I Found A Robot Hiding In My...

Bởi TransformersChick

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After Abigail saw her mother get killed in front of her by her abusive and drug addict father who also abused... Xem Thêm

The Day You Left was The Day I Changed
Hanging Out with Crosshairs and Friends
We Battle For Good! Not Evil! Unlike Him!
The Battle Between Good and Evil!
Gaining New Friends and Old
The Final Fight Between Autobots and Neutral
Relaxing with the Autobots
Hanging out with Sideswipe and Sunstreaker
The Day We Played Together
Getting sick
Girls day! with Chromia, Arcee, and Delilah
Singing a Disney song with someone part 1
First day of school
Bullies part one
Enyo's Fun Day
Secrets kept. A New Journey and Enemies
Truth part one
How Prowl and Harley met (Bonus chapter)
Rescue Mission part one
Family Reunion
How Ariella and Joltstrike met eons ago (Bonus chapter)
Abby's trip to South Korea
Welcome back. Night Scares
Kim Family Temple
Halloween Party (Halloween special)
Thanksgiving day
Christmas in Korea
Hi guys.
Teenage girl?! (Bonus chapter)
Abby's recovery and beach trip
Abby and Friends in High School

New Year's Celebration

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Bởi TransformersChick

(Thank you Autobot2001 for the idea!)

Third person pov

Abby was fast asleep as her family members started getting ready for their New Year's party that they were planning that night. She was still a little upset from the accusation that was directed to her family being Transformers.

Yemon watched Abby sleep, keeping an eye on her. None of the bots really trusted the family except for Griffin's father and Baram.

Harley had her arm around her child as she watched the little girl sleep. She hated her second aunt with a deep passion. But after that accusation, it made her hate the old woman even more.

Yemon decided to read a book as he waited. It was nice to have a break from working.

Harley covered their little girl with the blanket. She kissed Abby's head as the child yawned a little.

Yemon smiled as he watched the two. "I'm happy to have you two here. I've missed you for so long." He kissed Harley.

The woman smiled in the kiss. "Not as much as I missed you. Why didn't you take our daughter away from that place?"

"I didn't know where you guys were after awhile. It seemed so... quiet. I even searched the place." Yemon answered.

Harley nodded her head and noticed Abby was mumbling something in her sleep before she woke up and tiredly opened her eyes.

Yemon smiled at Abby, tilted his head and asked, "How was your recharge?"

"Why is it so noisy?" Abby asked as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. Her hair looked messy and unkempt. Her eyes were dimmed.

"Everyone's preparing downstairs." Yemon answered as he hugged his little girl.

"Preparing..." a yawn cut her off, "what?" Abby looked up at both of her parents.

Yemon explained why it was noisy downstairs and tried to explain it o the child properly.

Abby yawned and rubbed her right eye again as she listened to her father explain something.

Yemon soon finished explaining and smiled.

Harley noticed Abby was looking at her Christmas presents and chuckled. She knew Abby had no idea how to drive her own mini car and wondered how she would teach her.

Yemon got up to open the door after someone knocked on it and found Enyo standing there with Griffin, who waved at the three. Griffin explained why they were at the door. "We came to see how Abby is."

"She just woke up so she's still tired. She hasn't gotten that much sleep since, you know, the incident happened." Harley was still furious at her second aunt.

Enyo hummed in understanding. Griffin was also mad about that accusation. "Sometimes I wonder how we lasted with them," he mumbled and shook his head.

Harley understood why he said those words, but still. "Now Griffin, I understand that you are mad, but they are our family. We can not avoid them forever, you know that."

Griffin nodded his head slowly. Enyo patted his back and waved bye to them as she was going back to her bedroom.

Harley picked up Abby and grabbed a blanket to cover the little girl like a small innocent burrito and walked out of the room.

Yemon followed Harley out of the room and gave her a side hug.

Harley smiled and wrapped her left arm around him as she held Abby with her right arm. She had to be careful since Abby could slip at any time.

(Forgot to show you guys what the living room looked like. Imagine this bigger and with two or three more couches.)

They made it to the huge living room and noticed Jadeon was playing Connect 4 with Baram.

Harley smiled as she watched her twin play against Jadeon. Abby stirred and tiredly opened her eyes. She looked around and noticed they were in the living room.

Some people were talking or playing a game on the couches.

Abby noticed her toy car wasn't with them and looked around for it. She wanted to see if she could drive around the hallways and have fun while doing it.

"What are you looking for, Abby?" Yemon asked his little girl.

"My police cruiser. Where is it?" She asked and her mother chuckled and handed the tiny girl to her father.

Yemon took Abby and went towards the bedroom where the police cruiser was placed.

Abby was smiling as she was excited about driving her own electric car that was an exact replica of her father's.

Yemon smiled once he found the police cruiser and placed Abby down. "Have fun with it."

Abby giggles as she climbed inside the electric cruiser and turned it on. She giggled as she 'drove' her cruiser out of the room.

Yemon followed her, chucking quietly. Griffin laughed at seeing her and gave her a thumbs up.

Abby was smiling as she drove out of the living room and went to where the elevators are located, right next to the stairs.

Yemon followed her as he chuckled softly at that.

Abby was excited about driving around the whole palace. "I'm going to show my boyfriends my car!"

Yemon froze at that and just stared at his beloved youngest daughter.

Abby laughed as she drove onto the elevator and pressed a button that she could reach.

Yemon went to the living room and ran to where Harley was.

With Harley

She was chatting with her twin and brother-in-law about some things that involved some new politics and laws here and there.

Yemon calmly went over and sat next to his sparkmate before hugging her.

Harley looked at him from the corner of her eye and noticed something was up with him. She could tell his muscles were tense.

Yemon did not want the others to hear what he has to say, so he took Harley away from the living room quickly.

Harley wondered why he was taking her away from her conversation and thought something was wrong.

"Abby... just said 'I'm going to show my boyfriends my car.'" He repeated his daughter's words.

Harley's eyes widened in shock as she tried processing what she just heard. "Did she said their names at all?"

"No," the male sighed.

"Which floor was she going to?" Harley needed to know Abby was okay and not going to a random floor that she doesn't know about.

"I wasn't able to see. I don't have super sight." Yemon answered.

Abby's pov

I was driving out of the elevator and down the hall, having fun and laughing at the same time. I actually liked driving and felt like I was my own driver.

Sullen had just walked around the corner and noticed me in my electric car. He asked, "Having fun?"

I nodded my head and giggled before saying, "I'm going to show my boyfriends my car!" I then drove away from Sullen.

Sullen just watched and shook his head at the kid's words. "Kids these days." He mumbled.

I was driving away from the elevator and going to where the twins' room was located.

Third person pov

Sideswipe was listening to music while Sunstreaker was drawing.

Abby got out of her car and knocked on the door of their room. She wanted to show them her driving in her electric car.

Sideswipe opened the door and smiled at Abby. "Hey, Cutie. How you feeling?" He asked.

Abby lightly kicked the floor. "Fine. I guess." She pointed to her car and smiled a little with a slight blush on her face.

"Oooooh. You went for a drive?" The male asked as he looked over.

The little girl nods as she looks at the ground and rubs her right arm and rocks back and forth on the balls of her feet.

Joey chuckled and picked her up. "Let's go. Justin is busy drawing." He laughed.

"My boyfriend!" Abby hugged Joey and hid her blushing face in his shoulder and squeezed her eyes shut.

Joey blushed a bit. He wasn't expecting that.

Abby slowly opened her eyes and looked over Joey's shoulder to see Justin.

Justin was still drawing and seemed concentrated on it.

Abby made grabby motions with her hands as she looked at Justin. She didn't want to leave him behind.

Justin chuckled as he put his sketchbook down and walked over to his twin and squishy.

Abby reached her arms out for him and then looked at her electric car that she wanted to drive again.

Justin went and picked her up from his brother's arms before going out of the room.

"My boyfriend!" Abby laid her head on Justin's chest and snuggled him.

Joey and Justin looked at each other in confusion.

Abby wasn't wanting to be near the living room if the mean lady was going to be there as well. She still felt a bit upset at what she said about her family.

Justin rubbed her back before going downstairs to meet with Yemon and Harley with Joey right behind him.

Abby looked over Justin's shoulder to see her car being left behind and reached for it. She didn't want to leave it behind.

Joey went back and grabbed it before he followed his twin downstairs.

Abby laid her head on Justin's shoulder and yawned a little bit. She didn't feel tired, but she felt tired at the same time. She wasn't ready to go back home. She didn't want to leave Korea anymore.

Justin walked over to Yemon and Harley and waved to the two.

Harley noticed Abby was with them and sighed to herself. She had no idea Abby was with the twins until they walked up.

Justin nodded to Harley as Joey placed the electric car on the floor near the two groups.

Abby looked at her car and motioned to it so she can continue driving it again.

Justin placed her down as he allowed her to go ahead and drive.

Abby got inside her car and started driving away again. She went down the hallway and then turned a corner to go back to the elevator.

Justin shrugged as he was unsure of where she was going at this point.

Harley shook her head with a chuckle and noticed Yemon was grumbling about his daughter having boyfriends.

Joey went after Abby while Justin stayed back to talk with Yemon and Harley.

Abby's pov

I drove out of the elevator when the doors opened and I went down a random hallway and around the corner.

Joey followed close behind me, since he wanted to keep an eye on me.

I drove while kind of driving crazy. I kept turning the wheel both sides like I was zigzagging in a way.

Joey laughed and shook his head as he followed.

I giggled before I stopped the car. Now I want a drink. I think my grandma has some soda in the fridge. I can ask her if I can have one. I thought to myself and backed the car up before I stepped on the acceleration and zoomed back to the elevator.

I could hear someone running behind me and turned my head to see Joey running. I guess he hadn't expected that reaction from me.

I laughed as I zoomed inside the elevator and hit the first floor button. The doors slid closed and I started laughing a little.

Some music was playing in the elevator. It sounded calming and nice.

Third person pov

Abby listened to the music and smiled to herself as she listened to it. She wondered if anyone else listens to music like this when they are stressed.

Joey was running to where the elevator was as soon as he was downstairs, passing Harley and the others in a hurry.

Abby was brought out of her thoughts when she heard the elevator stop and the doors opened. She noticed she was not on the first floor where her other family members are.

Joey was confused about why Abby wasn't there.

Abby started feeling scared and looked at the button she pressed and realized she pressed the wrong one.

Joey went to find her with Justin and Sullen following him.

Abby drove out of the elevator and looked round the dark place. Her eyes flicked back and forth as she drove down an aisle.

Sullen went one way while the twins went the other way.

Abby realized that she was in the dungeons and wondered how she had not noticed her aunt and uncle had this. She decided to look around to see what she can find.

Cells were all around her, old and a bit rusty.

Abby started looking around as she drove by them one by one.

There was a glint of something shiny in one of the cells.

The six year old stopped her car and turned her head to see what that glint was and which cell it was coming from.

It was coming from one of the cells not too far from her.

Abby drove over to the cell and turned it off before she got out and cautiously walked over to the object while looking around to see if anything or anyone would poppet of nowhere.

It glinted again in a pile of dirt, hidden but could be seen little by little.

Abby's pov

I looked at the glinting object and carefully brushed away the dirt that was piled on it and picked it up.

It was a bracelet of a dragon, gold in color and looked really beautiful.

I gasped as I admired the beautiful bracelet in my hand and looked around to see if I could find anything else in the cell I was in.

There were some old things in the dirt, but none were like the bracelet.

I smiled as I ran to my electric car and turned it on before driving away from the cell and back to the elevator.

The elevator opened; revealing Sullen, with crossed arms as he stared me down.

I gulped, turned off my car and then ran away, screaming as I did so. I forgot the bracelet but I can always go back for it when I tire Sullen out.

Sullen chased after me, changing forms so he was in his wolf form as he did so, and ran after me quickly.

I took sharp turns and half slipped/half ran while I turned right sharply as I kept running from him.

Sullen followed close behind me, barking at me as he did so.

I found a room up ahead that was far from where I was and picked up speed.

Sullen did the same, he was close to snatching me.

I looked back and started feeling tired from running around but kept going. I didn't want to stop just yet when I wanted to continue exploring.

Sullen chased after me still, since he had to bring me back.

I took another sharp turn and then disappeared from sight.

I stayed hidden as I waited for him to leave so I can get to my car and then explore some more.

The patting of paws hitting the dirty ground could be heard as they passed.

Third person pov

Abby looked around in the shadows as she narrowed her eyes before closing them to not give away her hiding place.

It was quiet after a whole minute, not a single sound of anything else.

Abby cautiously crept out of the shadows and looked around. Her eyes flicked back and forth before she silently tiptoes away from her hiding spot and then goes back to her electric car.

It was still in the same spot, not been touched since the six year old left it when she ran away from Sullen.

Mentioned girl looked around before she got inside her car and started it up and then drove into the elevator before she reached for a button to press.

Sullen got into the elevator before the doors could close, pressing the button for her, while soaked to his fur because he had fallen into water.

Abby coughed and waved her hand around. The smell of the soaked fur smelled really bad and Abby suddenly felt the need to throw up.

Sullen got out of the elevator once it reached their floor, going back up to his room to take a nice hot shower.

Abby bolted to her and her parents' room, which confused Harley and Baram, where she ran to the bathroom and started throwing up.

Yemon entered, touching Abby's back and asked, "Are you okay, sparkling?"

Abby wiped her mouth and flushed the toilet. She looked at her father and nodded her head.

Yemon smiled and patted her head.

"That was a really bad smell. Yuck." Abby turned to look at the bathtub and realized it was taller than her.

"Need to take a bath?" Yemon asked.

Abby nodded her head as she thought back to her car.

Yemon started the bath and made sure the water was warm.

Abby yawned as she rubbed her eyes tiredly. She felt exhausted after running around from Sullen.

Yemon stopped the water once it was halfway full.

The six year old girl yawned again and rubbed her eyes as she looked really tired to do anything else.

Yemon chuckled. "Or take a nap."

Abby laid on the ground and instantly fell asleep. She was way too exhausted to take her socks and shoes off.

Yemon took the shoes off slowly, not wanting to wake her.

Abby mumbled something but didn't wake up from her sleep.

Yemon chuckled and went to put her in bed.

Abby snuggled into the warmth of the blankets as she burrowed under the covers.

Yemon smiled, kissing her forehead, and then going out of the room.

With the others

They were all crowding around Abby's electric car and were looking at something in it.

Yemon wondered what everyone was looking at and went over to see.

Harley looked up when she noticed movement and looked over to see Yemon walking over.

"What's going on?" Yemon asked as he walked over.

"Something was found in Abby's car after she left it in the elevator. Is she okay?" The woman asked.

"She's just tired. She's fast asleep right now." Yemon explained.

The black haired female shook her head and huffed out a laugh.

Yemon smiled and hugged her from the side.

Harley smiled and looked over at her twin and parents before she noticed all three were shocked.

Yemon went closer to see what it was since he didn't get to see it.

Harley noticed it was a golden dragon bracelet and wondered why her parents and sister were shocked.

Yemon slowly picked it up and examined it, as he wondered what it was.

Harley asked her parents and twin why they were shocked after seeing the bracelet.

"That bracelet was important. It belonged to one of our ancestors. We thought we lost it." Baram explained, still shocked at seeing it.

Harley's eyes widened as she looked at the bracelet. She now remembered seeing it long before she had to leave Korea. It was still here the whole time?

Yemon handed the bracelet to Baram, not sure what to make of all this.

Harley looked at the bracelet and then back to Abby's electric car. Had Abby found it while she was driving around? The woman thought.

Yemon smiled slightly as he hugged Harley.

Harley smiled as she hugged him back. She felt better knowing that she was with her family again.

"Let's go see how Abby is doing." Yemon whispered.

Harley nodded her head and started heading towards their bedroom.

Yemon followed behind her and wondered if Abby was still asleep.

Inside the bedroom

Abby had a towel on her head and she was dressed in a cute outfit that she picked out as soon as she had finished her bath.

Yemon smiled as he waved to Abby, happy to see she was awake and had taken a bath.

Abby waved back to her father as she stretched and yawned. Harley chuckled at her daughter.

"Why had you thrown up before, Abby?" Yemon asked her. He wanted to know what she threw up.

"Sullen smelled really bad. It was like he smelled of poisoned water or something." Abby shuddered as she thought about the elevator ride.

"Ah. I think Ariella might be having the worst of it." Yemon laughed a bit at that comment of his.

Abby giggled while her mother came out of the bathroom with a hair dryer and plugged it into the wall outlet.

Yemon moved away and went to look for his phone.

Harley was drying Abby's hair bit by bit. Abby rubbed her eyes since she was still a little tired.

The male finally found his phone and wondered how the frag he misplaced it.

His wife giggled silently as she finished drying their daughter's hair and started braiding it to make it look cute.

Yemon smiled as he watched them.

Abby perked up when she heard someone knocking on the door and silent whispers.

Justin was standing behind Joey, still questioning why they were whispering and not doing what a normal person would do.

Abby looked at the door as her mother grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Abby.

Yemon opened the door, which caused Joey to lose his balance and faceplant on the floor since he leaned on the door.

Harley busted out laughing at him while Abby ran over, dragging the blanket that was wrapped around her, as she checked to make sure he was okay. She poked Joey's cheek to see if he was awake.

Justin snorted under his hand and sent laughter through the bond. Joey gave Abby a thumbs up, as if he was telling her that he was okay.

Abby looked skeptical at first but nodded her head. She waved at Justin with a small smile on her face.

Justin waved back. Joey got back up on his feet and scratched the back of his head.

Harley was trying to calm herself down from her laughing fit as she stood up and waved her hands at her face.

Yemon just shook his head and smiled slightly.

Harley looked at him and smiled before she noticed Joey was asking them something.

"Can we borrow Abby?" Joey asked.

Harley tilted her head as she asked, "What for?"

"To play." Joey answered.

Harley looked skeptical as she noticed Abby was laying on the ground.

"Abby, you okay?" Joey asked, wondering why she was laying on the ground.

Abby covered her entire body with the blanket. She still felt tired.

"Let's let her sleep. She's tired still." Yemon went and picked her up.

Abby yawned as she snuggled into his warmth.

Yemon went to the bed and laid Abby down.

A yawn escaped the little girl as she rubbed her eyes tiredly.

Yemon let her sleep, leaning against the side of the bed.

Harley looked over and noticed Joey was looking a little sad.

Joey waved, trying to hide that he was sad.

Harley turned to look at her sleeping daughter. She knew how tired Abby was from running around.

Yemon laid next to the sleeping child, reading a book.

Abby snuggled into the person's warmth.

Yemon rubbed her back, smiling slightly.

Abby yawned again before she fell asleep.

Yemon looked up at Harley, wondering what they should do now.

"I am going to help my sister with the set up for the celebration later tonight." Harley smiled and left the room.

Yemon hummed at Harley's answer, as he decided to stay with their daughter.

Abby's soft snores were the only noise in the bedroom.

Yemon went back to reading the book he had in his hands, liking the story.

Several hours later

Abby was energetic all over again. She still didn't know what today was since she hadn't asked anyone.

Joey was trying to catch her, not wanting to lose sight of her.

Abby was laughing as she ran around the dining room table. She was way too energetic for someone her age.

Joey took a break, breathing heavily as he laid on the ground. "Too much energy for a little girl."

Abby giggled as she went to play with her toys that she got for Christmas.

Justin was sitting on the couch, wanting to try something new as he drew his art.

Abby giggled as she ran down the hallway. Her aunt and uncle were watching as she ran around.

Yemon chuckled to himself as he watched his sparkling's actions.

Abby was in the gaming room and she wanted to play the motorcycle racing game.

Namjoon noticed her, and walked over to where she is.

The six year old girl was trying to climb the motorcycle, but she kept failing every time. So she went and started pouting.

Namjoon went over to her and took her away from the game.

Abby reached for the game, wanting to play.

"Sorry, Abby. There's some things in that game that are bad." Namjoon told his baby cousin as he walked away.

Abby pouts more as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Namjoon chuckled at his cousin's childishness.

Abby reached for the motorcycle racing game over his left shoulder.

Namjoon shook his head and went to find another game that was more appropriate for Abby.

Abby's pov

I wanted to play that game, but cousin Namjoon said no.

Cousin Namjoon chuckled as he shook his head.

I wondered why everyone was decorating the place as people were rushing around, trying to get some sticks.

Namjoon walked over towards a corner where a TV was set up on the wall, with what looked to be some kind of device connected to it with a game.

I looked at the device with curious eyes and tilted my head in question as I looked at my cousin.

"Wanna play a dancing game? It's two player." Namjoon asked me with a smile.

I blinked my eyes before I nodded. I never played the new game before, so I wanted to give it a try.

Namjoon placed me on the ground and set up the dancing game we were going to play.

I was excited because we didn't have to hold controllers anymore. They were always getting in the way of dancing.

We played different songs, having fun.

I was happy, yet sad at the same time. The day after tomorrow was when we were going back to the States.

Namjoon noticed the sadness, and tried to cheer me up.

I didn't want to go back to the States. It wasn't safe there. I wanted to stay here with my Korean family.

Namjoon sighed, noticing it wasn't working when he tried to cheer me up.

I wanted to cry, but held it in until we were done dancing. I didn't want to interact with anyone for awhile so I left the arcade room and went straight to my bedroom.

The room was quiet, some of my toys sitting neatly near the door that leads out of the room.

I closed the door and walked away from it and went towards the bed, crawling underneath it and started crying quietly.

I heard footsteps go by, but brushed it off as my Korean family.

I huddled near the wall as I kept crying. I didn't want to leave my home. I belonged here, not the States.

Third person pov

Someone knocked on the door, hushed whispers from someone on the other side.

Abby refused to move from her spot. She didn't want to see anyone for today. She wanted to stay with her aunt. Travel with her cousin. Explore places she's never been to before.

Justin opened the door, and went to search around for Abby with Joey and Jasper following him.

Abby stiffened when she noticed there were shoes in her bedroom and started to silently freak out. She pulled a blanket that she brought with her underneath the bed and pulled it over her.

Joey noticed something, and looked under the bed to see if Abby was there.

Abby remained still, not moving as she hoped they would leave so she can plan something.

Joey sighed and said, "Abby. Don't even try. I know you're under that blanket."

Abby's eyes widened as she stayed still. She didn't want to get out from the blanket. She felt like she would be accused of something other than being a Transformer, Autobot's, daughter.

"Abby. Come on. Why are you under the bed?" Joey asked, while Justin closed the door in case she decided to run out.

Abby slowly uncovered her head and didn't say a word as she looked at the ground. She just wanted to stay here with her family.

Joey sighed, slowly bringing her out from under the bed.

Abby grabbed something to keep herself hidden. She didn't want to see anyone else today.

"Abby, please. What's wrong?" Joey asked his little Cutie.

She didn't say anything, just slipped out of his arms and huddled near the wall again where she curled into a ball.

Jasper contacted Yemon and asked him to come to the bedroom with Harley.

Abby curled the blanket around her and closed her eyes. She covered her head and body again as she tried blocking out the noise of people in the living room and dining room.

Yemon ran in, Harley behind him, both worried for their sparkling.

Abby snuggled into the blanket more as she tried falling asleep so she doesn't have to see anyone today.

Yemon looked to Harley for help, as he can't do it alone.

Harley nodded, understanding what he wanted her to do, and went on one side of the bed, signaling with her eyes that he do the same to the other side.

Yemon went to the other side of the bed, sitting on his knees as he waited for Harley to do what it was she was going to do.

Harley sighed and started singing a song she sang to Abby once, when she was about a year old when she was scared of something.

Yemon listened to Harley sing while he kept an eye on the blanket to see Abby's reaction.

Abby slowly peeked her head out as her mother sang the song 'Might + U' that she once heard before.

"You're not alone,"

The woman looked at her daughter who was peeking out from underneath the bed and blanket.

"There's no doubt."

Abby tilted her head as she crawled out from under the bed and sat next to her mother while listening to her sing.

"Your gift,"

Harley looked at her baby girl and smiled as she lightly touched Abby's nose and the young child smiled as she closed her eyes.

"Isn't futile to be."

Abby was placed in her mother's lap, where Harley wrapped her arms around the small girl.

"If we'll be united,"

Harley looked at Yemon and the six year old looked up at her father with sparkling eyes that were shining with innocence.

"We're stronger together!"

Harley sang that last word in a strong high-pitched note as she sang the words with grace.

"We always have the high hope,"

Abby looked up at her mother and tilted her head, wondering what she meant by that.

"Not all for one but one for all!"

Harley got up and went to sit on the bed and placed Abby on her lap again.

"Don't worry 'bout a thing,"

Abby looked at her lap at that and Harley gently tilted her head back to look at her.

"We'll reach out to you."

Harley smiled a loving smile as she held out her hand to Yemon.

Yemon held her hand and smiled at her.

"Even if it's a harder way,"

Abby looked at her parents, the twins and her uncle Jasper.

"It's plain to see the reason why,"

Harley smiled as she looked at the people who were gathering outside the bedroom, as some people were filing in the room and sitting on the floor.

"Oh, that's all because of the mighty heart."

Abby listened to her mother sing as she felt happy all of a sudden. She didn't feel like crying anymore.

"Remember it's just natural that we'll be there if you need help!"

Harley looked at Abby with a sad smile, she knew the struggles her daughter had gone through to be who she is.

"Far across the distance, rest assured that our faith just won't die."

Baram decided to join her sister and sat near her twin as they both sang together.

"You know we apt to sacrifice ourselves,"

Abby looked at her mother with fear and the woman hugged her close while Baram combed her fingers through Abby's hair.

"Whatever they may say,"

Baram sang and her little niece looked at her.

"It's plain to see the reason why,"

Both sisters sang with grace as they matched word-for-word with one another.

"Oh, that's all because of the mighty heart."

Baram grabbed her niece and hugged her close as the little girl was trying to remain happy, but a few tears slipped out. Baram brushed them away with her thumb.

"Remember it's just natural that,"

Baram looked at her little niece with a smile on her face as Abby snuggled into her aunt's arms.

"We'll be there if you need help!"

Harley's twin was happy to have her family back together again.

"Far across the distance,"

Both twins sang together once again as they neared the end of the song. They smiled as Abby turned around to face her mother and aunt as she joined in for the last sentence of the song:

"Rest assured that our faith just won't die~."

Clapping could be heard as everyone cheered.

Abby looked at her lap with pink cheeks as she kept her back turned to everyone.

Yemon chuckled, before everyone was motioned out, leaving Abby and her parents alone. The adults wanted to talk to their child.

Abby was looking at her lap as she played with her necklace. She looked at the necklace and held it close to her heart.

Yemon wanted to know what was wrong with his sparkling, worried for her.

Abby laid on her mother's lap and Harley started brushing her fingers through the thick black hair.

"Abby, can you please tell us what is going on?" Yemon sat down on the bed with them.

"I don't want to go back to the States. I don't like it there." Abby kept playing with her necklace as Harley looked at Yemon.

Yemon was quiet; not knowing what to say to that.

Harley was wondering she should say to Abby, but nothing came to mind of the woman.

Yemon sighed, and hugged the two close.

Harley leaned back as Abby snuggled in their warmth. The woman knew Abby wasn't wanting to return to the States because of Karen.

Yemon held the two close and nuzzled them.

Abby hugged her father while Harley smiled as she nuzzled him back.

Yemon was smiling as he looked at his family.

Harley noticed Abby was falling asleep and wondered why she was always so tired since they arrived in Korea.

Yemon noticed as well, and sighed. He said, "She must've tired herself out."

Harley nodded her head and continued combing Abby's hair with her fingers. She wondered what everyone was doing since she had forgotten some holidays when she was living with her parents in the States.

Yemon picked Abby up, and went to lay in bed. He motioned for Harley to do the same.

The woman smiled as she joined her family in bed and pulled the covers over them all.

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