Ultimately | Skephalo

By Artificial_Blueberry

58.6K 2.1K 3.1K

"Oh my god. Why do you always do this!?" Zak yelled again, in a more serious tone, it shut Darryl up. "What... More

Small note (not a chapter)
Important Note
let's chat.
Final Words


2K 78 68
By Artificial_Blueberry

Zak was standing at the airport, well not standing, more like sitting in his comfy air conditioned car, waiting for his friend to tell him to get him.

Zak was on edge, every bone in his body seemed to be one touch away from breaking, he couldn't tell if he was nervous or excited.

Thats when his phone went off.

Zak quickly grabbed his phone, making it slip out of his grasp and him waste three minutes trying to secure it in his hand.

He stared at the message, his head spinning, he quickly got out of his car and jogged into the air port.

The moment he got in he ran over to the left, near the bathroom; it was where his friend said he was.

The airport was pretty on the inside, he had never been in an airport before, making him even more lost.

Zak stopped walking and admired the place for a moment, the walls were a white marble like mix, almost looking like polished quartz.

There was large windows right when you walked in, then, of course, there was the run way in the back, the sections separated into the flights.

Zak shook his head, he didn't want to make his friend wait any longer then he already was.

Once Zak got to the area of the bathroom his stomach did a whole flip, doing a dance and spinning around - metaphorically speaking.

"Zak!" He heard his name being called, he knew who it was, the voice sounded way more clear rather then through a screen.

He stared at the older male, his lips curled up in a smile. He felt warm arms being wrapped around his figure, it felt safe, comforting even.

Zak felt slight heat coming to his face, he wrapped his arms around the older, digging his head in the others shoulder.

His hair was pretty messed up, he didn't fix it in the car but he didn't care one bit, all he cared about was the fact he was hugging the one person he always wanted to hug.

Zak felt Darryls grip loosen, but didn't let go himself, if he did, maybe it would be a dream and he would wake up.

"Zak-" Darryl laughed a bit, putting his hands back on Zak's sides. This time he put a little bit of force, trying to push away the smaller.

"mh, no." Zak mumbled through Darryls shoulder, tightening his grip slightly.

"Zak—we have to get back to your apartment," He heard the taller male sigh, then give in, hugging the smaller again.

Zak smiled to himself, although there wasn't a conversation going on with him and his friend, the silence and the noise if other people was calming.

At one point, Zak decided he was done and let go of Darryl, stepping away slightly, looking up at the friend.

"Lets go to the car?" Zak mumbled out, his cheeks were a bit red, but he knew it wasn't that visible.

He earned a hum in response, smiling to himself he grabbed his friends hand, Darryls other hand holding a suitcase.


Once they got back to the car, Zak took his friends suitcase and placed it in the back.

"Thank you!" Darryl cheerfully let out, opening the passenger side door, getting in the car.

Zak nodded, although he was sure his friend couldn't even see him.

Zak headed over to the driver seat, opening the door only to see his friend looking at him, Zak smiled and got in his car.

The ride back to Zak's apartment went pretty smooth, there wasn't a lot of noise, but they did make a bit of small talk.

Once they reached his apartment complex he got out of the car, walking over to the back so he could open it.

He grabbed his friends suitcase, then looked over at Darryl, who was fiddling with the hem of his sweatshirt.

Zak smiled at the sight, then walked over to his friend and tugged lightly on his sweatshirt, signaling him to follow.


They were both now at Zak's apartment, Zak had already showed Darryl around. They were currently in one of the rooms, his room, to be exact. Darryl has already set down his suitcase and was sitting on the bed.

"You can have the bed. Ill sleep on the couch," Zak stated, looking at his friend. Zak only then realized how pretty Darryl was.

Zak studied his friend, from how his chocolate hair was to the side of his face and how his glasses lay perfectly on his nose.

The older males clothes, a black and red overhead sweatshirt, a pair of dark blue jeans, white shoes, which he didn't know the company of.

Zak was lost in thought, cheeks a slight red as she stared in awe at his friend. Though his cheeks were red, they weren't so red it was obvious.

"-ak? Zak!? Zak!" Zak was shook out of his thoughts as he realized his friend was calling his name.

"Huh? What?" Zak shook his head, vision slightly blurred.

"You spaced out on me," Darryl laughed, thats when Zak realized how different his friend was then online.

Online, his friend was semi-quiet and whined alot, but the real Darryl was sweet, still quiet, but didn't whine when he was upset, he didn't even seem upset.

Zak found this kind of relieving, but in the long shot, it didn't matter. What mattered was that his friend was here with him.

"Anyways, what I was saying was you dont have to sleep on the couch, i can." Darryl beamed, Zak shook his head.

"No, no. Your the guest and you're staying here for what—like a month? I don't want you to be uncomfortable." Zak replied, he smiled and tilted his head a bit.

"Awe, thats so sweet," Darryl replied, making Zak's cheeks dim in red even more. Zak let out a chuckle, covering his mouth with a sweater paw hand.

1008 words. (short unedited chapter- sorry)

Have a great day, night, or afternoon! Ily all!

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