A Billion Reasons (Wish 8)

By pseudoannie

120K 12K 5.4K

(Complete) Monty Whitby grew up knowing exactly what was expected of him. As the sole heir of Whitby Enterpri... More

A Billion Reasons
About the cover
The Wish Family Tree
1 - The Woods
2 - Gap year
3 - Kryptonite
4 - Dead Man Walking
5 - Ancient history
6 - Immunity
7 - Weeds
8 - The Joker
9 - Triste
10 - Hell hole
11 - Click
12 - Wishes
13 - Sizzle
14 - Mistletoe
15 - The Envelope
16 - New Year's
17 - Amoeba
18 - Trust
19 - RIP
20 - Perfect
21 - France
22 - Another wish
23 - Naughty child
24 - Bachelorettes
25 - Worry
26 - Like old times
27 - Nightmare
28 - Birthday
29 - Back roads
30 - Pretty Woman
31 - Man up
32 - Roulette
33 - Vegas
34 - A Spell
35 - Lucky
36 - Dowry
37 - Normal
38 - Gossip
39 - A Rumor
40 - Paradise
42 - Wife
43 - El esposo
44 - Surprise
45 - Magical
46 - One year later
47 - The Fountain
A Billion Reasons
Bonus Chapter 1: Christmas at The Hayes
Bonus Chapter 2: Christmas at The Hayes

41 - Wishes

2.3K 279 123
By pseudoannie

"I know she's the one you want."

Monty didn't know what she heard to think he still wanted Sloane. Of all the phone calls, he picked up hers. Maybe because she had been his best friend, and she knew the dynamic of his relationship with his father, although she never truly understood it. No one could.

Immediately Sloane had said, "Is it true?" He thought of playing dumb. "Did you get drunk and marry a showgirl?"

"No! I went to Vegas because she was there. She's my friend. My best friend."

"Are you in love with her?" He didn't know how to answer. "Hello. Are you there? It wasn't a trick question."

"I loved you for so long." He took a calming breath and let it out slowly. "I know it wasn't healthy. I've had enough counseling to know I clung to something that wasn't there. Jesus, you broke me and my father finished the job." Why was he telling her this after all this time?

"I did what my eighteen-year-old self thought was best. I could have done a lot of things differently. You chose to drink for years."

"I did. It's on me." He came close to telling her the truth about the pills, but there was no point.

"You didn't answer. Do you love her?"

"How do I know? I haven't had real love since I was seventeen and we were kids."

"Does she love you?"

"Why would she? I'm a fuckup."

"Love is something you feel all over. Not just down there." Check. "It's wanting to share every thought with her and missing her when you're apart." Double check. "It's looking into the future and only seeing her."

He kept envisioning her as a mother. He wanted to be a family with Sofia.

"It's that easy?"

Sloane said, "If you mean it. Does she know who you really are?" If only Sloane knew how loaded that question was. She continued, "Trust her. Tell her your darkest secret. If she stays, then she loves you. That's how it worked for me." He didn't think Sloane had a dark past, did the slugger? "I want to meet her."

"I have to go."

He stepped out onto the deck. 'Tell her your darkest secret.' The deck was empty. He looked down at the water. He turned and looked for her in the house. She had cleared their dinner dishes, but wasn't in the kitchen.

He checked every room and his heart sped up as he ran to the pool. Empty. Phew! She must be on the beach.

"Sofia, I'm off the phone." No movement. He stepped down onto the beach. The surf was the only sound. She wouldn't swim. Not in her clothes. He started walking. "Sofia..." He called her name over and over, feeling more panicked each time. Where was she?

For years he had been convinced the higher power hated him until Sofia. After she came into his life, he began to recognize his blessings, Gray, Trista, the ability to travel. In the battle of good versus evil, his life was stacking up some good.

He needed help. "Oh God, where is she? SOFIA!" A loud sob escaped, and he breathed. His first bungee jump felt less scary than the moments he had just searched for her. Losing Sofia scared him more than the most daring plunge. If only he knew why she was crying.

"I know she's the one you want."

"I don't want her. I don't know if I ever loved her."

"But you told me. You told her?"

"I told her I clung to something that wasn't there. You have always felt love for your family, but I never have. The time we dated was the most love I ever had. Losing her love nearly killed me."

'Trust her. Tell her your darkest secret.'

"You told me you ran away."

"Not right away. They sent me to a place to heal."

"From drinking?"

He shook his head. "No, Alice saved me. I took sleeping pills. Too many. I didn't see a way out of the pain. See, I'm damaged and scarred. I know why you would never want your family to know about me. I understand why."

She asked, "Why what?"

"Why you want to leave me."

"Because I can never be good enough. I won't be her."

He pulled her closer. He felt her heart beating against him.

"I don't want her. I want you. Can't you see all the ways my life has changed because of you? You deserve better than me. Your family wants better for you than me."

"I know, but I was lonely too. Lost without a future. You saved me."

He smiled. "The gentle giant saved you."

"I was afraid of him when I first saw him, but I trusted you. From the very first time we spoke, I saw something special in you. It hurts when no one else sees it. That's part of why I have been upset."

He nuzzled her neck and spoke against her smooth skin. "I'm not following."

"Your people will never accept me and my family will never accept you. It's not a fairytale with magic to make sure we live happily ever after."

"You are my person. My people are Gray and Oliver and Bea, and anyone who welcomes you. We had magic when we wished. Bea told me to wish for something I never thought I would find or deserve."


"True love."

Sofia gasped. "She made me wish the same thing."

Monty laughed. He felt like a fifty-pound weight had been lifted off his chest. "We both wished for love together and one of us hit a fish."

"You did." Her voice was loud in the quiet as she accused him.

"Growing up, we thought it was lucky. I needed the luck to heal my injured heart. Don't you see what this means?"

"More heartbreak."

"Not heartbreak. I never want to hurt you. It means we belong together. I want to live with you and look to the future together. I want to love you and wish I was worthy of your love."

"Love. Do you love me?"

"I do, but I need help. I don't know how."

"I don't understand what you're saying."

He kissed her neck. "I want this... us to be real. I want to convince your family that I am the one for you. I want you by my side at every party. I want you to love me."

Her voice was soft, like a breath. "Don't you know?"


"I already love you. I have for longer than I should. Even Gray knows."

"You did... you do. Really?"

Sofia sighed. "Yes, but no one will..."

He cut her off with a kiss. He poured his heart into the meeting of their mouths. He wanted to meld into her. "They will. We'll make them. We have to."

He stood and pulled her up. She didn't resist. He had his arm around her as they started down the beach. Her words came back to him.

"Gray knew?"

"He figured it out."

"No wonder he didn't kill me for marrying you. He knew I cared for you. He threatened me if I hurt you."

"He warned me the first morning, New Year's."

"He's probably sitting home debating how long it will take us to figure it out."

They reached the house, and he stopped in the sand. "Promise me, you'll never run away again. We need to face every fear together. I spent years running."

"You traveled."

"It was more than just traveling. I ran from my past for years. I travel with purpose now. I ran to you in Vegas, and today, I was running from everyone to protect you. I want to tell everyone you're my wife, but only if you want."

She started up the steps to the deck. The night air was warm. Panicking and searching for her left him sweaty. He took his shirt off.

"Rosa left a message to tell me you were married. It was her way of telling me I was crazy to think you were my friend."

He dropped his pants. Sofia watched him, but didn't comment.

"Tell her you've known for months. I'm going for a swim. Join me."

He sunk into the tepid water. He floated and felt free and happy. When the water rippled, he stared. She was a beautiful sight.

His voice felt thick in his throat. "Can I clarify something?" She nodded as she walked towards him. "Did you say you love me?"

She nodded as she pressed her body against his. "I love you, triste Monty."

"I love you, Sofia Whitby, but I prefer alegre Monty."

She laughed. "You have been cheerful since Vegas."

"Because of you."

His lips met hers. He wanted to prove his love for her all night.

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