The 'hot' list

By tia078

367 17 0

Jason and Cruz started 'the hot list' and now every guy in school has contributed. The hot list orders the t... More

Chapter 1: The bathroom wall
Chapter 2: who in the world?
Chapter 4: he doesnt like me. Does he?
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 3: the hot list unvailed

51 2 0
By tia078

Jason smirked at my new interest "number 10 and moving up" he looked me up and down once again.

I looked at him completely shocked, I caught his eyes trailing my body "stop it creep!"

He shot me a disgusting smirk. "I'm not the only one doing it" he smirked once again and walked down the hall towards the front door. I stood their completely and utterly shocked, instinctively and turned my head slightly to notice a few girls pointing and whispering about me. GREAT.

I quickly collected my things and jogged outside. I looked around for finally spotting my car. I ran over and hopped in throwing my bags in the passenger seat.

As soon as I turned it over their was a tap on the window, causing me to nearly have a heart attack. I looked up to see one of the football players, I think his name was colin? I nervously unrolled my window and looked at him "can I help you?" I asked nervously.

"Umm, Jason told me to tell you that their was a bonfire on the beach later and if you didn't come he would drive to your house and drag you their himself" the boy smiled slightly

I stared at him in slight horror, "oh..ugh..okay?" I said awkwardly. The boy nodded seeming that he had finished his 'mission' and jogged away.

I rolled up my window and sat their for a minute thinking. After a few moments I pulled out of the school parking lot an drove home. I went straight upstairs and finished my homework for the night. I then went to the bathroom and had a quick 10 minute shower. I got out and blowed dried my hair, curling it into loose beach waves. I went to my closet and pulled out a black and white striped bikini with yellow bows, ripped skinny jeans and a black lace crop top. I pulled the outfit on and grabbed my jacket and flip flops.

I went to the kitchen where my mom was setting the dinner table "hey mom is it okay if I go out tonight?" I paused "my homework's done" I added for good measure.

"Sure honey, I want you home by eleven though" she smiled and set the fettuccine Alfredo on the table. I smiled and gave her a hug. I sat down in my spot as she called the rest of the family to dinner.

Once I was finished my dinner and stood up and set my plate in the sink. I have my mother a quick hug and walked out the door. I got into my car and started it up, I looked at my phone 'message from 519-456-7878' game across the screen. I looked at it suspiciously before quickly sliding the screen and typing in my password. The message read 'hey babe😏 it's Jason. You better be coming or I'll have to come over their and throw that hot little ass of yours over my shoulder and drag you here😉' i shuttered at the text "how the fuck does he have my number?" I said out loud to myself. I quickly text back ' do you have my number? on my way' I sent it and sent my phone down I turned the radio on and pulled out of the driveway.

As I pulled into the beach parking lot I noticed few cars around, I thought for a moment. 'What if their gonna rape me or something!' As if on cue my phone lit up, another text from Jason 'see you then' was all it read. I opened the door and allowed the cool breeze to hit my face. I looked around and noticed a campfire with people around it. I walked over nervously, one of the girls who I guess I was kinda friends with approached me. "Hey" she greeted.

I smiled softly "hey"

"I want to tell you that Umm...well you know I'm really good friends with Cruz?" I nodded. "Well he kinda told me that Jason may sorta like you" she said slightly nervously

"That's such a lie, and even if he did, he is a big, asshole, jerk!" I stated.

She laughed slightly. "I know he can be a pain but he's actually really nice once you get to know him, no joke" she smiled pleadingly.

"Whatever I still will never like him" I stated

"Just give him a chance" before I could answer she dragged me over to the bonfire. About 10-15 people were set around it, most of which I knew, Jason & Cruz, (obviously) the football player who talked to me earlier, a few of the more popular girls, a few other football players and of course Giselle (the girl she was talking to).

Giselle grabbed my arm and dragged me over to a half empty log, by half empty I mean one side was occupied by 'the devil boys' and the other end now happened to be occupied by me and Giselle. Gladly I was sitting on the outside allowing me lots of space to run away if needed. As soon as we sat down Jason quickly looked at me, smirked and looked away. I rolled my eyes and watched the fire.

Around 9:30 Cruz thought it would be a great idea to bring up 'the hotlist' which caused the boys to start arguing about Cruz just telling all the girls that were at the bonfire, and the girls to continuously ask what spot they were in. After a few minutes I, myself got slightly curious about my rank. I thought for a moment before deciding that it was time to see if Giselle was lying or not. I stood up and walked over to Jason, i squished in beside him and smiled. He looked over at me and smirked "can I help you darling?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes "so about the hot list" he looked at me with that stupid, goofy smirk. "Go on" he insisted.

"I was just wondering what my rank was?" I set my leg on his knee. Damn I was good at this.

He looked at my hand then back up at my face "in my books, your number 1" he smirked, actually the smirk never left his face.

I blushed, yes I blushed at the stupid comment "no I mean on the wall"

He thought for a moment "3, but moving up" I smiled accomplished. Instinctively I kissed his cheek. Instantly my cheeks flushed red. He looked at me and smirked.

Okay so this chapter is long right?

Sorry for not updating frequently, I have been really busy lately.

This is a cliff hanger right?

1.what do you think about Jason liking Sadie? you think she likes him back?

3.what do you think about the cheek kiss?

Make sure to vote and comment😘

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