The Boy With The Blank Stare:...

By AGeekyBear

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This is one of the three paths of The Boy With The Blank Stare. In this route Ouma struggles to finally begin... More

A Second Please
Chapter One: Is it possible?
Chapter Two: The Diary
Chapter Three: The Plan
Chapter Four: Future
Chapter Five: Visit
Chapter Six: A Chance
Chapter Seven: Purpose
Chapter Eight: Lofty Goal
Chapter Nine: The Truth
Chapter Ten: The Moon Maiden
Chapter Eleven: I Tried
Chapter Twelve: I'm here
Chapter Thirteen: The One Who Came Home.
Chapter Fourteen: Truth
Chapter Fifteen: It's Not Kinder
Chapter Sixteen: The Anime Club
Chapter Seventeen: I Like Who I Am
Chapter Eighteen: Habits
Chapter Ninteen: Please Don't Say It
Chapter Twenty: The Real Idiot
Chapter Twenty One: Plans
Chapter Twenty Two: Disappointment
Chapter Twenty Three: You Don't Know Me
Chapter Twenty Four: For Justice
Chapter Twenty Five: Your Emails
Chapter Twenty Six: Future
Chapter Twenty Seven: I Will Wait
Chapter Twenty Eight: Confusion
Chapter Twenty Nine: A Chance To Move On
Chapter Thirty: Love Me.
Chapter Thirty One: If I Had The Chance
Chapter Thirty Two: I Guess
Chapter Thirty Three: My Sister
Chapter Thirty Four: Clear Skies
Chapter Thirty Five: Courage
Chapter Thirty Six: Testimony
Chapter Thirty Seven: Intentions
Chapter Thirty Eight: Diary of Neverland
Chapter Thirty Nine: If I'm A Demon
Chapter Forty: The Difference
Chapter Forty-One: Just A Nice Day
Chapter Forty Two: Just A Kid
Chapter Forty Three: Protector
Chapter Forty Four: I Loved You
Chapter Forty Five: A New Friend
Chapter Forty Six: Just A Poem
Chapter Forty Seven : Of the Stars
Chapter Forty Eight: Unnamed
Chapter Fifty: Being Myself
Chapter Fifty One: My Best Friend
Chapter Fifty Two: In Loving Memory
Chapter Fifty Three: I Won't Come Home
Chapter Fifty Four: Missing
Chapter Fifty Five: Can you see me?
Chapter Fifty Six: My Light...
Chapter Fifty Seven: Goodbye
Thank You
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Chapter Forty Nine: My Future

150 20 5
By AGeekyBear

Saihara's POV:

The cold winter air somehow seemed comforting as I clung on tighter to my scarf and eyed the neatly rowed houses, out of nowhere the door for one opened and I saw an eager and warm smile poke out.

"What took you so long?" He called out, "how could you tell?" I asked a little impressed, "maybe it was because you called me ten minutes ago?" Kokichi asked with a joking tone of shock.

"Dice knew didn't he?" I asked, "well duh, dog can hear what's happening on the moon" Kokichi bragged as he closed the door behind him locking it, his wooden cane out with pride.

"Didn't you tell me that was your weapon of choice?" I asked reminiscent, "well now I also got a super cool bodyguard" Kokichi told me with a smirk.

"Aww thanks Kokichi" I said beaming, "I was talking about the dog"

I glanced down at the white golden retriever, "man it took me months to rank up but he gets the top spot in just five minutes" I fake complained.

Kokichi laughed, "maybe because he doesn't disturb my sleep at school with his loud footsteps?" Kokichi asked.

"Ha ha, so you still want your cane customized right? I'm going to be honest I haven't done many arts and crafts before" I admitted.

"Neither have I, Miri and Kazue did all the designing for the uniforms and masks I just pitched the idea" Kokichi admitted, "but hey if it looks bad just lie I won't be able to tell" Kokichi argued.

"We both know I suck at lying" I said, "and that's what makes you great" Kokichi said smiling, "you sure you don't need your wheelchair today?" I asked.

"Doc said I only need it if I'm doing long distance or walking for a long period, your house is like what ten minutes or something? And then we'll be sitting for half an hour after? I'll be fine" he assured me.

"Just tell me if you're hurt" I said sighing, I wasn't winning this argument, "ok mother hen" Kokichi snarked.

"M-mother hen?!" I repeated flustered, Kokichi kept laughing, "were you always so easy to tease?" He asked.

"Worse when I was younger" I admitted, "wish I knew you back then now, you would've been at my mercy. If you think I'm bad now I was the devil back then" he bragged.

"Oh atua protect me" I jokingly prayed, "so now that you have much more mobility, do you still wanna move out with me after graduation?" I asked.

Kokichi paused thinking, "don't know, I got a lot more independence now, it's nice not having to depend on others for some things, but you're fun to spend time with so probably if you still want that" Kokichi answered.

"Course I do, who else is going to tease me everyday?" I asked, "true that" Kokichi agreed.

His smile was wide, and it seemed natural, it always seemed like I would never be able to see it enough.

"Hey Kokichi, what do you want in the future?" I asked, "what do you mean?" He asked confused, "I mean like do you ever want kids or something. I'm just asking thought you know maybe we should know that, oh gosh I'm making a fool of myself aren't I?" I asked embarrased.

"It's fine it just took me off guard...uhm, not sure how good I am with kids" Kokichi admitted, "didn't you use to cheer up hospitalized kids?" I reminded.

"Yeah but making a kid laugh is different from raising one, and well family doesn't have a good track record with kids" he joked but there was a lace of resentment in his tone.

"I'm fine with either to be honest" I admitted. "I mean I guess I already have my first child, because pets and service animals count as children and I will never stop saying it" Kokichi declared.

"Hope your child approves of me" I joked, "well Dice is a bit of a sad serious grump so I can't tell...hmm..." Kokichi considered paused.

Dice stared up at me and for some reason it was a little intimidating, it was almost as if they could follow along with the conversation.

"Well looks like they approve" Kokichi announced. "How can you tell?" I asked genuinely curious, "because" he answered as if it was obvious.

"A future..." Kokichi muttered, his eyes seemed full of wonder when he said those words, "it's gonna be something cool." He finished with a deep nod to himself.

I decided not to comment as we joked about hydro flasks of all things all the way to my house.

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