
By DucksFan1015

24.1K 1.1K 503

Mike Shinoda moves to Agoura Hills for the last two years of high school. He meets up with a couple new frien... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author's Note

Chapter 6

770 43 17
By DucksFan1015

Chapter 6

          “Ooooo. Bennington’s giving you the eye Mike,” he said quietly. Mike followed his gaze and saw the platinum haired boy staring at him again. He shivered.

          “God I hate when he does that,” Mike said. Dave stared at him.

          “He’s done this to you before?”

          “Every time he sees me,” Mike said. Dave’s face broke into a smile.

          “You do realize that he likes you right? I’ve never seen him act like that before. He’s never stared at anyone that much. He must really like you.”

          “This is awesome Mike. You should like totally go up there when he starts his performance. I bet he’ll like take you,” Brad said with a grin.

          “You think he’ll pick me?” Mike asked with a frown, “If I went up there. I’m not.”

 He really didn’t want to go up there. He just wanted to get away from Chester and figure out his feelings. He hated how confused he was.

          “Yea. Dude, he’s staring at you.”

          “It’s creepy,” Mike said.

          “Look, Chester gives his dates to the dance like the best night of their lives. You would really enjoy it!” Dave said.

          “It’s starting!” Brad said. Mike watched as Chester made his way up to the front of the cafeteria. People immediately swarmed around him. Others stood up to watch. Dave grabbed Mike’s arm and dragged him forward.

          “We’re going to get you a date!” he said happily. Mike tried to pull away but Dave didn’t let go. And then he was standing in the front of the group. Dave stood near him.

          “What if he picks you?”

          “Nah. I’m straight. He knows it.”

          Mike swallowed as Chester wandered around in front of them. He looked good. His jeans were tight and fit him nicely. He had on a black t-shirt that defined his body perfectly. He was wearing earrings. He had tattoos on his wrist and on his elbow going up his arm. He was just… Their gaze met for an instant. He hated when Chester stared at him. He turned to Dave.

          “Is he still staring at me?”

          “No….yes….no….yes….I don’t know he keeps looking back,” Dave said with a small smile. Mike turned around and saw a smirk on the boy’s face. His jaw almost dropped. He knew that smirk. It was the same one that the brown haired boy that he’d made out with in the bathroom had. He wanted to scream. He’d made out with Chester before. They’d made out in the bathroom. That’s when he knew. He knew that Chester was the guy that he’d fallen in love with. Not only had he made out with him in the bathroom, but at the club as well. He’d fallen head over heels for Mr. Popular and now he was here trying to get a date with him. And then Chester took a step towards him. Chester gave him a small smile and then held his hand out. Dave grinned.

          “Haha. He likes you Mike,” Dave whispered. Mike didn’t know if he wanted this. Dave gave him a light push forwards. He took a few steps and then slowly reached out his hand. He let it fall into Chester’s open palm and Chester’s fingers tightened around him immediately.

          “What’s your name?” Chester asked him quietly.

          “Mike,” Mike managed. He was so close to this kid. He knew it was the same boy he’d made out with in the bathroom.

          “Mike do you want to go to Homecoming with me?”

          “Y-Yea,” Mike said and he surprised himself with his answer. Chester smiled at him.

          “Cool. Give me your address. I’ll pick you up at five so we can go out to dinner. Dress nice.”

          “Ok,” Mike said. Chester nodded and then pressed his lips to Mike’s hand. He gave him a wave before he walked away from him. Mike followed Dave back to his table as the crowd dispersed.

          “Wow you are going to have so much fun!” Dave said giving Mike a pat on the back.

          “I don’t even know if I want to have this happen.”

          “Oh you do. Chester is like amazing,” Brad said. Mike smiled slightly and glanced over to where the other boy sat. His gaze was back on Mike. The rest of the day was uneventful except when he gave Chester his address and phone number for him to pick him up the next day. Chester gave him another smile and then flipped his keys in his hand before climbing into that sleek car of his. Mike watched him go before heading home.

          “Mom….I have a date tomorrow for Homecoming!” he called. His mom smiled.

          “That’s great Mike! Is he nice?”

          “I…..I don’t know. My friends say he’s supposedly really fun but I don’t even know him. It’s that popular kid, Chester Bennington. Mom, he’s got a Camaro,” Mike said as the excitement bubbled in him. He really could not wait to ride in that car.

          “Settle down. I’m sure you’ll have a great time. We’ll need to make sure you look good. What time is he going to pick you up at tomorrow?”

          “Five. We’re going to go eat too,” Mike said with a smile.

          “Ok. You’ll look great Mike.”

          Mike smiled and headed up to his room. He felt that same happy feeling in his chest. He was going to the dance with this boy who he was now falling in love with. It was only a one night stand. He knew that. But he’d enjoy every second of it. Sure he hated Chester. He hated everything about him. But maybe he could just push that aside for right now and enjoy a night with the boy that he really had fallen head over heels for. He wondered if Chester knew him from the bathroom incident. Maybe he’d ask. He closed his eyes and smiled at the thought of what tomorrow held.

A/N: I think I'll just throw up a chapter each day until Monday. So three chapters in quick succession. 

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