The Code Of Dawn (ON HOLD)

By sxcrai

257 24 13

Esme loves drawing. Her drawings are almost beautiful if one didn't take the time to see the darkest pieces... More

What Started It All
Sign of the Devils Staircase
A Heavy Intrusion
The Cracks In A Skull
Crossing Paths

Cleansing The Dirty

20 2 5
By sxcrai

The night gets colder as the day begins to set. I realized it was time to head out. This was the end of our little story. These heartfelt drawings and the endless time stood still. For me. It let me enjoy the beauty of this freedom. What I spent forever fighting for. Everything was taken from me but this was enough. This was all I needed.

Sinth did this for me.

I love Sinth.


I hate Sinth. With every bit of bone, I have in my body. I hate him.

As he stood there at the door looking at me, I knew what was to come. 

"Little Esme," he started. "What did you not understand? I wanted you in the shower before I got back." He singsonged.

"I'm going." I stood up, mixed emotions of being afraid and being brave. "I swear I'm going I just dazed off for a bit. I'm very tire-"

He cut me off. "No."

He started towards me. My soul left my body for a good second. My heart started speeding like a race car. God. What was he going to do to me? Was he going to kill me? Was He planning on torturing me to death? Some many questions swam through my head but Sinth didn't give me enough time to process them all. 

He snatched me up. Like I was just some kind of object. This inraged me.

I fought to get away from him. I tried pushing, biting even scratching. He wouldn't let me go. Was this the end for me? Was this where everything was going to come to an end? I was scared but I was also kind of joyous. This crazy nightmare was going to end. I could go back to drawing and creating. It was over.

Sinth broke my daydream with a flick of his wrist. "Since you aren't able to wash. I will wash you." He leads me to the bathroom only to fling me inside. 

"Take off your clothes." He demands.

I don't move. I was too scared. He was going to wash me himself. He was going to have to touch me. I couldn't do this. I was stuck in my position for what felt like forever. I was just there shaking. 

SInth seemed to be unfazed and continued, "Must I do everything for you?"  Letting the door shut behind him, his hands reach for the dress I wore. He violently ripped it off leaving my bare body exposed to him. The only cloth I had covering me was my panties. 

This was embarrassing. And what really ticked me off was the mere fact that he didn't even look at me. He was too busy setting the bath in motion that he didn't even give my body a once-over. Listen my body wasn't horrible and I knew it. Freddy would always force my sister and me to work out. Doing exercises in the woods. My body was quite a sight to see actually.

"Get in," Sinth demanded once again.

As I walked towards the tub I dipped my foot in only to retract it with a squeal. 

"It's too hot," I said.

Sinth looked at me rather amused. "I forgot humans like you can't take such high temperatures."

Humans like me? What did he mean? Was he not human? 

Sighing, He drained the tub only to fill it with a much more manageable temperature. 

"Take your panties off love."

My breath hitched. I couldn't do this.

Sinth not giving me enough time to take them off, He ripped them off my body. They were literally ripped in half.  

"Sit." he pointed in the tub. 

Obeying him I reached for the tub, setting myself inside. 

He sat on the floor next to the tub. His body still taller than me even though I was in the tub. 

My body chilled in the warm water. I felt so warm and comfortable. Like this kind of made me sleepy. 

Like magic, he snapped his fingers only for a bar of soap to appear in his hand. I don't know how he did that. At this point, I really didn't care as he reached for one of my arms. He lathered it in soap massaging it in his cold fingers. God, he was so cold. He moved to my other arm massaging the soap. 

I thought he would be rougher considering I disobeyed him. But he was soft and caring. 

"Lift up one of your legs." He said.

I did so. Still mesmerized by his touch. As he lathered my left leg. The one closest to him. He started at my foot and made his way up so close to my lady part, I shivered. I knew he saw my reaction to him as he smiled a little.

Repeating the same action on my right leg, I was able to control myself this time. He saw me tense up when he got close to my lady and he thought it was amusing. He glided a finger across my clit and I let out a low breath.  

"Sinth," I warned.

"Shh," he replied.

He continued this motion a few times getting quite low moans from me. His finger rubbed and flicked so close to my entrance my body started shaking. He was teasing me. At this point, I just wanted him then and there but he took his time. The fact that I was already close was kind of embarrassing. 

He removed his hand like he got bored. He continued to wash my back. What the actual fuck? He just acted like he didn't just almost finger me. Though he had long nails I could tell being fingered by him with them would just feel better. 

"Get on your hands and knees," he demanded. 

My hands and knees in a bath?? Wouldn't I like fall or something? There wasn't a lot of water but still. I did as he said doggy style. He let out a breath before gliding his soapy hand down my back. He was hesitant but then he glided his hand to my ass. He was touching my ass. I didn't know what to do.

He slid his hand down the crack of my ass and started rubbing. I stifled a moan and he said,

"No no. Let it out. I want to hear you."

As if a weight had been lifted off my shoulder I let out a moan. As if that aroused him he continued on the same motion. Rubbing and rubbing. His hand then found its way towards my lady part and he started rubbing a little faster.

"Ahhh." I couldn't contain myself. It felt like a bunch of fireworks had just been set off.

He slid his free hand towards my neck and applied slight pressure. That just lit more fireworks as my body began to shake. As he continued rubbing my lady from the back I continued moaning. I was so close already that I was just about to reach my orgasm when the door slammed open. 

Sinth let me go swiftly and looked a little irritated. The creepy lady who I'm assuming was a maid stood at the door frame scared.

"What is it?" Sinth said.

The horrid lady's voice was shaky. "We have human intruders. They found the mansion."

Sinth rose faster than I could let out a breath. "Lead the way." He eyed the lady. She made her way out and Sinth turned to me,

"Don't move. I will be back shortly."

All I could do was nod. Still in my doggy position. Great now I was going to be stuck in this position for the only god knows how long.


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