Son of The King of Curses

By Hs_JoKerPT

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During the culling game, Sukuna returned to an undisclosed location to find a tiny baby crying. This was Suku... More

Chapter 1: Rise of The New King of Curses
Chapter 2: Meeting With The Supernatural
Chapter 3: Allied with Devils
Chapter 4: Getting Along and Purity?
Chapter 5: Training and Fighting A Phenex
Chapter 6: Getting A Familiar
Chapter 7: Meeting With The Church
Chapter 8: Battle Of Kuoh
Chapter 9: Karaoke, Pool Cleaning, and Babies!?
Chapter 10: Parents Day
Chapter 11: Needed Rest and Planning of Betrayal
Chapter 12: White Dragon Emperor and Betrayal
Chapter 14: Factions Meeting
Chapter 15: Heavenly Restriction and Unwanted Reunion
Chapter 16: Visiting the Underworld
Chapter 17: Fighting against a God and Exploring Gremory Territory
Chapter 18: Mending a Relationship and Back to School
Chapter 19: Date gone wrong and Saving a Nekomata
Chapter 20: Reunited Sisters
Chapter 21: A Strange Meeting and Runied Rating Game
Chapter 22: Domain Expansion and A Nekomata's Reward.
Chapter 23: Koneko's Heat and Strange Voice.
Chapter 24: Tokyo Jujutsu School and Reliving Memories.
[Remastered] Bio
[Remastered] Prologue
[Remastered] Chapter 1: Rise of the King of Curses

Chapter 13: Invasion on Phenex and Meeting a Vampire

8.2K 120 97
By Hs_JoKerPT

3rd Person P.O.V

Y/n is getting ready to invade the Phenex household and Kill Lord Phenex. He told Rias to tell her brother about his plan to not interfere, he also told her not to tell everyone that he is the new Red Dragon Emperor for now.

Y/n: Rias, I'm going now. Do you remember the plan?

Rias: Yes, Y/n. Be careful.

Rias summoned a magic circle to teleport Y/n to the Underworld near the Phenex household. When he arrived, he summoned Trihexa to help him.

Y/n's P.O.V

Trihexa: You summon me, master?~

Y/n: Yeah, I'm going to kill that Phenex bastard inside. I need you to keep the guards out.

Trihexa: As you wish, master.~

She transforms into her dragon form and started to rampage all the guards outside. I went to the front door and saw the bastard panicking. I rush towards him and tackled him to the ground.

Lord Phenex: What is the meaning of this?!

Y/n: It means I'm here to kill you

I punched him in the face and picked him up by the neck throwing him at the door to the next room.

Lord Phenex" Y-You cannot kill me! I am immortal!

He threw a fireball at me but I just take it like it was nothing and walked towards him with killing intent. When I reach him, I broke his arm and punched him through another door into the next room.

Lord Phenex: N-No! Stay away from me! You M-Monster!

He keeps throwing fireballs at me but it had no effect or damage as I covered myself in cursed energy to prevent damage to me as I kept walking towards him.

Y/n: Why did you give that bracelet to Issei?

Lord Phenex: I don't need a reason to tell you, you fraud!

I grabbed him and threw him into a pillar breaking it. He was regenerating but weakly and he was coughing blood. 

Y/n: Issei was a good friend, even though I hated his perverted antics. But you made me kill him, I guess all of you Phenex's are arrogant I don't even know if you're still using your head. Maybe that punt flame of yours fried your brain and prevented you from thinking.

He got up and charged at me but I grabbed him by the neck and threw him through the roof following after him.

Y/n: Is that all you got, Phenex bastard!

Lord Phenex: Not yet... Not yet!!

He attempted to charge another fireball but I quickly used dismantle on his hands and got behind him sending back down through the Household all the way to the bottom as Moonlight filled the hole.

(Y/n is Sukuna and Lord Phenex is Jogo)

Y/n: The Moonlight's Illumination... makes it easier to see how pathetic you are.

His mouth was covered with his blood and he wasn't regenerating. He looked at me with pure fear, he tried to jump from the but I quickly grabbed his leg and pulled him towards me.

Y/n: And where do you think you're going?

I punched him back up top and followed after him 

Lord Phenex: P-P-Please... h-h-have... m-m-m-mercy...

Y/n: I already did, and it was a mistake.

I used dismantle to cut off his head while using the secret command to but his body to ash as I held his head. Trihexa then changed in her human form and flew beside me. I saw Sirzechs and the other Devil kings along with Lady Phenex and Ravel. I raise the bastard's head and showed it to all the remaining soldiers and everyone.

Y/n: Let this be a lesson for all of you. Any more attempts at killing me or anyone close to me, I won't hesitate to destroy the underworld. Do I make myself clear?

The Devil Kings bowed along with Lady Phenex and Ravel, then everyone else kneeled. I tossed the bastard's head in the air before using my flames to form an arrow, firing it and disintegrating it. I walked over to the Devil Kings with Trihexa.

Y/n: I don't want this to happen again Sirzechs. Even though you think Rias and I are dating, I won't hesitate to finish all of you, got that?

Sirzechs: Yes, Lord Y/n. I assure you, that this will be the last time and won't happen again.

Y/n: Lady Phenex, don't raise your daughter like your good for nothing son and bastard husband.

Lady Phenex: Yes, Lord Y/n. I deeply apologize for my husband's foolishness. 

Y/n: Ravel, use your power wisely, don't end up like your father and brother. Use it to help others instead of giving them pain and misery.

Ravel: Y-Y-Yes, L-L-Lord Y-Y-Y/n

I smile a little and pat her head, and she blushed a little. I was about to leave until Sirzechs called me.

Sirzechs: Wait Lord Y/n. Who's that woman beside you?

Y/n: She's my Familiar, Trihexa.

Trihexa: Greetings Devil Kings. I'm Trihexa, The Apocalyptic Dragon.

She bowed down in respect and then everyone got shocked when they found out who Trihexa was.

Y/n: If that's all, I'm going home.

When we arrived at my home/mansion, I saw some boxes at the front door.

Y/n: I don't remember ordering something online.

???: That's because someone is moving with us.

I look behind me and saw Rias with Asia holding luggage.

Y/n: Who's moving?

Asia: I-I-I'm moving in

Y/n: Why? You live at Issei's house, right?

Asia(crying): B-Because I want to forget Issei. I never thought that he would say something or do that to us. So please, let me stay here to forget him.

Rias: I helped her move out, and I erased Issei's memory to everyone, including his parents.

Y/n: Alright, there's still plenty of rooms here so make yourself at home

Asia: Thank you so much, Y/n-san!

She hugged me and I hugged back then I saw Rias and Trihexa with a jealous and pouting face

Rias: Okay that's enough hugging, we got to move these boxes inside. Oh by the way Y/n, the meeting is tonight. Can you come?

Y/n: What meeting?

Rias: It's a peace meeting of the 3 factions, and my brother insisted that you come. They need your opinion there

Y/n: Alright I'll go, I got nothing else to do anyway

Rias: Great. Oh, can I call the ORC and Student council to come here so we can arrange some of our reports?

Y/n: Alright, I'll talk to the maid to make some snacks 

Rias called the ORC and the SC to come here while we still help Asia move her belongings to her own room. After a few minutes, everyone arrived. Some of the Student Council members still look awestruck at the place

Momo: Wow, this place is amazing.

Tsubasa: It's like the President of Japan's house.

Ruruko: I've never seen this house in the 'Famous Mansion Magazine' before.

Tsubaki: That's exactly our expression when we came here before

Tsubasa: Wait, you guys been here before?

Sona: Yes we have, just don't break anything

Ruruko: Umm, who exactly is the owner of this house?

Y/n: That would be me

Some of the SC members pale to see me and immediately bow to me

Y/n: It's alright, you don't need to bow. You guys make your reports in the living room. The maids will bring you some snacks

Sona: Y-Yes Y/n, T-T-Thank you for having us here

Y/n: No problem. What are friends for?

I smile at her and she immediately blushes like crazy along with the other SC except for Saji

Sona's P.O.V

That smile, I could watch it forever. Wait, my face is getting red and my heartbeat is getting faster. Am I in love with him? No, no, no, no, no, no Sona. You're not worthy of him, he's a King, and your just a devil.

I really like him, I wish there was a way. I wonder how he feels about me.

3rd Person P.O.V

Saji notice all of them blushing at Y/n when he smiled so he decided to tease them

Saji: Hey Y/n, looks like everyone has a massive crush on you. It looks like your gonna be the Harem King.

Every SC and ORC except for Kiba blushed madly and Y/n blushed a little, so he punched Saji on the side of the head.

(Fushiguro is Y/n and Saji is Itadori)

Rias, Asia, and Trihexa came down to the living room to see everyone but they weren't wearing their school uniforms they're just wearing casual clothes

Rias: Everyone's here. Alright, let's get started.

Sona: Asia? Why aren't you wearing your school uniform?

Rias: It's because she will be living here from now on

Sona: I thought that you lived with Issei

The ORC looked down when she said Issei's name. Rias explained what happened and they couldn't believe what they heard.

Saji: I knew Issei is one of the Perverted Trio, but I never thought that he would cross the line.

Sona: I know. So who gave him that power to activate his balance breaker?

Rias and the ORC looked at me waiting for an answer

Y/n: It was Riser's Father. He still didn't believe me that I'm the new King of Curses. So he gave Issei the power to kill me but failed so I killed both of them.

Sona: I see. Shall we begin with our meeting?

Rias: Wait I almost forgot about Gasper?

Y/n: Who?

Rias: My other Bishop, Gasper is at the clubhouse right now. Will you accompany me N/n?

Everyone: N/n?

Rias: That's what I call my sweet Y/n.~

Y/n: Look Rias, just because you gave me your Virginity that doesn't mean that we're dating.

Everyone then Blushed madly when they heard that Rias gave her virginity to him

Akeno: Ara~ Ara~, President and Y/n have a thing now?~ I'm so jealous~ I hope I can have my turn~ Y/n-Kun~

Xenovia: So Y/n does know how to make a baby. When will it be my turn to make babies?

Koneko: President... and... Onii-chan... Virginity...

Rias: Alright everyone, that's enough. N/n, could you help me get Gasper at the clubhouse?

Y/n and Rias left the mansion and went to the clubhouse to fetch Gasper leaving everyone else.

Trihexa: That red-headed bitch took my master's virginity! I won't forgive her!

Sona: Um excuse me? Not to be rude but who are you?

Trihexa: Oh, I apologize for the late intoductions. My name is Trihexa, the Apocalyptic Dragon. I'm master's Familiar

All the SC except for Saji were shocked and pale when they found out that their talking to Trihexa

Saji: Who's Trihexa?

Sona: S-S-She's the A-Apocalyptic D-D-Dragon that can m-match G-G-Great R-Red and O-Ophis the Infinite D-Dragon God

At the ORC Clubhouse

Y/n and Rias are standing at a door with chains and a magic circle on it.

Y/n: So why is your Bishop locked up tight in here?

Rias: Gasper's power unstable to control so my brother ordered to seal my Bishop for now.

Rias removes the chains and the magic symbol then they heard a girly scream on the other side.

???: Ahhh! What's going on?!

Rias: It's alright now. The seal is broken you can come out now.

???: I don't wanna go! It's scary outside!

They open he door and the room was full of stuff animals and toys, and there was a coffin in the middle. Rias opened the coffin and revealed a 'girl' with a school uniform

Rias: N/n, this is Gasper Vladi, my other Bishop. Gasper, this is Y/n, the new King of Curses

Gasper instantly stood in front of me and bowed

Gasper: I-I-It's an h-h-honor to m-meet you. I'm G-G-Gasper V-Vladi, Bishop of P-P-President R-Rias

Y/n: No need for formalities Gasper, just call me Y/n like everyone else.

Y/n inspects the Bishop just by looking and there was only one thing running in his mind.

Y/n(mind): It's a trap

Rias: Let's go back to N/n's house and meet with everyone.

Gasper: Umm President, who's N/n?

Rias: I call Y/n, N/n because he's very special to me~

They all teleported back to Y/n's mansion where everyone is waiting for them. Gasper then introduce himself to everyone and Saji immediately got love-struck and Kiba was just laughing

Saji: What's your problem prince charming? Never seen a beautiful girl before?

Kiba: I hate to break it to you but

Rias: This one is a boy

Everyone except Sona, Tsubaki, Rias, Akeno, Kiba, and Y/n were shocked that Gasper is a boy in a girls uniform. Saji went to the corner of the room in despair.

Saji: Why... Why... Why is the world so cruel?

Rias: Alright everyone let's start making the report. Tonight's the meeting.

All of them started making the report except for Y/n. He was just playing Persona 5 Strikers on the Playstation 4 while Gasper watched.



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