Atem X Reader The Love of a P...

By DJ1024

16.1K 341 47

Y/N was an average student who was lucky enough to receive a trip to Egypt as part of a study program for her... More

Chapter 1. Past Life
Chapter 2. The Royal Treatment
Chapter 3. Visions and Connections
Chapter 4 Where it Began
Chapter Five Dreams or Memories
Chapter 6 Old Enemies
Chapter 7 A New Encounter
Chapter 8 Sacrifice of the Bride
Chapter 9 The Ceremony
Chapter 10 Too Late Atem
Chapter 11 Returning to the Past
Chapter 12 Fated to Meet
Chapter 13 Changing Our Fate
Chapter 15 The Duels Begin
Chapter 16 The Aftermath of the Kingdom
Chapter 17 On the Hunt
Chapter 18 A Date with my Husband...
Chapter 19 Awakening the gods

Chapter 14 A Blast from the Past

420 9 1
By DJ1024

Picture above is your Battle Kingdom outfit.

Your POV

Not too long after getting to Domino City, I heard some news about a Battle Kingdom tournament that was to be happening soon. Cassie, Ashton, and I all thought it would be worth checking out. We found the ship that was going to be leaving for the Kingdom, after picking off 3 of the minor contestants and stealing their star bands and access cards, we made our way on to the ship. The deck we were on was full of card players, as I looked around I saw that they were using shadow beasts! "Cassie, Ashton! Look they're using shadow beasts in this game... what's going on here?" I whispered. "Looks like they use these cards for a game. We should try to see if we can find some cards around for us to use in battle," Ashton said. "Wait a second, what do you have in your pockets?" Cassie asked, as we reached in our pockets we found a deck of dual monsters and a note, "Dear Queen (Y/E/N) and friends, you will need these in aiding the Pharaoh. I did my best to get decks compatible with your past selves. Good luck and I will see you in the future. -Shadi" "Well I guess this will help us, let's see what we're working with," Ashton said as he started exploring his cards. I noticed I managed to get Harpie Lady, Dark Magician Girl, Greek monster cards, and one card that had a big warning on it, it's called the Crystal Dragon and is only to be used in special situations. See what people from the ancient times was I wasn't a native to Egypt. My home land was across the Mediterranean Sea in the land of Greece. The "gods" of the ancient mythology were actually monsters from the Shadow Games, yet the ones of my home were worshipped as gods. Having the Greek Monsters in my deck will definitely play to my strengths as I know how to use them better than anyone of this time. 

As I was exploring my deck I failed to notice someone walking to me with his face also buried in his deck. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry," I said as I helped the guy with familiar tri colored hair. "It's quite alright, no harm done," he said as I was greeted with familiar purple eyes that yet seemed so innocent, unlike that of my pharaoh. "Pharaoh? Is that you?" I asked. "Who? I am sorry my name is Yugi! What's your name?" The boy asked. "(Y/N) are you okay?" Ashton and Cassie asked as they came around to see me with the pharaoh look alike. "Your majesty, is that you?" Cassie asked. "I am sorry I don't think you have the right guy, my name is Yugi. Are you guys ready for the battle kingdom tournament?" He asked. Before the others could answer I jumped in, "Yes we are thrilled to be in this tournament. It should be quite the experience," I said. "Ey! Yugi, who's your new friend there," a young man with blond hair said as he joined the conversation. "Oh Joey, this is (Y/N) and, uh didn't catch your names," Yugi began. "I am Ashton, feel free to call me Ash," Ashton introduced himself. "My name is Cassie, it's a pleasure to meet you both," Cassie replied. We were then greeted by two new people who seemed to know Yugi and Joey. A young man with brown hair named Tristian and young woman with brown hair named Tea. As we started talking and getting to know each other, we decided it would be best for all of us to stick together, rather than separate. 

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