What is a hero? Y/n daughter...

By Colorpaws287

6.6K 193 120

Y/n Aizawa has big shoes to fill. Both her dad and uncle are accomplished pro heroes. Y/n wants to be a hero... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12- Y/n: Origin
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17- USJ Part 1
Chapter 18- USJ Part 2
Chapter 19- Christmas Past
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 16

223 6 6
By Colorpaws287

(A/N- *DISCLAIMER* I believe that canonically the USJ battle takes place on this day, but I wanted to save it for later. Whats the point of writing your own story if you can't change things around a little bit ;) But don't worry, that arc will happen very soon,  I just didn't want y'all to think I forgot about it)

"Dad, what are all these reporters doing here?" I asked. Lining the entrance to the school gate was a large crowd of reporters. The flashing lights and jumble of voices started to make me feel sick. I understood why my dad hated the press.

"I'm not sure. I'll walk you inside, then I'll have to ask them to leave," my dad mumbled impatiently.

As we walked through the gates dozens of mics were pushed in my face, and cameras flashed as they snapped at me. I felt nauseous.

"Miss! What is it like having All Might as a teacher?" One lady yelled at me.

"You don't have to respond," my dad whispered before returning to the reporters, "He's not on duty today. You are disturbing the classes, please leave."

I put my head down and walked briskly near my dad as we pushed our way through the crowd.

"Finally," I sighed. My head was pounding.

"Go on to class, I'll be there when the bell rings," he told me. I nodded and headed to my homeroom.

There were other students when I entered inside. They all seemed to be talking about the large mass outside the school. I still felt a bit overwhelmed from the crowd, so I took my own seat alone near the back. Sighing I put my head down. Maybe I wasn't cut out for being hero.

Suddenly a wave of emotions- sadness, helplessness, worry- all came crashing down on me. I felt the all too familiar constrictions in my chest. I was vaguely aware of the room full of people. I felt alone, I was alone. I wanted to be alone, I wasn't alone. I couldn't lose it, not here, not in front of these people. I could hold it in until after school.

I recalled a science experiment we had done in school years ago. A balloon was attached to an empty bottle sitting in water. As the water was heated the warm air expanded into the balloon. Finally, after enough pressure, the balloon couldn't handle it and popped. Now I understood what it was like to be the balloon.

"Good morning class," a sleepy voice spoke.

I must have missed the bell. Slowly I lifted my head and saw my dad at the front. Curiously I wondered if the reporters had left.

"You all did well on your combat training yesterday. I saw the video recordings," he continued. "Bakugo, you're talented, so don't act like a kid."

I stifled a laugh as Bakugo huffed and crossed his arms. With just a few words my dad was able to calm me down. Mr. Aizawa continued to tell Midoriya that he had to get a handle on his quirk. Finally, he mentioned something about 'more urgent business' to attend too.

There was nervous yet excited chatter as my classmates tried to guess what grueling task this crazy teacher would put before us today.

"You have to choose a class representative," he announced.

Immediately everyone started yelling. I groaned and put my head back on my desk. I honestly couldn't believe that anyone wanted to do this job. School was already stressful enough without having the responsibility of the class on your shoulders.

"Silence please!" A voice boomed. I lifted my head to see Iida standing up. "Being class representative is a big responsibility! It's not just who wants to do it, but who has the ability to put the class before themselves! I think we should put it to a vote. What do you think Mr. Aizawa?"

"I don't care," my dad yawned. Somehow he had gotten hold of his sleeping bag. Before we knew it he was flopped back on the floor.

"Okay, everyone write down your picks and we will tally up the votes," Iida instructed.

I took out a sheet of paper. I bit the tip of my pen as I tried to decide who I should vote for. I wanted someone responsible and mature, but not stuck up. Bakugo was out. We also needed someone who was a hard worker and smart. I figured I could rule out Kaminari and a few others. My eyes shifted to the side. Momo was sitting at her desk, looking ahead with perfect posture. Quickly I scribbled down a name.

"And these are the results," Iida stepped back from the chalkboard. I saw his shoulders sink at seeing his zero votes. I felt a little bad for him, he would have been a good representative. He would have gotten my vote if Momo hadn't been such an obvious choice.

"Okay, your representative are Midoriya, with three votes, and the deputy is Yaoyorozu, with two votes," Mr. Aizawa, who was now awake, announced.

I smiled as Momo walked up to take her place next to Midoriya. They both said a few words, well, Momo said a few words. Midoriya just ended up sputtering some things out. I was curious who voted for him. In an election where practically everyone voted for themselves getting three votes was quite an accomplishment. Maybe he would surprise us. He was, after all, full of surprises.

The morning classes went by quickly. Somehow the hours always went by quickly when there were things to do. There was loads of homework assigned for today. The teachers must have decided that the first couple days of easing us into high school were over.

After waiting in our usual spot at the cafeteria I pulled out my phone to text Shinso.

Me: Hey, where are you?

Shinso: sorry, wasn't feeling well today.

Me: Great you ditched me

Shinso: :P

Me: *dies of loneliness*

Shinso: dramatic much?

Me: I changed my mind, I don't miss you

Shinso: hehe, study hard little owl

I sighed and put back my phone. Carrying my food tray I awkwardly looked for a new place to sit. Right as I thought I would have to eat alone I saw Momo sitting at a table with a few others girls. She waved me over. I sighed in relief, a gift from the gods.

"Hello Y/n," she smiled. I greeted them and pushed my tray next to Jirou, who was across from Momo.

"Congratulations on class deputy rep!" I said excitedly.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just surprised two people already voted for me!" She replied.

"Two? You didn't vote for yourself?" I asked.

"Hmm, no. That wouldn't be very classy," she laughed a little.

"Who'd you vote for?" I pried teasingly before putting a gyoza in my mouth.

"Well. I don't know if you noticed while you were sleeping," she started, "But there was a vote for you."

"Aww, you really thought I would be good!" I replied, shocked. I was flattered, yet I couldn't help but question her bit of judgement.

"Of course I did! You were amazing yesterday. You showed skill and the ability to think under duress."

I blushed. I really didn't understand why she was making such a big deal over everything. I only did what anyone would. There were plenty of other talented kids here too.

"Ughh, I can't believe how much homework they assigned us today," Jirou groaned.

"For real. This school is no joke. Especially Mr. Ectoplasm's class," I agreed, "Sadly, the maths are not my strong suit."

"I have an idea!" Momo exclaimed happily as she clapped her hands together, "Why don't you two come over to my place tonight and we can study!"

I almost choked on my rice.

"C-come over. To your place?"

"Of course! There's plenty of room. It would be so fun to have new friends over."

"I would love too," Jirou started, "But I promised my parents I would help them record a song we've been working on."

"That's okay, another time maybe," Momo turned to me, "How about you Y/n?"

"Oh- um I would have to check with my dad but I should be able to," I smiled awkwardly.

"Yay!" She cheered, "Oh it will be so nice to have guests! I can make you this new tea that I got. It's lovely!"

"Sounds amazing, thank you Momo," I grinned. She looked so excited. I decided not to mention that I was more of a coffee drinker.

Suddenly the room turned red. A loud blaring sounded.

Level 3 security breach. Level 3 security breach.

"What's going on?" Jirou cried.

If I thought this morning was chaos, I certainly wasn't prepared for the scene that now surrounded me. There was screaming and clashing. What seemed like a million students were running in circles, all trying to exit the cafeteria. Any and all sense was lost.

"Come on, if we stay here we're gonna get trampled," I yelled. Quickly I grabbed Momo with one hand and Jirou with the other.

"How is there a security breach? No one ever gets into UA!" Momo shouted.

Right as I felt we were about to get suffocated there was a cry from above us. Looking above the heads I strained to see a figure hanging on the exit sign.

"Fellow students!" Iida called out, "Everything is fine. It is just the press that accidentally triggered the alarm! This is UA, so act like it. We can all adjust to this in an orderly fashion so that no one gets hurt!"

Immediately the atmosphere shifted. The screams died and everyone seemed to have calmed down. Soon a smooth line was filing out along the hallways.

"That was close," I muttered. Jirou and Momo agreed beside me.

I wonder where dad is?

*Aizawa's POV*

"The damn press," I growled. The others teachers and I were standing at the entrance watching the crowd of reporters finally leave.

"They sure were insistent this time," Hizashi agreed.

I couldn't believe they triggered the level three alarm. Something like this hasn't happened in years. Thankfully there was no real threat.

"Hey guys, you should come see this," Nemuri appeared behind us. Curiously we all followed her as she led us to a side gate.

"This sure doesn't look like the press," Hizashi murmured.

In front of us was a crumbled wall. Crumbled didn't seem like the right word, it was more like...disintegrated.

"Do you think villains used the press as a distraction?" I wondered, more to myself than the others.

"Its a possibility," Principal Nezu spoke up. He was behind Power Loader, and I hadn't even realized he was there.

"We'll keep the students and the school under strict surveillance in the mean time," Nezu continued, "Until we know anything for sure there is no need to worry the students."

The teachers agreed before eventually deciding it was best to return to classes.

"Shota," HIzashi whispered coming up beside me, "You don't think Y/n's in danger, do you?"

I stopped.

"There's no reason to think this is about her," I decided. Looking at Hizashi I still saw a gleam of worry in his eyes.

"But, I'll make sure to keep an eye on her for a bit," I tried to comfort him, "I'll take off my hero shifts for a few days so I can be home at night."

With that I headed back to my class. Yet, Hizashi's suggestion about this incident concerning Y/n gnawed at my mind. I was more worried than I let on. At least if I was around she would be safe. I was determined to keep it that way.

*Y/n's POV*

The class was finally getting settled back in the classroom after lunch and the security alarm incident. Shortly after I arrived my dad walked in as well. I tried to catch his eye, but he ignored me and went straight to his desk to sleep.

"Umm, everybody, I'd uh, I'd like, to, to make," Midoriya stuttered at the front of the class, "I'd like to make an announcement."

We all quieted down to listen to him.

"You see," he continued gaining a bit more confidence, "I don't think I'm qualified to be a class rep. I'm flattered you all voted for me, but I think theres a better choice here. And that is Tenya Iida."

Iida's face turned red as his eyes widened behind his glasses.

"I'd like to vote for Iida as class rep, and suggest that he takes my place," Midoriya finished firmly.

"Yeah, and now that you mention it...he looks kinda like that exit sign guy today!" Kirishima agreed.

After a few more mutterings and acknowledgements the class agreed that Iida and Momo would be the perfect dual representatives. I was satisfied with this choice. I was a bit disappointed that Midoriya wouldn't be able to show his strengths as a class rep, but I had to admit that Iida was an obvious choice. I had a feeling that he would take his new responsibility very seriously.

"I am honored to be your class rep," Iida announced, "And I will do my best to honor you and our school." We all gave him a small applause.

Soon the bell rang and the afternoon hero classes began. Today there was more technical work. We studied certain rescue strategies and how to comfort a victim. To me most of the interactions with someone after they had been saved seemed obvious. All you really had to do was asses their harm and try to comfort them—common sense. But as I watched people like Bakugo practice them...I realized it was a good idea to make it part of the curriculum.

Finally the last class ended.

"Y/n," I looked over to see Momo packing up her things next to me, "Are you still able to come over tonight and study?"

"Oh yeah!" I said, "I just need to let my dad know really quickly."

"Okay, I'll wait until you finish calling him, then you can ride home with me!" She suggested excitedly.

"Sure thing," I laughed. I noticed her watching me expectantly, waiting for me to pull out my phone. Awkwardly I saw my dad sitting to the side of the room. Instead of taking out my phone I slowly trudged to where he was sitting.

"Umm hey, Mr. Aizawa," I giggled at the last part.

"Hmm?" He grumbled.

"Is it okay if I go over to a friend's house to study for a bit?" I asked.

"Is it that Shinso boy?"

"No no, it's actually Yaoyorozu," I explained, jerking my head to where she was watching us in confusion.

"Oh." He paused for a bit. "Well. I don't know Y/n"

"What? Why not?" I asked sharply. It came out more desperate than I'd meant it to.

"I just, I don't want you going out so much," he began.

"Dad, I'm not a baby," I argued. He was acting to weird lately. First the curfew, now this.

"I know, its just-" he trailed off. He seemed worried about something. It was unusual.


"I- Ah nothing," he sighed. "Alright fine you can go. But make sure to be back by curfew!" He stressed the last part.

"I will I will," I rolled my eyes.

"Y/n. I'm serious. I want you home by sundown." He glared at me sternly.

"Okay dad, I'll be back by then. Promise," I tried to assure him. He didn't look too convinced, so before I left I gave him a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I love you old man, even if you're grumpy," I giggled before letting go.

"I love you too, even if you're a problem child," he rolled his eyes before shoving me away.

I grabbed my things and headed back to where Momo was standing by the doorway.

"Ready?" She asked sweetly.

"Ready." Together we walked down to her car and were driven home.

"Woah," I breathed. As we walked through her doorway I was met with a grand foyer. A large double staircase curved along both sides and met at the top of the second level. The floors were a beautiful polished marble, and there must have been half a dozen rooms connecting to the entryway.

"I'll show you to the study room," Momo walked ahead of me. Taking off my shoes I followed her through to the fourth room on the left.

I felt like I was walking into an entirely different house. While the entryway was grand and royal, this room was more casual and chic. There was a large wooden table in the center. A couch and Tv lined the walls. Scattered around were some plants and books.

"This is lovely," I exclaimed.

"Oh, thank you!" Momo responded, "Its a bit embarrassing sometimes, bringing over friends. I always feel weird because they say my house is so big."

"Well, it is pretty big," I began, "But...its also very elegant. It suites you."

Momo smiled, one of her hands going up to push a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Are you hungry? Thirsty?" she suddenly asked. "Oh! And you're probably uncomfortable in the uniform, I can get you a change of clothes!"

"Oh, I'm—"

"Sit anywhere you want! I can get blankets and snacks. Oh! I said I would make tea. Okay, I'll be back shortly. Make yourself at home," she rushed off before I could get another word in. I laughed at her enthusiasm and hospitality.

While waiting for Momo to return I took a seat in a big red plush chair. Slowly I got out some of my textbooks, groaning at the thought of how much work there was to do. Finally, I heard the door open.

I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as I saw Momo at the door. She was holding a tray of tea and snacks. Her hair was pulled into a low ponytail. She was wearing casual black leggings and a loose t-shirt, exposing a lacy bralette.

"I hope you like it," she said as she placed the tray in front of me. "Its an herbal blend from the jasmine leaf."

"It smells lovely," I smiled, taking a warm cup from her.

"Oh, and these are for you, theres a bathroom just to the left where you can change," she handed me a pile of folded clothes.

I thanked her and walked to find the bathroom. After peaking into a few of the other rooms I finally came across a large room with a gold plated toilet seat and a shower half the size of my room. Standing in front of the large mirror I took off my uniform. I unfolded the clothes I was given. There were some dusky pink joggers and a loose t-shit. I blushed even more after realizing they must have been Momo's.

Get it together Y/n. This is ridiculous. I scolded myself. I looked at my reflection. The shirt was falling off one of my shoulders, and the joggers were a bit tight and long. But overall it was cute. I took the small elastics holding up my hair and changed it into a messy topknot. Finally I decided to go and actually get some studying done.

"Oh, you look so cute!" Momo gasped as I walked in. I looked at my feet trying not to grin at her compliment.

"I'm sure it looks better on you," I tried to sound casual as I took my seat.

"Nonsense. You are literally so pretty!" She tried to argue.

"Momo stop, you're way too nice. And besides, no ones as beautiful as you," the words came out of my mouth before I could stop them. I looked up expecting to find her taken aback or weirded out, but instead she held a giant warm smile. My stomach felt fuzzy.

"Well, you can still keep the clothes," she said.

"Oh no its okay! I'm sure your parents wouldn't want me coming over and taking your clothes!" I tried to protest.

"Its fine Y/n!" She insisted, "my parents don't care and can always buy me more. Speaking of parents, why did you look so close to Mr. Aizawa? Did you already know him?

"Oh um..." I cringed for a moment, "Well this is kinda weird, but Mr. Aizawa is actually my dad."

"No way! How come you never mentioned it!" She cried.

"I don't know...it's kind of weird having people know the teacher is your dad...especially when it's well...him," I explained.

"Yeah...I can see that," she said thoughtfully, "What is it like? He never really struck me as a father type person."

"Well, it's interesting," I laughed, "He's not that different outside of school, but I definitely get to see another side of him. Although sometimes I wish I didn't," I admitted. "But, we should probably start on the work...there is a lot,"

"Oh, of course, let's start with some Algebra?" She suggested. I nodded and let her lead the way.

After what seemed like hours Momo finally finished explaining the last problem to me. I wasn't bad at math per-say, but I definitely had more of an aptitude for literature and writing. Overall I liked to consider myself fairly intelligent, but studying next to Momo made me feel like the dumbest person in the world.

"I'm exhausted," I yawned.

"Rest for a little while. We can start the modern lit work in a bit," Momo suggested.

Happily I obliged and put down my head. Looking out the window I saw the sun well above the trees. I had plenty of time before I had to be home.

I blinked open my eyes. My legs were stiff and my arm was asleep where my head had been laying on it. Over my back there was a blanket. I looked around the room.

"Oh. You're awake," Momo smiled at me, "You looked cold, so I put a blanket on you. You're always so tired at school, so I thought you could use the rest."

"Thanks Momo, you could have woken me," I said sleepily. For the first time I noticed how dark the room was. I looked out the window. It was pitch black except for the faint moonlight shining through.

I checked my phone, it was almost 11:00 PM, and on the screen were about a dozen missed calls— all from Dad.

"Shit," I whispered.

"Everything all right?"

"Oh, um yeah," I quickly scrambled for my things, "Thank you so much Momo, this was so fun. I should probably get home though."

"Its pretty late, you could always stay the night," she offered.

"Thanks, but I think my dad is expecting me home." Or was expecting me home.

"Well, at least let me have a chauffeur drive you," she insisted.

I thanked her and bid goodbye before climbing into the back of sleek black car. I told the driver my address and waited until we got home. My knee bounced rapidly the entire ride. If any luck my dad was out on hero duty, or he was asleep already. The memory of the dozen missed calls made my hopes short-lived.

Finally we pulled into my dimly lit driveway. I thanked the driver and tried to offer a tip, but he kindly refused to take it. Gathering my backpack I trudged up to the house and slowly turned the doorknob.

Inside it was dark and quiet. Maybe he's asleep. Had my prayers been answered? Hesitantly I tiptoed across the hall to the kitchen, hoping to get to the stairs without making any noise. Suddenly I felt something tie around my waist. The lights flicked on.

Wincing I turned my head, finding a glaring, red-eyed, lethal Aizawa standing before me. I sucked in my breath, too scared to think about the trouble I was in.

"Where were you," He seethed. The capture scarf loosened around my waist as he took it back.

"I-I-," a lump caught in my throat.

"I specifically told you to be back before sundown!" He started to raise his voice as he came closer. This was bad. Dad rarely yelled. He never needed too, he knew that he was quite scary enough without raising his voice.

"Dad, I'm so sorry," I tried to explain. I could feel my mouth quivering. Don't you dare cry.

"Sorry doesn't mean shit!" He yelled.

"I didn't mean to stay out!" I cried, "I tried-"

"I don't care what your excuse is!" He growled, "Everything with you is one excuse after another!"

It was no use, hot tears started streaming down my face.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I sniffed angrily.

"You're obviously not cut out for this life," my dad went on.

"This life?"

"This life that I have! You were never cut out for it the moment I found you. I shouldn't have encouraged it."

"What you're saying you regret taking me in?" I accused. The tears flowing from my eyes were now out of anger and shock.

"Maybe I do!"

I stared. I could almost see the regret in his face as the words left his mouth. But it was too late, the damage had been done.

"Well, I guess neither of us are cut out for this life," I sniffed. I turned my back and flew up the stairs two at a time. I slammed my room door and flung onto my bed.

I didn't bother changing out of my clothes. I wrapped myself up in as many blankets I could find. I didn't know how long I was curled up. It felt like days, it felt like seconds. My head ached almost as much as my heart. I did nothing all my life but try. I guess trying didn't cut it in this family. If you can even call this a family.

From the corner of my eye I saw my sweatshirt hanging by my bed frame. Angrily I snatched it off. The yellow goggles were staring back at me mockingly. I balled the sweatshirt up and threw it into my trashcan.

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