The Other Rogers

By Person20001

12.2K 319 19

Phoenix Rogers or the Violet Witch is the younger sister of Steve Rogers. On a mission to save Bucky somethi... More

1-The Mission
2-The Man with the Giant Frisbee
3-Westview, NJ
4-The Avengers are Knocking on My Door
5-The Vision
7-Broken Heater
8-War Part 1
9-War Part 2
10-War Part 3

6-A Coven, A Sisterhood

888 22 0
By Person20001

"Where are they?" I asked.

"You need to calm down and relax," tony says inching towards me with his hands out like he approaching a wild animal. My magic appears I'm my hand.

"I'm going to ask one more time where are they?" I said and everyone just stayed quiet. "Tell me i won't hesitate to hurt you," i said i might have my emotions on but i won't hesitate to hurt them  if they stand in my way. I hear a phone ring and see Steve picking it up.

"Hey Strange not the best time," he says and he pauses. "What both of them," he says looking confused. "They running outside right now," he says and i sprinted out of the house as i see Agatha and Wanda doing the same. We meet in the middle are magic mixed together making a giant blasted. We looked at each other with wide eyes. We just completed a coven a sisterhood that we can't betray something that hasn't been accomplished is years.

"So..." Wanda said.

"Yea," Agatha said after. I looked at my hands feeling weird like I'm missing something. The other guys came out and ran towards us. 

"What the hell just happened," someone asked and i hear one of the girls say that they didn't know. 

"A coven was formed a sisterhood was put into place. Something that hasn't been done in centuries," i said and everyone snaps their head to look at me.

"How do you know that Hun," Agatha asked.

"The Power Stone explained," i said.

"The power stone?" Steve asked approaching me.

"Yea my powers come from the power stone," i said and i looked at Wanda. "Do you know how to  get memories back?" I asked and she nodded my head.  "You think you can help me?" I asked and she nodded her head smiling. She walks towards me and i see her red magic cover my eyes. 

I see my life flash before my eyes. I see when i was little and i was being bullied and Bucky and Steve came to my rescue. And when i was 18 going to prom and i was stood up. I was crying in my room in my dress with my makeup running when Bucky came in and sat next to me holding me. He wiped my tears away and took me to the prom instead. At the end of the night he kissed me. And then when he got drafted and it was his last night there he got Steve a date and went one a date with me. The whole time he would hold my hand promising that he will come back. Then when i was an Agent with Peggy watching Steve pass every test jumping on the grenade and then taking the super solider serum.   Calling him steroids. Then the memories skipped when we saved Bucky. Then to the train scene. I watched as i fought and slipped almost falling to my death when Bucky catches me as Steve catches him. At this point tear are streaming down my face seeing my whole life and what i have missed. I watch myself fall making the boys promise something to me but seeing as they are still with me they didn't complete those promise but i don't care anymore. 

After Wanda's magic stop my head is pounding and my crying. I dropped to my knees sobbing. I feel someone wrapping their arm around me. 

"Hey doll your okay," Bucky says into my hair as Steve walks over hugging me to. I hear multiple footsteps walk away muttering about privacy. Sometime in my crying session i feel asleep in Bucky arms.

~time skip~

I wake up to see Bucky sitting in a car in the corner of the room asleep with Steve right next to him on his phone.  

"Hey steroids," i said and Steve's eyes shoot to me.  

"Hey little witch," he says and i laughed as he walks over hugging me. I see Bucky steer in his sleep muttering thing. "Um are you hearing this?" Steve asked me letting me go. I nodded my head.

"Nix you look so pretty today. Will you be my doll?" Bucky says in his sleep well i think he said that because a dunk of sentence where said half way. Some where about me the other was about Steve.  I slapped my hand over my mouth to stop the laughing. Steve look so confused cause he still doesn't know about the whole kiss at prom thing. I walked over to Bucky not wanting him to embarrass himself. I shake him awake. 

"Bucky wake up," i said and his eye open looking up at me.

"Hey doll," he says and i smiled at him. I walked out of the room so Steve can tell Bucky what happened when he was sleeping. 

~time skip~

Tony called all of us into the living room of my house.

"Okay since the three of you are coven or whatever you said," he said pointing at me as I'm leaning on the wall with my arms crossed. "We can't have three powerful witches apart so how do you say about moving into the Avengers Tower with the rest of us?" He asked. Agatha looked at me hoping i would make the decision. 

"I don't see why not my brother lives their and so does my best friend. Agatha?" I asked and she nodded her head smiling that she can actually leave this town after Wanda gets rid of the spell. I looked over at Bucky, who is on my right,  to see him looking sad. I elbowed him lightly. "What's wrong," i whispered.

"Nothing," he said walking away. I looked after him confused. I looked at Steve and he shrugged.

"Okay everyone into the cars time to leave this small town," Tony says. 

Word Count: 1002

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