Foxy X Toy Bonnie (I love you...

By DeathofRome

402 7 0

Foxy has had a hard life with Bosses and is scared of all of them. But when Toy Freddy finds him in corporate... More

Adopted for the first time in years
New animatronics
Same feeling
Problems always begin with F
My home My rules
Jealousy at it's finest
I love you to the moon and back
Battle of Ownership
Return of this book...
Ex's and O's

New feelings

53 2 0
By DeathofRome

It has been several months now since me and the girls came here and it seems that Foxy has become a ladies man. Toy Chica and mangle  are crazy about him, but me? not so much. He is just like us and I don't think there is anything that special about him. Especially since the girls keep raving about him,  Mangle has certainly become very fond of Foxy and treats him like her brother although I don't think foxy is enjoying it.

"Foxyyyyy!!" Mangle cried

"Yeah whats up?" He replied

"I'm lonely!!  Can you cuddle meeee" she whined

"Sure" he grunted

And then they sit on the stage for about 40 minutes holding on to one another. It is quite sweet, however Toy Chica treats him differently.

"Foxy! Come and taste this cake I made" T.Chica called from the kitchen

"Sure" he said rolling his eyes

"Is it good?" She asked him

"Yeah, it's delicious" he answered

Meanwhile me, we barely talk if anything we can get a small conversation in when the both of us feel like it.

"Hey" Foxy greeted

"Hi" I replied whilst tuning my guitar

"How are you?" He asked sitting down next to me

"I'm good, how are you?" I responded

"I'm good, just carrying on through the day... tending to those who need me" Foxy explained

"Haha, on your feet 24/7" I joked

"Yeah, haha" Foxy smiled "it's odd because meanwhile with you.. you don't seem to need me which isn't a problem or anything I just find it intriguing"

"Well, I am a bit of a independent women" I giggled "so I do tend to do things by myself"

"Oh yeah, I'm independent as well" he agreed "it's not everyday that two different women need you all the time"

"Yeah, I must say your doing a great job of it" I complimented

"Thanks I try" he chuckled

"FOXY!!" T.Chica and Mangle call

"COMING" he called back  "I'd better go, nice talking to you"

"Yeah cya" I waved

On a different note ever since I first met Foxy there has been this new odd feeling that has affected me... I dunno what it is or what it means but in a way it's kind of comforting.  I continue tuning my guitar while still keeping my eye on Foxy and his bundle of girls when Toy Freddy taps me on the shoulder.

"Bon?" He asked me

"Yeah" I replied

"Have you spoken to Foxy?" He questioned

"Yeah I just did" I smiled

"That's good, you know he likes you right. He might not speak to you all that much but believe he enjoys your girls company it's been hard for him... his life hasn't always been beautiful" T.Freddy explained

"What do you mean... is that how he got his scars on his face?" I questioned

"Yes..." T.Freddy whispered

"Oh...." I whispered

"Yeah, but deep down he loves you girls with all of his heart, I just wished that the others would back off so you and him could spend more time together" T.Freddy chuckled

"Really?, Toy Freddy you know that me and Foxy are fine the way we are" I insisted "and I don't really wanna push the relationship"

"Okay, but I'm just saying I do want you two to get along as you both seem like identical people personality wise" he suggested

"Yeah in a way we are but for now we do seem to be happy apart" I pointed out

Toy Freddy rolled his eyes and I couldn't blame him, I too wanted to be close with foxy I was just worried because the other two seemed to be taking up all of his time. So I didn't want to come across as a annoyance to him.

"Anyway I have work to do so enjoy your afternoon I'll see you at dinner" T. Freddy smiled

As Toy Freddy walked away I thought about what he said, maybe he was right... maybe me and Foxy were compatible. But it didn't really matter if he was happy with being alone I didn't wanna disturb that. Later that night I was out the balcony smoking a cigarette, when the front door open. Afraid that Toy Freddy would catch me I put the bud out on the patio, which wasn't the best idea, however when Foxy walked out my panic meter went down.

"Hey" he said

"Hey" I replied

"What are you doing out here by yourself?" He asked me

"Just taking in the night air" I answered

"Hm, mind if I join you?" He requested

"Sure, I don't mind" i giggled

Foxy came and joined me sitting on the couch outside. He looked down and the freshly lit cigarette bud and gave me an odd look.

"You smoke?" He asked me tilting his head

"Hm?, what no" I replied getting slightly nervous

"Are you sure because we don't get cigarette buds on our patio" Foxy stated

"Yeah I'm sure, I don't smoke... bunnies alone don't smoke" I said

"Hmph... I'm not surprised" Foxy mumbled

We sat in silence for a few more minutes before foxy pulled out a cigarette himself and lit it. I was shocked that Foxy smoked... I mean I know I lied right to his face but seeing him smoke was a very intriguing sighting. I tilted my head at him to which he gave me a smug look.

"Heh!, you do smoke I know you do" foxy chuckled "want one?"

"Sure" I accepted taking the cigarette

We both sat there in silence for a while longer before Foxy began talking about his past which was quiet surprisingly for me. Although while he was talking my heart began to pound out to chest.. as he kept talking I felt my cheeks go red. Foxy noticed but didn't say anything... these new feelings were becoming stronger and stronger with each word that came out of Foxy's mouth. What was wrong with me... was I slowly becoming in love with him?

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