Tell Me No Lies

By hermjonemcljna

2K 35 17

Hailey Walker just wanted a normal, but what she got was far from normal, When a murderous identity murdered... More

Her Perfect Life
A Living Hell
War Zone
Unveiling The Truth
Don't Let Me Go
Broken Trust
The Scars you left.
The Toxic Winds of the past
Seeing the Beauty Through the pain
The Truth Hurts
Return Of The Dead

When we were young...

108 3 2
By hermjonemcljna

Their family mustang was sitting abandoned outside of their local bar The Sidestep, Hailey had a job there to help out with her family. Geri Broussard and Hoyt Rawlins, her father's best friends, and her honorary Aunt and Uncle were the owners of The Sidestep so they are technically her bosses.

Geri Broussard, her full name being Geraldine was a gorgeous woman, a genuine brown-haired and brown-eyed beauty. She was sitting behind the bar. She is frequently described by everyone as "an old friend of Walker and his late wife, Emily, who hasn't seen Walker since Emily's funeral. It's clear that she and Walker have a history — a friendship and a shared tragedy."

Her husband Hoyt, who was raised in a rough family full of criminals, never met or knew his mother, so the Walkers theoretically took him in. Hoyt built a fairly close bond with Cordell and his mother Abeline. He was also close friends with Emily, and the trio was best friends in high school. Hoyt is most frequently described by everyone who knows him as "Hill Country's Han Solo" and a "Lonestar lothario" who finds himself on the opposite side of the law from his pal.

A few minutes passed as Hailey stared at her beer; she hadn't drunk any yet. She had zoned out a few minutes ago as she reminded herself about her father's 32nd Birthday. She giggled a little bit, she blinked for a second, then her surroundings shifted and before she knew it, she had gone back 6 years. She was surrounded by Geri, Hoyt, Cordell, and Emily. The young 15-year-old smiled at her parents as they held her close. She pouted as Geri and Hoyt left and tossed the keys to Cordell "don't forget to lock up and happy birthday!" Geri spoke as Hoyt swept her off her feet and carried her out.

Hailey looked at her parents admiringly, she wanted a boyfriend who treated her like that. She was laughing a little as she saw Cordell pick up the pig's head that he was gifted by Emily. "Getting kinky, are we?" Emily asked holding back a laugh, Cordell just laughed before looking at her "no just redecorating" he replied quickly, Emily sighed "you don't own this place to make these kinds of decisions." She replied rationally, Hailey nodded in agreement with her mother figure. Cordell glanced at his daughter, he huffed acting like her agreeing with Emily offended him.

"Come on, we spend so much time here, It's a second home." He spoke, turning his back to them as he grabbed a chair and stood up on it, he took down a picture and put up the pig's head in its place. He moaned out in agony, as on his stomach had on a bandage, he had wounded himself during work. Emily sighed, she strolled over to him "babe, this is getting a bit out of control." She replied as her eyes fell on the bandage which peeked out from underneath his shirt.

Cordell rolled his eyes as Hailey giggled, Emily, flashed her the death glare as if she were saying "don't encourage him", she immediately fell quiet as her gaze fell onto the floor, she sighed as Cordell then spoke "Here comes the pillow talk" he says annoyed. Emily groaned "Babe, your job is dangerous... we need to write a will. I need to be prepared." She spoke annoyed by the way he was responding. The last part sparked Hailey's curiosity. She looked at her parents, thinking about what they were talking about.

Emily sighed, caressed her husband's cheek, and she sighed "what would you do if I died?" She asked shocked that Cordell has asked what she would do if he died, she smirked softly as she replied. She waited for her husband's response, she was looking into his eyes and she smiled, not expecting his answer "If you died? My life would be over" He answered, Both Hailey and Emily beamed "really?" Emily asked teasing him, Cordell impishly slapped her arm.

Hailey snapped back into reality, to find that she was staring at her father, and just her father... She was sitting on the floor; she was puzzled but then realized that she must have fallen off her chair whilst imagining her mother. Cordell looked worried, he was grasping his white hat, he was kneeling next to her "are you alr-" but before he could continue, Hailey promptly stood up "I'm Fine. Fine." She said cutting him off, she hated when her father made a fuss about nothing.

Stella and August were with them, Stella sighed "sure, you're totally fine." She answered sarcastically, Hailey frowned at Stella as Cordell sighed "Stella, leave it!" He snapped, Hailey and Stella both seemed to be taken aback by the unexpected attitude change. Stella sighed "fine." She mumbled, August embraced Hailey, as Hailey half-heartedly hugged him back. She was still sorting out it, Cordell sighed "Haileybear, were you thinking about E-E-Emily?" He questioned choking up, he never said anything about her as it hurt him too much to even remember her.

Geri grinned as she and Hoyt paraded in, they looked pleased with themselves "We're selling the bar." Geri spoke, Hailey and Cordell's bewildered gazes fell onto the couple "Are you crazy?!" Hailey yelled furiously, Cordell swallowed, Stella and August stared at Hailey amazed as she's usually the calm one in these situations. "This is my job!" She screamed, she clutched her bag, and marched out.

Cordell sighed as he ran after her "That was unnecessary..." He stated, Hailey did not even stop, she just strolled past him, ignoring what he said, "HAILEY BLAKE WALKER!" He screamed, his skin was beginning to turn red. Hailey came to a halt and turned as she saw her father was angry "oh whatever, you can't ever lose your job as you run the town." She said as she was trying to calm down, her father following her and scolding her was just making her more heated...

She could feel her stomach raising with fiery anger, it felt like hell was rising inside her, which she never lets out, much like Jekyll and Hyde. She was always viewed as Cordell's favorite because she doesn't make mistakes, and she's always calm and collected.. but inside, she's depressed, angry, and isolated. She just doesn't know how to react when it comes to these situations.

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