a trip to Canada *Cole pender...

By alwaysIM5

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the boys do a show in canada and stay there for the summer but is it possible that something that happens cha... More

Hey :)
coming home!
awesome news!
the dance! :)
going camping
meeting the rest
hanging out
christmas dance and more?
movie night
halloween and celebrating
getting ready for the date
dinner date
giant sleepover
thank you!
bal en blanc and plans
dinner and a surprise
LA :)
4 years later
big surprise (part 1)
big surprise (part 2)
the end :)

a little tour

87 0 0
By alwaysIM5

*wendys p.o.v*

so me and the girls started to show the boys around the campground. we started with the dance hall sine it was the closest.

"every weekend there is a dance here, its nothing big and fancy but we always have a great time!" Caitlyn said

"so then theres one this friday?" dana asked

"yeah on friday it starts at 8pm and on saturday it starts at 7pm" sierra told him. he simply nodded

"sometimes we have themes like halloween and christmas in july, they are actually coming up in 2 weeks." i told them. Christmas in july was the last week of july and halloween is the first weekend of august, this year it just so happens that halloween is on my birthday. yes im going to be 18 but at this campsite you win prizes for the best costume.

"what do you guys usually do on christmas?" will asked

"well its more for the little kids, but we like to join the parade with the golf carts." mallory responded

"awesome what about halloween?" daalton asked with a big smile

"there is usually a party here at the dance hall for everyone then theres a costume party and the prizes are given. then the rest of the night is a halloween dance" i told them

"this year the halloween party just so happens to be on wendys 18th birthday so it will be funny to watch her get drunk while in her costume!" Meloney said laughing. i gave her a death glare and it just made her laugh even more. we continued our little tour, i think there favorite part was probably the pool and the arcade. by the time we finished our tour, it was dinner time, so we decided to take the guys to Al's.

"what would you guys recommend eating here?" dana asked, me and the girls looked at each other and smiled.

"a poutine" i told them with a smile

"its the best thing ever made and you will only get the bst ones here in Quebec" they ordered ad we waited for our food. when it came, us girls waited to see the boys reactions once they tasted there food. there face were priceless...

"oh my god..." gabe said

"this is..."dana started

"THE BEST THING EVER!" Dalton finished , we all started laughing. when we finished eating we made our way back to the cap and said good bye to the guys and made our way back to our trailers for the night.

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