Something in the Wind (Jack S...

By KennaMenna1

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Optimism and kindness can only last a person so long, and when tragedy strikes, it can be difficult to contin... More

Prologue: Happy Beginnings
Chapter 1: The Reality of Things
Chapter 2: Some Grave News
Chapter 3: News of Tragedy
Chapter 4: A Means to An End
Chapter 5: A Funeral and A Feud
Chapter 6: In A New Town
Chapter 7: A Halloween Town Hello
Chapter 9: Trick or Treater Trouble
Chapter 10: Meeting the Doctor

Chapter 8: Gargoyles and Guest Rooms

315 10 0
By KennaMenna1

As a jack-o-lantern shaped moon began to rise on the horizon of the eerie community, Jack and Zero enthusiastically showed (Y/n) every important building and structure in Halloween Town, motioning eagerly  with every word spoken.

"And this is Gargouille Fountain! My most cherished spot in town, besides my home, of course." Jack proclaimed as he proudly placed his hands upon his hip bones. 

(Y/n) clapped softly for the man as Zero jumped past Jack and into the fountain with a bark. Walking to the stone circle and leaning over the side, (Y/n) giggled as she watched Zero's head bob along the surface of the water.

"It's a very nice fountain, Jack. Everything I've seen so far is actually quite pretty in a more bizarre way than I'm used to." (Y/n) noted as she brushed a stray piece of hair out of her face.

"Bizarre is exactly how we like it here! And that's not even everything. Zero and I have so much more to show you.

"I look forward to that, but for now, I imagine I should find somewhere to sleep. It's getting a little late."

"What do you mean? You're staying in my house with us, aren't you? "

"I appreciate the offer, Jack, but I wouldn't wanna be any more of a burden than I already have been today..." (Y/n) nodded as she took a step away from the fountain to face the Pumpkin King

"Well, we can't have that! You're our guest and should be treated as such. I insist that you stay in the guest room at Skellington Manor. Zero and I would be so glad to have your company."  Jack presented as he outstretched his arms.

"You'd really let me stay in your house? Even after I treated the both of you so horribly today?"

"Of course I would, I let the past stay in the past. Plus, what kind of king would I be if I didn't help a friend in need?"

Zero barked in agreement as he floated out of the water and circled around (Y/n)'s ankles with a pleading yip. (Y/n)

"Well, if you insist. I'd love to stay at your house. Thank you, Jack."

"You're very welcome, Miss (Y/n). Now then, shall we make our way back to my home?" Jack asked as he signaled down the cobblestone street.

"I believe we should!" (Y/n) answered with a small curtsy before the trio began to walk towards the towering mansion in the distance.

As the moon rose higher and higher up into the inky black sky, Jack jocosely regaled (Y/n) with stories of past Halloweens and plans for the upcoming 3 Hallows Eves. (Y/n) listened in curious silence as Zero flew up and wrapped himself around her shoulders.

As the triumvirate neared the gate of Skellington Manor, Jack stepped ahead of Zero and (Y/n) to push the wrought iron barrier open as he finished telling another story.

"Of course, I didn't mean for that exploding pumpkin to break Behemoth's window. I felt so bad that I even payed to fix the damage afterwards. Still, it was such a fun pumpkin carving party."

"Sounds like it was an exciting day for everyone. Except for your friend."

"Yes, It was a wonderful time, just like tonight has been. Aside from chasing you to the graveyard, that is." Jack chuckled apprehensively as they began to step up the steep staircase to the house

"Again, I'm very sorry about that. I could have handled that much better." (Y/n) admitted as she looked down at her feet, regretting her earlier actions.

"It's quite alright, Miss (Y/n). I also apologize for scaring you so badly."

"I forgive you, Jack. Mistakes happen."

(Y/n) jumped slightly as Zero growled up at her. Laughing and squatting down to pat his nose, (Y/n) smiled down at the ghost dog.

"I forgive you too, Zero, don't worry. Let's get inside before we all freeze!" 

A breeze blew past as the Jack pushed the entryway open, allowing each person to walk though before he shut it behind them.

"Well, as much as I would like to stay up and listen to more stories, I think I should get to sleep. I wouldn't want to be tired for the rest of the tour tomorrow. Thank you again for letting me stay here, Mr. Pumpkin King. " (Y/n) thanked as Jack sat down on a chair in the living room.

"You're very welcome, Miss. The guest room is up the stairs and to the right. Feel free to ask Zero if you need anything at all." Jack replied, motioning to the alabaster dog.

Zero steadily circuited around (Y/n)'s ankles once more before hovering over to rest at the skeletal man's feet, his tongue lolling out in a sort of agreement. (Y/n) waved at the spectral pup before bowing her head to the pair before her.

"I'll keep that in mind. Sleep well, you two." 

"Sweet screams, Miss (Y/n). Tomorrow is a brand new day, after all."

With a kind wave of his own, Jack plainly smiled as (Y/n) began to make her way up the jagged steps of Skellington Manor.

Quickly finding her way to the guest room, (Y/n) shut the door behind her and rested against the wood as she took in the features of the area.

Seeing a soft, black bed in one corner and a dark grey wardrobe in the other, the girl decided she would just rather sleep in her clothes than search for something to change into. Quickly hopping onto the plush mattress, (Y/n) repeated Jack's words to herself as she began to get comfortable.

"Tomorrow's a new day..."

Sighing in relief, (Y/n) pulled the black blanket over her body before closing her eyes and slowly falling asleep, preparing her mind for the next days pursuits.

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