16 and pregnant

By madelineduran

1.1M 28.9K 4.2K

Jessica was a straight A student, but what you say straight A. She had a perfect life just her, and her mom... More

16 and pregnant
Being Convinced
Time To Party
Rise and Shine
The first morning sickneness
Gym surprise
I Told Him..
What Have I Done
Im In Love With You ❤️
Mom, Im preganat!
I hate you!
Horrible afternoon
Im Sorry
My house?
Family Hug!
Mission with a suprise
Problems all around
Mother daughter talks
Something doesnt seem right
Nice talking to you agin.
He cares?
Anything for my girl
Date night
Nothing could ruin this night
Then everything went black
I promise im never letting go
Just tell me
Cassidy & Ashton
Early morning talks
Some things never change
Here goes nothing
im sorry • suprise suprise
Never Ending Love
Things to address
Haii loves

Why wasn't it me instead

19.3K 494 146
By madelineduran

( J O N A T H A N)

Beep beep beep.

I wake up to an annoying beeping, feeling things on my arms.

I open my eyes and close them again adjusting to the light.

I sit up.

"Oh my goodness honey your awake" my mom said pressing the nurse button.

"M-mom, what happened" I said.

"You were driving and you got hit my a drunk driver" she said.

I was so confused.

Then it all came back....

The fight with chelsea...
The argument ...
The twins.....


"Mom where is Jessica?!" I said starting to panic.

She sighed.

"In the room next door mijo"

My mom sighed, that's not good. That is not good.

I was about to get up when a nurse came in.

"Oh good your up" she said looking at me.

She was in her early twenties.

"Yeah, can I go see my girlfriend" I said trying to not be rude, but I just need to see Jessica.

"Um yeah let me just get your leg ready." she said a little disappointed.

"So I broke my leg" I asked confused on why she said to get my leg wrapped up.

"Yeah. no worries though. you'll have to walk around in these for about 2 months (a/n: I really don't know how long you normally stay with a cast on or how the process works so just go along with it lol) and then you'll get the cast off. you also have a few bruises and we had to give you stitches on your right shoulder but you'll be fine" she said handing me crutches.

After she casted my leg I asked again.

"Can I please go see my girlfriend" I ask almost begging.

"Yeah go ahead, I'll just give your mom the prescription for your medicine and let her sign the release papers" she said

I swear if it wasn't for the crutches I would've run to the room next door.

I enter the room to see her lying in bed. I make my way over to her and I sit in the chair next to her.

She seemed so lifeless.

She was white as a ghost. she was connected to a bunch of machines.

I started to cry.

I grabbed her hand and kissed her palm.

She stilled managed to look beautiful.

"Jessica" I said barley a whisper my voice cracking.

" I love you so so much" I was able to say before bursting out in tears.

The doctor walked in.

"Excuse me, are you direct family" he asked.

"I'm her brother" I said looking at her.

I knew that if I said boyfriend he would've kicked me out.

"Oh okay" he said he was about to leave but I stopped him.

"Is she going to be okay" I asked feeling tears on my cheeks again.

He sighs "she broke her left leg and has bruised here and there, she needed to get stitches on her back and left arm. she was also sent to emergency operation because of her ribs. everything worked out fine, but if she doesn't wake up in 5 days she is in a coma" he said.

"What about the babies" I asked hoping for at least some good news.

"Well she lost one, the girl. They boy survived but is in a danger zone as we call it"

"Thank you" I said

He nodded turned and left.

Once he left I let it all out.

I couldn't believe it. I lost my daughter and there could be a possibility of me loosing the girl I love,

"Why could've it been me" I whispered to no one in particular.

"I love you Jessica please wake up". I said still holding her hand.

My mom walked in.

She looked at Jessica, she started to cry.

I got up (with my crutches of course) and went to hug her.

After I hugged her I say back down.

"Mom, why could've it been me, she lost the girl. why couldn't I be the one in a coma and not her" I said starting to get frustrated.

"Calm down mijo." she said rubbing my arm as I look at the love of my life laying on a hospital bed fighting for her life because someone decided to be irresponsible.

"I swear, once I get out this hospital in going to find out who the hell did this and once I get my hands on them..." My mom cut me of.

"Jonathan Alexander Garcia, I know your mad and upset but that is no way to talk" she said.

My mom has always been the strong one of the family.

"Why don't you go buy us something to eat, whatever you want" she said.

"Mom I can't just leave Jessica here" I said.

"Go you need to walk and clear your head" she said.

I sighed and took the 20$ from her hand grabbed my crutches gave her a kiss on the head and went to go buy us dinner.

Seriously, why could've it been me instead of her.

I sighed walking into subway. As I enter I see Tiffany and Vanessa.

They don't know. I guess I have to tell them.


Hey hey guys. it's been forever. hope you liked the new update. yeah well yeah..

Till next time


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