Everything You Ever Had(on ho...

By vogue126

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!!Updating!! Everything was going 'Good' Ash was getting closer to getting into the Kalos league and had jus... More

chapter 1 (desperations and confession)
Chapter - 2 (Confessions Aftermath )
Chapter 5
Chapter - 7
Chapter-8 Calm Before the Storm

Chapter-4- Mewtwo's Past

902 80 60
By vogue126

Chapter-4 begins

"An invitation to battle the greatest trainer"asked Serena in complete doubt.

"Yes it was a letter for me which said the greatest pokemon trainer wants to battle me." Ash replied.

"Then did you go battle him/her,who was she /he do you remember the name." Asked Serena.

"Yes I do it was Mewtwo himself" Ash replied seriously.

"Huh............,how is that even possible." Said Serena surprised.

"I guess my explanation won't help you understand any better but I do know a way to make you understand." Said Ash smiling at his girlfriend who had her head on his chest, it made her look up to his face lift her head off his chest and looking with a confused look.

"How are you gonna do that " asked Serena clearly confused.

"I will show you what happened" said Ash, it made Serena giggle at her boyfriends foolishness.

"What's that giggling of yours for " asked Ash.

"Well how can you be this foolish enough to say that you will show me something which happened in the past" said Serena in between her muffled laughing.

"Well I will show so stop your laughing and get up from bed so that I could go and do what is needed" Ash said with a smirk.

Serena was a little bit angry that she had to get up from the comfortable position she was in. But she got of Ash and let him get up Ash got up from the bed amd went to the table where he kept his belt where he kept his Pokeball and unclipped one them and said to Serena

"Hope he isn't asleep,if he is it may turn out bad" Ash thought as he took the ball and enlarged it.

Ash signals her to follow him out and she does as he says and goes behind him.

Ash leads her out into the battlefield and releases Mewtwo as he came out he was floating with his eyes closed but all of a sudden his eyes open wide exposing purple eyes which glitter in the night.

"What is it Ash that you need me late night" Mewtwo asked his beloved trainer/friend.

"Well you see.....you know she wanted to know more about you"Ash replies while pointing to Serena.

"What do you even want to know about me"Mewtwo asked Serena.

Serena was taken aback but she she stood her ground and said I wanted to know everything about you.

"Knowing everything about me is only a waste of time. Now a question what do you like about him*points at Ash* ?" Mewtwo asked Serena.

"I like........what do I like .......... Well I don't dislike anything about him" said Serena and exclaimed the last part.

Ash was amazed and utterly happy by his girlfriend's answer.

"Well you seem to have to have found your true love Ash,
*points at Serena*but I won't hesitate to do something bad if you ever betray him "Mewtwo replied.

"Believe me I won't,he has been my love ever since the day I met him,and the reason why I am on this journey was to meet him and be with him." Serena said with a reassuring smile. Mewtwo smiled back at her

For those who haven't seen Mewtwo smile it's a very small smile look down here👇

"Now back to the point can you show her how we met till how you ended up being in my team."
Ash asked his friend/pokemon.

"I will for she has gained my respect" said Mewtwo.

"Now behold I will take you to my memories it may hurt a bit"said Mewtwo and clenged his three fingers and and Ash and Serena were wraped in a blue ball of energy and they floated up in the air and they closed their eyes as they felt some pain in their heads as they closed their eyes they Began seeing some sort of light waves and after sometime when they opened their eyes they saw an ocean and an island in its middle.

Serena's POV

After opening my eye I saw Ash next to me rubbing his eyes I looked around and saw Mewtwo's glowing very brightly

Like this ☝️

I looked around some more then i spotted an island and showed it to Ash he said"That's the island where Mewtwo was created from mews remains".

I stood or more like floated in the air then the next thing which happened was that I felt the island was coming near to us or we were going closer.we went closer and closer and we saw a laboratory looking building I thought we would hit the wall because we were moving vey fast towards the building and we had no control over the movement. I clung on to Ash like a baby. While he let me do it but at the same time he said"it's just a illusion of what happened from Mewtwo's memories." "Ohh,well let's see" I replied back we entered the building and it was superb ther was literally every science things you could find around the world.

If Clemont was here he would be drooling over those things there.

We moved further into the building as we moved we saw a large room with five large Glass tubes four of them contained Pokemon but only one among them really caught my attention the one which looked like Mewtwo's smaller version with a lot of wires attached and immersed in some sort of orange colour liquid.

"Is that Mewtwo"I ask Ash who replies "yeah it is this is how he looked when he was created."
I stare at the baby Mewtwo but I couldn't do that for long as if someone changed the channel of a TV the scenes around is changed and we stood before a broken Glass tube along where I saw Mewtwo looking the same as how he looks now.

Sorry the image isn't a quality one,it's best I could find.

There were many people I Guess who were scientists behind creation of Mewtwo.

Ash nudged me while I was deep in my thoughts and pointed to what was going
I could hear voices saying

"Yes,we have succeeded in creating the strongest possible Pokemon in world Mewtwo,our year's work has come to colours."and something else. I was not listening to the guys in the lab coat I was too focused on Mewtwo I saw his expressions change and he clenged his fist as he asked

"who am I?"

"Huh.. it spoke"a guy in the lab coat asked.

"You are Mewtwo,the strongest Pokemon in this world, created by me and my colleagues from the DNA of Mew*points at a tablet made of rock with a picture of Mew engraved on it *, the mythical pokemon."a old man in lab coat answered.

"What is purpose of creating me" Mewtwo asked again.

"You were created to follow the order given by the ones who gave funding for the process of creating you,now you will follow his commands and help him achieve what he desires." Said the old man.

"Why,if I am strong then why should I take commands from humans like you." Mewtwo asked again

"We created you to follow our commands,if you don't we can even take back the life we gave you" the old man replied again.

"I will not take any orders from you or anyone else"Mewtwo said as he created a blue ball of energy and it blasted engulfing the whole island in fire. And Mewtwo comes out of it as if nothing really happened.

Still Serena's POV

I was in utter fear when Mewtwo used that attack, in the process I forgot it was just an illusion and hugged Ash so tight that I made his gasp for air.when i realised that he was in lack of Air,I released him after taking his breath Ash said

"Sere,I like your hugs and certainly do not want it to be last one too,please don't do this again"

I just looked at Ash and puffed up my cheeks and said

"No more hugs for you"

"No,no,no don't do that"Ash pleaded.

"Then don't say such things to me ever again" I completed with a pout.

"Never in my life I will repeat"Ash replied.

"Let's see" I said as i looked away from Ash and focused on what Mewtwo was showing them.

I saw a large airship land before Mewtwo  and a Man with an orange suit getting of it.

Serena's Pov

As the Airship landed nearby Mewtwo i saw a man in an orange suit come out of it and say.

"Incredible power indeed but you lack control over them"  that man commented on mewtwo's Incredible power that was true Mewtwo acted as if having no control over its powers. He had destroyed the lab where he made along with the ones who worked day and night to bring him to life 

"Who are you?"Mewtwo asked in a cold voice that could scare the hell out of any one my thoughts went to comparing how he speaks now with how he spoke back them. He speaks much more gentle than he did back then

I decided to ask Ash whether he knew that man or not meanwhile i forgot to focus on what was going on with mewtwo and that Man in orange suit.

"Ash who is that Man in that Orange suit there with mewtwo" i whispered to Ash so as to not let them hear completelyforgetting that it was just an illusion created by Mewtwo.

"Remember Team Rocket" Ash said back. I looked at Ash and said.

"Ofcourse i do"

"He is the leader of Team Rocket its Giovanni" Ash replied the last part in a very serious tone.

"Huh,what leader of Team Rocket is that man" i said and turned my focus back to the things i was being shown by mewtwo.

I saw Mewtwo enter that airship i missed the their talk.

Then the Airship took off and all of a sudden the complete ocean around us vanished i looked at Ash puzzled. As if he understood what i was looking at him for he said

"Mewtwo is just skipping the travel he had"

"Oh........" i started out but couldn't finish as i saw something new form it looked like canyon where there was a tall building with a huge Sign Board  with 'R'written on it. It reminded me of the 'R' symbol which i have seen on Team Rockets uniforms.

"That's one of team rockets base's in kanto" Ash explained while i just nodded.

We saw the Airship go inside into the large tower through a large door like structure.

Then again Mewtwo showed us what happened in the base when we saw the inside of the base i was just shocked as i had never gone into a evil organisation's base but Ash looked as if he was bored. I just shrugged that off and focused on mewtwo who i saw standing on some sort of a raised platform. The man or Giovanni as Ash told me came forward to mewtwo and said "time to help you understand and control your powers" to which Mewtwo respond with a nod.

That part confused me even more why would Mewtwo even listen to an evil person like Giovanni.

"Leave that lets see what happens" I thought to myself as i watched over to mewtwo standing there with his tail swaying or like floating side to side and some weird handle like things coming at him with some sort of Armor the machine handles put the Armor pieces one by one on mewtwo he looked rather restrained his tail couldn't move he was like pinned down with a lot of wires and things like that i knew it wasnt liked by Mewtwo at  all but surprisingly he didnt do anything against it. I felt really bad for Mewtwo being restrained isn't  something someone can  enjoy. I looked upto the mewtwo (not the illusion one) his face showed his anger and hate for that man.

The things around us quickly change which i guess was done by Mewtwo skipping some unnecessary parts of his memories.

The scene was changed to what looked  like a canyon there was herd of tauros heading our way but this time i stood firm as i didn't forget that it is an illusion.
The Tauros herd came forward at incredible speed it would have scared the wits out of any being but the when i saw Mewtwo walk infront of the herd i genuinely thought Mewtwo was gonna be crushed by those Tauros but not everything goes according to our thoughts the unexpected happened and just before they reached Mewtwo put out his hand closed it's  three finger fist and the Tauros floated up into to the air held by the strong psychic power of Mewtwo i stared in awe at his power. i have seen psychic pokemon do such tricks like holding 1 or 2 pokemon in mid air but that also has some limit and it tires them out quick but Mewtwo was doing it effortlessly he was not holding one or two there was a whole herd of more than 30 Tauros. What happened next was very annoying the team rocket guys where throwing Pokeballs and catching the Pokemons who couldn't even resist.

Mewtwo was seen talking to that Giovanni.he gets in the airship in which i suppose Giovanni came in and they take off the next thing that mewtwo showed us were some battles where he was used against some of the trainers who came for the gym badge.

After some battles where Mewtwo destroyed its opponents single handedly often taking on two or more pokemon at the same time.
A boy with Brown hair came in challenged Giovanni which Giovanni accepted and the pokemon he sentout was once again Mewtwo and he said to the boy "use as many Pokemon as you have and try and defeat this pokemon!".

The boy took out his pokedex and showed towards Mewtwo but the dex replied with "No data found".

The boy frowned at that and sent out his pokemon Arcanine and Nidoking. The battle began and the boy was clearly out matched his pokemon were getting thrown back very badly and they were tired i looked over to Ash as i heard him say "Thats bad for Gary"

"What did you just say" i asked Ash.

"Well i was saying that it won't be good for Gary there." Ash replied pointing out to that Boy.

"Is that the same Gary who i think it is? " I Asked Ash.

"If you are talking about the summer camp then, yes the same boy who gets on my nerves all the time "

I just nodded and as i looked back i saw Gary and his pokemon getting thrown and falling hard on to a nearby wall.

I watched helplessly although he would get on our nerves he we would never want something like that to happen to him neither would he wish so for us.

After this whole flashback of Mewtwo's life before meeting Ash was shown Ash went up to Mewtwo and whispered something to Mewtwo who simply nodded.

Ash came back to Serena who was standing at some distance

"What were you two talking about?" Serena questioned Ash.

"Well nothing much....I told ....I told Mewtwo ...." Ash tried to lie but Serena pressed again..

"What did you tell him?"

"Nothing its late already and we must be going tomorrow so we need to sleep" Ash replied hastily. but Serena didn't leave him.

"That's not what I asked about, now tell me" Serena pressed on to get an answer.

Ash knew he couldn't lie so he said "I asked him to skip the part you won't like to know"

"What would i won't like to know" Serena replied.

Ash took his opportunity and tried to make up a lie again

"I meant to say that he should skip the unimportant parts so that we could finish this quick and go to bed." Ash tried to convince her and he thought she was buying it but for his bad luck she didn't buy his lie but she acted that she did

"He sure is a Bad Liar" she thought to herself.

A/n: I'm skipping some large parts as you guys know how things work out from Mewtwo bursting out of the team rocket base and then the events of the first pokemon movie all are almost Canon in this flashback. Don't kill me for that but if i write all that stuff this chapter would have been so boring. But i will give a short explaining to clear your dusty memories of the events.

Serena and Ash carry on watching Mewtwo's old life and the way how he met after a dragonite is end with a letter and Mewtwo recreating the same lab he destroyed and cloning machine too he clashed with other trainers using the Pokemons clone and mew joins in and intensifying the battle with it cute yet powerful attacks its major fun was pissing Mewtwo often by dodging his attacks playfully not even trying to stop one or attack back at Mewtwo. They fought endlessly but the other pokemon couldn't keep up with the power of the legendary pokemon Mew and that of its clone Mewtwo. But Mewtwo doesn't show the moment where Ash intervened in the clash and got ossified. Mewtwo is seen disappearing into thin air along with his closed pokemon group.
Giovanni is seen again talking to a hunter assigning him to capture and bring Mewtwo back to Giovanni but Mewtwo is nowhere to be found until he shows up when the newly resurrected group Genesect attacking Pokemon in the sanctuary where Ash was present while on his Unova journey. Mewtwo acts as if he doesn't know Ash but Ash certainly does. Mewtwo and the Red Genesect fight with their extreme speed and power often sending one another crashing onto buildings causing widespread damage all over the city. With all the debris flying around Ash and his friends were having a hard time keeping the Pokemon at the sanctuary safe

A/n:- from here on I will explain completely.

"Charizard use Dragon tail to move that big piece of debris off the path" Ash commanded Charizard as he commanded Charizard flew over to the rock with its glowing tail and smashed the debris away but Ash didn't notice a massive pillar supporting the roof of the sanctuary failing but when he notices it he screams

Crap...that thing is going to break soon...Cilan.....Iris... get the Pokemon out of here these pillars will break off anytime lead them all away to the lakeside they will be safe there.

Iris and Cilan scurry away leading the Pokemon with them towards the lake. But their way is constantly blocked by the falling debris Iris had her Dragonite using dragon claw to break those up Dragonite alone wasn't enough to do it all

"Charizard help to clear the path out with Dragon claw," Ash said to his Charizard as he ran towards the rest.

The pillar collapsed but they couldn't make it out in time but luckily Mewtwo reaches out to help with psychic and says to Ash "Ash move the Pokemon to safety". to which ash replies

"what else do you think I've been doing" but Mewtwo couldn't listen as he was taken by surprise by the Red Genesect and slammed to the wall.

"stop hitting me I warn y........." Mewtwo started but couldn't complete as Genesect hit him harder sent him back further creating a bigger crater on the wall.

Mewtwo was beyond furious at the Genesect now his purple eyes glowing red and a light covered him as he takes on his other form possibly his mega evolution.

Mewtwo was in a state of rage where he refused to stop until his opponent is down . Mewtwo went towards Genesect at great speeds that only blue trails were visible to the eyes, Genesect does the same, and lungs forward closing its arms leaving a Red trail behind they clashed infinitely causing tremendous shockwaves of energy injuring both people and pokemon but Mewtwo was the one who was suffering the most. The Red Genesect was not normal it had improved rage and with the weapons surmounted on them they became too strong, the red one used the other three to destroy the sanctuary. After a lot of strikes, the Red Genesect finds an opportunity and uses it efficiently delivering a potent blow sending Mewtwo crashing to the ground. Mewtwo struggles to get up and seeing this Ash runs to help.

"hey, you okay??"Ash asks.

"Do i look so" Mewtwo questions while watching the Genesects tear the place apart with their attacks.

"Look i know you are angry but that thing is a bit is outsmarting you sometimes power cant help you win use your brain plan then move forward will take my plan I'm sure it will work" ash tries to talk sense into Mewtwo.

Mewtwo sighs and asks"what is the plan"

"ok... first you isolate the Red one and then battle him and take him down and do whatever you want, while we distract the other three if they lose the leader the other three are calm and peaceful just try to make that Red one realize its mistakes if you can't..... " Ash said all these but couldn't figure out what to say if Mewtwo couldn't make that Genesect understand.

"What if I can't," Mewtwo asked.

"If you can't I don't know what to do..." Ash replied.

Mewtwo smiled before replying. " You sure are special Ash, even after that pokemon caused such sufferings to you and others you are not ready to harm its life...You truly are special. But now I know what to do.."

With Serena who was watching all these moments of talking between Ash and Mewtwo

When Mewtwo said the last part she looked at Ash, hugged him, and said

"you surely are special Ash you are always so........." Serena didn't complete

"I'm always so what??" Ash asked.

"I don't know what it's like. I don't have any words to describe you" Serena said

"It's ok, knowing that you are out of words to describe me makes me even happier" they lean in closer but were stopped by Mewtwo saying

"If you forgot there is someone staying here"

"Yeah, yeah you know to ruin our moments" Ash replied.

" I'm showing what she wanted to know more about if don't wanna know i will stop and you have your moment which do you prefer?" Mewtwo questions.

Ash and Serena look at each other for a moment and Serena says

"We can have our moment later but my curiosity to know about you is greater"

"yeah continue"

Back on to what Mewtwo was showing

" What will you do?" Ash asks Mewtwo.

"I know just the place where to put that thing if it doesn't listen," Mewtwo said as he got up.

"and where is th....." ash was cut by Mewtwo flying away at incredible speed.

Mewtwo crashed into the Red Genesect using a psychic barrier to reduce damage to itself. Mewtwo takes hold of the Pokemon and fly's away up in to the sky. They went higher and higher both started freezing but Mewtwo didn't stop or slow down he lunged forward with all his might and they reached outer space where Mewtwo shows Genesect the world and Sun has not changed and that its still their home. But both fell short of air and fell into the atmosphere unconscious at great speeds their bodies began heating up and it looked as if they were on fire while falling they didn't not slow down no one other than Ash noticed their speed of falling was not reducing and that the fall at that speed and height would only one thing to them 'Death'.

With less time to act Ash asks the water Pokemon present there to create a massive bubble and other to fill it with water then he calls the Sableye to hold the bubble together using its psychic power.

They collectively organised the things and at the moment of impact everyone was so tensed.

The first impact was of Genesect who managed to come back to consciousness before the impact and almost got back in control but couldn't get it completely and fell in the water bubble and came out quickly but Mewtwo was not coming in good he was not uniform in the descend he spins and revolves in the air and finally falling into the deep river creating a massive wave of water due to the speed fully unconscious with no energy to push back.

Moment's later to Mewtwo landing in the water another small splash happened which was indeed Ash who jumped in to the river behind Mewtwo to save him from drowning.

He swims up to Mewtwo and get hold of him but theywere too deep andthe current in the river was so strong that it took them with it and he passed out due irregular breathing and excessive water he had to take in.

Timeskip a few minutes

Ash and Mewtwo end on a rocky shore somewhere down the river's banks.

Ash woke up first and threw up to his side all the water he jad took in and tried to wake Mewtwo up but he was failing he then pressed Mewtwo's stomach a few times harder each time his efforts were showing results as Mewtwo began stiring and got into a sitting position and threw up all the water it had took in.

"Ha your alive" Ash exclaimed as he fell sideways unconscious and so did Mewtwo.


Ash is seen in a cave sleeping peacefully near to a fire along with Mewtwo sleeping while floating in the air one could see the scars from the battle and burnt Mark's from the fall from that height Mewtwo was in immense pain but still holding on. After sometime Ash wakes up and see's Mewtwo floating with all its scars and burnt mark's. Ash felt sorry for the Pokemon so he wanders off into the forest in search of berries to help Mewtwo recover he knew they were far from the city and even if they were close Mewtwo won't like to be treated in a Pokemon Center.

So instead using the little knowledge gained from Brock je sets out to find Rawst and Sitrus berries

He finds some of these berries and some apple's for himself and comes back with them to the cave.

"Hey Mewtwo get up,....ohh come on get up now" Ash raises his voice.

"What is the matter Ash" Mewtwo asks.

"You've seen these*shows the berries*,....these berries can help heal ya so eat up" Ash said holding out the berries towards Mewtwo

"If I have these what will you have?" Mewtwo asks.

"I have my backup I've collected these Apple's for me just eat now" Ash said as he took a bite of the Apple.

Mewtwo started having the berries one by one he could feel his lost energy coming back not completely yet.

Just then an explotion happens and both Ash and Mewtwo were stunned for a moment.

"Ash..."Mewtwo started but Ash signals to keep shut and tells.

"shhh.....don't come out I will go check it out and come back"
Mewtwo just nods in response.

Ash walks out of the cave with his Apple in hand and see a man
With a Tyranitar, two escavalier and a weavile.

"Mewtwo,if you are in here show yourself and surrender or I will use force" The man screamed.

"Ughhh mister who are you??" Ash asks.

"I'm Dirk I have come to get Mewtwo,where is it.where are you hiding it."

"I'm sorry but what's Mewtwo????? " Ash asks again.

"It's a pokemon you dumbass" Dirk says

"Oh...........hahahahaha" Ash said oh then after thinking for a while and burst out laughing.

"What's so funny" asked Dirk.

"You are such an amazing idiot calling out for a pokemon what do you except that pokemon will come and stand before you 🤣🤣" Ash teases the hunter.

"Urghhhhhhhhh...stop this nonsense and tell me if you are hiding it" Dirk was getting furious.

"Nope,I m not hiding besides who knows about what you are talking about but why are you after the name seems unfamiliar too" Ash asked the already furious man who replies without second thoughts.

"It's a pokemon created by some people for their benefit but it escaped I have to track and catch it and return it to its owners."

"So Giovanni hasn't left the trail yet Mewtwo has to be careful and Vigilant he is fully prepared to take Mewtwo down" Ash think's to himself and replied.

"Now tell me is it in that cave don't lie to me I will have to force my into it and check." Dirk pressed further.

"What an asshole" ash thought to himself again and takes a bite from the Apple before replying with a full mouth.

"Get lost idiot" it was what Ash wanted to say but it came out as "Ger.la.s.tt..iot" from his full mouth.

"What?" Dirk asked.

"Nothing,why don't you search other places for that pokemon you want" Ash tries to trick him.

"Hmm I should" Dirk replied proud of himself.

With Serena and Ash.

"You really tricked that guy there," Serena said laughing a bit.

"Yeah, I did really fool him" Ash smiling.

(A/n:- Ash does not have any pokemon with him right now in this flashback as he left them at the sanctuary)

back to the flashback

As soon as Dirk went away Ash ran back to the cave and explained everything to Mewtwo and they plan to get out of there before Dirk returns, they both move out of the cave cautiously as the hunter could still be around. 

"Mewtwo you should leave this place and go to some other region it's not safe for you here," Ash advised Mewtwo

"what do you suppose I've been doing since the last time we met, I left the cloned pokemon's so that they are not hurt by those trying to get me, what they all want is just my powers, I'm done running from them" Mewtwo said with raging anger. 

"But still you are not safe here, look I know you don't like them but your life matters" Ash said.

"Why do you care for my life?" Mewtwo questions.

"I care for all pokemon in the world whether old or new, they are what makes this world an amazing place to live" Ash exclaimed. making Mewtwo smile at the boy's love for pokemon.

Meanwhile with Serena, Ash and Mewtwo 

"I never thought he would love anything or anyone except food and Pokemon," Mewtwo said with sarcasm.

"Really you thought so too??, I never knew he had romance inside until very recently," Serena asks Mewtwo.

"well I was always romantic inside, but choose to keep it inside you know" said Ash trying to act cool.

"of course you did, acting dense in front of girls who developed a crush on you, and no one else knew until one of your best friends Dawn found your secret" Mewtwo said much to ash's surprise.

"How do you know all that, I mean I didn't tell you all that," Ash asked Mewtwo.

Mewtwo was about to answer but Serena interrupts by saying.

"Mewtwo you just continue let's finish this up fast and go to bed and for you Ash you have some questions to answer."

"looks like someone's in trouble" Mewtwo said as he turned and sent a wave of energy immersing them in the world of illusions

back to the illusion

Ash can be seen thinking very hard about something and Mewtwo decides to ask.

"Kid what are you thinking so hard about??"

"What else I'm trying to figure out a place where you will be safe from such idiots like that hunter sent by Giovanni" Ash said.

"I think I know a place they would never imagine me to be" Mewtwo said.

"And where would that be" Ash asks.

"Do have a free Pokeball?" Mewtwo asks Ash much to his surprise.

"Maybe I will have one ......wait why do need a Pokeball now" Ash was very confused as to why Mewtwo needs a Pokeball Mewtwo was about to reply but Ash realised and asked

"wait are you asking me to catch you??"  Mewtwo just nods

"I don't know what to say" Ash said completely unable to believe what Mewtwo said.

"just do it kid... let's get out of here," Mewtwo said and Ash just nodded in response before saying.

"you sure" Ash said as he pulled out a Pokeball he had in his pocket.

Mewtwo nodded and Ash held out the Pokeball and Mewtwo hit the button at its center with his closed fist and closed his eyes before getting sucked into the Pokeball. the Ding sound came a few moments later signifying the catch was successful.

"You good in there Mewtwo?" Ash asked 

"Yes, now get moving" Mewtwo said.

Ash leaves the cave and tries" to find a way out of the  forest he asks Mewtwo where to go

"Mewtwo which way to go any ideas"

"How about I teleport you back" Mewtwo asks Ash

"You could do that" Ash asks

"Yes I can, should I do it??"

"Yep" Ash replies.

Mewtwo ends the illusion there.

"I have fulfilled your wish." Mewtwo said to Serena who stood there with an open mouth.

"The same Mewtwo which wrecks the trainer's pokemon as if nothing was caught this easy, How is this even happening" asked Serena. 

"Yeah, I was stupefied when Mewtwo asked me to catch him" Ash said in a soft voice.

"well to be honest I really expected a battle between you two but the ending was surprisingly odd to me" 

"Serena could you go and make the bed, so that we can sleep???" Ash asks trying to change the topic.

"Uhm... ohk I will go make the bed but why don't you come with me" Serena asked Ash.

"Well i will be there in a minute I need to talk to Mewtwo" Ash replies.

"ok, ok finish up fast and come back, and Mewtwo thanks for showing me all that" Serena said as she turned around and started walking towards their room through the pokemon centre's main hallway.

As soon as she was out of sight Ash spoke up "Phew.....Thanks for not showing her the part where I almost got killed and also the part where we had to encounter the Hunter again, i had thought you would show it to her but thanks for not doing that "

Mewtwo just nods 

flashback to what happened after Mewtwo stopped the illusion

Ash had let out Mewtwo to teleport them back to the sanctuary but while Mewtwo was trying to do so they get hit by a strong Dark pulse and Mewtwo get injured again from the direct attack. Ash gets up and runs up to Mewtwo who was hit badly.

"Well, Well, Well......tried to hide it from me and brought it to my own hands" The hunter said in a mocking tone.

"Mewtwo get out of here, don't worry about me just get out of here" Ash said to Mewtwo who looked at him he smiles reassuring Mewtwo, Mewtwo gets up wincing in pain and tries to fly away but is stopped by two escavaliers using Energy ball 

"Mewtwo use shadow ball" Ash commands unknowingly but Mewtwo does so without any hesitation. the Escavaliers attacks are overpowered by the shadow ball and both hit the mark and they both cry out in pain.

 After both the pokemon are hit and are down on the ground Mewtwo turned at Ash and asks 

"Did you just command me"

"I did...... I'm sorry about that " Ash apologised.

"Aww.... you found yourself a trainer how embarrassing it must be for a very strong pokemon like you to take commands from a kid like him, come with me I will take you to your rightful owners" Dirk spoke with venom in his voice.

"Ash don't be sorry if you could help me deal with this Goon"  Mewtwo said to Ash who was standing beside him.

"ok.......but don't mind me saying this" Ash whispered to Mewtwo.

"What's with whispering"  Dirk shouted at them.

"None of your business........and he is mine and if you want him, you can't have him" Ash shouted back.

"You leave me no choice kid, Now we are gonna use force to get it.....Tyranitar use Dark pulse  " Dirk shouted.

Tyranitar lands in front of Dirk and lets out its cry and forms the attack 

"Mewtwo you ready *Mewtwo nods* let's finish this once and forever.......use shadow ball and teleport away "

Mewtwo moves towards Tyranitar at great speeds and uses shadow ball neutralising the dark pulse and after the dust from the explosion settled Tyranitar looks around to find Mewtwo who is nowhere to be found. Then Ash calls out for Mewtwo.

"Mewtwo now"

"Tyranitar watch out and use Rock tomb"

At a moments notice, Mewtwo pops up from sideways slamming into  Tyranitar while being covered in a psychic barrier pushing Tyranitar off-balance and tumbling him onto the rocks with great force. and Mewtwo was about to attack again but Ash stopped him.

"Mewtwo don't just drawback for now".

Mewtwo stared at Tyranitar for a bit before drawing back.

"Get up you fool......or you will get it" Dirk shouted at the Tyranitar who was struggling to get up after the blow it took from Mewtwo.

What Dirk said enraged both Ash and Mewtwo alike.

"Mewtwo you know what to do right" Ash asked Mewtwo who just nodded.

"Dirk, you better stop treating your pokemon that way or else"

"Or else what" Dirk taunted.

"Do it"  Ash said clenching his fist.

Mewtwo slams into Dirk the same way he did to Tyranitar with more power knocking him unconscious Mewtwo lifts the Pokeballs of the three pokemon and shredded them releasing the pokemon permanently. After doing this Mewtwop turned to the Pokemons who were slowly getting up and said.

"Now you three are free, don't let anyone ruin your life only for their gains"

"Shall we leave?" Ash asked Mewtwo.

"Sure let's go " Mewtwo said as he teleported them back to the sanctuary, where they reunited with their friends, pokemon and Mewtwo, was sent to prof. Oaks lab for safety reasons.

Back to the present

"Those sure were some days weren't they??" Ash asks Mewtwo.

"Sure they were Crazy Days" Mewtwo reminded.

"Let's get to bed got a big day ahead tomorrow.....so return for now" Ash said as he returned Mewtwo. and moved towards their room.

back in their room

Serena can be seen sleeping peacefully after getting bored of waiting for Ash to come. Pikachu is also asleep on the little bean bag nearby.

Ash enters the room and sees the both Serena and Pikachu asleep  

"Oops, I'm late I won't get my good night kiss 😔"Ash said the last part making a gloomy face. slowly making his way towards the bed and laid down next to her gently so as to not wake her up. But Serena on the other hand moved in snuggling to him in her sleep, that action caused Ash to think.

"Now that's much better, but still no kiss I will have my penalty tomorrow" Ash thought the last part with a wicked smile plastered on his face.

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