The Secrets of the Elements

By drish9

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Tej's life is on the verge of a profound transformation. Driven by his insatiable curiosity, he stumbles upon... More

It All Begins
The Elements
Convince the book
The Forest
Convos with Coffee
It's Practice Time
Energy Transfer
Practice Continued...
Maya's vision
The Dagger
Sleep over
The Search Begins
Finally some adventure!
The Adventure Begins
The Symbol
Hit and Miss
Uncanny Temple
The Conference Call
The Disguise
Master Daksh
Mission Library
The Mysterious Second Floor
Daksh and Rutuja
The Escape
Physics Lessons
Maya's vision
The Incident
The Beach
The Book
Balancing the Chakras
Back Home
Daksh's Plan
Who was it?
Ray and Tej
Azazel's Plan
Back Home
Another Night Out
The Memories
Rutuja's concern
The Black Book
Back to Normal
Tej's Guilt
King Himaqat
What next?
The Next Morning
Ready to Fight!
The Unexpected Attack
Daksh Missing
Daksh's Attack
The Beach
Fire Ball
The Confrontation
Revealing Identities
To the Portal
Back to the Cottage
The Attack
The Powder
Not a chapter
A Different Dimension
The Ring
Mystery Continued
Trapped Again
The Magic Bowl
Who is the Enemy?
To the Past
Indra Nagri
The Crisis
The Masked Man
A New Beginning
The Prince
Revealing the Past
Zarna is Back
The Charm
Advika and Maya
Dai Ma
New Endeavor
Trapped Again!
The Books
Decoding Secrets
Revealing Things
Get Together
Another Mystery
Adventure or Danger?
Into the Action
Ghost or no ghost?
Finally Meeting
New Moon
Who has Grantha?
Working Together?
Another Book
Split into Groups
Mission Prince
Tricking the Prince
All Secrets Revealed
Coming Together
Back to Past
It All Begins
Unexpected Encounter
Unknown Savior
To Another Dimension
The Soul Catcher
Villian's Past
The Ancient Battle
Back in Time
Untitled Part 118
Untitled Part 119
It All Begins
Untitled Part 121
Untitled Part 122
Untitled Part 123
Untitled Part 124
Untitled Part 125
Untitled Part 126
Untitled Part 127
Untitled Part 128

The Past Battle

38 8 9
By drish9

"Then what did the kings and queens do?" quizzed Rishi.

"They battled him, against his enormous army of pure evil," revealed Indra.

"And lost?" asked Rutuja.

"Not really," said Indra. "Yes, they lost their lives but only after successfully destroying almost all his army. They just couldn't destroy him."

"Destroy?" said Rishi. "You mean to kill?"

"No, I mean to destroy," said Indra.

Rutuja and Rishi exchanged a confused glance.

Daksh, on the other hand, was now almost lying on the grass, closing his eyes, taking deep breaths, somehow not bothered about the story his father was telling.

"Azazel is dead, technically, so you can't destroy him," revealed Indra and looked at Dai Ma.

"What do you mean?" asked Rutuja and straightened her back.

"He did die in the battle against the kings and queens, but they did not kill him," said Dai Ma. "Nobody knows how he died, but, he resurrected, nobody knows how."

"I don't get it," said Rishi. "We all are protecting a self-sufficient book. I mean it has the powers of all kings and queens."

"Exactly, son," said Indra.

Daksh opened his eyes, shifting his gaze from his father to Rishi, who wore a faint smile. He rolled his eyes in response, sitting up straight and stretching his arms, followed by a gentle rotation of his neck from right to left.

Rutuja observed Daksh's actions and gave him a questioning look, silently asking if he had actually been asleep.

Indra continued, his voice filled with a mix of seriousness and wisdom. "The powers contained within the book can be obtained through two means," he explained. "Either the book chooses you, or, in Azazel's case, forcefully acquired."

Daksh couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. He spoke up, emphasizing the last word. "Forcefully? How, Dad?"

Rutuja couldn't help but wonder about Daksh's emphasis on that particular word and the underlying reason behind it.

"Azazel holds some exceptional powers which we aren't aware of, yet" replied Indra. "If he gets his hands on the book, he can bewitch it, control Grantha, and snatch those powers, or worse, make her his slave."


"On the count of three," Maya instructed, her hands moving in a circular motion, as if conjuring an invisible ball. "One, two, three!"

Advika closed her eyes, stamping her foot firmly on the ground. Meanwhile, Maya released the imaginary ball of energy, propelling it towards the cupboard.

With a thunderous boom, a blinding flash of lightning erupted within the hut, accompanied by a cloud of swirling dust.

Coughing, Advika sank to her knees, her hand pressed against her chest, while Maya fought through the haze to reach her side.

"Advika! Are you alright?" Maya called out, her vision obscured by the lingering dust. She waved it away, taking a few cautious steps toward the split cupboard.

"Zarna!" Maya cried out, scooping her friend into her arms. "Advika, where are you?"

Maya gently laid Zarna on the ground and fetched a small water bottle from her bag. Sprinkling some water on Zarna's face, she softly urged, "Zarna, please open your eyes," patting her cheeks in an attempt to revive her.

Zarna's face looked lifeless, her hair and clothes all covered with mud.

Maya removed yet another small glass veil from her bag and filled her hand with the transparent liquid.

"Let the past be the present. Let time heal all wounds. Let all the harm be undone. With the power of the water, so mote it be!"

Zarna opened her eyes as a few drops of the liquid fell on her face. She took a few deep breaths, looking around, her eyes searching for her friends. She could see two outlines hovering over her face.

"Maya, we need to get out of here asap," said Advika and helped Zarna get on her feet.


"So now?" asked Rutuja.

"Our next step will be building an army," said Dai Ma.

"Wait! What?" said Daksh. "Who will join us? Nobody dares to stand against him."

"That's why we are here," said Indra. "Near our people, near the people who were and will remain on our side."

"I do not see anybody here," said Daksh.

"Is... is there anybody else living with us here?" asked Rishi. Rutuja looked around and then glanced at Indra.

Indra looked at Dai Ma and nodded his head.

Dai Ma closed her eyes and clapped thrice.

"Ouch!" said Rishi and got up dusting his jeans. Rutuja followed.

"What!?" Daksh mouthed. 


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