The criminal:josh Richards

By sway12xhype1stories

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-I upload everyday Josh is a criminal your a cop How will it work? A criminal and a cop fall for each other... More

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By sway12xhype1stories

The interview is over you all hang out for like 30 mins
You: I have to go now
Rosa: where
You: new acting job thingy
Rosa: ooo I'm coming
You both leave and go down to the acting place and you see Freddie
Freddie: Katherine nice to see you again
You: same for you
Rosa: who's the dude
You: English guy
Freddie: not how I would prefer to be introduced
You: well it's how you got introduced
You smile and walk away with Rosa
???: so Katherine, Freddie your both playing the lead roles in this show called wild child
He gives you both a script for the first scene
Freddie: I'm not actually playing in this scene but I'll be here to watch
You nod
???: the story is based on a girl who's at her lowest because her father got a new girlfriend she's wild sometimes but she's a child that's where wild child the name originated
Freddie: she can be a bit crazy in reality
You roll your eyes
You: you haven't even met me
Freddie: attitude
You ignore him
???: she's gonna go to a English boarding school and then changes completely she try's so hard to get expelled and there's a girl called Harriet who's in love with Freddie your name is gonna be poppy
You nod
Harriet: that's me Harriet
???: and poppy will get friends try to get expelled but no matter what she does she won't get expelled then Freddie is gonna start falling in love with Poppy
He looks at you and smiles
Harriet: and I'll be doing my best to stop it from happening
???: exactly and then Harriet will cause trouble between poppy and all her friends and Freddie poppy is gonna fall Inlove with Freddie aswell
You: ok
???: then I think we've got everything covered
Freddie: fabulous
You: I'm gonna go now then
You wave at everyone
Harriet and Freddie catch up with you
Harriet: just so you know me and Freddie are dating in reality
You: ok?
You wave at her and leave with Rosa you start driving
Rosa: ok Freddie Is hot
You laugh
Rosa: but when he said nice to meet you AGAIN what did he mean
You: we bumped into each other at the mall I was with josh and some friends
Rosa: ooo tell me everything
You explain everything
Rosa: well it's normal for him to be jealous
You: yea I guess but I didn't even do anything that bad
Rosa: yea true
You drive to her house
Rosa: how are you gonna tell him
You: tell him what
Rosa: that you and Freddie are in the same movie
You freeze while walking to her home
You: uhh
Rosa chuckles
Rosa: just give hints
You: I can just tell him to come with me
Rosa: good idea
You smile and continue walking
Rosa: if he wasn't already mad at you
You push her onto the grass and she laughs while getting up
You: I didn't even do anything
Rosa: it's your fault you should have answered
She goes quiet
You: oops sorry
You both lightly laugh
Rosa: alright let's just forget about those two for now
You get a text from Josh
Baby💕: you know I'm not mad at you
You: Kk
Baby💕: it just seems like you think I'm mad at you
You: ok
Baby💕: sorry for over reacting
You: you didn't over react it's normal I have to go now so see you soon byeee
Baby💕: night

Rosa: your gonna have a hard time telling him
You: shut up
You both fall asleep

*time skip*

Rosa: morning
You: it's fucking 6:00am can I sleep
Rosa laughs
Rosa: we have to go to work
You: I don't care
Rosa: get up lazy pants
You: leave me alone
Rosa drags you out of bed and splashes water on your face
You: fine I'm awake now
You roll your eyes and do your routine then you put on

Then you wear a leather jacket ontop and you and Rosa go to work
Terry: wow not jeans for once
You fake laugh
You: so funny terry
Gina: but on the other hands it's really cute
You: thanks
You all sit down and do your work
Josh whispers: hey
You whisper: what's up
Josh whispers: nothing much I couldn't sleep last night
You whisper: why what's wrong
Josh whispers: it's easier to sleep with you
You smile
You whisper: I went with Rosa
Josh whispers: cool how did the interview go
You whisper: pretty well but for my next acting show I'm gonna um be acting with the English guy Freddie
Josh looks at you kind of upset
You whisper: I didn't choose it's what I got put with
Josh whispers: it's ok it's acting
You: yea but there might be some kissing scenes nothing major
Josh nods
Josh whispers: fully support
You whisper: Thanks baby I love you
Josh whispers: I love you more bubs
You both smile
Holt: detective Richards detective mikealson how's the mentoring going
Josh: pretty good
You: agreed
Holt: great you guys have to do something important
Josh: which is
Holt: you know Detective mikealson needs to teach you speed and co ordination how to call for backup and when you need it the basic s of chasing a criminal/arresting
Josh nods
You: yea I can do that
Holt: ok
He takes you guys to a sports hall
Holt: no one will be in or out all the rooms are locked good bye
He leaves locking the last door behind him (not see through)
Josh: I already trained for this
You: oh let's go back then
Josh: nooo let's talk this is time for ourselves
You laugh
You: what do you wanna talk about
Josh: how hard I'll fuck you
Your eyes widen
You: why what did I do wrong
Josh: I still haven't got you back for making me not be able to walk
You: oh yea
You laugh nervously
Josh: when we're out of here I'm gonna put my dick so deep into you that you feel it messing with your heart
You gasp
Josh: exactly
You: did you do that thing you said you done to make yourself bigger
Josh: no so your lucky
You: well that's a good thing
Josh: but after I do that no more s*x unless we need each other that bad
You nod
You: I'm gonna apologies to you in advance
Josh: for what
You: secret
Josh smirks

You teach him everything all over again then just on the last second of the task holt walks in
Holt: I'm guessing you've trained him
You nod
Holt: well both of you can go home now
You: thanks
Josh: bye captain
You and him go to the car
Josh: hotel
You: 100%
He drives you guys there and then you both go to the hotel room
Josh: so you ready
You: very
He takes of his clothes waiting on the bed you quickly grab hand cuffs and cuff him to the bed
Josh: what the he-
You get a vibrater and place it at his tip
Josh: your fucking joking
You: 100% for real
He groans
Josh: don't play this game with me I can get really violent
You: I'm gonna take that risk I doubt your gonna be that violent
Josh: don't underestimate me
You smirk and turn the setting really high highest
Josh moans
You start walking away
You come back a hour and 30 mins later
Josh looks so weak
Josh: baby
You see his d*ck is purple ish
Josh: I can't take it anymore
You: who's to know
You put it on the highest setting and leave

30 mins later you come back

You walk in to hear josh panting and moaning he's sweaty and weak or you thought

You look down at his d*ck and it's purple
You: oh my gosh I'm so sorry Josh
You take off the vibrator
Josh: that was painful
You: I'm so sorry baby
You uncuff him and kiss him
Josh grabs onto you tight
Josh: can you feel my sweat
You: yes and it's grossing me out
Josh: good because you deserve this like the little good girl you are your gonna take it
You look at him in fear
Josh: clothes off
You take of your clothes
Josh: your turn
He cuffs you fast to the bed
You: no no no I'm sensitive I can't last 2 hours with that in me
Josh: I guess we're gonna find out but I'm gonna watch you suffer
You: I was just messing with you I was kinda scared for what you were gonna do so I took matters into my own hands
Josh: well that won't end well for you now will it
He puts the vibrator just about inside you and turns the setting up half way causing you to moan
You: but b-baby I'm weak your n-not
Josh: fun its gonna be better to watch

A hour passes by and your just moaning and breathing heavily
He turns it up more making you moan loudly
Josh: how many times do you reckon you came?
You just breath heavy
Josh: do you think you can take two vibrators
You Heath heavy
Josh: your right that's for another time

30 mins pass

Josh turns up the vibration to the highest making your breath hitch
Josh: I love seeing you like this it gives me a random feeling of power

30 mins later

Josh: that's the full two hours I'm not sorry
He takes our the vibrator smiling
Josh: if you still have orgasm in you after this I'll be over shocked
You: and I'll be shocked if I can still walk after this
Josh: I second that

You guys did the dirty

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