Nothing's Fair in Love and Wa...


28.5K 575 159

Keith recently found out he was half-galra. Everyone accepted him, especially his boyfriend. What he didn't e... More

Missing You
The Battle


3.7K 87 12

Keith stepped out the Blades's ship and almost, almost took off his mask until he saw Lance. He almost screamed in panic when Lance approached him. It was obvious Lance didn't want to talk to him, the paladins were forcing him to be social. But ever since 'Keith' left, he was in pain. 5 years. Lance forced a smile,"Hey, Yorak. Great Job out there." It took a while for Keith to respond,"Y-Yeah, you too." Lance chuckled sadly and stood there in silence, taking an interest in his boots. Keith frowned, he hated how he was the cause of Lance's hurt,"Something's up. What is it?" Lance shifted uncomfortably then sighed, sitting down on a bench, next to Keith,"It might be time to tell someone about it. In short, the man I love most in the world was taken from me." Keith's eyes widened,"Love, present tense?" Lance nodded,"I could never stop loving Keith. He means the universe to me. We were together for a long time and then one day, he was gone. There was no trace of a kidnapping, but I can't see why he would leave. He was really happy until the day he disappeared...he looked nervous." Keith stiffened, Lance could always read him like a book. "Why do you think he possibly left if he had a reason too?" Lance seemed surprise, as if he never thought of that before,"I-I guess he was unhappy with me." Keith bit his lip and gripped his thigh to prevent from holding and yelling at Lance.

"Why would you think that? Did something happen before we went missing?" Lance covered his mouth as if in the first time in 5 years the thought just crossed his mind,"W-We did it a few weeks before, he was in this thing called heat. Keith was half-galra and he was feeling sick so I helped him, since I'm his boyfriend, but....maybe he was embarrassed?" Lance ran his fingers through his hair and Keith winced at the present tense."You obviously love him a lot, what would you say to him if you find him?" Lance shook his head confidently,"When I find him, I'll punch him if it was for a horrible reason, slap him if it was a bad reason, hug him if it was a good reason and kiss him if it was a reasonable decision." Keith chuckled,"I trust you'll find him. He might be closer than what you think." Keith got up and glanced back at Lance,"Please don't give up." Keith ran to his room. 

Keith took of his mask and angry tears flooded down his face. He ran his fingers through his hair and grit his teeth. Why didn't he just tell Lance he was right there? Shame. Keith was embarrassed and so so ashamed. He felt a soft small hand wipe the tears off of his face and Keith looked in surprise at his son. Alex smiled softly,"Hey daddy." Keith forced a smiled and picked his son up, placing him on his lap,"Hey Alex." Alex frowned at his dad,"What's wrong?" Keith laughed nervously and hid his face,"What's wrong? Nothing's wrong, I-I-" 

"It's Papa isn't it?" Keith froze and broke down. Alex wrapped his arm's around Keith's neck. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm a terrible dad. You've never seen you're dad and I can't make up for it. You're probably furious at me-." Alec shook his head frantically,"Nononono, Daddy! I love you, I could never be mad at you for never meeting papa. You've taken care of me and given me everything I need. You're a great dad. Sure, I wish I could meet papa, but I know you will go back to him. Besides, I've already met him." Keith gaped at his son,"Wh-Wha?" Alex grinned,"It's the red paladin. He's my papa." More tears went and came,"How did you-" Alex shrugged,"I pieced it together. He's un happy for the original red paladin and you're un happy because of papa. Besides, you used to be the red paladin, weren't you? Kolivan told me when I was younger, thinking I wouldn't remember. Why did it happen?" Keith sighed,"It's about time I told you huh? I used to be the red paladin while Lance was the blue paladin. We were in a relationship and we loved each other. I got into my heat, remember when I told you what that was? After that we made love,"Keith paused for a moment then chuckled at his son's unfazed expression, having taught him not to scandalize,"Anyways, A few weeks later, I wasn't feeling well and I went to Kolivan." Keith kissed Alex's forehead,"And that's where you come in. Lance wasn't going to be happy that I was with a child so I...left. I was scared and I ran away from my problems.... 5 years later, here we are now." Alex hugged his dad tightly,"I love you." Keith choked back a sob and whispered,"I love you,too."

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