Hate at first sight❤️ (suseo)...

By han_mejoon17

22.6K 1.1K 421

Now I ship these two so I thought of writing their story...hope u will enjoy.. Meet, Lee suho...A famous teen... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10🔥
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 4

1.4K 80 20
By han_mejoon17

Seojun’s POV

I woke up with a very bad headache. I slowly opened my eyes and felt something tickling my chest and someone's arms wrapped around me. Is it a ghost sleeping on me? I pushed my irrational thoughts away and looked down to see brown hair. Oh, it's Suho. Thank god! It's not a ghost…. wait whattttt!! Suho…? What the fuck is he doing in my bedroom, on my bed? Then I remember everything we did last night. Fuck!! I gave him a blowjob. Oh god! Please tell me I am dreaming. Shit!! It’s all real. All that did happen last night.

I am not gay. I can't do this. But he did look cute being all attentive to me. I smiled...YAHHH HAN SEOJUN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING. YOU ARE NOT GAY. "Yahh...LEE SUHO GET YOUR FUCKING ASS UP," I shouted in to his ears. "Hmm...baby. Let me sleep some more," Suho said with a husky voice. Damn his voice! Did he just call me baby? Whatever. "YAHH WAKE UP, YOU JERK." I said, pushing him off the bed.

"YAH! What the hell are you doing?" he said, sitting on the ground. My eyes widened. He is naked. I looked down, blushing hard. "Aww baby, you're blushing early in the morning." Suho said slyly. "Who the hell is blushing? Shut up. I am not blushing," I said, getting up from the bed and standing. He did the same.

"Listen, you jerk! Whatever happened last night was a mistake. We were both drunk and I am not gay. Ok? So keep ur fucking mouth shut in school and never bring this up ever again," I said sternly. He just looked at me with an expression of shock and hurt. Why is he hurt though. Just then I saw him coming close to me. He did not stop until my back hit the wall. "You know what baby? You liked whatever we did yesterday. So stop pretending to be straight when you clearly drool over me," he said with a smirk. I just opened and closed my mouth like a fish. He is partially right. I did like it.

"Don't deny it," he whispered to me and licked my earlobe. A shiver ran down my spine. I pushed him, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!? I DON'T LIKE IT. IN FACT, I HATE YOU. GET IT INSIDE YOUR HEAD AND STOP ASSUMING THINGS," I screamed at him. He just smirked and sat back down on the bed. I want to rip that smirk off his face.
"Sure. I believe you daddy!" he said with a seductive tone. Damn it! He is teasing me. He is fully naked in front of me and calling me daddy. How am I supposed to control myself? He knows it fully well and is trying to provoke me. I want to ravish him, right here right now. I need to go from here before I do something I might regret. "Wear some clothes, you idiot!" I said while looking everywhere but him.

"Why!? Oh I understand! You are getting hard just by seeing me like this," he said while looking at my dick. What!? Fuck I forgot I am naked too. Shit shit shit!! "Shut up, you pervert." I said and left the room hearing Suho chuckle behind me. Goodness! My face is so hot. I swear, now I look like a tomato. I just destroyed  my bad boy image in front of Suho. Yah hormones! calm your ass down. Don't let it out at the wrong time. I sighed. I need to forget this… Ahhhh we have school today. I ran to the bathroom to change my clothes.

Suho’s POV

I laid back down on the bed. Whatever Seojun just said did hurt. That he didn’t like it. But I liked every bit of it. I clearly remember what all we did and I will never forget it. Even if it's just for one night, I got Seojun all to myself. I am happy for that, but I know he will never be mine. A tear escaped from my eye. Why does love hurt so much?

Before I knew it, I started sobbing, thinking Seojun would never love me the way I love him. I even remember why I have fallen for him.


Suho’s POV

Finally, I am in middle school. I was walking to my first period which was history (a/n:sorry it's my fav subject 😅). On my way, I saw a group of boys fighting near the washroom. I went there to check.

I really hate it when people fight. They are my seniors but it's not good to fight. So I went to the principal and told him that they were having a fight near the washroom. The principal praised me for telling him. I smiled and went to my class 10 mins late. Since it was the first day, the teacher didn't scold me which was good.

3 hours passed and it's finally lunch time. I was walking to the cafeteria when suddenly a pair of hands slammed me against the locker. I winced in pain and looked at the person who slammed into me. I met with a beautiful pair of hazel brown eyes, cute nose, a very sharp jawline and plumpy pink lips.

"YAH...YOU JERK! HOW DARE YOU COMPLAIN TO THE PRINCIPAL," he shouted angrily. I snapped back to reality. "I d-didn't," I stuttered and his grip on my wrist tightened..."STOP LYING! I KNOW YOU DID," he said with furious eyes. I hate people yelling at me. I mustered up my courage and said, "So what if I did? I am not scared of you bullies. Let me go, you dumbass!" I said and wiggled my hand to loosen his grip around my wrist.

He closed his eyes for a brief moment trying to control his anger. "YOU IDIOT, I WILL MAKE SURE YOUR LIFE IS A LIVIN' HELL. I FUCKING HATE YOU," he yelled while grabbing my chin. "Pray for yourself," he said and left the lobby, I was standing there, shocked by what just happened. I don't know why my heart beat so fast that too while he was swearing and threatening me. It was hot. He was hot.

Flashback ends

Days passed by. At first, I thought he was just a passing school crush, but no I was wrong. I fell in love with him even though he hated me. I wiped my tears and went out of the room.

I saw him wear his shoes and followed behind to the shoe rack to wear my shoes too. "Don't tell anyone we live together or you are dead," he said without an ounce of emotion on his face. I just nodded before he went out the door.

I need to stop these feelings from taking over me completely or else I will get even more hurt in the end. I locked the apartment and went to the car to go to school. I didn't ask Seojun as I already knew he would reject my offer anyways.

I arrived at the school on time and went to my locker. "Hey buddy!" a guy exclaimed from behind me. I turned around. "Binnie hyung?" I smiled widely and engulfed him in a hug. "What are you doing in my school?" I broke the hug and asked. "You're coming with me for today," he said, grinning widely. "Coming with you? Where?" I asked, confused. "Yup! I planned something for you and I already took the permission of the principal, so come with me." He said, dragging me out of the school by my wrist. "Where are we going hyung?" I asked as I sat in the passenger seat of his car.

"I told you to shut up. No questions," he said with a strict voice, I did as he said and let him take me wherever. Well, it's good that I won’t be seeing Seojun for the rest of the day. After what happened last night, I thought everything would change but nothing really changed. He still hates me the same. At least hyung will help me forget about him, even if it is just for a while. I will talk to him. I need to let go of Seojun now. It hurts to even say it but I do not see another option.

(Back at school)

Seojun’s POV

I arrived at the school but didn't see Suho anywhere. Where is he? He drove here so he should have reached before me. I went to the class but didn't see him there either. Let's wait! Maybe he is in the principal’s room talking to him or doing some councillor work like an obedient child. He is obedient though. He listened to whatever I said last night. I blushed at the thought of last night. I want to do it again but that will make me gay. Can I be gay for him? What am I thinking? Stop this madness, Seojun! I rebuked myself. 

Four classes have already ended but there is no sign of Suho. Is he ok? Did he get hurt or something? Let me check the nurse’s office once.

I was on my way to the nurse’s office when suddenly Jugkyeong showed up. "Where are you going bad boy!?" She asked cheekily. "To the nurse’s office," I told her. "Oh.. why!? Are you hurt?" she said as she scanned my whole body. Sometimes she acts like my mother. "No, I didn't get hurt. I was going to see if Su- I mean… forget it," I told her. I almost spilled that I was going to search for Suho. She narrowed her eyes, "FYI, Suho is not here. He has gone out with a boy whom he met early in the morning. They seemed close and he took a leave for today. No need to thank me and I know you were looking for him," she said and patted my shoulder before walking away.

That was quick. Wait. Lee Suho has gone out with a boy Wow! He was giving me a blowjob and calling me daddy last night. Now he ditched me and went with some boy? I punched the wall out of anger. "I FUCKING HATE YOU, LEE SUHO!"I screamed. Calm down Seojun. It's not like we both are dating. He can do whatever the fuck he wants to, for all  care.

Why am I feeling hurt when he went with another boy instead Of me.



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