My Client the Rockstar (Book...

By sbergeron16

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I've been Steel Wolf's manager for years. I always managed to keep my personal life away from the band. Till... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53 (part one)
Author note
Chapter 53 (part 2)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Authors Final Note
Steel Wolf Book 3

Chapter 13

745 48 0
By sbergeron16

I lean back against Ryder. "Mr. Gear everything is under control and in the past you never interfered with Steel Wolf and their business so I thought this would be the same. Usually you tell me to deal with whatever is happening on my own."

Mr. Gear mutters under his breath and I'm unable to make out his words clearly, but by his tone I could tell he was not pleased with this news. The only reason I could fathom why is because he always liked it better when the guys seemed available. To him girlfriends were simply a temporary roadblock, but this was more now. Well he can get over himself. The guys deserve to be happy and have family's of their owns.

"How is this going to impact the tour," he asks in a more demanding tone. Or maybe I'm way off my worries and all he is concerned about is the bottom dollar.

"Nothing. Other than Dimitri and Skylar will travel in a separate bus, which I believe Dimitri has purchased himself." I inform him keeping my tone cool and collected. I may not be the spineless girl who first started working for him, but I know with him it is better to be direct and to the point with no emotion.

Ryder kisses the side of my neck. He recognizes the fact I might appear on the outside to be put together, but on the inside I'm fuming. Mr. Gear has called me more than once in Ryder's presence and every single time I get off the phone with fire in my eyes. Thankfully Mr. Gear keeps his calls to a minimum and leaves me alone on my little island. Whenever I have a problem I've learned to deal with it on my own because in the past when I got him involved he always made it worse. 

"Good. Good. Good," he says making me feel like I'm a lap dog. "Isn't she a teacher? What is she doing about that?"

What it up with all the questions? Does he have romantic feelings for Dimitri and this is all steaming from jealously? Wouldn't that be something if he did? Dealing with unrequited love. Serves him right for the way he treats people.

In no way am I telling him that she got fired because she is with Dimitri. That bit of information is for the ears of people she wants to know. So instead I say, "she decided that she would explore a different job opportunity that would allow her to remain with the band when they go on tour." Ryder continues to kiss and lick the side of my neck slightly distracting me from the conversation. I try to push him away, but he wont budge from his mission. 

"And that would be," he asks dryly. 

"Skylar is going to be my new assistant," I inform him with pride. In fact I couldn't wait to get started working with her. Finally someone who was competent. Every time I had to ask Mr. Gear for my applications for that role he would make a sly remark about how I couldn't keep an assistant. Then usually everyone in the stack were complete and utter crap. I would be forced to pick who I felt was the best of the group, which still wasn't the greatest. Madison case in point.

"Has she been vetted or completed an application? We have procedures put in place for a reason Aubree," he says attempting to reprimand me as though I am a child. Now Ryder has taken to not only lavishing attention on my neck, but one of his hands has snuck under my shirt. I fight back a moan of pleasure needing to remain focused on my conversation.

Jokes on Mr. Gear we took care of all that over the phone earlier this week. Her background check already came back and she was cleared. I also had her complete the hiring packet. All that was left was to have the formal meeting with the band.

"I know what the procedures are and they have all been completed," I tell him in a strained voice. My energy was quickly becoming drained from this conversation.

"You missed one step." I rack my brain trying to figure out what step he was alluding to. When I don't respond he continues. "You never got my approval."

His approval? I've never needed his approval in the past. All the approval that was needed was mine and the bands. Never once in all the years I've been doing this have I needed to go to him before hiring someone. The only time he had any contact on this matter was when I reached out to him for applications.

Unless he was implying in the past he had been sending me applicants he approved of and if so he needs to not be involved in hiring anyone. I did a much better job seeking someone then anyone he has ever sent me in the past. I decide to put the phone on speaker so Ryder could hear the ridiculousness of the conversation I was having.

"Mr. Gear," I say a little louder, "in the past I've never needed to you sign off on who I was hiring. I believe the only other conversation we have ever had about this you told me to not bug you and if I couldn't deal with it myself to find another job."

When I mention finding another job Ryder stops what he was doing to whisper in my ear, "like hell you will. We would figure a way out of our contract and drop them way before we would allow you to walk away from us." A smile graces my lips at the conviction in his tone. I have a feeling what he says is truth. The guys would never allow me to walk away from them. Once they deem you family that's it. There is no escaping. 

I snuggle into his arms telling him without words I have no plans of going anywhere. He huffs in agreement and says no more on the matter. Instead he goes back to what he was doing before causing a liquid heat to pool between me legs and influencing me to get off the phone that much sooner. I may not be interested in having sex with him in a public forest preserve, but I was not at all opposed to disappearing behind a hotel room door.

"Well...well..," he stutters through the phone unsure how to dig himself out of the hole he has fallen into. "You usually ask me for applications and I send you those that I deem to be a good fit for the band," he rushes through.

At this point Ryder must be as sexually frustrated as I am because he speaks up so Mr. Gear can hear him. "If those bimbos are who you deem to be a good fit for the band you are way off the mark. I'm glad this time Aubree didn't go to you for applications because thankfully Skylar fell into our laps."

"Who am I speaking with," Mr. Gear demands. 

"Ryder," he says plainly, not allowing Mr. Gear's bad attitude to change his tone. Though in his eyes I could see he was fighting back some choice words. 

"Oh Ryder. How are you today?" His tone completely changes to a more pleasant sort. I roll my eyes at the fakeness. 

"I'm well. Especially since we now have an amazing assistant to be helping Aubree out." I shake my head at his comment. He is like a pit-bull once he has a hold of something he never wants to let it go.  I elbow him in the stomach hoping that will encourage him to stop.

"Happy to hear. Aubree still treat you well?"

"Very well," Ryder says wiggling an eyebrow and grazing his fingers over my sex. "Through currently she is denying me something I want." I turn my head to glare at him. Did he really just imply to my boss he wants sex?

Mr. Gear chuckles, "that's our Aubree for you. Never can just give into demands."

"Our Aubree? Don't think so. You are mine," he whispers in my ear and then adds. "Except in the bedroom you take demands there well."

Remembering  my boss is on the phone I say loudly. "Like I as saying I've already hired Skylar with the bands stamp of approval." I was done with the current conversation and wanted to bring it back to the problem at hand. Figuring the faster I can settle it the faster I can get off the phone.

"Very well. Next time though make sure you go through me first," he demands. I have a feeling I won't need to go through him for anything because I have no plans letting Skylar go. Not to mention if I'm able to find better on my own he will be the last person I reach out to.

"Of course," I say not wanting to rock the boat more than I already have.

"By the way is the rest of the band around I would like to over my congratulations to the happy couple." Sure you would.

I was more than happy to say, "no. I wasn't feeling well and Ryder offered to give me a ride back to the hotel." He doesn't need to know we stopped to talk or that I wouldn't be going back to my room alone.

"Enjoy the rest of your mini vacation, but don't forget to send me your itinerary for the up coming tour. You will not only have Steel Wolf you will be dealing with, but also Wicked Minion." There was no way anyone could not detect the condescending tone in his voice. 

Without even waiting for a response from either of us he ends the call. I lean my back fully against Ryder needing a moment to myself after that phone call.

"He's an ass," Ryder states. "I don't know how you put up with him. I would have said something stupid by now and gotten my ass fired."

I turn to look at him and poke him in the nose. "And that would be one reason why I keep Mr. Gear as far from you guys as I can. I've learned how to deal with him over the years."

"Hence why you drink," he teases me.

"That and because of you," I tease him right back trying to keep a straight face, but then he starts to tickle me. "Stop I demand."

"Not till you take it back," he demands continuing to tickle me. 

Some how I manage to wiggle my way out of his arms and race towards the direction of the car. Ryder gives chase and I can hear him yelling my name from behind me, but I don't stop running for fear of him catching me. 

I race around the bend, but come to a skittering stop when I lay eyes on the rental car. All I can see is red and it's not because the car is red. Ryder come flying up next to still intent of tickling me, but when I don't return his friendly banter he follows the direction of my eyes.

"Oh," he says putting his hand in his head and appearing ashamed. "Forgot about that."

I hold my hand up stopping him from saying anything else and slowly make my way to the car. He has punched in the hood of the car, dented the doors and smashed some of the windows. I continue on my trip around the car only to discover more damage. 

The guys destroying property isn't anything new, but it has been awhile since I needed to deal with something like this. The label always budgets money in for stuff like this. Rockstars don't always have the best reputations.

Ryder tries to wrap his arms around me, but instead I spin away from him glaring. I pull out my phone and quickly make the necessary phone calls to clean up his mess. All while Ryder stands on the sidelines with his hands in his pocket appearing upset. If it wasn't for him we would have already been on the road and heading to the hotel room. Now I'm even more pissed having to wait longer for sex. I may be mad at him, but that will not at all prevent me from getting what I desperately want. He just might not get his happy ending.                         

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