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By dxxdly_

131K 5.6K 4.9K

"Have you ever thought about living a normal life?" "Depends on what you call normal, hyung." ------- An ido... More

Introduction || Prologue
Chapter 1 : Wings
Chapter 2 : Mistake
Chapter 3 : Prank
Chapter 4 : Mad?
Chapter 5 : Nervous
Chapter 6 : Tired
Chapter 7 : Google
Chapter 8 : Don't Leave Me
Chapter 9 : Safe Place
Chapter 10 : Dream
Chapter 11 : Drunk
Chapter 12 : Hopes
Chapter 13 : Hurt
Chapter 14 : Blush
Chapter 15 : Attraction
Chapter 16 : Cutie
Chapter 17 : Confession
Chapter 18 : Facetime
Chapter 19 : New Year
Chapter 20 : Kiss
Chapter 21 : Sneaky
Chapter 22 : Cameras
Chapter 23 : Date
Chapter 24 : Boyfriend
Chapter 25 : Coming out?
Chapter 26 : Busted
Chapter 27 : Reality
Chapter 28 : Run Away
Chapter 29 : Lie
Chapter 30 : Perfectly Well
Chapter 31 : Jealousy
Tagged (2)
Chapter 32 : Scared
Chapter 33 : Away
Chapter 34 : Love
Chapter 35 : Clingy
Chapter 37 : Elevator
Chapter 38 : Rainbows
Chapter 39 : Manly
Chapter 40 : Us
Disclaimer || The Truth Untold
[P2] Chapter 41 : Penalty
[P2] Chapter 42 : Busy
[P2] Chapter 43 : Fear
[P2] Chapter 44 : Interview
[P2] Chapter 45 : Nightmare
[P2] Chapter 46 : Burdens
[P2] Chapter 47 : Acceptance
[P2] Chapter 48 : Insecure
[P2] Chapter 49 : Solace
[P2] Chapter 50 : Confidence
[P2] Chapter 51 : Intrusion
[P2] Chapter 52 : Read
[P2] Chapter 53 : Exposure
[P2] Chapter 54 : Protected
[P2] Chapter 55 : Refusal
[P2] Chapter 56 : Anxiety
[P2] Chapter 57 : Happiness
[P2] Chapter 58 : Ignored
[P2] Chapter 59 : Apologies
[P2] Chapter 60 : Dinner
[P2] Chapter 61 : Tears
[P2] Chapter 62 : Somber
[P2] Chapter 63 : Tears (II)
[P2] Chapter 64 : The Talk
[P2] Chapter 65 : Red Roses
Bonus o1 : Long Rides And Surprises
Bonus o2 : The Next Step Of Their Relationship
Bonus o3 : Alone In The Dorm
Thank You + New Book Info
New Book

Chapter 36 : Weird

1.3K 68 52
By dxxdly_

I just now realized that I published 37th chapter, without 36th. 

Kill me :D







February 20, 2018.

A week had passed and to say that Taehyung and Jeongguk were busy would be understatement. And they weren't busy with their own lives this time, they were busier than ever... with each other. 

Sticking to each other like glue, the only time where they didn't talk to each other was they were filming something, or when they went out for interview or some other sort. 

"Stop it," he whined slightly, trying to get away from his boyfriend, only causing for Taehyung to pull back the younger into his arms, stealing ticklish touches here and there.

They were currently lying on the couch, both completing their schedule that day too quick, quicker than usual, only to come home and to spend time with each other. It was pretty admirable how they balance between their relationship and work, for the past week.

Though they didn't know that they were missing one important thing.

"I just love tickling you, baby," he chuckled, before stopping for real, just admiring his boyfriend. 

"Uh huh," Jeongguk muttered.

"Yeah," Taehyung said, "Oh and, I was meaning to tell you this. The lyrics for the song is ready. Namjoon hyung helped me."

(^song : released on Jan 18, 2018. Me : Not here 🗿)

"Oh, yeah?" Jeongguk asked immediately, his interest getting him. 

"It's called Hold Me Tight. I think... the recording will probably start in two days? If everything goes well and the lyrics is approved, then yeah," he said, flowing his fingers through Jeongguk's hairlocks.

"Wait, it's a group song?" Jeongguk asked surprised, "I thought it was gonna be solo!"

"It isn't. I'm just producing and composing the music," he said, laughing slightly, "Besides, I don't have time to prepare for a solo song right now. We also have a tour at the end of this year after we release our new album, right?"

"I'm so excited," Jeongguk beamed.

"Me too, bunny," he cooed, before pressing their lips together suddenly before pulling away. 

"What was that for?" Jeongguk frowned, suddenly forgetting the fact that he was being called bunny by the latter.

"Just because," he said, kissing once again. 

Jeongguk knitted his eyebrows together playfully, before getting up once he felt like his stomach was growling in hunger.

"I really completed everything soon today, and now I feel bored because I don't know what to do," he commented, as he opened a packed sandwich from the refrigerator, "This is when I'd be arguing with Jimin hyung usually."


"Yeah, I'd... want to stop here or your studio real quick and he wouldn't allow for that, since he was afraid I'd be distracted and stay with you, without doing my work," he laughed, shaking his head, "I'm pretty sure I'd have done that, if it wasn't for Jimin hyung. You're just... really tempting and I hate it sometimes."

Taehyung didn't really react to this, as he stood up from the couch, moving towards the other.

"Oh yeah?" He asked, wrapping his arms around Jeongguk's torso, "I'm tempting huh?" He asked, his hands caressing his clothed abs softly. Jeongguk's eyebrows quirked up at that action, realizing what the other was doing. 

He kept his sandwich down on a plate lying there, before turning around, only to meet the teasing face of Taehyung, with a small 'innocent' smile in his face. Jeongguk wasn't having it that day. 

He moved abruptly closer, his hands gripping the side of his body, preventing Taehyung to move away from him. The other, who certainly didn't expect this, widened his eyes slightly, and before he could do anything, Jeongguk flipped their position, making the elder's  back hit the edge of dining table.

"Trust me, you're more than just tempting," he whispered, squeezing his waist a bit harshly, earning a shaky breath from elder. 

"Oh, yeah?" He asked, licking his lips slightly.

"Fuck," he muttered, before capturing the other's lips demandingly, applying a lot of pressure, on his body, earning a small whimper from Taehyung. A sound to which Jeongguk was addicted. 

He was addicted to Kim Taehyung and he wasn't ashamed to admit it.




"Did you finish everything soon, and get scolding from me for taking half a day off without informing, just so you could suck each other's faces off?!" Namjoon exclaimed loudly, as he almost shrieked at the couple in the dining table.

Jeongguk and Taehyung were too much frozen to even comprehend what just happened. This was the second time getting caught while making out, how much more careless can they get? This was the only thought in both their minds.

"That too, in the dining room, oh god," he whispered in horror, looking at the red faces of the maknaes.

"U-Um, sorry hyung," Jeongguk muttered, as he moved away from the other, Taehyung immediately adjusting his shirt and tee collar, before clearing his throat himself.

"You don't have to be sorry, and all. But control, yeah?" Namjoon sighed, to which both of them nodded embarrassed, "I'm not trying to restrict you, but do all that in... uh, when you're alone. I'm just trying to see that your relationship doesn't affect your job."

"Of course hyung, we understand," Taehyung said.

"Yeah, won't take any leave, without informing, hereafter," Jeongguk promised.

"Please, don't-"

"Heya people!" Hoseok entered the dorm, crackling his shoulder muscles, "Ah, today was really a rough day, and I'm so hungry. Oh! And Joon, when are we starting? Evening or... now?"

"Starting? Starting what?" Taehyung asked.


"Busan?" Jeongguk questioned, sudden interest perked up at the mention of his hometown. 

"Yeah, there was a meeting conducted with the members and the staffs. There's a sudden performance for Bangtan there in the new festive show in Busan. It's... day after tomorrow night. So, yeah, we should get there as soon as possible."

"O-Oh, should we get ready now?" Taehyung asked, moving towards his room, as Jeongguk watched him go, waiting for Namjoon or Hoseok to say something.

"Yeah, we're picking up the other members from the company. They are a bit tight today, so yeah. Get ready in a few minutes?" Hoseok asked, removing his jacket, to which both of them nodded, "Just pack something for three days, that's enough!" 

"Yeah, okay hyung!" Taehyung shouted back, as he hurried towards his room upstairs, while Jeongguk was already inside his room, grabbing his towel for a quick shower before quite a long drive. 


You look handsome ♡♡♡♡
I want to kiss you...

Jeongguk smiled at the message, hopping inside the driver seat of the car. For worth calling handsome, he wasn't even wearing anything fancy. Just a black shirt and ripped blue jeans with the bucket hat. 

(^that's THE killer look-)

A small giggle left him as he tried to text back, knowing that Taehyung's were on him, but before he could do that-

"I know you're flirting in your texts, and hate to break your session, but we have to start now," Jimin said, who was sitting in the seat behind the front, beside Taehyung, who switched off his phone immediately, the clicking sound perfectly heard. Jeongguk smiled awkwardly, before shoving his phone down his pocket, and starting the engine.

"Feels good," Yoongi sighed, who was sitting in the front beside Jeongguk, "It's been a while since we travelled somewhere..."

"Yeah," Namjoon agreed from behind.

"Hyung, will I have time to meet my parents?" Jeongguk asked, as he followed the staff car right after they started. 

"I don't know, Kook. But let's see. If anything, I think you can meet your parents after our performance. It's a bit difficult before that," he said, to which Jeongguk hummed. 

"Gimbap, anyone?" Jin asked suddenly, that everyone frowned for a second.

"That was so off topic hyung," Hoseok laughed.

"Who cares? I'm not gonna ask again though, gimbap?"

"I want it," Jimin said, getting one almost immediately. 

Jeongguk looked at Taehyung through the rear view mirror, who was already chewing one gimbap with bread cheeks and pouty lips, pushing his hair aside. Coincidentally enough, Taehyung eyed the younger too, before giving a small smile, with crinkled eyes. 

The younger made a small kissy face, before focusing back on driving, leaving Taehyung a bit flustered with a hot face.

Jimin didn't even bother stopping them this time.




"Can me and Taehyungie hyung take one room?" 

That was the first thing Jeongguk asked in their meeting, when the topic of room allotting came into picture. None of the hyungs were surprised honestly, but the staffs were, slightly, except that one noona, since Jeongguk was usually okay with whatever room he was given. 

"It's okay, you don't have to, Gguk," Taehyung whispered beside him.

"I want to share it with him, though," he muttered, "But it's okay, anything is fine, I guess."

So, it wasn't really a surprise that Taehyung and Jeongguk got a room together after a few minutes. 

The elder went inside the double bedroom, with his bag, looking around, observing each and every detail, followed by his boyfriend. 

"It's not bad," Jeongguk whispered, keeping his bag on top of the bed, before taking out his clothes which he was gonna change, "I'm going to shower now," he muttered, as he switched on the bathroom's light, to peek inside it. 

"Should we shower together?" Taehyung asked, looking at the bathtub inside, as if it was just a casual thing to do, making Jeongguk's heart do a dangerous back flip suddenly.

"Shower together?" He asked, blinking, to which Taehyung just shrugged, "Y-Yeah, why not? It's not like it's our first time seeing each other naked. We even made love once, so yeah, don't matter I guess. So, how about now, or when we sleep? Or just... now that I'm about to shower, can we just do it now? A-Also, won't we get caught? What... What about the staffs, what if someone knocked in between-"

"You're rambling, Gguk," he said in adoration, cutting the other off, "It's okay if you're not comfortable-"

"No! I'm not uncomfortable!" Jeongguk exclaimed suddenly, not letting the other speak further, "I'm just... a little... shy," he whispered, looking away.

"Ah, why so adorable?" Taehyung cooed out loud, before squeezing his cheeks together, "If you're sure, then, come on, let's go shower together."

"Yeah, l-let's go," Jeongguk muttered with red cheeks, before heading towards the room door, and locking it, but not before taking a small look outside, only to see all his hyungs' and staffs' room were closed too.

He clicked the lock shut, as he saw Taehyung set up the warm water inside it, and praying that he shouldn't go too nervous in front of his boyfriend, he entered the bathroom. 

Let's just say that the shower-together session was filled with kisses and sweet talks, just both of them being adorable and cute, so much, that each other's hearts started to hurt. Just adorable boyfriends being... adorable. 


Taehyung was woken up from his sleep, with a heavy knocking in the door. He opened his eyes slowly and groggily, not realizing that both of them fell asleep right after the long shower, in the warm water. 

"Who is it?" Jeongguk whispered slightly, not bothering to wake up further, sleeping taking over him.

Taehyung mumbled a uncoherent 'I don't know' as he got up from the bed messily, trying to adjust his hair, before going towards the room door, trying not to hit himself anywhere. His footsteps heard softly, as he opened the door looking at the male outside the room with half opened eyes.

"Hey, Jiminie," he greeted, biting back a yawn, before opening the door and turning back to get inside again, only to be stopped by the other.

"Where are you going? We're having dinner, now," he said, peeking inside the room, "Wake Gguk up and come out-"

"Ah, I'm not hungry," Taehyung said, slightly awake by now, "And Jeonggukie seems deep in sleep too."

"Tae, you both have to eat, though," Jimin sighed, "Besides, it's all seven together. And we're not getting those times now often," he said, wanting the both of them to come with them.

Taehyung hesitated a bit, hearing that.

He didn't want to make it seem like he was ignoring the other members just because he was in relationship with one, but at the same time, he didn't want to look like a red tomato and embarrass himself in front of others, every time Jeongguk teased him or flirted with him. 

One thing he envied about Jeongguk. Though he wasn't bold, he at least pretended to be.

Not that Taehyung wasn't bold, he just couldn't help but get a bit red and Jeongguk would be the main reason for it, or the members who would be teasing them. It wasn't like he was uncomfortable with them, he was just uncomfortable with himself as to why he was this sensitive regarding this.

"Um, yeah, sure," he muttered, as Jimin frowned at the sudden awkwardness radiating off him, "Will be there in a few minutes."

Jimin still had a frown in his face, but nevertheless, nodded before going away, his mind filled with thoughts about the strange aura around his best friend. 




Taehyung didn't know why, but he had this feeling that he had to be formal in front of his hyungs, all of a sudden. He felt like... he felt a bit uncomfortable and watch them make a big deal about showing PDA with Jeongguk. And he didn't know what happened, Jeongguk had been real silent ever since the start of the dinner.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi whispered to Jeongguk, catching Taehyung's attention, though he didn't  really show it out. 

Jeongguk, as an habit, met Taehyung's eyes for a second, before turning towards the elder.

"Nothing's wrong, hyung. Why would you think that?" He asked, to which Yoongi just shrugged.

"I don't know, you seem silent," he stated.

"Ah, I just now woke up actually. So, yeah, just a little bit sleepy. Nothing else," he shrugged, as Taehyung looked down again, a specific thought invading his mind.

Is Jeongguk feeling the same as me?

Taehyung didn't even know what was wrong with him. 

They came out. The members accepted them. They came out to one of their staffs, she too, accepted them. But why was he feeling a bit uncomfortable being so open about his love life? It wasn't like he didn't want to show everyone that Jeongguk was his, and vice versa.

"Ah, what's wrong with me?" He whispered to himself, gaining Jimin's attention beside him, but he didn't react immediately to that.

"That's what I've been wondering for a while now," he said in a low voice, sighing to himself, "Why are you acting so weird lately?" 

Taehyung didn't know either.


Is it clear what I expressed in this chapter?

Like, you get into a relationship newly, it isn't a bit uncomfy and shy to do cheesy stuff in front of everyone, no matter how close they are?

I'm afraid my writing skills are worsening lmao-

Anyways, happy reading~


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