Crush One Shots

Par 22bburberry

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Oneshots about you and your crush. He, or she (I'm not changing the pronouns), can be fictional, celebrity, o... Plus

Valentine's Day
Ex Fairytale
Ex Fairytale Part two
Ex Fairytale Part 3
NASCAR (or local racing)
High School Football
TicTok challenge
County Fair
Birthday Party 🎂🎂🎂
Field Trip
Break up
New Language
Masquerade Prom
Reservation 2
Best Friend
Percy Jackson
Blind Date
He's your brother?!
Protector Part 2
Protector Part 3
Protector Part 4
Protector Part 5
Protector Part 6
Arranged Marriage/ Romeo and Juliet
Take me home, country roads
Take Me Home Country Roads part 2- Double Date
Shakespearean Tale
Mermaid Part 2
Mermaid Part 3
Flight Attendant
Tomboy (Farmgirl) vs Cityboy
Tomboy vs Cityboy Part 2
camping part 2
coffee shop
BFF/N Party
Road Trip
Talent Show
She's your sister
superhero part 2
Team Meet
Being clingy for 24 hours
With or without you
With or Without you part 2
The Mortal Instruments
The Mortal Instruments part 2
Class Discussion
in love with my neighbor
in love with my neighbor part 2
in love with my neighbor part 3
Clingy best friend
Miraculous Ladybug
The Lost Riddle
Class trip
In love with my brother's best friend
Another Jace x reader
group trip
BFF/N wedding
BFF/N wedding Part 2
Learning new language
abc part 2
nightmare part 2
dog and babysitting
the reunion
dual birthday party
Another Percy Jackson idea
Quarantined with your best friend
Fast food
heroes and villians
handcuffed together
C/N wedding
C/N's Wedding part 2
lots of random ideas in one
Snowed in
college visit
basketball game
Girl in an all boys school
Another Harry Potter
Tree climbing
Tutoring the player
School news
homework stress
Next door neighbor (apartment)
"I'm studying"
Dream AU
St. Patricks Day
C/N twin
Werewolf triplets
college party
easter egg hunt
Ruin Our Friendship
sunburnt- rollercoaster pt 2
the soul exchange
horse riding lessons
Horse Riding Lessons pt. 2
Soulmate AU
new Percy Jackson
Who's Spiderman?
spin the bottle
run away alarm
Civic duty
Beach Party
Percy Jackson character x reader
Drive thru
False Queen
Easter Bunny
co worker

End of the Summer

237 1 0
Par 22bburberry

Song: End of the Summer by Theory of a Deadman
I love this song and I really want this one to turn out how I want it to. I hope you guys enjoy it!

Does contain drinking.

May 27th. Summer break. Going to college in the fall and going to hang out with my best friend the entire time!
"So I got us a ocean side house. Restaurants, hang out spots, ect. I have the next three months planed... Are you even listening to me?" BFF/N waved her hand in my face.
"Hm?" She rolled her eyes.
"Lets get the van packed and let's go," we hauled our luggage into the van. We alternated driving to Virginia (IDK never been there. You can choose if ya want.) and we parked in front of a cute, light blue house. The owner walked over to the car. I rolled the passenger window down.
"Are you the girls who are renting?" The woman asked.
"Yes ma'am," she rolled her eyes.
"Don't touch anything except what is necessary. Before you leave, I want in tip top shape," she dropped the keys in my open palm and walked away. She got in her car and left.
"Sorry bout her. She's usually like that. She gets better... Once you know her for decades. I'm C/N by the way. I'm guessing you are BFF/N and Y/N?" He looked at both of us in turn.
"That's right," C/N rested his eyes on me again.
"If you need anything, just let me know. I live right next door," he winked at me and jogged away. I slid in my seat, watching him go over the hill. We got our stuff inside and I went to my room to unpack.
"I want to know everything," BFF/N flopped onto the bed.
"What do you mean?" I hoped she wouldn't make me continue the conversation.
"Between you two. I saw how you were looking at each other. There's lover guy again," she looked down and the doorbell rang. "I won't forget," I went back to organizing my cloths. I smiled, admiring my work, and closed the doors.
I went downstairs and BFF/N and C/N were sitting on the only two pieces of furniture in the living room. She sat in a chair and he sat on a small couch. He caught my eye and gestured for me to sit beside him.
I sat and they went back to talking. BFF/N left and he took my hand.
"I'm going to borrow Y/N. We'll be back before dark," he yelled over his shoulder. He took me down to the beach and climbed a small pile of rocks. I followed him and he led me up a little bit.
"Wow," I looked over the water as the sunlight scattered under the rocky overhang.
"I love it here. Come here to escape and think," he took us to a small shop and we got ice cream for the three of us.
"This was fun. I'm going to take her ice cream inside before it melts," I went inside and put the carton in the freezer.
"What was that?" I turned and saw BFF/N behind me.
"Ice cream. Your favorite," she hugged me.
"Your the best. Tell me about your date."
"It wasn't a date, just him politely showing me around a bit," I made our dinner while she interrogated me. We are and the phone rang.
"Hello," she said. " Mhm... hmm. We'll be there. See ya," she hung up and lounged on the chair.
"By the way, your new guy friend invited us to an end-of-the-school party. Told him we would come. There will be some drinking but we got the okay from a local somebody." (Looked up legal drinking age.and it was 21 in Virginia. Thought you'd like to know)(no Harry Potter pun intended)
"I'm not. Too much work. Your good with parties and I'm not," she rolled her eyes.
"How are you going to see hot guys? "
"Being cooped up in the house," I went upstairs and saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I shrugged it off and got ready for bed. I looked at the small desk and saw my brother's dry erase board and some markers.
I looked out the window and saw something in C/N's window. I grabbed the board and a marker and sat on the window seat.

Did she tell you about tomorrow night?
Yeah. Told her I wasn't going. I wrote back. His board disappeared.
Why not?
Not big into parties.
We could hang out.
BFF/N likes parties. I don't. He took his board down. I'm going to sleep. See you tomorrow, maybe.

I went back to my routine and went to sleep.

BFF/N woke me up around noon and helped me get ready. I was still groggy with sleep.
"Where are we going?"
"We need food. I'm going to make a run then I wanna show you something," she left and I crashed on the couch.

I got the food in the house and helped Y/N in the car. She finally woke up and was awake. I drove for a little bit and pulled up to the house.
"Now enjoy the party," we went inside and the house was packed with half drunk people.

I pushed past the crowd and outside. I sat by the pool and a random guy sat beside me.
"Having a good time?" I shrugged. "I brought you a drink," I dipped in it and he began rambling. I
"You wanna get out of here?" The guy wrapped his arm around my waist.
"No. I'm staying here," he tried to pick me up but failed. He tried again but ended up falling over me. I pushed him into the pool and walked away. Someone tried to lift me up and I turned around and punched him in the nose
"Playing dirty now. I can deal with that. Girls like that are always better anyway," I narrowed my eyes and knocked his legs from under him. He attempted to get up and I accidentally on purposely kicked out. I ran back inside and he ran past me.
"Where did you go? I was just playin," he picked up another girl and he carried her upstairs.
"He's a jerk. No one had stood up to him like that before," C/N was behind me in an instant and whispered in my ear.
"How do you know what happened?"
"I watched. I was going to step in but it looked like you had it under control," he smirked. Someone shouted his name and he left. I got another drink and went back outside. I looked at the sunset and someone stumbled into me.
"Your drunk. Lay off the liquor," BFF/N smiled at me and giggled.
"No I'm not," she wrapped her arms around me. I waved C/N over.
"How drunk are you?"
"Haven't drank anything,"
"Can you drive us home then get the van?" He nodded and helped me get her through the house. She picked up another cup from the bar and poured the liquid down my throat. I slapped it away and we took her home. We got her settled in and we went back for the van.

When I parked the car, I realized Y/N was asleep and their house keys were inside on a different set of keys. I mentally faceplamed and I carried Y/N to my house. I unlocked the door, without dropping her, and went inside.
I locked the door behind me and I went upstairs. I set her down on my bed and I brushed her bangs out of her face. I reminded myself that I couldn't get too attached. Not this soon at least. I crawled into a nearby chair and went to sleep.

"C/N? Are you awake?"
"What's wrong?"
"What happened last night?" He told me and I left. I climbed into my open window and checked on BFF/N. I made some tea and breakfast. She woke up and I have her some medicine. I helped her to the table to eat and the doorbell rang.
"Is BFF/N alright? I tried texting her but she wouldn't answer," I looked at the guy and let him come in. He sat at the table and they talked. I went upstairs to my room and read on my bed for a while.

"You want to go get some food?" BFF/N walked into my room.
"Sure. It's noonish so we can go now," we walked to a nearby mom and pop shop and we sat down. Two guys walked in and say with us.
"Ladies, may we join you?" BFF/N giggled and let them sit. "Did she tell you it was a double date?" Me and the other guy looked at him funny. We ordered our food and the new couple talked. We ate and headed for the beach.
"So how'd y'all meet?"
"At the party, duh. He made sure I found you guys and you took me home," she kissed his cheek and they walked a different way. C/N led me up the path from the other day. We sat down and watched the ocean.
"Y/N... I... Whatever" he leaned over and kissed me. I kissed him back and he pulled me to him. My legs were on either side of his and we pulled away slightly. "I love you. I told myself to not get attached again but I couldn't help it," I wrapped my arms around him and tested my head under his.
"I'll be your girlfriend," we smiled and kissed again.

I knew it wouldn't last forever but the day we had to leave came too quickly. We packed all of our stuff in the car and I went down to C/N's secret spot... Ours now. I sighed and went back. The lady came by and inspected the house.
"Excellent work, girls. I see C/N is moving. Hard to find a decent neighbor," she went inside and I walked to his house. I dreaded this. I didn't want to say goodbye. He opened the door and pulled me to him.
"It will be okay. We can make is work," he kissed me and it felt like another goodbye.

We stopped at a gas station and I fished the empty tissue box and threw it away.
"I'm going to get snacks," I nodded and opened the back of the van. I saw someone curled up in the back. I backed up a few steps, my hands covering my mouth in surprise. The guy got out of the back and stretched.
"Just a bit cramped back there. Are we in (your state) yet?" I jumped into his arms. "What's wrong? You thought I was going to let you leave like that? I love you and will never quit. Besides, I need to get ready for college," BFF/N stood beside us.
"You weren't supposed to tell her."
"She found out on her own," me and C/N say in the back seat and talked about us and our new college. We got to the small apartment and there was a man standing with keys. BFF/N jumped into her boyfriend's arms.
"Can't believe all of us are going to this college. Crazy coincidence."

This one is cool. Kinda sad but cool. I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Continuer la Lecture

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