concurus (demigods in Hogwart...

By apheleiaa

264 0 0

"We found them" said Dumbledore urgently rummaging trough tons of books on the shelf in his cabinet. He coul... More

little description


34 0 0
By apheleiaa

Ronald Weasley was so very and utterly confused when an unknown boy walked trough his front door.


Ron was having a bad day. His brothers woke him up with a bucket of ice cold water. Great. He got out of his bed (miserably) and headed downstairs only to find out that both his mother and father went away, which meant that Ron's older siblings could "torture" Ron as much as they wanted. Well at least until one of their parents came back.

Only one more week, thought Ron then I'll finally get my letter, then I'll have to wait some more and then I'll be going to Hogwarts.

The now soaked boy walked down the narrow stairs into an already crowded kitchen. His younger sister, Ginny, tried to hide her laugh by stuffing bread into her mouth, but failed. Miserably.

"Awww, is Ickle Ronikins all grumpy and wet?" Said Fred, one of Ron's older brothers, while fake-pouting.

Ginny sniggered, now full-on choking while the her eldest brother tapped her on the back.

"Oh, shut up!" Ron shot back, slopping down onto an oak-wood chair with red cushions.

Just as Ron was about to get some bread and jam with chocolate chips, his mother burst trough the front door with an unknown boy at her side.

The boy was a bit taller than Ron and he had messy black hair and sea green eyes. He looked about eleven years old.

"Hello children!" Greeted Mrs. Weasley excitedly as she looked over her children's faces. Soon her gaze met Ron-who was dripping wet. Her expression turned stern and she put her hand on her hips. "Alright, whos idea was it this time? Actually, you don't have to say anything. I already know." She once again looked at everyone in the room, but this time with a strict look in her eyes. No one said anything. They were still too stunned by the unknown kid in front of them. Mrs. Weasley must've noticed because she suddenly exclaimed "Oh silly me! This is Perseus everyone, he will be staying with us for a week-until the school term starts. Ronald, he is in the same year as you "


"Oh, fine!" exclaimed Ron's mother turning to Perseus "Sorry dear, my son prefers the shorter version of his name: Ron".

"Oh, yeah me too! I'd prefer if you called me Percy, please, if that's okay ." said the now-better-known as Percy boy with a thick American accent. Pronouncing the name Percy as Prrssy and not Puhrsy, as Ron normally would have.

The redheaded children were shocked to hear him speak in an American accent and the black haired lad looked even more uncomfortable, if possible.

"Of course, dear, it's completely fine!"

Everyone just looked at one another awkwardly  for a hot second.

"How peculiar" exclaimed Percy Weasley, breaking the newfound awkward silence ", we have the same name."

The younger Percy just smiled awkwardly, looked around stunned, uncertain of what to say.

Ron couldn't blame him. The Burrow was quite an odd place; with its narrow roof and walls, windows of all sizes and colors, several floors and queer objects often flying around the house, owls occasionally flying trough windows... random things as well.

"I think i will call you Percy 1" said Fred... or George (Ron could never be sure since they were identical) to his eldest brother, finally breaking the short moment of silence.

"Guess I'm Percy 2 then?" questioned the new kid.

"Or" said one of the twins sniggering "Percy the youngster"

Percy the youngest, yet again, smiled awkwardly like he didn't know what to say, avoiding eye-contact with everyone.

This is going to be long long few weeks thought Ron.

But Molly Weasley was just smiling pleasantly, being happy to help someone in need. She was sure that everything would go well, her children and guest were to get their letters next week and be off to Hogwarts. She had no idea of how absolutely wrong she was.

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