Falling for the Golden Boy

By cidris2001

157K 4.9K 1.8K

(BoyxBoy) Carson's snarky, rude and badboy attitude is why every teacher hates him and why he draws the negat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's Note

Chapter 2

9K 314 69
By cidris2001

Carson's POV

He was tired by the time he made it to school despite the walk being only twenty minutes from where he lived. The sun beating down on him did nothing to help, encouraging him to find a place where he could rest. So that's exactly what he did. He found a place in the yard, far enough away from the school to not draw attention and settled against a tree. He tilted his back, soaking in the warmth. Only for a moment, he told himself.


He woke up being roughly kicked in the side. He looked up at the blurry figure beside him, frowning when the features focused enough for him to make out Killian. His friends were standing a few feet away but Ben was nowhere in sight. Carson refocused his attention on Killian as the boy threw another kick his way. "Don't you have anything better to do?" He snapped.

"Yes but I'd rather be here bothering you." Grinned Killian.

"What a boring life that must be." He deadpanned.

"It's actually quite entertaining."

"You must not find much entertainment in your life."

Another kick.

"Great comeback."

Killian grabbed him by the lapels of his jacket, forcing him to his feet. Reese and Angel were there to restrain him again. "You'd think someone like yourself would have enough balls to fight me one on one yet here you are using three guys against little ol' me."

Killian grabbed his chin. "In case you haven't noticed, I really don't care."

Carson spit in his face only to receive a punch to the jaw. Then one to his cheek, his head, his stomach.

"What's going on here?" The principal had her arms crossed over her chest, glaring at the group of boys with her piercing grey eyes.

"He was trying to pick a fight with us," Killian lied. "We were showing him what happens when you pick on people."

"You know my policy on fights. We don't use violence to solve violence."

"Yes m'am. Sorry, m'am." The three of them uttered. Carson continued to glare.

The principal sighed. "Run along."

The three football players took off but before Carson could follow, the principal held up her hand to stop him. "Not you. I want a word with you in my office."

He followed her into the school, taking a seat in front of her desk. She got right to the point. "This is the third time you've been involved in a fight this year."

He could tell the truth and say that none of those times were his fault but she would never believe him. It was always him that caused the fights. Killian and his friends, they were too perfect to start fights. They had rich parents, great grades, they would never start a fight without good reason. To everyone else, Carson was only getting what he deserved. So he might as well play the part. He leaned back in his chair, a lazy smirk making its way onto his face. "Fourth time's the charm."

The principal narrowed her eyes. "No. There won't be a forth time, Carson Parker. Three strikes, you're out."

The smirk left his face in an instant. "What?"

"You're expelled."

He froze, heart sinking in his chest. He couldn't be expelled. This was his last year. He may not be the best student but he still tried in the classes that mattered. He still wanted his education, even if it had to be in this crappy building with asshole teachers and gossipy shit-talking cliques. He didn't spend three years at this school to be kicked on his last. "You can't-"

"I most certainly can."


"Carson," the woman leaned forward. "I know there's a decent person under that bad boy facade you've adopted. I don't know what's going on in your life but I won't have it effect good students who show potential. If you want to stay at this school, you have to show me you deserve it."

"Are you saying-"

"That there's a chance I won't expel you? Yes."

"What do I have to do?"

"There's a club at this school for students who want to become more involved in their community. It's run by students, for students who want to improve. The group is small but consists of good people. They usually run charity events and do volunteer work in the community. They meet every Tuesday and Thursday during lunch hour. Now, you've already missed todays meeting but I want you to go to it on Thursday." She handed him a piece of paper with a time and room number.

"I'm guessing you want me to go to this for the rest of the year?"

She nodded. "Don't think of it as a punishment, think of it as an opportunity."

He was going to think of it as torture but at least he wouldn't be expelled. He didn't think it was a good idea to push his luck anymore today so he simply nodded. The principal smiled. "Good. I'll receive reports from the club organizer to make sure you're attending and doing well. Now go to class. You still have two hours left of the day."

He did as he was told, passing a smirking Killian in the hallway who stood beside Ben as he dug around in his locker. "So did you get expelled yet?"

"Nope. You still get the pleasure of seeing me here everyday." He replied as Ben turned to give his friend a confused look.

"I look forward to it." Grinned Killian.

"That makes one of us," he mumbled too low for Killian to hear as he made his way to class with, thankfully, no further interruptions. 

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