The Code Of Dawn (ON HOLD)

By sxcrai

257 24 13

Esme loves drawing. Her drawings are almost beautiful if one didn't take the time to see the darkest pieces... More

What Started It All
Sign of the Devils Staircase
A Heavy Intrusion
Cleansing The Dirty
Crossing Paths

The Cracks In A Skull

18 2 0
By sxcrai

You're a beautiful lie and I'm the painful truth -Sinth

Feeling the windy breeze guide my hand was like watching a magic show. Watching as my hand slowly bent to its will without any strings attached was obsessive. Realizing that finally, on this bright summer day I had control of myself. Nothing was being forced of me and nothing was being taken away. I was safe.

But this safety on lasted because of him

He protects me


I sadly woke up again.  the exact same place I fell into darkness. This time, Sinths green orange eyes were staring straight at me. Studying me. He was deep in thought when I let out a croak. 

He sighed as if disappointed "Oh so you've awoken already? Sad." 

What a complete asshat.

"Yeah, so sorry to disappoint you," I said. Still, a little lightheaded.

With a swift movement, he grabbed my face with his index finger and thumb. Pressing them hard into my cheeks. I winced in pain. This was so uncomfortable. Almost unbearable. 

"You don't want to mess with me right now. This attitude of yours... I'm going to have to fix that." he let go. And I sagged like a rag doll into the soft cushions of the bed. 

I was always stubborn but his threats made me shiver. 

Letting it brush past my shoulder trying to look brave, I said, "You were so nice at the pub. I wonder what happened. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning or something?" I winced ready for a backlash but he only chuckled.

It surprised me. Caught me off guard. 

"You know, I hit you in the nose on purpose," he said.

I gasped not being able to form words.

"Yeah. I needed to make sure you were as fragile as you looked."

Oh, this bastard. He did it all on purpose. I can't believe this. I was furious and it must've shown on my face because this asshole started grinning.

"I'm guessing you're a little disappointed huh?" He shifted. 

I sat up in the bed. I don't know what possessed me to do this but I hauled my legs over the bed. Acting as if Sinth wasn't right beside me, I got to my feet. My face just bares inches away from his chest. I moved to the side walking right past him. Reaching for the clothes on the chair. They never moved, Sinth began to speak. 

"So we're playing this game huh? You really want to do this the hard way?" He turned to face me but I didn't meet his gaze.

I just picked up the clothes and said, "Where's the bathroom?"

He looked pissed but he said, "On your left."

Walking across the room to the door I didn't even recognize was there. I reached for the handle. Pulling it, I halted. Dropping my clothes and letting out a violent scream. 

There was blood everywhere. On the shower curtains on the mirror. Everywhere.

"Ah shit I forgot to have that cleaned up," Sinth said behind me. "You know I think I have one in my room if you wanted-"

I cut him off. Sucking down my disgust, I let out a short. "No." Picking my clothes up off the floor and gathering my self I said. "This is fine." 

Walking into the bathroom I closed the door. He was not going to have what he wanted. I knew this was a trap. But I was not going to fall for it. 

I placed the clothing on the floor and walked to the shower curtain. I pulled it and let out a quiet gag. 

"Oh my god" 

There was a skull sitting right in the middle of the tub. It was decayed and I just about passed out then and there. This skull still had some skin and meat attached to it. There was blood streaming down the tub. Leading to the drain. This was a horrid sight. I couldn't do it.

Letting out a frustrated breath, I picked up the clothes and made my way out of the bathroom. 

Sinth sat comfortably on the bed. Like he was waiting for me to come back out. He planned this.

"I can't use it," I said frustrated.

He smirked and leaned his head against the bed frame.

I don't know why I thought that was hot but it was. It was just the way he did it. So effortlessly. His hair just swaying with the movement. His hands sat perfectly in his laps. I didn't notice before but he had some rings on. Was he married? There was a bunch on his fingers and it made me realize that maybe this guy already had a lover.

Clearing my throat I asked, "So, can you take me to the other bathroom?" I asked.

He sat up and hopped off the bed. 

Not saying a word he walked past me to the latch. Opening the door on the floor he held it.

I didn't know what I was supposed t be doing so I just stand there. Like an idiot. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. 

"Are you coming or not?"

I was so surprised that I wasn't chained up or gagged. He was just going to let me walk down there freely. What was he planning? 

Finally finding my bravery I walked up to the hole in the ground. I began to dangle myself down the hole. Finding my footing I let go of the floorboard and walked down the steps. Ste after step until I came across a long hallway.

This hallway was small. Only enough for one person to lead. 

"Follow me," Sinth said behind me. He had to get in front of me which meant we had to touch.

As if he didn't care about the fact we had to touch he just brushed past me. Now I felt like I was the only one who thought it was awkward. Following his tall form we walked. We kept on walking for what felt like a whole half an hour. Only it was just about 5 minutes.

We reached a door and Sinth opened it. 

When I could finally see what was inside I gasped. The room was huge. And dark. But huge.

There was a huge bed in the middle of the room and I don't know why my mind was so set on that fact. I saw a few paintings on the wall. And there was a canvas in the far corner by the window. 

Sinth was a painter? I couldn't even wrap my mind around the fact that Sinth drew those paintings on the walls.

Losing control of my mouth as Sinths back was turned I said, "You're such an asshole, I would've never thought you to be a painter." 

I laughed a little but that was cut short. He turned around violently making me drop the clothes once again. Before I could blink he had pinned me against the wall. One arm holding mines up while the other sat lazily on my hip. 

With a sneer, he said, "You're quite annoying to be so good at drawing." 

"Let me go," I said not backing down. I'm done being talked to like this.

"No," he replied tightening his hold. 

"If you don't I'll scream!"

"No one will save you."

"Fuck off." I spat.

He seemed surprised by that, "You have such a dirty mouth. I wonder where you got that from. Was it your dead sister or dead Freddy?" he asked

I gasped. I was on the verge of tears. For a good minute, I forgot that my sister and Freddy were dead. How could he do something like that?

As sadness came over me I sagged. he let go of me and let me fall to the floor.

"I'll come for you when you're done with your shower," Sinth said. He walked out of the room unbothered. "And hurry up. You don't want me to have to wash you."

But I couldn't move. I was stuck to the ground. Tears falling out of my eyes. I began sobbing quietly. I couldn't bring myself to get up and I really didn't want to. My family was dead. I Don't even know where I am or how I got here. I was just here. 

Deep into thought, I heard the door open abruptly. I tensed. 


**WARNING** The next chapter is going to be on the sexual side. There is going to be a scene of tense build-up. But don't worry ladies and gentlemen. We're not there yet. :)

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