Our Strange Love

By Asiansmessedmeup

254K 12.3K 1.7K

Gulf and Mew have been married for 5 years now, but they've been together for 7. Gulf is Mew's baby and a go... More

Their Styles
Their Home
Excuse Me
A Dog
Yes or No?
A Trip?
Chocolate chip cookie
What the Hell!?
Halloween PT.2
Birthday Party Pt. 1
7 Years Ago...
Birthday Party Pt.2
Gulf's Birthday Pt. 1
5 Years Ago...
Inside Cabin
Scared Hubby
Christmas Preparation
Christmas Day
Acquired Knowledge
Last Day
Back Home
Surprise Hubby and New Friends
Asking the Hubby
Meeting Xia Yao
Meeting the Guards
Mew's Birthday
Baby Shower and Surprises
Lies and Capture
Pain and Soreness
Due Date
Thanya and Thonya
Gulf's Parents
~Our Journey Begins~
My Psycho Baby
Cutie's Bad Boy


3.3K 184 31
By Asiansmessedmeup

~Gulf's POV~

"Please babe! Just temporarily. I don't want to be here if someone is watching us!"

I'm trying to convince Mew to let us stay somewhere else until we catch the person stalking us. It's been two days since we started trying to figure who's stalking us.

"Baby, I know you don't feel safe right now but please, let me try and find this person."

I shook my head and grasped onto the sweater he's wearing.

"No! I don't want to! Please! I don't want our boys in danger! They were able to watch us...for hours and we didn't even notice! They could've even been in the house and we wouldn't know!"

He grabbed my face and laid his forehead on mine.

"This is our home...."

He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath and exhaled.

"If you want to go somewhere safe...pack a bag. Necessities only. If we can't find the person 2 months after we leave....we come back and keep trying. I'll get bags ready for the boys."

He placed a soft kiss on my forehead and held me against his chest.


He nodded his head.

"I can never deny you anything... especially since we have our baby on the way. I just want you to focus on taking care of your health and relaxing. Leave everything about that person to me."

I nodded my head and held him tightly.

"We will pick them up after school and then we tell no one where we are going. I'm going to withdraw cash and buy more things we will need for 2 months. I'll take care of where we are staying."

I nodded my head once more before stepping away and going to our closet. I grabbed two luggages and started packing Mew's clothes first. Just t-shirts, sweats, long sleeves, sweaters, shorts and nothing fancy. Sneakers should be good.

Once Mew's bag was packed and ready to go, I zipped it up and placed it by our bed. Now mine. Since my tummy will probably grow a lot in the next 2 months I should pack loose clothes, soft pants and leggings. Do I still have a few old maternity pants in here?

I should wait until my hubby is back, I don't want to try and reach the top shelves.

I just grabbed what I could and placed my luggage next to Mew's. I grabbed another bag to put any toiletries and medicines we might need and my own vitamins.

Shit. I'm going to need more.

I sighed and just grabbed anything I could see that we would need. Once I left the bathroom with a full bag, I saw Mew set down two other luggages and a box.

"The box has a few toys for Thorn and Tharn. We will be gone for a while so might as well bring some."

"Babe, before we leave I need more vitamins for the baby. I grabbed any type of medicines we might need so we don't need to worry about it if any of us gets sick."

"Okay, make a quick list of anything we need to get before we go. I don't want to leave a trace. I'll go get them before we pick up the boys. After we get them, I'll let them say bye to Type and then we are leaving from there."

"Okay....did you already find a place?"

"Yes, don't worry about where though."

I nodded my head before I felt tears fill my eyes once more.

"Hey love, why are you crying?"

I felt a few tears stream down my cheeks before replying.

"Type.... he's already scared enough and now we have to leave for 2 months.... he'll be alone without Tharn and Thorn. He won't have me to make him dresses if he wants one or-"

"Love, please don't worry. We'll explain it to him. I'm sure he'll understand. It will only be 2 months."


"Shhhh, we won't leave forever. Just a couple of months. He'll be fine. He's has his mother and father."

"I know.....is it selfish of me to want to take him?"

I care for Type like my other babies. To me it feels like I'm leaving behind one of my babies. I'm so sorry!

"You know we can't."

I held onto his shirt and let my tears flow freely. I'm sorry Type....please don't hate me for leaving you...

Mew just left to go make a withdrawal and buy the stuff from the list we composed. He was reluctant to leave me alone but I'm fine with Fraser following me around.

I think he knows that I'm carrying a baby so he's been following me around a lot lately. Mainly he tries to lay on my feet.

Not that I mind, he makes my feet warm.

Oh shit! I didn't pack Fraser anything!

I shuffled my way to the closet by the entry door and grabbed an outdoor bag. I went to Fraser's corner in the living room and filled it with his toys, leash and his bowls. I'm not going to try and lift his bag of food.

"I'm sorry my fur baby. Mommy almost forgot about your luggage."

Fraser just wagged his tail and yawned.

I should probably change into new clothes so I'm ready to go when Mew comes back.

I climbed the stairs and entered our room before opening our closet again. I closed it behind me and started looking for comfy clothes.

Some leggings and a long sleeve should be fine. I'll get cold anyway. I put them on and grabbed one of Mew's sweaters too.

It has his natural scent on it. I put it on with some Converse and left our closet once more.

I hope Mew comes back quickly. I've prepared my purse with chargers, snacks, and some other stuff we could need so we don't have to stop on our way to our destination except for maybe gas.

I hope this can end soon...I want happy memories with my boys watching their sibling grow.

I will do everything I can in the next 2 months for us to be happy.

Mew just came back. He came in with a bag and quickly helped me pack the bags into the car.

"I've withdrawn money and bought the things on the list. I even dropped by your doctor and told him to cancel your appointments until we come back. I even told him I'll take precautions on everything. I also stopped by my office and your studio to grab our work laptops. I've already got a plan for us not to be tracked with them."

"Did you buy what I asked for?"

He nodded his head and showed it to me.

"Okay, once we pick up the boys we are gone?"


I nodded my head and wrapped the sweater tighter around me. Mew wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my sides.

I leaned my head into his shoulder and grabbed the item I asked for.

We just left the house and I have Fraser on his leash. Mew just locked the door and had the car keys in his hand.

"Let's go love."

I nodded my head and lead Fraser to the backseat.

"Up." He jumped up and settled down so I could close the door and get in the front seat.

Once I sat down and pulled my seatbelt on, Mew started the car and grabbed my hand.

"We'll be back love....after I ensure you all are safe again."

I nodded my head again, not trusting my voice and kissed the back of his hand. I held the item against my belly and rubbed it.

The ride to the school was silent and tiring. Once we pulled in and parked, Mew put the windows down a bit so Fraser could breath. We got out and made our way to the entrance and waited for our boys to leave.

I'm still holding my special item so I'm holding it with one hand while the other is holding Mew's since it's wrapped around my waist.

I saw Nala and approached her.

"Nala, I have something to tell you. It's very important so please listen. Mew, the boys and I will be gone for a while. For 2 months maybe....We won't be able to talk for a while so this will be the last time we see Type and be able to talk to him...until the 2 months are over..."

She looked pale and confused but nodded her head.

"O-okay...are you sure you won't be able to talk to Type? I mean, you care for him like I do."

"I do care for Type....like he is one of my own children...I really wish I could but we can't...it's complicated but I can't...I know it'll devastate him and my boys but it's necessary...I'm sorry..."

She nodded her head but stayed silent.

It felt like the time was crawling by as we waited for the bell to ring and let them out.

Once it did, my body tensed up and waited for all 3 boys to show up.

I saw as Tharn come out holding Type's hand and my heart clenched at the sight.

I'm so sorry....

Thorn was bouncing around talking with Techno and some other kids before they all saw us.

"Mommy! Daddy!"

My boys jumped over to us and hugged our legs. Type joined in after he hugged his own mom.

"Type, can P'Gulf talk to you for a moment please..?" I asked.

He nodded his head and we all went over to our parked car. I opened the door and sat him down so I could talk to him.

"Hi, P'Gulf has a huge favor to ask you. You know how I love you very much...just like Thorn and Tharn....but we have to go away for a little while..."

His eyes widened and filled with little tears.

"We'll be back, don't worry. I have something for you though."

I gave him the little fairy cat plushy I asked Mew to buy.

"Can you take care of this for me? Until I come back? As long as you have this....I'll come right back to you okay?"

He started whining and tears started running down his cheeks.

I'm so sorry my dear.

I felt my own eyes water.

"Can you do it for me?"

He nodded his head and started sobbing against my shirt. I held him and fought against the tears that wanted to spill from my eyes again.

"T-take him..."


"T-take him w-with you....I can't let you l-leave h-him..."

Mew spoke up,"Do you understand what you are saying!? We will be gone for 2 months.....there is no communication or visits! You won't be able to see him!"

She nodded her head.

"I know....if you guys have to leave like this with no communication.....it's serious...However, as a mother...I know my son better than anything I could ever know. That includes how much he loves spending time with you all. I can't watch him spend months without you....I won't be able to take it. Please.... t-take him w-with you. I'll explain it to my husband....please."

She had tears in her eyes too but had a determined look on her face.

Tharn and Thorn have been quiet this whole time but they haven't said anything yet.

Mew looked over at me and Type still crying in my arms. Nala came over and held his face up.

"My baby, if you want to go with them...that means you won't be able to see mama and papa for a while....mama wants to know....how much you trust mama."

He brought up his hands and spread them out as far as he could.

She nodded her head and kissed his forehead.

"Go with them. Mama wants you to go play for a long time and mama will be waiting for you. You won't be able to see me and papa for a while so you need to be sure about this."

He nodded his head.

"Mama is leaving you in P'Gulf and P'Mew's care okay? Listen to them like you listen to mama and papa. Mama loves you.....very very  much."

He nodded his head and kissed her cheeks and hugged her. She held him for a while before she handed him to Mew and hurriedly walked off.

I could tell......she wants to cry..... she's a mother...leaving her only child for months with no contact.....

I would breakdown too...

I'm going to say this.


He's already sad enough from his trauma and she doesn't want him to breakdown from sadness. She knows he'll be safe in their care. In her head, leaving Type for 2 months is better than him having his best friends, Gulf and Mew leaving him for a long period of time. Type would suffer from it because he's ONLY 5 YEARS OLD. Since he is a child, he gets attached to people he trusts and like a child, he doesn't like it when people he loves are taken away from him.

Cya in the next chapter lovelies bye-bye 💜💜💜

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