alive - tommyinnit

By appyjooce

166K 7K 6.1K

when you moved into central england, you never really expected big things to happen. you especially didn't ex... More

before you read
behind the story of alive


5.7K 255 636
By appyjooce

tw;; car crash, blood ( stay safe ily <3 )

.: {🐝} :.

after having a conversation between you and tommy, you both agreed to announce the meet-up on twitter.

and twitter went wild.

multiple tweets had tagged you in fanart, or ideas for what you could do during the meet-up, or just genuine excitement; and you loved it so much.

your guardians had agreed for you to meet him after learning that he actually lived in the next city over.

they'd allowed you to drive over to his house, since you'd finally gotten your license and were a surprisingly safe driver.

"i'm so excited for this S/N, you have no idea!"

you grinned, back turned as you began to pack your bags while your brother sat in your gaming chair and watched.

"i can tell."

he responded flatly as you held out two clothing options. you turned to him, left hand holding a philza hoodie and in the other a happy hoodie.

"should i go with philza or happy hoodie?"

you asked, S/N had an amused grin on his face. you raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"why are you so nervous?"

he asked, tilting his head slightly.

you rolled your eyes, turning back around and deciding to just pack both hoodies.

"i'm not nervous, what are you talking about."

you avoided his gaze, already sensing the 'really?' expression on his face. he let out a sigh, spinning slightly in the chair.

"come on Y/N, you're really not nervous about meeting your best friend?"

he asked, glancing over at your half-packed bags.

you let out a huff, turning to face your brother with crossed arms.

"well, yes I am nervous, but just because i'm gonna meet him.. nothing else that you're thinking."

you frowned, earning you another taunting glance.

"are you suuuure it's not cause you and him have a thing?"

he asked, a shit-eating grin on his face as he tapped his finger on the armrests of your chair.

you felt your face get hot before turning around again, hot anger and frustration coursing through you.

"we don't have a thing! we're just two good friends, buddies, streamer boys, besties, nothing more!"

you growled, angrily packing some socks and a pride mask. S/N watched you with a worried expression before shaking his head.

"i'm just trying to help-"

"how is you pestering me helping!? just leave, get out."

S/N widened his eyes, looking down nervously at his hands before looking back at you.


"get out!"

you hissed, turning around to him with a glare. he frowned, slowly getting up and making his way to the door. he gripped the door handle, turning around almost as if to say something, before leaving and closing the door behind him.

once he left, a tiny bit of you felt bad. he was just a kid anyway, and a little brother. maybe you were too hard on him.

but you turned away and continued to pack, your pride getting in the way of properly apologizing to him.

you looked at the two bags you had, one being a medium-sized duffle bag with some patches of shows and games you'd liked and the other a vans backpack you'd used when you went to public school. the duffle was half packed with hoodies, shirts, jeans, and other clothing items, and your backpack had other necessities like an old laptop, chargers, your stream ideas notebook, and other knick-knacks you wanted to bring.

with a sigh, you began to pack your duffle with your (binders/t shots/boxers) before getting a text. you immediately noticed ranboo's contact and unlocked your phone.

gender man

tommy's asking what ur doing

why didn't he just text and ask

idk he's being clingy lol

well i'm packing my bags rn :)

ok sick
he says hurry up

tell him he's a bitch

he says fuck you


ok but actually
how r u feeling with meeting
up rn?

you huffed. why did it seem that everyone was asking the same questions today?

gender man

i'm feeling fine thank u very

r u sure
last stream while u were talking
about it u seemed a bit nervous

I was just excited

it's ok to b nervous about things

ok but I'm just nervous to meet
him that's it

is there any other reason ur
nervous? cause it kinda seems like there is

there kinda is

what's wrong

nothing's really wrong, it just
feels weird
i wanna make a good impression, y'know?
what if I screw it up and he doesn't
like me anymore

it'll be ok Y/N
he's already so excited to see in
person I don't think he'll really care
if anything weird ends up happening
he really cares about you, and I
assume you do too, so no matter
what happens i'm sure it'll be ok :)

I hope so
I also like, feel weird around him


forget it it's prolly just nerves lol

I'll be here for you if you need
it Y/N <3

ty gender man ilyt


you chuckled, placing your phone down before packing even more. you bit your lip at the conversation, not quite sure if you wanted to think further on the odd feelings you had.

you really wanted to meet tommy, and while your nervousness was expected, it felt like there was something else holding you back.

the weird small flutter you got whenever he smiled at you, how you always felt like blushing whenever he'd given you a compliment or talked to you in the soft voice only you got to hear.

you felt yourself blush, quickly smacking yourself in the head and sat down on your bed with a groan.

why was it all so fucking weird!?!

you pushed everything away and turned back to your bags. they were packed enough, and whatever this feeling was would go away in the morning. with a sigh, you zipped up your bags and set them on the floor.

you had to get up early for your drive over. perhaps sleeping your problems away would help.


you closed the back seat door with a snarl, both bags packed and laying on the seats as you prepared to leave.

your guardians were outside watching you, one holding a hot drink for the road. you turned around with a grin, walking over to give them both a big hug.

"please stay safe Y/N, and remember to have fun with your friend!"

one of your guardians smiled, gently holding your face in their hands as they planted a kiss on your forehead.

"i'll be fine, there's nothing to worry about! and if there is, I'll call you guys. you have tommy's address, right?"

your guardians nodded, both looking a little bittersweet. you were about to turn back to the car before a thumping of steps was heard behind you, along with heaved breathes that only someone who doesn't regularly exercise could make.

you turned around in confusion, immediately groaning at your brother.


you rolled your eyes, slowly shifting closer to the car.

"Y/N I'm sorry you're mad at me but can I please say goodbye?"

he asked, a saddened expression on his face. you huffed, getting a bit closer before giving him a one-armed hug.

he hugged you tight, and you felt bad again.

"tell tommy I think he's a bitch"

you smiled gently, strengthening your grip around him before letting go.

"I will. see you all in a week."

you waved at them all before getting in the car, securing yourself properly before pulling out of the driveway and driving off.

you tapped your fingers on the steering wheel as you drove out of your neighborhood, jamming to some mother mother as you went on before your car erupted with your custom 'jump in the cadillac' ringtone. with a slight chuckle, you answered the call via Bluetooth in your car.



the both of you laughed for a bit before you let out a breath.

"what's up tommy?"

you asked, turning onto a major road as you finally left the neighborhood.

"where are you Y/N.. and why do you sound so distorted?"

you chuckled, raising the volume a bit.

"i'm in the car tomathy, driving over right now actually."


you let out a hearty laugh, leaning back a bit as you stopped at a red light.

"I know tom-tom. anyways, why are you being so clingy?"

you accelerated lightly at green, hearing tommy shuffle for a bit before talking again.

"ok, first off don't call me tom-tom that's weird, secondly I'M NOT BEING CLINGY!"

you winced at the volume, carefully merging onto the highway.

"sure, sure."

you purred out the response, speeding on at a constant as the soft sun danced upon your skin.

"anyways Y/N, when do you think you'll get here? I've already got the guest bedroom set up for you n stuff, it'll be so fun!"

"uhh i'm already on the highway so maybe half-an-hour if traffic isn't too bad!"

you chirped, noticing someone in the next lane over swaying slightly. probably texting and driving.... jerk.

"that's a lot sooner than I expected, by the way do you want to eat out somewhere tonight? it can be just us, i-if you want."

you chuckled gently, a fluttery feeling rising in your stomach at the idea.

"sure, that sounds fun. anywhere in particular you were thinking of?'

you teased, taking note as the swaying driver had decided to merge in front of you.

"ah, not really, I was just gonna ask could be a fast-food place, a nice restaurant— b-but i'm ok with anything!"

he quickly added on the last sentence, seemingly flustered at the offer. it was kinda cute.

"i'm on M29 right now by the way— there's this fucking guy in front of me giving me anxiety jesus christ!"

you expressed your concern to the other teen on the line, watching as the driver began to sway even more. you slowed down a tad bit to gain a bit of distance between the cars.

"really? is he swaying a lot? Y/N make sure to keep some distance.."

"I am! I don't know what's wrong with them. at first I thought texting and driving but now I think they're—"

a loud screeching of tires cut you off, the driver had skidded to a sudden stop before reversing quickly.


you exclaimed, quickly attempting to get out of they way but ended up getting hit head on. your car was propelled backwards as the driver who hit you reversed further. you screamed as the back of your car crumbled into the highway barrier, the loud crash ripping into your ears as you hit your head roughly on the headrest.

the airbag smacked you in the face as you lurched back forward, the driver finally having stopped after crashing through the highway barrier. the shattered glass dusted across your forearms and face, cutting into you as you felt your eyelids grow heavy against the steering wheel.

you felt the harsh ringing of your ears deafen everything else, the faint sounds of your name being called as you slowly began to pass out.

"Y/N! Y/N please talk to me!"

.: {🐝} :.

... how we feeling??
is it ok do y'all like this? also are y'all ok lmao
anyways uhh yeah I'll just leave you like that
bye have a good day drink water O_O

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