse Batman, luckily she had to fight Cyborg, it didn't mean that he was weak, she wasn't going to doubt that the Cyborg's abilities were dangerous.

Because While she threw blasts of ice or sharp ice against the half-man-Robot, he's weapons and strong metal clinging to the man's body, protected him, it was going to be difficult to defeat him.

Killer Frost: Hey, Waller...I know i'm new to the suicide Squad are joking about taking down the league, right?

Amanda Waller: You have P.h.d, Killer Frost. I thought this will be easy for you to follow. Flag is on his way to extract now. But if the Suicide Squad is capture by the Justice league before then ...

Killer Frost: We go boom. Got it. But its going to be hard to get away ... since we're stuck on a god damn Island!

She was not the only one busy in her group Killer croc was facing Aquaman and Deashot against Batman, both fights had a story behind.

Deadshot: Can't mind your own damn bussisnnes can you, batman?

Aquaman: You're going to a a real jail, Killer croc. No more secret missions.

Killer Croc: I'd rather die fighting.

Desdshot was trying to hit the bloody Bat but he was too slippery to hit.

Deadshot: The Squad have done a lot pf good things that you have no clue about-- UNH!

Batman had jumped in the air and with his momentum he kicked Deahsot causing him to speak half

Batman: It won't bring back all the lives you've taken! you're a killer Lawton. And you'll never be more than that. Alone, you're dangerous. Together the suicide squad is worse!

Batman had planned to finish Lawton with a Batarangs but he thought fast and destroyed Batman's toys and the words of the Protector of Gotham gave him an idea.

Deadshot: Squad! Batman's give me an Idea! Scatter!

El Diablo: You telling us to run from a fiight, Deadshot?

Deadshot: Never, El diablo we don't have a chance in hell fighting the Justice league when they're together. Whe're not splitting us up. We're splitting them up!

Location: Swiss Alps

Maxwell Lord: I know there are things you want ... your own personal goals. And you are free to go to accomplish them. However. I suggest that together. We could help each other.

Johnny Sorrow: So that you may save this world, Maxwell Lord? Why would we want to do that? ever since the king of tears gifted me with a new life, I've had connection to multiple dimensions ... and this one has been manipulated ...

Emerald Empress: Johnny Sorrow is correct ... the Emerald eye of ekron feels like time is missing. I must find the Legionnaire.

Maxwell Lord: I promise you, Emerald Empress, I can help you with your search. I know things.

Lobo: The answer this Maxie ... how do we know ya ain't using yer litle mind control garbage on us.

Maxwell Lord: I wouldn't dare to do that to you, Lobo.

Wolf: Damn Skyppi. You tried that on the main man and you're dead bastich.

Maxwell Lord: Just hear me out please. If you don't like what I have to say ...

Rustam: We've been down a path like this before, Lord ... What make you any different?

Maxwell Lord: We all have one things in common, Rustam. Hate. If you help me get what I want. You get the addes bonnus of revenge on the person you hatd the most. Amanda Waller.

That name...that mame made a clicking sound in the minds of each of the villains...All of them were locked up and treated as indifferent in that jail, even Lobo hated that woman, no one locked the Main Man.

Doctor Polaris: Max is right. She deserves to pay after what she did to us.

Maxwell Lord: I'm so glad that you see this my way, Doctor Polaris. Your control over metal will be especially useful for what we have to do.

Johnny Sorrow: Let's say we did agree with your tearms ... What exactly do you have to us in store for us?

Maxwell Lord: There is an errand to accomplish before we can attack Amanda Waller. Where we neeed to go is extreamely dangerous. But I know you have some experience with that short of thing.

Doctor Polaris: What about the Heroes of the Justice League.

Maxwell Lord: The Justice League and I are old friends, and I look forward to their eventual wrapping ..but right now, I belive they have their hands full.

And they were, Lawton's plan had worked, by separating the Justice League maybe they could have a small chance of winning, they just had to wait and see an opportunity, even if it was the smallest.

Superman: June Moone ... a bright designer posessed by an evil witch. And you're a pawn of Amanda Waller's. You can fight back June!

Enchantress: You ... you're right I can. Thank you, Superman.

Superman: We can get you help, June.

One would say that one of Superman's weaknesses is Kryptonite and it is, but he has an even greater one, is to want to help everyone, even those who can no longer be saved and one of those cases was June or better known as

The designer who was June Moone was being mostly controlled by the witch within her and that mentality that Superman had would use it to her advantage right now.

Enchantress: Cretin! You think I care about June? You will be burn as June Moone souls does.

Enchantress moved her hands and gave a strong magic attack to Superman's face that sent him flying from the impact and the Witch had discovered another weakness.

Enchantress: So the mighty hero has a weekness ... Magic.

The fight that Killed frost had had with cyborg had not been as exciting as she thought, Cyborg had easily defeated her and she was on her knees on the beach arwna using both her powers left her without life force.

Cyborg: I ​​know what happened to you wansn't an accident, Killer Frost. Your engieering team betrayed you and tuned Caitiln Snow into Killer Frost. They're the reason you're nees to feed one people's life force to life. Even now my scanner detect that you've used up all the energy you have fighting agaisn't us and are growing weak.

Ughh, she knew where this was going, he would try to convince her to join him, she didn't want that anymore, she couldn't, she had to put together a quick plan if she knew what the heroes were like maybe just maybe he would offer to help her and she could attack. She just had to wait and start a conversation.

Killer Frost: H-How do you know so much about me, Cyborg?

Cyborg: I ​​just accessed your a.r.g.u.s. * Files online I even read your college entry exam. A young woman who was told she'd never an enginier. Who wanted to give the world a better future ... you can still have that ...

On the spot! He was offering her his hand, it was time to strike.

Miller Frost: What If I don't want that anymore!

Killer Frost had caught Cybor by surprise and took his head to begin freezing him inside, only to retain him and be able to escape, not to kill him.

Killer Frost: Right now your machine part are working in overdrive to save your vulnerable human side ... And they're losing!

Her surprise attack had worked it was time to run, She had fought with Cyborg that was enough, She did not want to wait for Superman or Batman to appear so she started to walk away leaving an injured Cyborg on the ground who was still in pain from Killer's surprise attack

Cyborg: S-Stop-p-p

El Diablo: This is some Bullshit ... You to ain't Green Lanterns!

One of the most dangerous members of the Suicide Squad for his power to control fire on a large scale and to his liking. Unlike Killer Frost he was looking for action and hoped that facing two green lanterns and Wonder Woman would be a challenge but he was wrong.

He had created a dragon with heads of fire that made the 3 heroes have distance from him, he thought that if he went with everything they would attack him but again he was wrong.

El Diablo: I'm trying real hard right now to not insulted ... but they sent a part of nobody after us. I was even excited when Wonder Woman showed up but I was wrong. Where's the respect!

Wonder Woman: Simon, Jessica, lock him in a bubble with your ring.

Both lanterns joined their rings to enclose the Devil who tried to escape but it was in vain since there was no escape and little by little the fire dissipated until there was nothing.

Jessica Jones: Hope he's not claustrophobic. I'd be freaking out if I were him.

Simon Baz: You mean the guy who call us nobodies? He'll live.

Captain Boomerang: You and I go way back, Flasher. I know there's no point in outrun you and yer red pajamas, Mate. The trick is ... To make you chase after something else.

Through the years Captain Boomerang had learned to do time against flash and one of those ways was to endanger civilians, and by chance there were people on the beach so without thinking he threw his Boomerangs at them.

Flash: Dammit! Boomerang!

Flash had caught the Boomerang that was aimed at the tourists, luckily he was fast enough to stop it and blink back in front of Captain Boomerang.

Captain Boomerang: You just can't help but saves lives ... even when it puts you in danger.

Flash had already fought so many times with the captain that he already knew each of his tricks and even knew about the Boomerang that was about to hit him behind his back.

Flash: Are the rogues angry that you are two-timing them with the suicide squad? Or did they finally realize that you were the weak link?

With his hand he caught the Captain's, Boomerang easily ruining the Australian's plan.

Captain Boomerang: We've got an open relationship mate. Now...come on, Flash, I knew you'd catch my darling there ... toss er back, will ya?

Flash: You're right We do go way back and I know best way to stop you is to ... take away your toys.

Flash broke the captain's Boomerang making him laugh and make him nervous. The Australian knows when he lose or win and his best option was to surrender so with a smile and his raised arm he showed his surrender.

Captain Boomerang: I see I went and make ya upset...ya got me but save me the interrogaction. I'll tell you whatever you want now!

Aquaman: You can't outswim me, Croc!

The king of the oceans had chased Killer Croc through the sea when he saw him try to escape, usually aquaman saw that Croc was very violent in his fights with Batma but he was simply running away from him? It doesn't matter, he had to catch him and go help his friends with the other villains

Killer Croc: After what you did to me in amnesty bay, I stay as far away from you as I can, Aquaman!

Aquaman: Amnesty bay? have we met before.

Killer Croc: And here I thought I had a face no one could forget!

Aquaman had gotten close enough to try to catch him but he was received by a strong kick from the reptile and this had filled his patience so with his telinetic powers called for help.

Aquaman: Maybe you're confusing me with one of my friends.

Killer Croc: A great White ?! Heh. always wondered how my claws would messure up against "jaws"!

Without much trouble, Killer Croc attacked the shark and he began ruthlessly tearing it apart, causing the surrounding water to turn red. Aquaman tried to help his aquatic friend but it was too late

Aquaman: It's to thick to see...

Like a predator stalking its prey, Killer croc swooped down from Aquaman's back to bite him on the arm, causing the king of the oceans to cry out in pain. But Killer Croc let out an even louder scream as he realized that many of his teeth were destroyed.

Killer Croc: RAGHH! Your skin-- It's rock hard !!

Aquaman: So's my fist!

Aquaman had hit him so hard that he flew out of the sea into the air.

The knight of the night had followed DeadShot to capture him but he knew it would not be easy, it never was with Lawton a well trained assassin was dangerous but Deadshot always had a beam up his sleeve so he had to distract him somehow and he knew one ... his daughter.

Batman: You're a coward, Deadshot! It's not a surprise you've never stood up to Waller. You always take the easy way. Like the time you killed a man in front of your daughter.

Deadshot: To save her!

Batman: It's a shame that she'll always now that you're nothing but a hired gun

Batman tried to attack him with his stunts but they had fought so many times that Lawton must have memorized his attacks so he had to find a way to break his defense.

Deadshot: You talk pretty tough for a guy who pushes children into battle. At least I don't let kid fight for me! What does say about you!

Deahshot shot and that bullet had hit Batman, Lawton had fought so many times with Batman that he already knew his little tricks but he has to admit it, it was luck to hit him and it's not like a bullet can kill Batman, it takes more than that.

DeadShot: Not bulleproof vest, is that good, Batman.


Batman with a strong blow full of fury broke the sniper's mask, Lawton knew that that blow was not from a normal man, he had received many blows from Batman over the years and this one had been the strongest until the date

Harley Quinn: Excuuuse me! Move it or lose it

After escaping from the beach and being chased by his favorite alien through town, Harley had stolen a random guy's motorcycle from the street and started driving aimlessly, and by chance Harley had entered the shopping area of the city leaving many of the people present scared and surprised.

The only thing people could do was watch her go by making a fuss all over the place but their fear of the crazy woman on the motorcycle ended when a strong gust of wind had passed in front of them.

Dav-Vel: Harley, stop that motorcycle in this instant.

Harley Quinn: What gives, Dav-Vel ?! Where's my huggs and kisses at? The last time we saw each other we had left that there was something between us.

Dav-Vel: Don't make me repeat myself Harley.

Harley pulled a gun out of his pocket and started shooting at Dav-Vel but the bullets just bounced off his body to no avail.

Harley Quinn: Is this because I left town without warning or is it because you are just chasing me because you missed me. Talk to me how da you feel.

Dav-Vel: This is because your little group of games has caused too much trouble and I'm not in the mood for these games.

Harley had a trick up her sleeve, in her jacket she started pulling out a little bomb with a smile and she knew that he would catch her to protect the citizens, and she would attack when he was distracted, this was going to be a lot of fun.

Harley Quinn: This'll put a smile on your face! Doctor's orders!

Dav-Vel saw that it was a bomb used by the Joker, it meant that it was dangerous and Harlwy had thrown them where there were people, he quickly flew and caught it with his hands to cover the bomb in his arms.

Dav-Vel: Harley, the people they could be--, Everyone Get back, Run!

People started running but it was already so long it had exploded but to everyone's surprise it was just confetti, but that didn't stop anyone from stopping running the area had started to clear and Dav-Vel could swear a vein was coming out of his in front of his head that woman just made fun of him.

Dav-Vel: This ... is this a joke? I would rather fight the entire army of Apokolips than fight ... where is she?

Harley Quinn; Hey Alien boy! Made ya LOOK!

Harley had thrown himself into the air with the bike to collide with Dav-Vel but before he could even touch him, He grabbed Harley by the collar of the leather jacket and grabbed the bike with his free hand and set her down on the ground.

Harley Quinn: Awww, my hero, you deserve a reward.

Harley walked over and put her arms around Dav-Vel's neck and kissed him on the cheek much to the hero's annoyance.

Dav-Vel: Drop it Harley. Batman, I already captured Harley.

Batman: Good the suicide squad is nearly on our custody. Killer croc and Killer Frost Still on the run.

Harley Quinn: Hey Dav-Vel before you take me to your friend of justice someone wants to talk to you.

Dav-Vel: Harley, no matter what you tell me, I won't let you go.

Harley Quinn: Good, the Ol 'Harley Quinn won't say a word, someone else will.

Quinn pulled a communicator from his jacket and showed it to Dav-Vel, who was still not sure if he was listening.

Dav-Vel: I hope it's worth my time.

Communicator: It will be worth it, you don't know me but I know you a lot. what the suicide squad has done does not seem ethical but what we do here is good.

Dav-Vel: Really? i believe you a lot

Communicator: Don't believe me, it's not my problem after all, we both do our part to keep the world safe. And believe me my pride will get hurt after what I'm going to say here, I need your help and not only yours, I also need the Justice League. I need you to trust me.

Dav-Vel: I don't even know who I'm talking to.

Amanda Waller: But you do, I'm sure Batman has talked a lot about me.

Dav-Vel: Waller.

Amanda Waller: Indeed.Will you help me?

Dav-Vel: I won't trust you but ... I am intrigued that a woman like you needs those who have tried to overthrow you.

Amanda Waller: Listen well to what I'm about to say...

Killer Frost: Hurry!

Killer croc: Going fast as I can! You try taking a punch to the face by--

A green lightning bolt had struck the sand behind their backs and the fierce wind from the attack caused the two villains to crash head-on against the sand on the beach.

Simon Baz: Killer Frost! There is no use running!

The two green lanterns had created shackles in which the devil was,
and Deadshot and Flash just arrived with Captain Boomerang with his Super Speed.

Flash: Batman! Captain Boomerang told me that they've got Waller talking im their ears!

Amanda Waller: Always knew you'd be the first to betray me, Digger. I warned Suicide Squad. I can't have you jeopardizing everything I've--

Killer Frost: Wait! Waller, No, don't! There has to be something I can--

Killer Frost could only see how from being on the ground he was now in the air to hit the ground again. When she got up and fixed her attention to the object that had thrown her flying, she could see Enchantress and Superman both tired from their excruciating fight.

Enchantress: You will die by my hand man of steel ...

Frost only saw two tired people, hero and villain tired from a fight but Waller saw a chance to win.

Amanda Waller: Frost! This is your last chance! Superman is powered by the sun. ABSORB HIS LIFE FORCE!

Killer Frost: But ...

Amanda Waller: Take kim! TAKE HIM NOW!

Killer Fost had put both his hands on Superman's face, She felt powerful, more than she could have ever imagined in her life and Superman was losing his power until he only looked like a corpse but was still alive.

Killer Frost: I ... I can feel it! His power ... wow ... I didn't know I could do that.

All the present members of the Justice League were partially frozen, while the members of the Suicide Squad were getting up in pain from their fights and a little surprised by what they saw around them.

Darkness was what Batman saw, it was time to wake up and see what had happened, did they win? not something had happened. It was time to open your eyes and find out.

Batman: * GASP *

Batman was gagged but he was not a common lovemaker, he was very advanced.

Amanda Waller: Your mind might be your most dangerous weapon, Batman. But it's nothing if you don't have access to your body. So I made this cell specifically for you. Just like I did to the rest of your friends.

Superman, both green lanterns, flash and the amazon were each in a capsule like the one who was Batman and within them each one was retained with their weaknesses.

Amanda Waller: You're not tbe only one who plans for every contengency, Batman. Justice League ... Welcome to the Suicide Squad

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