Superhuman | Sope FF

By yourlocalyoongistan

12.9K 928 144

In a world where special people have special abilities, when it really comes down to it, does that ability r... More



438 33 6
By yourlocalyoongistan

That promise was a lie.

As the week went on, Hoseok was tormented, just as Yoongi had said. Of course, Hoseok didnt feel any sadness or physical pain from it, but it was exhausting and annoying. Hoseok honestly didnt want to get up and deal with it.

"Hoseok, get up."


"Hoseok-" yoongi said, moving over to Hoseok's bed and taking the covers off of him. "You need to go to school."

"Says who?"

"Says the law." Yoongi pointed out factually. "Besides, itll be lonely without you." He said, covering his mouth right after.

"Aww~ would you miss me if I was gone~" hoseok cooed, sitting up in the bed.

"Shut up." Yoongi said, rolling his eyes. "The others would miss you."

"And you too~"

"Whatever. You need to get up. I know the bullies are annoying, but they're just trying to test you. Breaking like this will make them win." Yoongi said.

"Maybe I should let them win. If I act like what they do hurt me, maybe they'll stop trying." Hoseok said, standing from his bed and getting his clothes ready.

"But then people would see you as a fake and make fun of you for it." Yoongi pointed out.

"Theres no escape, huh?"

"Nope. So you just have to deal with it. Itll be ok." Yoongi said, his tone kind for once.

"Aww~ are you being nice to me?"

"Whatever just get ready. We're already late." Yoongi said, throwing a pillow at him.

Hoseok sat up and caught it, smiling at the older before getting up to get dressed.

When the two finally made it out of their dorms and to the dining hall, they were relived to see they still had some time before class. They quickly met up with the others after getting something to eat.

"Sorry we're late, this one didnt wanna get up today." Yoongi said, kicking Hoseok lightly.

"Hey~" hoseok whined, pouting at the older.

"I understand. Hes been through a lot. Anyone else wouldve been beaten by now." Jimin pointed out.

"Well, you know me. Nothing gets me down." Hoseok said with his usual, bright smile.

"That's the spirit. Now face today head on!" Namjoon said, clapping a little.

The seven all parted when the bell rang and made their ways to their classes.

"Hoseok hyung!!"

Hoseok turned around at the sound of his name being called and smiled when he saw Doyoung running up to him. "Hey, everything alright?" He asked kindly.

"Mhm! How are you doing?" Doyoung asked, standing at his side and walking with him.

"I'm alright. A bit tired but no tormentors yet today." Hoseok answered.

"Let's hope for none at all." Doyoung said, clearly in a good mood today.

Hoseok laughed and smiled. "Yea, let's hope for none." He agreed..

The two went to their math class and finished it without problems. The day went by smoothly without many difficulties until the end of the day neared.

As Hoseok walked to his second to last class, he was stopped by a taller boy grabbing his wrist. "Havent seen you all day." The boy said with a smile.

"Yea. I've been avoiding you. And I intend to continue doing so." Hoseok said as he attempted to pull his wrist back.

The boy only gripped him tighter. "Hm...what should we try today?"

"Nothing. Nothing will work, I've told you this." Hoseok insisted.

"Fine. Guess we'll keep doing tests." The boy said, about to slap Hoseok until a voice was heard.

"You're a real asshole, you know?"

"What?" The boy asked, turning his head and frowning.

Yoongi stood there, his head cocked to the side as he watched things unfold. "Really? torumenting someone who cant even feel your pain? What's the fun in that?" He asked.

"Watching him break will be fun for me."

"Doesnt it make you sad? Knowing that you're attempting to hurt someone?" Yoongi asked.

Hoseok felt a strange aura from Yoongi as he spoke. There was a heavy feeling in his chest, a feeling he had never felt before.

"Doesnt it make you sad knowing that you're mean? Knowing that you've hurt ither people and now are trying to hurt someone you know you cant?" Yoongi continued to speak.

The person holding Hoseok loosened their grip on his wrist, yoongi's words seeming to have an effect on him.

"Its upsetting, isnt it?"

"I-it is..." the boy finally agreed.

"Then stop. Make the sadness end and stop." Yoongi said, a small, warm smile spreading across his face.

The boy hesitated for a bit before letting go of Hoseok's wrist and walking off slowly. Hoseok stood there, the heavy feeling in his chest still there.

"Hoseok, are you ok?" Yoongi asked, walking over to him.

"What did you do?" Hoseok asked, looking at the older.

"I used my powers on him. Made him feel sad." Yoongi answered. "Whats gotten into you?"

"Nothing! I'm ok, dont worry." Hoseok assured, the feeling soon lifting from his chest. He felt normal again.

That was strange...what was that...? Hoseok thought to himself.

"Come on, let's walk to class together." Yoongi offered.

Hoseok smiled and nodded. "Yea, sure...ok."

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