Malevolent โ˜ž๏ธŽ Teen Wolf [5]

By -pastelmic-

713 3 0

Malevolent (adj.) having or showing a wish to do evil to others. "You're telling me we're up against fictio... More

Theo & Senior Scribe
First Day & Criminal Tremor
U-turns & Kanima's
Lines Crossed & Donovan
Self- Defense & Valack
Memories & Josh
Ulterior Motives & 1-8-7
Forced Entry & Actor
Corey & Killer
Super Moon & Roar
Catatonic & Ruse
Song Book & Undead Chimeras
Pack House & Apologies
Firepower & The Pack Is Back
Bad Idea & Hellhound
Getting Smarter & Transmissions
Mason & The Man
Malevolent & Marie-Jeanne

Tunnels & Saving Lydia

30 0 0
By -pastelmic-

Chapter: Sixteen

Zara watched as Theo's pack were practically shaking in their boots with Jordan walking towards them growling lowly, his canines ready to rip through flesh and glowing fiery eyes. Theo then walked into the cell and came out with Lydia, she heard her gasp in pain and Zara had to hold Stiles back because they hadn't been seen by Theo yet.

"Back off." Theo warned as Tracy dropped Valack and got in fighting stance incase Jordan planned to attack any of them. "I said, back off." Theo says and Zara can tell Lydia is in pain from her body language. "Take him." Theo orders

"The guy's on fire!" Corey retorts

"You'll heal, do it." Theo orders sounding more aggressive.

Tracy is he first one to volunteer without hesitation, Zara feels like she's Theo's little puppet, the one who will do whatever he says no matter what. Poor girl's falling for the devil. She watches as she plunges her claws into Jordan's middle but he just looks down at her hand with an unimpressed look before bitch slapping her into the glass cell wall.

Then the next Chimera tries, Zara's pretty sure his name is Josh. He grabs a wire pipe from the wall and yanks it getting some kind of electrical power like Kira but also not. He then goes to attack the Hellhound, it fails spectacularly considering it's fire and electricity.

It's not gonna burn or electrocute a man who's already on fire.

"Theo this isn't working!" Josh screams in panic, and then Jordan shoves him into the wall.

Pretty soon there's a drill in Theo's leg as Valack is the one holding it and Theo goes down, "Sorry, Theo, but I'm not done with her quite yet." Valack says as he grabs Lydia, Zara gestures for Stiles to follow him and her nods as she watches Jordan take down Josh, but then Corey get's involved and honestly Zara wished he just didn't do that at all.

She watched with comically wide eyes as Jordan's body licked in flames again and in milliseconds it covered an unsuspecting Corey who is now consumed by flames head to toe and screaming in pain and agony as Jordan tosses him towards she and Stiles. His body smashes into hers and she groans before crawling from under him and scanning him.

He's covered in burns.

"Damn it, Corey why didn't you just stay out of it? Do you see where listening to Theo fucking get's you?" Zara worried for her friend, he was whimpering in pain so she picked him up in her arms and watched as Theo flung a metal bar into Jordan's chest.

She didn't think it would do anything considering all his pack's previous attempts but that seemed to have been the last straw as for the Hellhounds powers. She watched he sunk down to his knees, glowing fiery eyes fading to a pale green as he clumped to the floor.

And then Josh made his way towards Zara, "I can take him."

She nods slowly before handing Corey's body into his arms, "Please make sure he's okay."

"You're his friend from Mccall's pack, Zara, the vampire." Josh says

She nods, "Or as I like to call myself, his illegal adoptive mom." She jokes gives him a grin before glancing at Corey, she pushes his hair from his temple and leaves a gentle peck, he flinches in pain.

"I-I'm sorry Zara." Corey manages to force out through whimpers

"It's okay, Corey. You'll be okay, I promise."

He nods, "You should go, before the orderlies find you both." Josh nods and then he's off down the hallway with Corey groaning in his arms.

Zara then runs towards the door that Stiles and Theo went through and she finds them running into what looks like a shower room full of patients who are cowering from them but it seems that they were already trying to hide before they came in, and then Theo saw a vent underneath one of the guys, he easily pushed him out of the way and the three of them kneeled down.

"It leads to the tunnels doesn't it?" Theo asked

"There's miles of them." Stiles sighs "They could be anywhere now."

"Guess the only way in down then, huh?" Zara says before ripping the venting off and hopping down to the ground couching with her hand placed on the ground between her legs before standing up, she noticed Stiles and Theo wasted no time and jumped down as well.

"You got her scent, Stiles?"

"It's going in and out." He says in frustration as they made their way through the tunnels.

"I've still got it." Theo replies walking ahead of them.

A few minutes later, "And now it's gone." He says putting his ear on one of the pipes. "What do you guys smell down here?"


"Fecal matter, even though I'm pretty sure that's just you." Stiles says boldly, Zara snorts, and Theo just rolls his eyes.

"I smell it too, it's all that I can smell so I'm trying something different." He says with his ear on the pipe. "So can you please shut up and let me concentrate?" He snaps

"I think we can find her without you." Stiles says walking ahead with Zara following right after him having no interest in Theo being here anyway.

"You know you wont, you guys need to trust me." Theo says chasing after them.

"How did that go last time? Oh yeah, I got a stake to the chest." Zara spits turning around and shoving him hard. Theo's jaw clenches as he stumbles back, she just rolls her eyes turning to follow Stiles.

"You want me to trust you? The guy who murdered his own sister when he was nine?" Stiles scoffs

"Yeah I was nine years old, I also believed a guy in a red suit to deliver presents so when the Dread Doctors told me my sister wanted me to have her heart I fucking believed them too." He retorts angrily

"So then together you gutted and killed her, that's a beautiful story." Stiles replies flatly with sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"I watched her fall in the water and freeze to death in minutes. Do you think I had any idea what the fuck was going on?" He yells angrily

"I think you pushed her, and I think you liked it." Stiles says with an edge to his voice like he knows this is getting under Theo's skin and he's enjoying every second of it.

And then there's a scream, and Zara just knows from gut instinct that it's Lydia.

"That sounds like it's coming from..."

"Everywhere." Theo finishes as he scans the area.

"Well that certainly doesn't help." Stiles let's out a huff of frustration.

"I think we need to split up."

"You sure that's a good idea?" Stiles asked

"Do we have a choice?" Theo scoffed

"No, not really. We're out of options, now go!" Zara yells before she vamps one direction, she searches the entire hall looking for a door or a secret passage way of some sort but she walks around feeling the walls and using her phone's flashlight for about 3 minutes before walking back and bumping into Stiles, and Theo turns the corner.


"Nope." Stiles groans

"We've gotta find her." Theo says

"Stop acting like you actually care what happens to Lydia, you're the whole reason she's fucking here." Stiles growls at the Chimera. "You only want Lydia because she get's you to Parrish and you want Parrish because he get's you to the Beast."

Theo turns, "So what? I want it dead too."

"After you take it's power right?"

Theo turns to her, "Yeah I remember you injecting me with Kanima venom for a jar of talons from Malia's mom. This is about power for you, I bet that's why you brought back the Chimeras too, just so you can kill them and take each of their power."

"You're right, I need Parrish to get me to the Beast. Then I'm gonna take it's power, then I'm gonna break it's neck. So maybe I'm not the good guy in your eyes but I might be the guy that saves all your asses." Theo says but then Stiles is walking over to the pipes seeming done with this part of the conversation.

"Break it."

"What?" Theo asked

"You'll be able to hear better, break it dumbass." Stiles orders

So, Theo breaks it and places his ear next to the broken pipe.

After a few seconds he looks at she and Stiles, "I know where she is, come on!" He yells before running down through then tunnels with Zara and Stiles behind him as they cut corners and run down long hallways until they find double doors but they're locked.

The three of them started banging and kicking at the door but it's actually really difficult to get open, Stiles is yelling Lydia's name as they all try shoving harder at the metal door keeping them separated from her on the other side, at some point they all get fed up and Zara sees Stiles is in Beta form along with Theo with their eyes glowing. Zara's fangs are barred and she's at her strongest as she forces the door open with the help of the others.

And then Lydia screams making Zara cover her ears with her palms and after a few seconds it stops and they're back to pushing at the door, after a few more budges it finally flings open and Stiles is headed for Lydia.

She sees that Valack is on the floor with half his skull blown off as Stiles caters to Lydia, she and Theo stay by the door as Stiles and Lydia reunite after days of not seeing eachother.

"Lydia, please shut up and let me save your life." He says gently, Zara snorts but she get's ready to leave since Stiles had Lydia in his arms bridal style. The three of them start making their way back into the tunnels and back where the ladder is.

But once they get through the door Lydia drops to the floor with her hands over her ears, "I can't hold it!" She whimpers

"Lydia." Stiles goes to help but she shakes her head wildly.

"Guys run!" She screams in warning as her hands cover her ears.

Zara then feels Jordan pull her and Stiles back away from Lydia and Scott catches Stiles while Isaac makes sure Zara doesn't fall. She feels his arms around her middle as she watches Jordan cover Lydia, and then she hears a loud scream followed a piercing pain in her ears and she's covering them once more until the screaming and pain has slowly faded.

Zara coughs as there's a shit ton one smoke in the air, she looks over and notices that Jordan walks right out of it with a gasping Lydia in his arms. "Where to now?" He asked seeming unaffected by the blast created by her scream.

Scott who has his jaw dropped just nods, "This way." he says before running down the tunnels with everyone else following behind him.

Only except Liam is speeding towards the fence gate, he goes to grab it but Scott tells him to hold off, "We don't know that Mason and Hayden have figured out the lockdown yet, that will hurt you."

Liam shakes his head, "They've got this, trust me." And then he grabs at the fence, it looks like it shocked him but only for a second, and then he pries it open quite easily. "See, told you." Liam says running forward.

Scott grins, "I'm never doubting you again." Scott yells after him as he follows.

"Don't promise that, Scott." Stiles shakes his head running through with everyone following.

Soon they were all climbing out of the tunnels up the ladder and standing outside of the gates of Eichen, Zara ran over to her truck but then suddenly Parrish was leaning against the jeep with scrapes down his back and suddenly Tracy came out of fucking nowhere and grabbed Lydia.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"Sorry, but she's coming with me." She replies

Zara rolls her eyes, "Stop being Theo's puppet, if he wanted Lydia he would've gotten her and he was with us when Stiles saved her and where is he now? Somewhere in the tunnels."

"Tracy, you don't even know what's about to happen." Scott tried to reason

"I'm taking her, that's what happening. And none of you are going to do a thing about i--"

There's an electric shock, and then Tracy drops.

It's Mrs. Martin, she socked Tracy with a huge ass taser that she must've found on one of the guards. "Can someone please get my daughter out of this hell hole?" She says frantically and well.. angrily.

And with that Isaac, Lyla and Jackson hopped into Zara's truck while Stiles, Scott, Liam and Lydia made their way towards the jeep, Malia and Kira came together in her car. They were on their way to Deaton's clinic and when she parked they all climbed out her truck and made their way to the backroom where Lydia was laid down on the exam table writhing as she desperately tried to hold in her screams. She was trying her hardest considering her lips were sealed tight but the entire room was shaking with everything smashing to the ground.

"Doc, you gotta do something!" Stiles exclaimed

"I will but right now, I need you to keep her still." He replies

So Isaac and Jackson help out Stiles and Scott by pinning down her legs while they have her arms, Deaton holds a metal syringe in his hand as he mumbles the words steady as he places it the object near her head.

"What the hell is that?" Stiles asked

"Mistletoe." Deaton replies

"Mistletoe, she's got a hole in her head!" Jackson exclaims but Deaton ignores him as he holds the syringe to the opening in her skin.

"Steady." He pushes the handle down until the hole fills with the concoction and Lydia squirms in discomfort before shooting up and letting out an ear piercing shriek that shatters the windows of the backroom.

Everyone in the room then shields themselves from the glass flying and once it's all fallen down Zara shakes out any glass in her hair and outfit before making her way back to the table. Lydia is unresponsive as Stiles tries to get her to open her eyes, Zara listens to her faltering heartbeat with tears in her eyes. She sees Lyla crying into Isaac's neck as he runs his hands through her hair with a sad look in his puppy dog blue eyes.

Lydia is not gone, she's gonna wake up.

"Lydia, babe you gotta wake up." Stiles pleads, his voice cracking.

"Come on, Lydia." Jackson mumbles with broken look on his face and tear filled eyes.

"Please baby, show me those beautiful green eyes that I've fallen inlove with a hundred time over, please show me your eyes Lydia." Stiles pleads and tears slip down his cheeks as he cradles her face gently.

And then.... she opened her eyes.

And Zara felt like she could breath again, she was okay, Lydia was gonna be okay.

She watched as Stiles helped Lydia sit up and he helped wipe the glass off of her body, she then started looking around until she found her mom standing in the doorway of the backroom. "Mom?" And just like that Mrs. Martin was running over and pulling Lydia into a hug and not even seconds later Lyla was pulled into the hug as well.

Lydia had her mom's arm wrapped around her neck as she leaned into her elbow, "They saved me, mom." her eyes flicker over to her boyfriend's, "Stiles saved me."

Early that morning before school she called the pack over to come to the Preserve and meet her. Thankfully they all came and she was met with multiple cars and her friends climbing out of them and walking over to her.

"What's up?" Scott asked

"So I've been keeping something from you guys, it's a surprise actually and it's not even mine."

Jackson's brows raised, "Where are you going with this Undergrove?"

"I'm getting there, so do you guys remember the Hale house?"

"How do you remember the Hale House?" Stiles asked with Lydia who looked better than ever standing next to him with her hand clasped with his.

"I've stumbled upon it a few times before they tore it down but anyway, Derek had been secretly getting the house fixed up in the summer. He literally just told me this a few days ago so this is news to me as well. But.... it's done now and I wanted you guys to see it, he says it's for me and it's also for well... all of us."

"It's a pack house, for us? Derek really did that?" Isaac asked

"Yep, all for you guys. You ready to see it?"

"Of course!" Scott says sounding very excited, the rest of the pack looking quite eager as well.

"Alright, follow me." Zara says before walking through the trees with her hands in her jacket pockets as she walked up the hill towards the new and improved Hale House.. or should she say...

Mccall Pack House.

"This is so awesome, I can't believe Derek did this for us." Stiles says in awe of the three story home.

"Well believe it, he cares about this pack alot and he wanted you guys to have a safe place. Now, get your asses inside, I've already seen it and trust me... you guys are going to fucking love it!"

"Don't need to tell me twice." Isaac smiles as he walks up the stairs with Lyla by his side, the rest of the pack following them inside as Zara is the last one to walk in.

She giggles as the pack runs around the house, checking and going through all the bedrooms, comments on how big the bathrooms are, the boys are mostly getting a feel for the couches in the living room and the girls are calling dibs on rooms they would sleep in.

All in all, Zara is happy and she's glad that the pack loves the new place. She gets a warm feeling in her chest as she watches her friends settling into the house with wide smiles on their faces.

And yeah, this definitely feels like pack.

WOOOOO two chapters in one day, that felt so good to write.

Alright, I gotta find something else to do now..

I might just keep writing, who knows?

Until the next one guys..



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