Your Grace - Burak Çelik

By atarqxiaa

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"I'm not ready to be just another of your mistakes." ---------- Ayedah Harraz is a writer. A silently passio... More



265 19 13
By atarqxiaa

^^ "Hold Me While You Wait" <3 + Selim 🥵

The light of the faded autumn sun's rays peeked through the drawn curtains of Ayedah's window as she opened her tired eyes, and was nearly blinded by the slight brightness. The excitement of the previous night had drained out her energy immensely with all the preparation leading up to it, with the addition of being the cause of her late night. When she had finally woken up the next morning, it was 9AM. She had overslept.

"Damn it," she cursed under her breath when she noticed the time on her alarm clock, before dragging her body out of her bed rather sluggishly, nearly causing herself to fall face-flat on the floor. She heard a rather amused meow coming from a satisfied-looking Stormy, who was sitting on her desk and watching her with his golden orbs. She gave her cat a weird look, before she stood herself up; she did so in such a way that she resembled a marionette on strings, before walking to the bathroom. She looked into the groggy, tired brown eyes of her reflection sleepily, before opening the mirror cupboard to take her pills.

She took out her organizer, and opened the green box labeled 'Thursday'. "Oh you gotta be kidding me," she muttered when she realized that there was only one capsule left in her pill organizer- the boxes for the other days of the week were empty. "How did I not notice," she groaned to herself as she began to rummage amongst the other medicine boxes inside the cupboard, before realizing with defeat that she had to go pick up some new pills at the pharmacy. She sighed, downed the last of her medication before stripping off her pajamas and hopping into the shower. She came out after a few minutes, got dressed in a simple black hoodie and matching jeans, then went downstairs with Stormy at her heels.

"Ayedah I thought you were off work today, where're you going at this time?" asked Aunty Gab, who was eating her breakfast at the kitchen island as Ayedah fixed up her hijab in front of the hall mirror. "I have to go to the pharmacy," explained Ayedah when she took her keys off of the keyhook beside the mirror. "My medication supply's finished." Her aunt nodded in understanding; "Well then, either have breakfast outside or come straight home to eat," she said with a half-exasperated sigh. "Don't forget to eat or skip, for God's sake. And if you do eat out, send me proof or I will never let you hear the end of it." Ayedah smiled wearily at her, nodded and left after petting Stormy on the head and saying her 'Salaam'- she knew full well that she probably was not going to end up eating.

Ayedah put in her earphones before starting off on her walk- listening to 'Hold Me While You Wait', by the artist Lewis Capaldi. The pharmacy was not far from the house, but it wasn't close either- however, she could walk to it and that is what she decided to do that day to wake herself up from the spell of sleep. She adjusted the surgical mask on her face, as she walked across the pavement, the rubbery soles of her sneakers gripping the ground to prevent her from losing her balance in the gust of the Autumn wind as it kissed her face.

Winter was coming, she could sense it in the air- but she was rather glad about it, for Autumn and Winter were her favorite seasons. She always loved the cold, and she always loved warming up inside with a book or her laptop to write and a hot drink after she had had enough of it. Perhaps I could write something about the weather, she thought, stopping to look up at the faded yet still bright sky. She continued her walk, her hands in her pockets as her thoughts ran a river through her mind, digging up ideas from the deepest depths of her brain.

Finally, after a good quarter-to-half of an hour's walk, she arrived at Eczane Ayasofya, a pharmacy near the Sultanahmet Square in Fatih, Istanbul. She had only been there a few times in the two years, always with her aunt- it was the best pharmacy nearest to them, and also the only one which happened to supply Ayedah's type of mood stabilizer medication that her old psychiatrist had prescribed years before. She took out her earphones before entering, and drew out her wallet from her coat pocket as she got up to the counter, and took her temperature as per the health procedures.

"Ayedah Harraz, eh?" asked the elderly pharmacist at the prescription counter, recognizing Ayedah- she was always the pharmacist who served her, and gave her her supply of medication throughout the past two years she'd lived in Istanbul. "It's been a while since you've been here." "I've been busy, and I bought quite enough last time to last me a while," said Ayedah, taking off her surgical mask so she could talk clearly, even if the pharmacist kept hers on due to protocol. "I'll pack a little more for you then," the elderly lady said, smiling at her. "Not that I don't like you coming here, of course. It's always a joy to see your face." "I wish others would say the same," Ayedah joked, chuckling in a rather forced manner as she thought of Aarif and her family. "They're blind if they don't agree with me," stated the lady. "Lithobid, right?" Ayedah nodded, and passed her the note that cleared her for the medication.

The pharmacist nodded, before going into the back store of the pharmacy to fetch the medicine, and came out with a few boxes. "I thought you said the last time you haven't been experiencing symptoms for a while?" she asked. "I mean, of course you're on your medication, but you'd still feel just a little bit of the disorder, the thoughts and urges that come with it perhaps." "Yes, but the last psychiatrist I visited said that I would need to keep going with it for the rest of my life," Ayedah laughed hollowly, as she passed the pharmacist the bill for the medicine. "It's a pain sometimes, but I'd do anything to avoid any complications due to Bipolar." "Of course," said the pharmacist, nodding understandingly, as she packed the medicine and took the money. "And I saw you, by the way."

Ayedah frowned. "Er...where?" she asked nervously, wondering if she had done something wrong that somehow the pharmacist knew about. "I recognized your name on the Kurulus Osman credits, I know you write for them now," the elderly lady said with a smile. "As well as on Emel Dede's Instagram story regarding the premiere yesterday." "Oh," said Ayedah in realization. "You watch Kurulus Osman?" "Of course, who doesn't?" scoffed the lady, waving her hand dismissively. "And it was a great episode, by the way. Congratulations, me and my husband and our children and grandchildren loved it." Ayedah laughed and smiled at her. "I'm glad you did, thank you," she said. "Of course," said the pharmacist, smiling back before she went to the back of the store, and Ayedah turned to leave with her medicine, packed in her arms- but before she could even reach the door, someone stopped her.


Ayedah froze, and nearly dropped the medicine as she rushed to hide it, especially as she recognized the voice who spoke her name. "B-Burak!" she exclaimed as she turned around, facing the tall actor, who had his surgical mask down so she would recognize his face. Her hands were busy stuffing the medicine into her bag, but she fought to keep a relaxed look on her face and a calm, casual tone in her voice. "What are you doing here?"

"Just here to get my vitamins," he replied, his voice properly casual as he held out a bottle of enhancing vitamins to show her. "They help me with my training and workouts. And even though I live in Riva now, they don't have a pharmacy with these types of vitamins, and I'm used to coming here anyways when I still lived in Istanbul." He watched her intently, narrowing his eyes when she finally succeeded in burying the mysterious plastic bag of medicine into her small duffel, her face rather flushed as she did so. "And what about you, Yazar Hanim?" he asked, his voice suspicious. "Er- same as you," Ayedah lied hastily. "Just vitamins- except not for training or working out, ha-ha, I don't do that. They me focus and stuff when I'm writing." Burak frowned. "The vitamin capsule bottles are usually found on the shelves," he said. "I saw you leaving the prescription counter after speaking with the pharmacist- I overheard she recognized your name on the credits for the show."

He suddenly took a hold of her arm, shocking her and she froze. She didn't move or flinch, to appear calm. He looked into her eyes, and to her confusion and surprise she realized that they were full of concern. "You're okay, right?" he asked as he towered over her, his grip on her arm tight yet not discomforting. "You aren't sick, or anything-" "No, Burak, I'm fine," interrupted Ayedah with a laugh, feeling a pit of guilt growing in her stomach at the lies she was telling him. "I woke up late this morning, rather drowsy and woozy, and well, I couldn't find what I needed- so I asked the pharmacist for help, and she did." She felt her shoulders relax with relief when he finally looked convinced, and let go of her. "I'm glad," he said with a relieved smile. "I'd be worried for you if something was wrong-"

He blushed at his own words, and so did Ayedah. She chuckled embarrassedly, looking at the ground as she whispered, "Thanks." Once again, an awkward silence befell upon them as she looked for an excuse to leave.

"I should go, I er- need to get breakfast," Ayedah finally said, still not meeting his eyes. But Burak perked up at her words, and immediately a triumphant smile shone on his face. "Well, it's your lucky day then," he said. "Or should I say- ours. I have the opportunity to fill out my offer." Ayedah frowned, confused before it finally dawned on her- she remembered that the previous night, he had asked her out to eat to thank her for helping him out. "Come on, Ayedah, I'll take you out for breakfast today," said Burak. "Even though I did say lunch last night- but same difference, eh." Ayedah blinked at him.

"Oh Burak, you don't have to," she said, laughing nervously. "Really, you don-" "I insist," said Burak, smiling widely at her. "We have the opportunity now, Masha Allah, just after I offered you last night- we should take it." "Really, it's fine," said Ayedah, but she went quiet at the sudden look Burak was giving her, his icy eyes staring into her own as they narrowed very slightly. She felt her stomach flip, and immediately looked down, flustered. "I insist, please," he said again, in a firmer voice this time. "Besides, I don't want you missing breakfast like you always do." Ayedah's eyes widened. "Who the heck told you that?" she demanded. "Don't you remember the day we were having tea together, and Ozcivit asked us what we had for breakfast to start small talk? You said you had nothing," said Burak calmly. "Not going to lie to you, Yazar Hanim, you shocked me that day, especially with how casually you said it. Then Ozge jokingly reproached you about how you always miss breakfast on purpose, and then everyone else did too." "Oh right," chuckled Ayedah, embarrassed. "But you didn't say anything, though-"

"Yeah, er, right..." said Burak, his turn to be embarrassed as he lowered his eyes when his voice faltered off awkwardly. "Well, it is true," said Ayedah, giggling slightly. "But not today- I promised my aunt I'd come back straight and eat, or have breakfast outside and send proof." Burak gestured to the door with his thumb. "Then come on," he persisted. Ayedah sighed, and narrowed her eyes at him. "You're not going to let this go, are you?" she asked. Burak shook his head and smirked at her, knowing that he was winning. "Nope," he said triumphantly, and she nodded in understanding. "Fine," she said, with another exasperated sigh. "Let's go." "Thank you," said Burak, winking at her. "But let me pay for my vitamins first- and don't try to slip off without me." Ayedah rolled her eyes, and said, "I'll stay right here, I don't want you coming after me down the street, thanks." "Good," said Burak, and went off to the cashier to pay for his vitamins.

What an unusual personality, thought Ayedah, but found herself smiling in amusement all the same as Burak playfully turned around a few times to glare at her so she wouldn't escape under his watch. Can't say much, can I? I'm weirder. After barely a few minutes, he came back to the door and opened it for her. "After you, my fair lady," he joked in an old-english accent and bowed, making her glare at him. "Insufferable," she muttered, but went out the door anyway after pulling her mask over her face, him following behind right after and doing the same. "Come on, now, my favorite place to have breakfast out just happens to be around here," he said, gesturing down the street as they started walking. "I promise you'll like it." "As long as you don't end up trying to murder me or something, I'm fine," joked Ayedah, making Burak roll his eyes. "Have you never gone out with a guy that hasn't tried to murder you or something?" he joked back, nudging her slightly. Ayedah blushed at her answer.

"I er...have never gone out with a guy before at all, actually. In fact, the only people I've ever only gone out with one on one are my aunt and Ozge." Burak's lips formed an 'O' shape through his mask, and nodded, looking rather impressed with himself. "What're you thinking, looking so obnoxiously proud like that?" demanded Ayedah, irked slightly by his expression, even if she were only seeing his eyes. "Nothin', it just explains a lot," he said with a smirk. "As in why you tried to prevent us going out together. But I ain't gonna stand for that uncanny stubbornness of yours, Yazar Hanim." Ayedah glared at him for a while, and sighed, shaking her head. "As you say, Kongar," she muttered, making him laugh. "Why Kongar?" he asked. "Because he's psycho, and you're acting like a psycho," she shot at him, making his eyes widen at her, and he smirked. "Oho, is this how you play, Ayedah Harraz?" he asked. "No, this is just the truth, Burak Celik," said Ayedah with a wink, striding a little in front of him in a teasing manner. Burak chuckled as he caught up with her, and they were quiet until they finally arrived in front of a small yet nice-looking cafe named 'Kahve Ve Mutluluk'.

"An unusual name," commented Ayedah. "But it looks nice." "It is," said Burak, and invited her in as he opened the door. As Ayedah stepped in and he closed the door behind her after doing the same, she suddenly felt a familiar sort of sensation around her ankles, the same for whenever Stormy rubbed himself against her- she looked down to see a fluffy black cat doing so, mewing. "Oh my God there are cats here!" she squealed suddenly, picking up the cat and hugging it immediately. Burak smiled at her enthusiasm, and she narrowed her eyes at him when she noticed his expression, and her face whitened slightly. "Is there something wrong?" she asked, worried, and he shook his head. "Not at all," he said, still smiling. "Come on now." Ayedah finally let go of the cat, then the two of them took their temperature before Burak found a table for them near the window of the cafe.

"Let me guess, the 'Mutluluk' are the cats?" asked Ayedah, and Burak nodded. "Yep, my friend runs this place," he said. "And well, he loves cats. So he worked hard, and opened up a cat cafe." "Oh, why didn't you tell me?" Ayedah asked. "So I wouldn't have made such a fool of myself squealing like a maniac just now?" Burak laughed at her flushed face, and said, "Well, where's the fun in that?"

Ayedah sighed at him, before they received their menus from one of the waiters, who winked at Burak in recognition. "What'd you like?" he asked, after a while of running his eyes up and down his menu. "Oh, I don't know," said Ayedah. "There's a lot here."

"Well then, how about I order for you, since I know this place better, and how its food tastes?" offered Burak. "And I'm not taking 'no' for an answer." "Sure," laughed Ayedah. "Let's just hope our taste in food is the same." Burak gave her a half-smile before calling over the waiter again, and asked for one of the dishes on the menu for both of them. "This?" asked Ayedah after the waiter left, pointing to a breakfast meal named 'Mutluluk Kahvaltısı', or 'Breakfast of Bliss' in English. "Yep," said Burak. "It's their best dish here. Most popular, too." "Alright, then, I'll take your word for it," said Ayedah, smiling nervously at him. Burak smiled back. "I'm not going to poison you, if that's what you're thinking," he joked. Ayedah chuckled, but then looked down- was that really what Burak thought of her? That she was so suspicious of people even if they took her out for a friendly lunch? But perhaps he's right, she thought bitterly. I've never done this before, nor ever wanted to...I just can't seem to help thinking the worst of people, can I?

Burak noticed her expression, and asked, "Are you alright?" "Yeah," answered Ayedah, still not meeting his eyes. "It's just..." she peeked at him, once again recognizing the concerned expression on his face, and pondered on whether she wanted to tell him what she was thinking. "You can tell me if you like," he said, as if he read her mind. Ayedah sighed, and scrutinized him for a while; he looked honest, trustworthy...she could not see any ulterior motive in his eyes, the way she would for some reason always detect them in the eyes of others'. So she finally relented, and spoke. "I've just never done this before," she chuckled. "I mean, I have with Ozge and my aunt, but that's different because I've known them for years, you know. But this..." Her voice faltered slightly, and she smiled sadly. "I've just never really gone out with a friend before, you know? Guy or girl. Really, I've never had any friends other than Ozge...and well, Stormy."

Burak nodded, and smiled at her. "Don't worry, you're doing great so far," he said kindly. "And besides, we're friends now, aren't we?" Ayedah looked at him again, once more meeting his ocean eyes. "I guess so," she finally answered, giving him a small smile. "I'm glad," said Burak, smiling back. "And besides, my castmates and the crew are your friends too, whether you like it or not. But you take your time into allowing them into your life, and same with me. I won't rush you." Ayedah chuckled, and appreciated his understanding. But before she could say anything else, their food arrived.

"Woah," she said, her eyes widening- their meal was a mixture of Turkish traditional food and a classic English or Western breakfast. There was a pan of Turkish baked eggs as well as bread, and Western fruit salad and pancakes. "Good lord, Burak, how on Earth will we finish this?" she asked, laughing as the waiter served them their tea. "Don't worry, Burak here has a big stomach with enough storage," said the waiter, grinning at Burak. "Trust me, I know from the years I've worked here." "Yep," agreed Burak with a laugh. "This is Eren, Ayedah- the younger brother of the guy who runs this place." Ayedah smiled at Eren, who returned it and said, "My brother's had this place for years. But he's upstate, at the moment for business. We want to expand, he plans to build another branch- but a restaurant, not a cafe." "Ooh, interesting," said Ayedah. "I wish you luck with it." "Thank you," said Eren, and winked at them. "Enjoy your date."

Ayedah went red at his words, and hid her face, making Burak laugh. But he said nothing of it, and took out his phone. "If you don't mind- can we take a picture?" he asked. Ayedah furrowed her brow slightly, and couldn't stop herself from asking, "Why?" "Just for restaurant promotion and stuff," he said. "Do my friend a favor...besides, didn't your aunt ask for proof that you've eaten?" Ayedah nodded, and said, "Alright...well, uh, as long as no one thinks we're dating or anything." They both blushed at her words, but Burak cleared his throat before giving her a small smile, and taking out his phone. "Smile," he said, and she did as he took the picture. "Alright, thanks Ayedah- let's eat now, shall we, before this gets cold."

"Okay, here goes then," she said, and took a bit of the baked eggs- which she found delicious. "Oh, wow," she gasped, and let herself dig in. "This is really good- oh my God." Burak chuckled at her reaction, as he himself put a bit of the eggs on a plate for himself, and took a piece of pancake. "I'm glad my taste for food suits yours, then," he said with a grin. Ayedah smiled at him, and the two began to enjoy their breakfast together.


A/N: Well, here's another update for the weekend uwu

Yes, lol, I've been going thru some stuff lately esp with school, and I write a lot when I'm sad jdjsdh don't come at me- but this makes me happy, WattPad itself and updating makes me happy, especially this particular story because I can really put myself out into it. And all of your support, when you read then comment and vote, it means so much to me and makes me smile despite anything I'm feeling. 

So I just want to say I love you guys so much, my Lovelies, thank you for being here and enabling me to believe in myself, believe I can write something people can enjoy. 

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, don't forget to comment + vote ;) ooh, Ayedah and Burak seem to be getting some development here 👀👀

I love you guys sm, 

Ayesha <3

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