In the Deep

By Ddsky4343

442 1 12

I am normal. Or at least I thought I was. I didn't think I was special. I didn't know I could be someone else... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 6

17 0 0
By Ddsky4343

Adam stops the car in front of the woods be hind the dumpster. He grabs my wrist and pulls me to the middle of the woods.

"Here it is!" He pointed out into the wilderness.

"I don't see anything," I say.

"Give me your hand," he says. I lay out my hand.he grabs it and puts his to mine. He lifts his other and and touches the air.

"Lean this way and don't let go of my hand, or you won't be able to enter." I did as he said. I closed my eyes as I heard a loud screeching noise.

I opens them and we were in a big coliseum full of people. This tall skinny guy ran up to us like we had five million dollars.

"WELCOME TO POWER SCHOOL!!!!!!!," He yelled. My eardrums literally bled.
"What is your power," he pointed to Adam.

"Power of heat and fire." he said. "and this is Carie power of water. She's new."

"Well then Carie, welcome to the best place on earth. you're class is over there." he pointed to a group of people with blue and clear clothes on.

Adam leaned over to me, " You might want to change your outfit."

"How?" I whispered

"Just think it and use your hands, like I told you." He left to the fire group. I went in the corner.

I thought of this beautiful blue water dress appear on my body. I moved my hands around my waist. soon I looked down and this gorgeous dress was on me.

I walked over to the water class. Everyone stared at my dress.I just walked around them.

When I wasn't paying attention, I bumped into this girl in my class.

"Sorry," we said at the same time. She had light black hair and a composite face figure.

"Hi I'm Carie," I held out my hand.

"Hi I'm Jasmine," she shook my hand. I loud dong noise came from above.

"That's the bell come on Carie," Jasmine said. I followed her to a room with a big wave over it. I sat next to Jasmine.

I hear high heels come from the hallway. A woman walks in. MY MOM.

"MOM?!?!?!?" I shout.

"Carie?!?!?!" She hollers. She runs over and hugs me.

"What are you doing here?" She asks.

"I've come here with Adam."

"Well now that your here, you can help me," she whispers in my ear.

She grabs my hand and drags me to the front of the class. She smiles widely.

"Here is our new student, my daughter, Carie Waves," the class gasps.

"Today I was going to have you take a test but since she's new we have to teach her the basics," mom says.
The class cheers.

"First forming water into shapes. Please tell me you know how to lift water," Mom touches my shoulder.

"Yeah I can do that," I say. She forms a water ball in her hand.

"Now make this into and animal shape," she instructs me. I think of it turning into a bunny. I waved my hands around in the form of a rabbit. I looked up, and there was a bunny.

"Good job Caire, take your seat. Mom teaches us new stuff and the day goes by quickly. I meet Adam next to where we walked In. We walked out to

"How did you like your teacher?" Adam asked me

"You knew?" I said.

"Yep," we get into the car. He stares at me for a while.

"What?" I say.

"You just look really beautiful in that dress," he says. he kisses me and climbs in the passenger seat and sits on my lap. Man! can we come back tomorrow?

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