Sirius's Daughter

By Hyunsungsgirl

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In this story you will be the daughter of Sirius Black. Your father has been locked up for 12 years and you h... More

Part 1: Welcome home Sirius!
Part 2: The ultimatum
Part 3: With every piece
Part 4: I Promise
Part 5: Merry Christmas....
Part 6: Malfoy Manor
Part 7: The truth comes out
Part 8: The Letters
Part 9: Movie Night
Part 10: No More Bill
Part 11: Obliviate
Part 12: Something Has Changed
Part 13: The Dark Mark
Part 14: We Wont Stop
Part 15: Engagement
Part 16: No Escape
Part 17: Threats
Part 18: I do
Part 19: Daddy Issues
Part 20: Draco
Part 21: The Great Escape
Part 22: Finally Time
Part 23: Just The Beginning
Part 24: Nagini
Part 25: Goodbye Letters
Part 26: The Response
Part 27: Godparents
Part 29: Cheater
Part 30: A New Face
Part 31: First Date
Part 32: A Witch?
Part 33: Scarficing himself
Part 34: He's gone
Part 35: One last battle

Part 28: He Needed You

892 19 5
By Hyunsungsgirl

"Bill what do we do?" You question holding Teddy who has calmed down but tears are still streaming your face. "Take Teddy home.. I'll uhm.. I'll call someone okay?" Bill says. "W-what do I tell them?" Bill shakes his hand running his hands through his hair. "I-I'll figure it out.. be carful who knows if they will come back..."
You mutter before getting into the flying car. You buckle Teddy into the car seat you had in the back.

You arrive at the Weasley's home. You take Teddy out of the car and hurry inside to the others "Good morning Y/n!" Fred greets you happily until he notices Teddy "Did you kidnap Teddy?" He teases "Ah Remus and Tonks must be on their way! Let me see him" Mrs.Weasley smiles and takes Teddy from your hands. "W-where's Jasper?" You whisper shakily "Upstairs, he fell asleep" Fred answers stuffing his face with food. "Right.. upstairs uhm.. I-I think I'll go check on h-him.." you stutter before rushing up the stairs.

You make it to your room and quickly shut the door behind you. You fall to the ground panicking. Your breathing increases and gets heavier as Remus and Tonks death replays in your head. Your head was pounding and your heart was racing. You try to make it back downstairs to get help but on the last flight of stairs your vision goes blurry and you miss a few steps. Fred catches you before you could fall "Woah Y/n! Mum somethings wrong!" He takes you to the couch and sits you down "What happened? Did you find draco?" Ginny wonders "W-we did but.. Harry didn't defeat.. y-you know who.." you mutter and everyone's mood changes "How did he.." Mrs.Weasley's voice trails "Nobody knows.. b-but he went after.. Tonks and Lupin as a warning.." you mutter quickly "T-that's why Teddy's here.. because" "They are dead.." Sirius finishes as he drops to his knees "Dad I'm so sorry.." you go and hug him. He sobs into your shoulder "I..I I would like to help raise him if you'd let me.." he whispers in your ear "Of course father.." you reply. Finally for once your father chose you over Harry.. the time he needed someone the most, he needed you.

A few hours go back and there was still no sign of Bill. Ginny and Hermione were playing with the kids when Bill walked through the door. "Are you okay?" You ask and he just hugs you. "Uhm.. a couple of friends of mine are going to handle everything. They told us to decide on what we wanted to do after the ceremony.. cremation or burial." He mutters his voice cracking. "Well I think.. they should have a proper burial after the ceremony.."  And everyone agrees..

It was the day after the funeral service and your father wouldn't come out of his room. He came out for meals but wouldn't say a word, no one really talked for the first few days after the news. Teddy was hard adjusting to being around such a big family, it was like he knew something was wrong.
You and Bill were trying to move into the mansion that was given to you but it was hard with two babies. Most of the time Bill just used spells to make the process faster but it still took time. 

Finally you had settled in and redecorated the whole house. You made a room for Sirius since he decided to stay with you. Finally you and Draco had finalized the divorce and you and Bill were now official. "Dear.. I have bad news" Bill mutters one morning as you were making breakfast. "And what's that?" You answer. "My job called. They need me back in Egypt" "What?! Don't know they know everything that's happened this past year?!" You snap " Darling they have been very understanding and have given me paid days off but they can't have me gone forever, I'm sorry but I have to go .." he says "But what about us? Huh? Me, these children it's hard to do this even with you here, imagine what it will be like with you gone!" You say "Look, I know it's hard but Y/n I have no choice. You have the money I don't! The Weasley's aren't people who sit around doing nothing but are still wealthy okay? We work for what we get, we don't just have it handed to us!" He says "And you think that's what happened with me? That I sat around yet for everything I ever wanted?!" You ask "That's basically what happened Y/n. This house,    everything in this house came from your family or the Malfoy family's money! Hell your wedding was practically a Royal wedding with everything a girl could dream of! But that's not how I will live.. not today nor ever" he snaps before walking off.

The next day Bills bags were packed at the door. He left without even a goodbye. You didn't realize how bad things were..

A few days go by and you have hardly slept, you've hardly had time to cook for yourself and the babies were always crying. Finally you were able to calm them both down and put them down to sleep. As you lay down on the couch for a nap there was a knock at the door. You groan getting up to answer it "I'm here to help." The voice says...

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