CORRUPTION | pretty little l...

By honeylxve

48.8K 1.4K 687

CORRUPTION| Blair Parker was driven into a town full of lies and secrets the moment her and her family steppe... More

c o r r u p t i o n
c a s t
a e s t h e t i c
p r o l o g u e
01. pilot
02. the jenna thing
03. to kill a mocking girl
05. reality bites me
06. theres no place like homecoming
07. the homecoming hangover
08. please do talk about me when i'm gone
09 . the perfect storm
10. keep your freinds close
11. moments later
12. salt meets wound

04. can you hear me now?

2.7K 95 70
By honeylxve

chapter four

"How mad was your mother about you destroying Sean's car?." Emily asked the following day. Apparently after leaving Hanna at Noel's party, the blonde had got a tad angry at her boyfriend and crashed his car.

"I have not destroyed it!" Hanna complained causing the other girls to smirk slightly. "Everyone seems to be reacting pretty well, though."


"So flowers will be planted and also there will be a row of art tiles" Aria said, changing the subject as the five of them stood in front of a bench. The bench was planted in the middle of town like they had planned, on a nice patch of fresh grass.

"Art tiles?" Spencer said, pulling on the sleeves of her top.

"Yeah, messages, photos in memory of Alison." Emily explained.

"Yeah, like tiny little headstones " Hanna commented.

"Hannah!" Aria whispered harshly.

"What?" Hanna said, crossing her left leg over her right as she stood next to Blair.

"We should each do one" Blair suggested, placing a hand in her back pocket.

"You know, I've had Alison's bracelet since that day in the woods. I don't want that responsibility any more." Hanna spoke whilst searching through her bag, holding out the bracelet once she had found it.

"I don't want it." Aria shook her head.

"One of you take it, I'm being serious" Hanna said, looking around the group with raised eyebrows.

Spencer sighed before snatching it from Hanna's grasp. "Look at us, a bunch of babies. There is nothing that this A person can say or do to get us in trouble without getting into trouble herself."

"Her?" Emily questioned. They hadn't  got very far with narrowing down the suspects of who A could be. They thought only Alison or each other knew their secrets so they had no clue who else would, or how.

"Him, her." Aria shrugged. "It doesn't make a difference."

Spencer nodded whilst pulling out her laptop from her bag, placing it on her lap.

"What are you doing?" Blair asked when Spencer began to type something.

"I'm gonna block all messages from people i don't know" she explained. "texts, calls, emails, everything. Screw A! Who's next" she asked peering up at the others. Blair took the laptop from Spencer first, logging in to her own account.

"I spy with my little eye something that starts with F." Spencer said with dreamy eyes as she watched  Mr Fitz pass by on a bike. Blair couldn't understand their fascination with the new english teacher. And that coming from a girl who normally went for older guys said something. Sure he was cute with his slightly curly hair and bright eyes, maybe it was just her who wasn't drawn to him.

"Em?" Blair said, handing the laptop to the brunette who took it from her hands with a grateful smile.

"Hey, Mr Fitz!" Hanna called, waving her hands in the air.

"Looking good Mr Fitz!" Spencer shouted loudly as Blair looked at the two in amusement.

"My turn" Aria grumbled, snatching the laptop from Emily's grasp. Her mood has changed ever so quickly since they had opened the laptop.

"There are teachers that you do not wanna see on a bike and there are teachers you do.." Emily trailed off.

"I would not want to see Mr Gilardi on a bike."Hanna said, her eyes still on the teacher who was cycling on the other side of the road.

"I would not want to see Mr Gilardi in motion of any kind." Blair said, her face forming a look of disgust.

"Ah, Mr Fitz" Spencer said dreamily.

"Hanna!" Aria said suddenly, her jaw clenched. "Your turn."

"Did you talk to Ben?" Blair said, changing the subject. She hadn't the faintest idea as to why Aria was acting the way she was.

"There is nothing to talk about" Emily shrugged, smiling gratefully at Blair for asking.

"So you're done, like really done?" Aria asked.

"It's okay. I'm fine" Emily said giving them a small smile.

"Course you are, do you really want your kids to have the last name Coogan?" Blair joked, placing her hand on Emily's arm. Emily stifled a laugh, shaking her head whilst the other girls chuckled.

"I wish I had a drumroll for this." Hanna sighed. "Alright here goes. We are officially A-free." she added, clicking the enter key on the laptop.

"You hear all those nice messages floating around us?" Spencer asked, the corner of her lips lifting.

"And none of them are from A." Aria added with a smile.

"Which feels like a good thing." Emily nodded.

All of a sudden a paper flew in their direction, brushing against the Parker girl's bare leg in the process. The girls shared a questioning look before Blair picked it up, staring at the poster from when Alison went missing. They each gulped when the their eyes scanned the writing in red maker that was covering their blonde friend's face.

"Ding dong. The bitch is dead." Blair read whilst the other girls looked around as if they were trying to spot the person who had done this. Blair crumpled up the poster before throwing in in the nearest bin as they walked away.


"Why didn't your parents take you to New York with your sister? I mean you deserve a break too" Hanna asked, looking at Spencer who was too busy eyeing the cafeteria.

Spencer shrugged in return, "Not as much as Melissa."

Emily smiled as she walked over to the trio, her hand pulling on the strap of her bag.

"Ooo nice scarf, Em" Spencer complimented, her eyes landing on the red scarf that was wrapped Emily's neck.

Hanna nodded, brushing her blonde wavy hair out of her face. "Is it new?"

Emily shook her head, "No." she replied, not sounding very convincing.

"Where's Blair?" Aria asked just as Hanna's phone started to ring from inside her shoulder bag.

"Go ahead answer it. We all know who it can't be from" Aria said, still looking around for her friend. The blonde looked at the screen nervously, then back up at the three girls in front of her.

"Hanna?" Emily said, a concerned look on her face.

"It's my dad" Hanna whispered in disbelief, looking down at the screen again. "Hey, dad" she smiled after answering it, walking away from the other three.

"Has she even spoke to her dad since-" Emily began to ask.

"I don't know" Aria replied, trying to remember the last time Hanna had actually spoken to her father.

"Their relationship is something we like to avoid talking about" Spencer spoke, watching as Blair walked over to them, her pony tail swaying slightly.

"What did I miss?" she asked, wiping her hands down her beige skirt, a white t-shirt tucked into it. "Who's Hanna on the phone to?"

"Her dad" Emily answered causing Blair's eyebrows to raise.

"The same dad that dumped them?" Blair asked bluntly. She vividly remembered the older man. He had left Hanna and her mum a few years ago and had been quite absent ever since. Spencer nodded, pulling on the strap of her bag.

"We shouldn't stare," Aria voiced, drawing their attention away from the window. "Come on."

The four began to walk towards the cafeteria doors, pausing when Aria's phone vibrated from her handbag. "My brothers post just showed up on my loop."

"You added him as favourite?" Spencer questioned.

"Yeah, moment of weakness." Aria shrugged.

"I get that all the time" Blair said, not looking where she was going. Suddenly she clashed into a hard chest, stumbling backwards. Before she could hit the ground an arm quickly wrapped around her waist, keeping her up. Her eyes widened when they met the deep blue eyes belonging to Toby Cavanaugh.

"I'm so sorry" Blair apologised, looking up at him. The feeling of his hands holding onto her caused her heart to thump like a ticking bomb, threatening to explode at any moment.

"No, I'm sorry. It was my fault." he said giving her an apologetic smile before walking away.

"I wonder if we just bumped into A" Emily whispered.

"Does it really matter? We are done with A, right?" Spencer said, as if she was trying to convince herself.

"Yeah. You're right. But i'm staying out of his way." Aria said, casting a glance in the direction Toby had walked of to.

Spencer nodded before adding, "And Jenna's."

"That's the best thing to do." Emily said, fiddling with the scarf around her neck.

"Blair?" Aria asked, waving her hand in front of the brunette's face.

Blair sighed against Jason's chest, her hand resting on his thigh. It was late in the night and the two of them were sat on a bench in a closed of area of town. She had found the blonde boy sprawled out on his lawn, when she was on her way back from Spencer's house, immediately knowing something had happened.

The brunette had dragged him to sit somewhere quiet before she began questioning him as to why he was in such a state. "Can I stay at yours tonight" he mumbled, his fingers tracing the back of her hand.

Blair nodded as she curled up closer to him, the warmth radiating from his body. "Just make sure you stay on your side of the bed."

On the other side of the park, a blue eyed shadow watched as the two held each other lovingly, a frown on his face. He suddenly dropped the can in his hand making Blair look over in his direction.

The brunette furrowed her eyebrows at the figure but smiled when she saw who it was, earning a small one in return.

"Huh?" Blair said after snapping out of her trance.

"You okay?" Spencer asked, placing a comforting hand on Blair's arm.

"Yeah, yeah. I should get going" Blair nodded before walking off, leaving the rest of them stood confused.

"What was that about?" Aria asked.

Emily shook her head, "I have no idea."

. ˚ . ✿ 。 ˚ .

"He has to be in New England for a few weeks but he's planning on coming to see me." Hanna explained once the five of them had met up after class. Her phone call with her father had only lasted a few minutes but after a while of not hearing from him at all, a few minutes was all that was needed.

"Well, that's great, Hanna" Aria said.

"What?" Hanna asked when she saw the look the girls shared.

"It's just, do you think it's about Sean's car?" Blair hesitated.

"No, of course not!" Hanna said shaking her head. "We talked about it and it's not. Even if it was, at least he's coming to see me"

Blair smiled at the blonde sadly.

"Spencer!" a voice sounded, interrupting their conversation.

"Mr Sheldrake" Spencer addressed her Russian History teacher, her voice full with surprise.

"I was going to tell you in class, but you're here" he smiled. "Remarkable you did on the history essay."

"Oh, thanks" Spencer said, smiling awkwardly.

"A very clear presentation" the teacher continued.

"It's not exactly a new idea" Spencer replied, trying to dismiss it.

"I submitted it to the Golden Orchid" he revealed, oblivious to Spencer's nervousness.

"You did what?!" Spencer gasped, her eyes widening.

"It was only prestige. But the real interest of winning this competition is the impact on your applications."

"But no.." she trailed.

"We will discuss the details after class" the teacher said before walking away leaving a gaping Spencer.

"And what exactly is the Golden Orchid?" Blair asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"A national competition of essays on history."

"Well good luck with that" Blair said, patting Spencer's arm just as the bell rung.

"See you after class?" Spencer asked the girls, earning four nods in response.

"Come on, Em" Blair said, dragging Emily through the hallway towards their next class. "We will go the long way"

. ˚ . ✿ 。 ˚ .

Emily had made sure that the two were in fact early for class, much to Blair's disappointment. The Fields girl had taken her place at the front next to a girl with dark red hair and round glasses. Blair smiled at the two before walking further into the class, pausing when she saw Toby.

"Hi" he said, giving her a small nod.

Blair glanced over at her friend who was giving her a strange look and then back at the boy. "Hi. You're here for the course?"

"Starting today" he replied, a nervous smile gracing his lips.

"Brilliant." Blair said, giving him a small smile before walking away from him.

Toby reached out and grabbed her hand gently, causing her turn around to face him with wide eyes. Seeing her shocked expression he immediately let go, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable. "Are you alright?"

Blair simply nodded, glancing down at the arm he once held before turning to look at Emily quickly. Emily gave her a confused look before mouthing 'you okay?'

Blair gave her a curt nod before sitting at her desk. She let out a heavy sigh, looking down at her ring finger. The tan lines where her ring had been had faded, but were still there.

"Blair!" she heard causing her head snap up. The brunette furrowed her eyebrows at Emily who just pointed towards the front of the classroom.

"Take a seat" the professor said to Toby.

Blair realised what Emily was making such a fuss about and started to look around the classroom. She groaned when she realised her desk was the only one with a space left.

"Dont sit there, please" she mumbled, crossing her fingers under the desk, looking down at her doc martins.

"So, I guess we're lab partners. You don't mind, do you?" she heard the soft voice speak to her right, making her eyes shoot open.

"Of course" Blair said, without thinking. "Sorry, just try not to blow me up, or something."

Toby gave her a small smile before taking the seat the next to her. The two sat in silence, their head snapping towards Emily when she shut her text book loudly. Blair send her a confused glance which Emily ignored and continued to look around the class, hiding her book.

. ˚ . ✿ 。 ˚ .

"Bee!" Noah shouted up the stairs, his hand resting on the railing.

"Get lost!" she called back, continuing to cut out pictures out of an old magazine.

"Hanna's here!" she heard him shout back causing her head to shoot up and the scissors to drop out of her hand.

"Hanna's here?" she asked before rushing down the stairs, pushing past her brother in the process.

"God, your so annoying" he grumbled, shoving her a little before ruffling her hair.

"Your one to talk" she replied, squatting his hands away. "I hate you."

"Love you too" he smiled sarcastically, waving Hanna goodbye before walking into the kitchen.

"Can you buy him or something" Blair mumbled, pulling Hanna by the hand upstairs.

"I'll pass" Hanna said, sitting down on the edge of Blair's bed. "God, you haven't changed one bit."

Blair turned to see Hanna looking at the mess on the floor. There were magazines everywhere, some pages missing others half cut. In the middle was a scrapbook, some scissors and a glue stick. "It's just for fun" Blair shrugged.

"Don't lie."

. ˚ . ✿ 。 ˚ .

"She used Melissa's old essay?" Blair gaped as stared at Hanna through the mirror.

Hanna hummed before looking down at her outfit. "I'm so glad I came to you. No offence but Spencer's style is definitely not for me."

Blair smiled, looking up from her laptop. The brunette was lay on her bed, her feet up in the air. Her chin was resting on her hand as she scrolled through her emails, smiling at the ones from her grandma. "She dresses like a business woman. Suits her."

Hanna nodded before giggling a little. "God, I can not imagine you wearing anything like that."

Blair laughed before adding. "Imagine me in a suit. Or even just a blazer."

Hanna shook her head before turning around to face her. "How do I look?"

"Is that even mine?" Blair asked, eyeing the jacket Hanna was now wearing.

"Does it matter?"

Blair shook her head, smiling. "You look gorgeous Hanna."

"It has to be perfect. My father hasn't seen me since I've lost weight."

Blair frowned, closing her laptop. "Han. It doesn't matter. You've always been perfect. Only a fool wouldn't be able to see that"

Hanna smiled at her, fiddling with her hands. "You were always my best friend, you know."

Blair furrowed her eyebrows, now sitting up.

"Even over Alison" Hanna explained, sitting on Blair's desk chair. "You were like a package deal."


"No. Wait, please." Hanna said, making Blair close her mouth. "You always stuck up for me, I never got to say thank you"

"Han, you don't have to thank me" Blair sighed. "You're my friend. Yes Alison was like a sister to me. But I'll always love you and the others just as much."

Hanna smiled warmly before throwing a pen at Blair. "Look at you! You're getting me all emotional."


"It was great" Hanna beamed, the morning after. "Amazing actually."

"Where did he take you?" Emily asked, happy to see her smiling.

"Jolly Rodgers" Hanna replied.

"The lame amusement park?" Blair asked, crossing her arms over her grey hoodie. Her legs were covered in a pair of black cycling shorts, an old of black converse on her feet.

"Okay, it is not lame! We didn't go on anything, we walked around a bit, and talked" Hanna explained. "And i told him about what's going on."

The girls shared a look, causing Hanna to continue. "Some of what's going on. And he listened. He wants to take me out for dinner tonight. I think he wants to spend more time with me. Maybe summers in Marylands."

"Seriously?" Emily asked, raising a brow.

"Would you go?" Aria added.

"Well, I wouldn't move away for ever. I dont wanna leave my mum alone but, I would like to spend a little more time with my father."

"Wow" Spencer said, gazing down.

"It's good to see you happy, Han." Blair said, smiling softly before leaving the group in time for the bell.

. ˚ . ✿ 。 ˚ .

"I was wondering if anyone else was bothered by Atticus' hypocrisy at the end of the novel?" Mr Fitz asked, sitting on the edge of his desk. "No, well he is Mr Do-Process when it comes to Tom Robinson. But as soon as Bob Ewell gets stabbed he is willing to buy the sheriff's cover up."

"He was protecting Boo Radley" Spencer answered.

Blair was sat in front of Aria, her palm resting on her cheek, trying to keep her eyes open. She hadn't got a lot of sleep the previous night, too stressed with everything that was going on.

"Protecting him? From what?" questioned Mr Fitz. "Atticus is an officer and conspiring to cover up a horrible crime. And he's willing to let his own son take the fall for something Boo Radley did."

"It was a trade" Aria voiced, kicking Blair's chair when she noticed the brunette hadn't moved for a while.

"What was a trade?" Mr Fitz said, leaning on his desk.

"Mr Edwell would of killed those children, Boo Radley saved them. Atticus still felt guilty over Tom Robinson so he offered to take his place." Aria explained watching as Mr Fitz walked towards her desk. "Like a sacrifice."

"Very noble" he said, all his focus now on Aria. "Too bad Jem was unconscious. You think he would have a different opinion?"

Aria glared back at him before speaking, "No, he would agree."

"And your sure about that?"

"He was brought up right" Aria said, her face remaining cold. The girls shared confused glances with each other before another student cleared his throat.

"Mr Sperlling, do you have something you'd like to add, aside from phlegm?"

"Well.. his dad was a lawyer. He could of got the kid off. Being brought up right had nothing to do with it." he said, tapping his pen against his desk whilst looking between Mr Fitz and Aria.

"Really? This whole book teaches us what to do as an adult, or have you not being paying attention?" Mr Fitz said, glaring at his student.

"No, no i'm just saying-" the boy said, sitting up nervously.

"No, your just saying that Aria has tried to understand the book and you haven't" Mr Fitz said, making everyone look at him with an odd expression.

"No, that's not what I'm saying."

Mr Fitz shook his head before taking a step back. "I'm sorry, what are you trying to say."

"Well i'm sure it would be easier for Atticus to get the kid off than get Boo off, that's all."

Mr Fitz nodded before walking back to the front of the class, both him and Aria embarrassed by the scene he had caused.

. ˚ . ✿ 。 ˚ .

Blair sat at her vanity, The neighbourhood's playlist on full volume.

"Bee?" a voice spoke from the other side of the door, before a quiet knock was heard.

"Yeah?" Blair said, not taking her eyes of off her reflection, focusing on curling her hair.

"Can I come in?"

Everly pushed open the door open hearing Blair's small hum before walking over to her sisters bed. The two sat in silence until Blair heard small sniffles coming from behind her.

"Eve?" Blair said, unplugging her straighteners before walking over to her bed. "Eve what's wrong?"

Everly looked up at her sister, tears and mascara covering her rosy cheeks. Blair looked back at her, worry in her eyes.

"What's it about?" Blair said, playing with the ends of Everly's auburn hair. "School?" Everly shook her head allowing Blair pull her closer. "A boy?"

When the younger parker girl didn't say anything, Blair sighed. "Was it this Jackson i keep hearing about?" Everly looked up shocked before nodded slowly. "What did he do?"

"He never liked me" Everly muttered, new tears forming. "He just used me"

Blair furrowed her eyebrows, holding her sisters head in her hands. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Everly shook her head, burying her head into Blair's chest, sobs escaping from her chapped lips. It took a whole hour for the brunette to get her sister to open up. And when the youngest Parker finally opened up, Blair was livid.

Turns out whilst she was in California for a year, her younger sister had developed a crush on one of Noah's teammates. It was around Easter time when the two had met. Everly had gone to support her twin brother at one of his lacrosse games, only to bump into the red-haired boy. It didn't take long for him to get her to go on a date with him. Everything was going perfectly before he started to get more distant.

Everly thought nothing of it at first and it wasn't until he declined nearly all her calls that she started questioning things. She hadn't bothered telling anyone about it, as he had told her not to. But it wasn't like Everly to keep something from her older sister, no matter how far apart they were.

By the time Blair had gotten back home, Jackson acted as though he didn't know Everly as anything more than his teammates quiet sister. He only ever spoke to her when it suited him, and it normally ended as soon as his phone went off.

Today after school, when Everly had gone over to his house to start their history project, she found the red-head in bed with another girl. When Everly had finally explained everything to Blair both had tears in their eyes. Blair's heart broke for her sister. All she wanted to do was break the stupid boy's nose.

"Shhh, it's okay, it's okay" she whispered rubbing small circles on Every's back. Her mind was still clouded with guilt and regret whilst her heart shattered once again, remembering the night she most wanted to forget.

"It was his ex" she spoke, her voice still slightly croaky

"What was?" Blair asked, pulling back to look at her sisters face.

"The girl. It was his ex."

. ˚ . ✿ 。 ˚ .

Blair Parker's emotions was like a flower. Much like the red rose in beauty and the beast; hidden and layered. The fairytale was one of Blair's favourites when she was little. She often found herself sitting in front of the television, wishing that she could be a princess one day. She grew up with crowns and dresses, waiting for her prince charming as if she was Belle.

It wasn't until she lost something important that she realised she would never be the beauty in her story. Most girls her age related to the disney princess, however Blair didn't. As she grew older, she noticed how when watching her favourite childhood film she wouldn't wish to be Belle anymore. But instead wish she had done things differently.

The Parker girl was like the Beast. Her true self hidden behind a mask, as if it was another person. She had become the monster in her story, one created by her past mistakes. Mistakes she wished she could take back. And her conversation with her younger sister had only just reminded her off her worst one.

. ˚ . ✿ 。 ˚ .

i'm annoyed with the amount of scene changes in this chapter

make sure you pay extra attention to this chapter as there's the first half of a parallel involved

toby and blair?
noel and blair?
everyone and blair at this point!!


maybe ?

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