hidden feelings

By brandonsstories

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brandon got sent to spain for a year as a exchange student. he shares his room with Alex. One day he meets... More

Chapter 1 - The Arrival
Chapter 2 - The Café
Chapter 3 - Unexplained Feelings
Chapter 4 - The Adventure of Alex and Brandon
Chapter 5 - First Day of School
Chapter 6 - The Sunset
Chapter 7 - Feelings
Chapter 8 - Late Night Call
Chapter 9 - The Tour
Chapter 10 - The Accident
Chapter 11 - Bad Morning
Chapter 12 - The Secret
Chapter 14 - The night before the day
Chapter 15 - The First Sleepover
Chapter 16 - The Plan
Chapter 17 - The Night
Chapter 18 - Mixed Feelings
Chapter 19 - Sleepover
Chapter 20 - Manu's Secret
Chapter 21 - Spin the Bottle
Chapter 22 - The Pool
Chapter 23 - Drugs and Secrets
Chapter 24 - 7 AM
Chapter 25 - Pain
Chapter 26 - Missed Deal
Chapter 27 - Revealed Feelings
Chapter 28 - First Love
Chapter 29 - The Punishment
Chapter 30 - Earthquake
Chapter 31 - Theories
Chapter 32 - Surprise!
Chapter 33 - Slushy Bar
Chapter 34 - Cheating??
Chapter 35 - Worst Day
Chapter 36 - Illegal Sex
Chapter 37 - Wait.. what?!
Chapter 38 - The Secret
Chapter 39 - Bunna's Story
Chapter 40 - Bar's Story
Chapter 41 - KR's Story

Chapter 13 - The Reveal

29 0 16
By brandonsstories

POV Brandon:

Okay, the movie really hits different tho haha. Manu and I only laughed on the whole movie. When the movie ends, Manu and I slowly look into our eyes..

Manu: „I'm happy you're here with me.."

He smiles.... ughh his smile drives me crazy... he slowly comes near to my face.. what is happening...
*phone rings*


Brandon: „Uhh.. s-sorry!.. it's someone of my school.. wait a second..... yes?"

Caroline: „Hey Brandon uhm... where are you and tell me the truth. I know you're hiding something from us"

Brandon: „Wh-What? What do you mean-"

Caroline: „Remember when you almost got into a car crash?"

Brandon: „How did you kno-"

Caroline: „It was me in the car with Johnny. And I saw you with the other guy in the car... are you with him now?"

Brandon: „Uhh.."

SHIT... WH-WHAT SHOULD I SAY? FUUCKK.. no... this is not the right time to say it... ugh I'll just meet them all and tell them BUT.. I won't say his name, where he lives, how he looks like... I don't want them to get to know him..

Brandon: „Call the others and tell them we will meet today on 9 PM on the park!"

Caroline: „Wait Brandon, there's one thin-"

Manu: „Brandon is everything okay?"

Brandon: „Huh.. Uh.. yes yes, everything fine, go back to bed.."

Oh shit.. now that sounded like we just made out each other...

Caroline: „W-Was that the guy from the car?"

Brandon: „Uhm.."

I just hang up... god... how should I tell them? I- I can't breathe normal, fuck.. how should I do this? What if they hate me for not saying anything? What will they think of me? Will Alex be mad at me?

Manu: „Woah woah Brandon, calm down, what happened??"

Brandon: „I- I- my friends- They- I-"

Manu: „Calm down, you're having a anxiety attack. Look at me"

Brandon: „I can't"

Manu: „Brandon, look at me!"

I look to him... he says to repeat him breathing.. breathe out... breathe in... breathe out.. breathe in.. wow.. now.. I kinda feel better but.. I'm still scared

Manu: „Do you feel better now?"

Brandon: „No.. I mean yes thanks but.. "

Manu: „But?"

Brandon: „Ugh the truth is.. my friends doesn't even know you. They think I'm gone everyday to experience the town.. and now one of my Friends saw me with you and.. UGH... I don't know how to tell them.."

Manu: „..."

Brandon: „Please don't be mad..."

Manu: „No.. I'm not.. it's just funny because.. I didn't told my friends either about you..."

Brandon: „Oh. You have friends?"

Manu: „Of course I have friends too, sleepy head"

Brandon: „Haha... well.. I didn't told them about you because.. they're weird asf and you would run away from me if they get to know you cuz, they wanna know everything about you then"

Manu: „Oh hahaha believe me I wouldn't run away from you because.. the reason why I didn't told my friends about you is... you're different than my friends... you're funny, you're cute, you always understand me, we're having more time together than I did with my friends.."

D-Did he just called me cute-.... how should I react now...

Brandon: „That's so cute..thanks.."

Manu: „Haha..so.. you can tell them about me it's fine"

Brandon: „Are you sure?"

Manu: „Yeah. If you want, I can come with yo-"

Brandon: „NO! No... uhm.. I will them about you but not your name, how you look like etc.."

Manu: „Ohhhh... are you sure?"

Brandon: „They're my friends, I know what to do"

Manu: „Okay.. but watch out.. they already know the town better than you. They can stalk you anywhere.."

Brandon: „..."

Manu: „That was a joke hahaha"

Brandon: „Fuck you"

Manu: „Listen.. you'll do it. Your friends won't be mad at you. I mean, if they are worried about you, then they're your real friends."

He got a point tho..

Brandon: „Thanks Manu..."

He comes near to me and hugs me... damn that's what I need right now.... after the hug, I go out of the house and walk to the park... when I'm almost there, I see my friends standing there and talking.. ugh.. time for the truth..

KR: „Ugh finally you're there"

Brandon: „Uh sorry... uhm.. I just.. wanna tell the truth.."

Caroline: „Brandon wait-"

Brandon: „No Caroline, you wait.. I can't wait anymore.... since I'm here in town... I never was gone to experience the town..."

Alex: „What-"

Brandon: „Let me finish... I.. meet a guy everyday.. we're friends and I don't know I feel comfortable with him.."

Should I tell them about my feelings?... What if they get disgusted by me..?

Alex: „So you feel comfortable with him, cuz he's your drug dealer?"

Brandon: „What- NO! Stop thinking I'm using drugs again! He's just a friend!"

KR: „And why didn't you told us the truth? I mean it's okay to have a friend lol but why lie to us?"

Brandon: „Uh.."

Alex: „Whats his name? How old is he?"

Brandon: „Calm down... I won't tell anything about him ok? If you can't live with that, then I'm sorry"

Caroline: „It's fine. I would do that too if I would met Johnny and y'all don't know him"

KR: „No it's different cuz you love Johnny!"

Brandon: „..."

Caroline: „Okay maybe you have a point tho.."

Brandon: „I can understand if you all are mad at me right now.. i'm sorry.."

Alex: „No... it's fine... just don't lie to us again. okay?"

KR: „Yeah, or you'll feel some pain in ur balls"

George: „KR!"

KR: „What? Do I need to remind you, what I did to you when you lied to me?"




KR: „Damn.. I always asked myself how you sound when you scream... you sound like my sister"

Bar: „Are you serious?"

Bunna: „Okay shut up anyways... Brandon... is the guy you met, just a friend or .. more than that?"

Alex: „..."

Brandon: „What? NO! We're just friends.. thats it"

Bunna: „So you're still single?"

Brandon: „Yes and it will stay like this"

Bunna: „Oh.. sad"

Caroline: „What we want to say is, that we're thankful for you, that you told us the truth!"

Brandon: „Are you sure you all aren't mad at me?"


Brandon: „Ok ok... maybe.. I will take him to KR's Birthday Party.."


Bunna: „But.. her birthday is in a month-"

Brandon: „Well you have to wait then"

Bunna: „Ugh... i'm sure he's hot... I'll take condom with me and some-"


Brandon: „I guess you're not his type. I'm sure"

Wait... am I.. jealous?

Caroline: „Go and try someone else Bunna, you will leave his friend alone!"

Bunna: „Ugh fine.."

Alex: „Great.. can't wait to meet him"

KR: „That didn't really sound happy"

Alex: „Shut up!"

Brandon: „Uhhh did I missed something?"

KR & Bunna: „Yes"

Bar & Caroline: „NO!"

Brandon: „Uhhh.."

Alex: „Just forget them!"

Brandon: „O-Okay?!"

Weird... I guess I was too often with Manu that I missed some important things which they don't wanna tell me now..
About the Party... maybe.. I will tell Manu on the same day what I feel for him... like imagine he comes with me to the party and i don't know maybe few weeks later, I'll tell him my feelings and he doesn't want to meet me again and everyone who was on the party will ask questions where he is and what happened..
That's why.. I better tell him before on Party! So I can have a fresh new start on party, no matter if he loves me too or not... but I still hope he loves me.
I mean.. our faces, our lips were so close and.. ugh it has to mean something..

Alex: „Helloo?"

Brandon: „Huh uh yes?"

Bunna: „Did you had a wet dream?"

Brandon: „What- NO!"

KR: „Are you sure?" *smirks*

Brandon: „You all are disgusting asf i swear"


Caroline: „Okay guys.. I have to go home.."

Bar: „Me too.."

Bunna: „Same, the porn- uhh the show will start today........."

KR: „Uhhh... yeah anyways George and I have to go home too.."

Alex: „Yeah me too..."

Brandon: „I'll come with you Alex"

Alex: „Really? Yesss"

Brandon: „This time, don't you dare to start Elite without me!"

Alex: „Haha I won't... maybe"

Brandon: „What did you say?"

Alex: „Nothing!..."

Bunna: „Aww you both acts like a couple-"

Alex: „..."

Brandon: „Hahaha, at least.. we're a real couple than your dreams"

Bunna: „I- Grr.. bye"

Brandon: „Hahaha, well.. bye guys!"


Alex: „..we really could be a power couple don't you think?"

Brandon: „Oh yes i'm sure about that hahaha. What do you think who killed Polo in Elite?"

Alex: „Uhh... I think Carla"

Brandon: „Carla? Seriously?"

While on drive to home, we only talked about Elite. When we arrive at home, we get in the Apartment.

Brandon: „Go do some Popcorns while I wait for you"

Alex: „Kk"

*TV noise*


Brandon: „Oops sorry you were slow"

Alex: „Haha I hate you"

Brandon: „Aww i hate you too idiot"

Alex sits next to me and we ate Popcorn.
After a half a hour, my phone rings.. it's Manu.

I hope you enjoyed the Chapter. Keep reading my upcoming Chapters... KR's Birthday will be a HIT. And I admit, my english here is terrible, more terrible than my other chapters. just ignore them🙂

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