Another Love~J.J. {1}

By TheGroovyWriter

350K 9.5K 892

❛I'm not afraid to fall in love, i'm afraid to fall for with the wrong person❜ A story in which the outcast... More

~ c a s t ~


6.1K 201 15
By TheGroovyWriter

The Last Picture Show

* * *

        "You know, i've always loved this movie." Lia said as she took a sip of her soda, curling up in her chair more. Her and Jughead sat in camping chairs in the projection room with snacks all around them as they watched the movie. 

        "Oh yeah? I thought it was Back to the Future?" Jughead replied, making Lia shake her head. 

        "That comes close second." She nodded before grabbing a handful of Jughead's popcorn and shoving it into her mouth. 

        "Hey." Jughead protested, throwing a handful of popcorn at Lia's face while she laughed still swallowing the popcorn that was in her mouth. "Get your own." 

        "I have my own." Lia smirked and reached out, grabbing the box of popcorn from Jughead's grasp. 

        "I don't think you do." Jughead said before smacking the bottom of the popcorn box, causing it to fly up into the air and spill onto the floor and the two teens. 

        "You dick." Lia gaped, looking at Jughead who just gazed at her with an amused expression. 

        "I thought that had been established by now." Jughead commented before plucking a piece of popcorn from Lia's hair and throwing it into his mouth. 

        "You disgust me." Lia stated. 

        "So you say." Jughead countered. Lia rolled her eyes at his comment, standing up and shaking the popcorn off of her body and out of her hair. 

        "Now that you have taken away my popcorn privileges, i'm taking away your me privileges for a moment while I go get more." Lia told Jughead before sticking her tongue out at him and leaving the projection room and making her way to the concession stands. 

        "Hey! You know what happens to a snake when a Louis Vuitton heel steps on it? Shut the hell up, or you'll find out!" Veronica's voice shouted before being from their cars began to applaud and honk their horns. Lia smiled and waved to Veronica as she went past, ignoring the Serpents who cat called her. 

        "Hey could I get a refill?" Lia asked the worker at the concession stand. He nodded, taking her popcorn box and going to refill it. Lia turned with a sigh, immediately making eye contact with familiar brown eyes. "Oh, hey Kev."

        "Hey, Ophie. Getting a refill too?" Kevin asked. 

        "Mhm, Jughead wasted the rest." Lia replied, a faint smile reaching her face at the thought of the previous moments.

        "Jughead, huh?" Kevin smirked and Lia shook her head with a sigh. 

        "We're just friends Kev, how many times do I need to say it?" Lia asked, the concession guy coming back over with Lia's popcorn as she said it. She thanked the guy and took the popcorn, sending Kevin a pointed look before going back to the projection room.  

        "And she's back." Jughead smiled as Lia walked through the door.

        "You're lucky, I could've ditched you for Kevin." Lia replied, sitting back in her chair and holding the popcorn out to him to take. 

        "Why didn't you?" Jughead asked, taking some popcorn. 

        "I guess, I just like you to much." Lia responded, smiling up at Jughead before leaning her head against him, his arm going around her as the two continued to watch the movie, enjoying the nice moment between two friends. 

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