The Music Time Machine -- Jon...

By Amympr96

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In the year 2015, In the bustling city of central London. A young woman named Amy is working late one evening... More

Just a Thunderstorm
Husband and Wife
Take me to the Hospital
Mission Time Travel
Drawing board
Let's party with the band
Breakfast and Karaoke
Take me Home, Thunderstorm
Cure for a broken heart
The last stand
The Charity Ball
Back to Normal
New Identity
New Identity part 2
I can give you everything
Me, Myself and I
Meet the family
I'd die for you
Vancouver here we come
Erotica Spice
Honey moon phase
Detroit Rock City
Make a wish
I got sunshine
Going Down the rabbit hole
A White Christmas
Our House
Studio Time
New Jersey on the road
Super power
He speaks to me
Becoming Mortal
Double Trouble
Blaze of Glory
Little Bongiovi
Star-Spangled Band
Love of my life
No more machine
The new show opener
I'd live and I'd die for you
A Rockstar's wife

The Morning After

396 5 2
By Amympr96

24th May 2015 /  London

Rosie arose from her deep sleep, squinting through her blurred vision as the grogginess of the night before dissipates. Pinching the bridge of her nose in hopes that her eye sight clears. Her head beating in sync with her heart as she pulls herself up in bed. Looking round her room in utter confusion 'How the hell did I end up back in here' she thought to herself. 

After a few moments of just relaxing and going over everything that happened in the past 24 hours. She slumped out of bed, letting her feet adjust to the weight of her body. She stripped out of her clothes from the night before, throwing them in the washing basket in the corner. Walking over to her wardrobe, swinging open the doors, flicking through her clothes. She decided on a red vest and a mini denim black skirt with her black converse. She had work this morning at her record store until 12 then her friend Samantha would be taking over for the rest of the shift. She grabbed her makeup bag, she didn't wear a lot of makeup, just abit of eyeliner and mascara. 

Just as she was about to leave her room, It just dawned on her that Jon didn't have any clothes. Running back to her wardrobe, she grabbed her dad's old clothes from the shelf, which was just a bunch of band t-shirts, jeans and sweatpants. She grabbed a pair of jeans, an Aerosmith band shirt and a pair of socks. Taking a deep breath before leaving her room, she was slightly nervous knowing he was possibly out there, waiting in the wings.  

She quietly creaked the door open, trying not to make a sound and tip toed her way into the living room, placing his clothes down on the coffee table. She thought she'd make some breakfast for when he wakes up, that's assuming he wasn't already awake. Swinging open her fridge, letting the light and cool air blast onto her face. She took a quick glance around, grabbing some sausages and bacon. She put them in the oven and got started on the eggs, toast and coffee. She can't seem to cook without playing some music so She went on her phone, playing her music playlist. The husky vocals of 'Mötley Crüe-- Smokin in the boys room' sounded throughout the kitchen. She can't help herself, she begins to spin around, shaking her hips to the music.

Mean while in the guest room, Jon is all astir in bed, being dragged out of the dream world to the hint melody sifting through the house, he instantly recognises the song. Soon followed by the smoky smell of bacon, he rolled over, groaning as he inhaled the tasty aroma, almost making him drool. He lay there a moment, just taking everything in before sliding out of bed. He walked over to the door, swinging it open, wearing nothing but the sweatpants she put on him last night. He tip toed his way to the living room, the grumbles in his stomach getting louder as the scent of food got stronger. 

As the kitchen came into view he couldn't help but smirk at the sight before him. It was Rosie shaking her hips and waving her arms in the air to the music. He quietly stood in the doorway watching her dance, he had to admit she looked very sexy dancing away in her mini skirt. The song had now changed to Billy Squire- Everybody wants you, the sound of her giggles as she shook her hips to the music sounded throughout the kitchen. 

"Hey Rosie.." His husky voice echoed over the music, she screamed so loud, spinning around in shock "Oh My gave me a heart attack" her voice all breathy as she clutched her chest. She gazed over to him, a sexy grin resting on his soft lips, his hairy chest and abs begging for attention. Her thoughts running away with her as she took a moment to appreciate his beauty. 

She was snapped out of her thoughts when his voice echoed again "Sexy moves you got there darlin". she could feel her cheeks turning hot with her blood, looking down bashfully "Oh God....You saw that?" biting her lip nervously. He nodded in response, still with a smirk on his lips, his silence making the situation much worse. 

After a moment of silence his sexy vocals echoed again "Smells good....Whatcha cookin?" moving his blue gaze over to the oven. "Oh Umm....Well I thought you'd be hungry So I'm making breakfast" shrugging bashfully. "Great....I'm starved actually" rolling his head back in delight as he rubbed his hand over his toned abs. "There's-----Some coffee for you" stuttering as she forces her gaze away from his body towards the coffee on the bench. "Great Thanks.." wrapping his hand around the mug of steaming coffee, taking the first slurp between his lips. 

Once the breakfast was cooked, she dished it out on to two plates and they sat in the living room. Their ravenous hunger making them inhale the food off the plates. They weren't sure if it was because they needed food or the physical attraction they had towards each other, but for now they were just blaming it on the food. 

"So Those clothes are for you, If they don't fit great I can find you somethin else" pointing towards the pile on the coffee table. "I'm sure It'll be great....Thanks for everything" A smile crept up on his lips, but it wasn't a smirk or a grin it was a genuine smile which made a huge beaming smile creep up on her face too. 

"Ummm, I actually have work today, I have a shift in my store just downstairs......But I was wondering if you'd want to come with me" shrugging through her words, She could feel her cheeks burning red. "I mean If you'd rather stay up--" He cut her off quickly "I'd love to, It'll keep me outta trouble" winking at her with a smirk which just made her cheeks nearly burst open. "And Umm...Well that means we can talk more about how you got here", "Yeahh, I'm still trying to get my head around that" shaking his head in disbelief, suddenly his head dropped into his hands, his fingers tugging at the roots of his hair, letting out a deep sigh. She hesitated for a moment before slowly grasping her hand around his, lightly squeezing it "I promise Jon.....I'll help you get back". He slowly lifted his head, looking into her eyes, he was met with the most gentle smile, that alone was enough to make him melt into a pool.

 After a few moments of just smiling at each other, she tore her gaze away to check the time, it read 7.30, she had another half hour before her shift started. "So tell me more about yourself? You have any family that live around here?"  leaning his head in his hands as he waited for her answer. "Ummm...No....It's just me.......My parents died when I was a baby then my grandparents looked after me most of my life until they died" looking down towards the table in hopes the distraction would force back her tears, talking about it still upset her sometimes. She suddenly feels his warm velvet hand on top of hers, lightly squeezing it in hopes of taking away some of her pain, to her surprise it did. "I'm sorry...." His soft husky whispers soothing her. She looks up to him, getting lost in his deep ocean blues, letting them drift her away. He smiles at her attentively, she responded with a smile back. "But I have my best friend now as well....she'll be taking over from me when I'm finished my shift" quickly trying to change the subject. "Well that's good"..... "Umm I noticed you have an american accent, did you move here when you were young or?" A gentle laugh burst from her lips. "Oh... No... My grandparents were American and they moved over here when my father was only 15 and I guess the accent stuck and my mother was English so sometimes I do say the odd phrase or word in a British accent" He remained silent, listening attentively. 

He began to unconsciously caress her knuckles with his thumb which immediately catches her attention. She didn't want to pull away, because it felt nice to touch someone, she hadn't had the pleasure in such a long time. A heartfelt sigh slipped from her lips, still staring down at his hands caressing hers. Before she could stop herself "That's nice" flowed from her lips, as a mere whisper. Once she realised what she had said, her cheeks were bursting with red. His breath hitching as he realised what he was doing "Oh gosh.....I'm sorry" reluctantly pulling her hand away. "No....Ummm I'm sorry" reluctantly pulling his hand away. 

They sat awkwardly for a moment before she broke the silence "Do you know what I find crazy?" her eyes widening with excitement. "What?" his voice a mere whisper "The fact that you're sitting here in front of me, this should be impossible but you're here and It's real......and....... I can touch" His eyes dropped down to her hand which was slithering towards his hand, she hesitated before drawing her hand back. He nervously cleared his throat "Yeah....I know what y mean", "I wonder if there's a 50 year old you out there somewhere with this memory" smiling in amazement as the thought crossed her mind "But if that is the case then there's gotta be a way back" suggesting as he gestures his arms out to the side.  

Before they know it, it's 8am and They are heading downstairs to open the store. She opened the door, inviting him inside the record ridden store with a gesture of her hand. His eyes scanning the room in amazement "This is great......This is yours?" His excitement bursting from his lips. "Yeaah, This is mine, my friend is co-owner" smiling as she watched him wander around like a kid in a candy store. The place bursting with life as she flicked on the lights and turned the music on. He took a while to just walk around and look at all the records, even taking a few to play on the record player. 

Once they are settled they started chatting while listening to the various vinyls he picked out, waiting for the customers to roll in. "So what do you think caused this" He quizzed her, an inquisitive look about his features. "Well, I don't know much about Time Travel myself but we know one thing for sure" A smirk crept up on her lips. "And what's that honey?" smiling back at her, curiosity rising in him "Nothing else can go through with you, I mean I saw your naked little ass lying on the floor" sighing in delight as she thought back to seeing him naked. She looked up to see his flushed pink cheeks "Now you wouldn't be blushing Mr Bon Jovi?" teasing him with a smirk "What....No way" brushing off her comment with a light slap on her shoulder causing her to giggle. When she wouldn't stop laughing, a pout grew on his face making her laugh even louder "Hey little missy what are you laughin at" grabbing her waist and tickling her, she screamed as she writhed under his torture. "NO....JOOONNN....PLEASE" She continued to laugh as he kept up the torture. In a fit of laughter, she threw her arms around his neck, throwing her head back as she struggled to fight him off. "You promise to stop laughin" he demanded whilst using his strong hands to grip her waist like a vice "YESSS....YESSS.....I PROMISE" Her words coming out as squeals causing him to laugh. He stopped tickling her but kept his grip around her waist, pulling her closer to him. She let herself fall into his arms while she calmed her breathing down. They stood there staring into each others eyes, their breaths coming out all shaky. They both couldn't deny how much they enjoyed the feeling of being in each others arms, though they wouldn't vocalize that thought. All of a sudden the door swinging open caught their attention, causing them to pull apart from each other. 

After a while of the customer hunting around, he came over to the till excited to buy his purchase. The customer keeps staring at Jon with a curious look while Rosy put the order through the till. "Can't say I've seen you in here before..." gesturing to Jon who was standing next to Rosy behind the desk. Before he has a chance to speak, she butted in "Oh he's a new employee, I needed the extra staff and he needed a job" shrugging through her words with a smile. The customer went back to staring at Jon, still with that curious look in his eyes "Have I seen you before...somewhere....Your face....It looks so.....familiar?" pointing to Jon. Rosie immediately glanced at Jon, her eyes widening " nah....I think I just have one of those faces man". Rosie was surprised at how quick he made his excuses and how calm he is. 

The customer eventually gave in and left the shop with his purchase. "How did you do that?" Her shocked features gazing at him "Are you forgettin what my day job is honey?" shrugging with a smug face. "Oh no...I haven't trust me.....If only you knew what life has in store for you" looking up at him with a genuine smile. "Don't tell me....I'd rather it be a surprise" he stated with a serious look. "Don't worry, I wouldn't do that" reassuring him with a smile "I don't know how you do it though....knowing I have the answers to questions you've been wanting to ask". He shrugged, letting out a light hearted laugh "One thing that I am is extremely focused and nothing will get in the way of that, If I want somethin, I go after it until I get it". She can't help but admire his determination, she grasps his hand for a moment and gazes into his eyes. "Never lose that Jon" Her voice a mere whisper, A quiet laugh slipped from his lips. 

Two hours have passed in her shift and by this point she's put Jon to work stocking the vinyl's up, as long as there is music playing, he is happy. She wanders over to where Jon is stocking up "Hey, I was thinking....You said there was a storm before you got sent here right? and there was a storm here before you arrived.....So maybe it has something to do with that?" shrugging as she tells her idea. "The weather ? Y Think?" raising his eyebrows in surprise. "It's just one theory I've worked up so far, but could look into it" nodding as she speaks. "Yeah, It's worth a shot" nodding in approval. "That's all those records out" slapping his hand down on the stocked shelves "Good work rock star" tapping his shoulder in amusement. "Hey I've had jobs y know" His tone all defensive as he points to himself. "Name one you weren't fired from" cocking her eyebrow at him with a smirk. She can see the wheels turning in his mind as he struggles to think, it just causes her to burst out into another fit of giggles. Without hesitation, his hands gripped around her waist, torturing her with tickles. "NOOO JONNN.....PLEASEEE" Screams and giggles burst from his lips as she wriggled around in his arms. "No you said you wouldn't laugh honey" laughing as he sees how tortured she looks. She slaps her hands on his chest as she loses her balance, falling backwards. Thankfully his grip on her stops her from falling but that doesn't mean he's finished torturing her with tickles. He loves the sound of her laughter, it's unlike anything he's heard before. Just the pure happiness that bursts out of her when she laughs is amazing. He scoops her up into his arms, both in fits of laughter while he spins her around, her laughter still echoing throughout the store. 

By the time they are finished goofing around, It's 4pm and Samantha has just burst through the door. "Hey Sammy..." shouting across the shop to her friend "Hey honey...Been a busy day ?" still completely oblivious to the mysterious man stood next to Amy behind the desk. "Yeah, we've had a few customers haven't we?" looking to Jon "Yeahhh" nodding through his words. As soon as Sam hears the mysterious husky voice sound throughout the shop, her head shoots up, looking towards the source. "Who's this?" questioning Amy with a confused expression "Oh right.....This is....." She gestured to Jon but paused for what feels like an eternity to think of a name to give him "Francis..." it almost sounds like a question when it slipped from her lips. It is the first thing that popped in her head, considering it's his middle name. "He's my friend from America, he's staying with me for a little while" smiling towards her friend who looked even more confused. "Hey....Francis, nice to meet you" smiling towards the mysterious man "Hey how y doin?" waving awkwardly to Sam. 

After a short awkward pause she turns to Amy "Could I talk to you?" ushering her off to the side but still close enough so Jon can still hear them. "Who is that guy really?" cocking her eyebrow as she crosses her arms , she hesitates for a moment before sticking with her lies. "That's Francis I told you....He's staying with me for a little while and so I said I'd give him a temporary job" crossing her arms, trying to give her best friend her best poker face. "Rosy.....You've never mentioned him before and suddenly he's in the store?" flaying her arms about dramatically as she speaks. "Well some things I can keep a secret ya know" Her voice coming out like a naughty child who is getting told off "Rosie, You tell me what knickers you're wearing....What is it today? thong?" Sam snapping back, the husky snickering of Jon floating through the air at her comment. "Well why don't you just go public with that shit Sammy" shrugging her shoulders dramatically "Just go talk to him, he's a real nice guy I promise" shaking Sam's arm with a smile, trying to lighten the mood a little. "Okay, I just don't want some guy coming in and taking advantage of you" Sam defending her friend as she pointed to her. 

After their awkward little chat, she went over to Jon, eager to know this mysterious man before her. "So......Francis? you got a second name", "Yeah, BonGiovi" throwing his hand out to shake hers. Amy's soul left her body upon hearing his words, the fear gradually rising in her throat. But the truth is, it was by habit, he's so used to telling people his second name so he naturally just blurted it out like normal. Sam and Amy just looked at each other before Sam took his hand to shake it "Oh Hi, Sam and Any relation to Jon Bon Jovi?" questioning him as she shakes his hand. A laugh escapes his lips before answering "Ummm..... cousin", "Woww....Where abouts in America you from?", "New Jersey..." nodding in confirmation as he scratches the back of his neck. I mean there's really no denying he's from New Jersey, given that accent of his. 

 After a little chat between the three of them, Amy said her goodbyes and made her way back up to her apartment, dragging Jon along behind her. As soon her her apartment door was closed, the sigh of relief burst from her lips "Oh My God....I thought she made you for sure" swiping the nervous sweat from her forehead "Don't worry about it darlin" brushing off her worries with the wave of his hand "So what we doin now?" rubbing his hands together in anticipation "Welll....I was wondering if you'd like to see London....We could just hop on my bike and go" shrugging nervously "That sounds great, I never have a chance to actually see a city, I see the hotel, airport and stage and that's it" His smile beaming across his face, the excitement sparking out of his fingertips as he gestures his hands around.

Before they know it, they are zooming around the roads of London, the cool wind blowing his fluffy mane. His arms draped lightly on her thighs. She decides to take him to see The famous Abbey road crossing seeing they are both fans of The Beatles. His face lights up like a child at Disneyland when the crossing comes into view, he can't believe he is here. He has only seen pictures of it but to actually see it in person is truly exciting for him. Needless to say he wants his picture taken on the crossing with Rosy. After they did the famous walk on the crossing, she takes him down to see Abbey Road Studios. He's still like a giddy child which she thinks is absolutely adorable. 

They spent at least 2 hours walking round the area, taking pictures and getting to know each other. "Thank you for this" He is still unable to contain his excitement, it's written all over his face but he truly means it when he said thank you. It's like he is starting to see the world for the first time. Sure he's travelled but he hasn't actually ventured far in each city he's stepped foot in. "You don't have to thank me.....I'm just glad you're enjoying yourself"  smiling up at him bashfully "I really am, It's been fun" nodding excitedly "You wanna go get some food, There's an Italian place not far from here, does pizza" pointing in the direction of the restaurant, his eyes light up when she mentioned pizza "Yeah I could eat pizza". 

They arrive outside the restaurant on her bike, locking it up before heading inside. They are seated by the waiter "Here is your menu, would you like to order your drinks now?" quizzing them politely. "Ummm I'll have a beer" Jon piping up first then looking to Amy, awaiting her answer. "I'll just have a lemonade please" smiling up at the waiter, who jotted it down in his memory before leaving. Amy looked back to Jon who is sat there cocking his eyebrow at her "What?" shrugging her shoulders lightly. "A lemonade?" his tone almost disgusted at her choice. "I can't drink alcohol and eat at the same time, It never ends well for my stomach" shaking her head in hopes of removing the thought from her mind, A loud throaty laugh exhaled from Jon's lips.

 A short time passed and the waiter returns, drinks in hand and asks if they are ready to order their food. They order two pepperoni pizzas as they are both pretty hungry. "So tell me more about yourself, Is there a guy in the picture?" questioning her between bites of his pizza. "No, No guy, Just me, what about you? any special lady" smiling at him between sips of her fizzy liquid, his happy expression dropped suddenly. "Nope, I've been single for a year now, In fact the whole band is single" she slowly snakes her hand over to his, gently caressing his skin, he looks up until his eyes meet hers "I'm Sorry...If I crossed a line" Her voice soft, enticing his ears, he cleared his throat nervously. "Uhh, Nah It's okay, You didn't" quickly removing his hand to return to his pizza. Seeing he didn't say anymore, she leaves the subject alone, clearly not wanting to say more. 

"So truthfully..... Apart from the clothes and great music, Was the 80's as dirty and wild as I've heard in stories" leaning in to him, her eyes widening with excitement. He couldn't help but laugh at her question "Umm....Now I don't think those stories are for your innocent ears honey" A sexy smirk spread on his soft lips causing her to blush a little. "Hey who's to say I'm innocent" cocking her brows whilst tapping her chest "Well, you tell Me a wild story then I'll tell you a wild story" cocking his brow, still with the smirk on his lips. Her jaw drops in shock at his suggestion "are you kidding? My stories aren't gonna be as good as yours, you're a rock star for fuck sake" Throwing her arms out as she laughs out her words. "Try me darlin" the way that word 'Darlin' rolls off his husky tongue tickles her ears. She sits in silence for a moment, sipping her lemonade, trying to bring some wild memories to the surface, but she could only think of one. 

"Okay... So I ran away to America when I was younger for a little while" His face instantly lit up, an element of intrigue flashed in his eyes. "Tell me more..." She let out a breathy laugh before continuing "Well I went through a rebellious phase when I was a teenager, I was parents weren't around and my grandparents died when I was 15, To put it lightly I was your worst nightmare..." He nodded for her to continue. "I drank alot, I smoked....I'll still have the occasional ciggy if I'm stressed" his snickering filled the air as he heard her story.

 "So I found myself in America, went to New York.. and this was 2008, so I was 16" looking up to Jon as she trailed off, his lips filled with questions. "What did y do in New York" resting his head in his hand as he talks "I went round the bars a few times and one day I found out you guys were in town and you were playin so I scrounged some money together to get a ticket" taking a quick sip to wet her lips, he had leaned in considerably at the mention of him. 

"I went to your show....I was at the very front...It was amazing...But..." stuttering a little through her words, "But what?" Slapping his hands down on the table, half in anticipation, half out of concern. "It was near the end of the show, you were singing this song, Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen....and you had just sang the last lyrics and you look down at me...." her eyes widening as she reminisces her memory. "wow...that's crazy" she could tell by his reaction he was shocked "you wanna hear the weirdest part?" Cocking her eyebrow, he drops his hand, he didn't possibly think for one second that there was more to this story, he didn't know what to say so he just nodded in response.  "it wasn't like you randomly looked down into the crowd, I mean you looked right at me, it's almost like you knew I was there" gesturing her hands around to emphasise her point, his brows knit together in confusion but remains silent to hear the rest. "I had been crying as well because its a sad song and the look you gave me...." trailing off as the memory flashes through her mind. "how did I look at you?" His husky tones soft and gentle "you looked at me like you knew me, like it wasn't the first time you had seen me.." He was silent for a moment, while he processed what she had said "how is that possible?" Shrugging in confusion, she exhaled a deep sigh before continuing. "you then smiled at me and put your hand on your heart and that was the moment I decided to go home" shrugging as she finished her story. 

He was completely dumbfounded, sat there in silence as the information ticked away in his brain "That's a hell of a story....I wonder why I looked at you like that" lightly tapping his glass in hopes an answer will come to him, she shrugs into her words "I dunno....but that reminds me of something I said to you earlier...." whispering off as the realization hit her "What is it" His quick response snapping her out of her thoughts. "Well I said to you imagine if there is a 50 year old you out there with memories of this happening" pointing to him, he cocks his brows, throwing his arms out "yeahh?", "Well that would explain why you...he....looked at me like that....because he has memories of" the shock and realization bursting from her lips. "But that wouldn't explain why I put my hand on my heart and you said you were a teenager right? How would I recognize you" gesturing his hands as he quizzes her. "He obviously knows something we don't, it's already happened to him right? And well I didn't look too different then, still had red hair just shorter" by this point, their faces were inches away from each other, they were that engrossed in this story and this theory  that his hair was tickling her skin.

 They sat for a few moments in silence, considering everything she said before bursting out with laughter, the echoes sounding throughout the restaurant. "Come on, you still need to tell me a story" tapping his hand in excitement, A throaty laugh burst from his mouth "After that? I don't think any story I tell would be good enough" shaking his head as the laughter spills from his lips. A pout crept up on her lips causing him to pout back in humour "Oh come on honey....what could I tell you that you don't already know bout me" she shrugs but couldn't help a smirk growing on her lips "I dunno.....I'm sure you could....think of something" batting her eyelashes at him, her voice enticing his ears, he shook his head while laughing "I don't think so darlin...some things have to remain a mystery" leaning back with a smug look on his face. "Actually....when it comes to the band and crazy stories you guys were always true to your word about mystery"....." I mean you guys won't even tell people what pranks you pulled on each other" shrugging through her words, a laugh slipped from his lips as he nodded in confirmation. "That's the way we want it...we don't want fans to know everything...we like how some things are a mystery and we prank each other all the time...we love it". 

After a little while of talking and stuffing the rest of their pizzas down, She decided to take the scenic route back to her apartment. They both let out a breathy laugh as they slumped down on the couch "I'm gonna put a record on.." trailing off as she forced herself up from the couch, scraping her tired feet towards her record collection. She picks out a record, placing it on the record player. The crackling sound echoes as the needle hits the vinyl, Joan Jett- Do You Wanna Touch me there  blasting out the speakers. She can't help herself as the song starts, she begins jumping around and shaking her hips to the music, waving her arms above her head. Jons husky laughter echoes over the music while he watches her. "So how come you don't dance?" Her voice all breathy while she dances "I can't dance, I'm not good at it.....I'm just not that guy" shrugging through his answer. "But you look good when you dance I have to say" smirking while he watches her shake her ass from side to side. She catches him looking and teases him "Jon.......", "Yeah?" nodding in response, she points to her ass. "Do you wanna touch me there..." copying the lyrics of the song and throwing him a wink, A loud throaty laugh burst from his soft lips "Is that an invitation darlin?". She points her ass out before him, gesturing to it with her eyes, he slowly holds his hands out towards it and just as his fingertips graze against it, she pulls away and runs off, her laughter filling the room. He lets out a frustrated sigh and gets up, running after her. He grasps her waist like a vice, A squeal escaped her lips as he scoops her up so she's helplessly draped over his shoulder. "Now That wasn't nice honey" one hand on her waist and the other on the back of her thigh. She wriggles around, trying to slide off his shoulder but with no success "Jonn....put me down..." laughing through her words, "Not until you say sorry" shaking his head and tightening his grip slightly. "Never..." snickering at him, "Well in that case, I'll just keep doing this..." trailing off as he raises his hand up and slaps her ass causing her to yelp and gasp, half in pleasure, half in shock. "You won't get me to say it.." her voice breathy off the shock, she could feel her cheeks getting hot, thank god he couldn't see her face. 

Before she knew it, his strong hand connected again, causing her to let out another loud gasp "Oh My God.....Jon....stop pleasee" pleading with him between blushes. The sensation of his hand connecting with her ass sends a tingling feeling running all over her body, slowly getting her juices flowing between her legs. "It sounds like you're enjoying it darlin" his hand lightly grazing her ass "...What?....N-No..." stuttering through her lies. She can feel his hand raising up getting ready to connect again, but just before he can "OKAYY.....okay.........sorry" slightly screaming out in panic. He smirks as he gently slides her down his body, her hot breaths tickling his skin. Every inch of their bodies touching for a moment before she clears her throat nervously, pulling away from him "Umm....We could watch a....a movie.....if you want" laughing nervously while she rubs the back of her neck. "Sure sounds good..." nodding with his words. 

They sit down to watch an old horror film, surrounded by darkness whilst chomping down on some crisps and sipping beer. She consciously squirmed and jumped at all the scary bits, throwing her head into his shoulder, hiding her sight. A quiet laugh slipped from his lips at seeing her reaction. A few movies later and he was starting to feel the effects of the day, yawning and rubbing his tired features. "Heyy...You can go to bed if you want..." she quietly whispers to him "You sure?" his voice all croaky. "Yeahh, I'm just gonna clear up and head to bed" nodding to him with a smile. After he head off to the guest room, she cleared away the rubbish and dishes and turned off the tv. 

A breathy sigh escaped her lips as she pushed the bedroom door closed. She slips out of her clothes, throwing them in the laundry basket. She stands there completely naked in her room, thinking back to earlier on when his hands were all over her. She slowly snaked her hand down her body while closing her eyes, thinking back to that moment. A gasp of shock burst from her when her finger slides through her folds, coming out soaking wet. 'It would be a shame to waste it' she thought to herself, so she opened her knicker drawer, where she hides her toys, pulling out her vibrator. She lays down on her bed, vibrator in hand, biting her lip as she thinks about Jon 'He's got to be asleep by now' she thinks to herself. She turns on the device, the buzzing and humming echoing through the room. A quiet moan escapes her as she slides the device over her sensitive clit, sending a tingling feeling all over her body. She continues to rub it against her sensitive area, letting gasps and moans fill the room. Her mind flooded with images and memories of Jon, encouraging her to continue. 

Meanwhile next door in the guest bedroom, Jon is struggling to sleep. Tossing and turning in bed, sighs of frustration filling the room. He lays there quietly thinking about Amy and everything that happened today. All of a sudden he hears a faint sound coming from next door, he silences his breathing for a second to listen for the sound again. A few seconds later he hears the sound again, but abit louder this time. He lays there, trying to ignore the sound but after a minute or so his curiosity takes over. He quietly tip toes to his door, slowly creaking it open, making sure not to make any noise. As soon as he's out of the room, with each step down the hall, the sound gets louder. He stops outside her bedroom door and listens for a moment, A loud muffled moan comes through the door. He stands there for a moment, contemplating just going back to his room and ignoring it but as it continues, he can't help but wonder. He slowly lifts his hand up to the door, hesitating for a second before knocking. 

While inside the room, Rosie jumps in shock as she hears the knock at the door "Umm.. Yeah?" Her voice all breathy from her activities. "Uhh, Can I umm come in?" His husky voice sending tingles through her body, In a panic she throws her vibrator on the pillow "JUS-JUST A MINUTE" In a mad rush, she quickly grabs a baggy t-shirt, pulling it over her head before running to the door. When the door swings open, she sees Jon leaning against the door frame in nothing but sweatpants, she bites her lip as she takes in his beauty, the tingling between her legs getting worse. "Hii... You wanna come in?" ushering him in the room nervously, he walks past her, scanning her bedroom. He stops at the foot of her bed, noticing something on her pillow, a smirk grows on his lips when he realizes what she was doing, but he pretends as if he hasn't seen it. She closes her bedroom door and walks towards her bed, the panic rises in her throat as she notices her vibrator on the bed, when his back is turned, she runs to the top of the bed, sliding the toy under the pillow "Uhh...If im disturbing you I can leave you alone" pointing towards the door. "Oh, no you aren't...Umm what did you want anyway?" smiling nervously, her cheeks flustered. "I couldn't sleep, So I...I dunno...I just wondered if you wanted to talk for abit" shrugging through his words, he gives her a sexy stare while he waits for her answer. Her eyes widen slightly, she hopes he didn't hear her but was certainly not going to ask "Yeahh...of course, come sit on the bed" gesturing to the bed before turning round. She reaches up her arms above her head, forcing out a stretch and when she does, she unknowingly lifted her shirt up at the same time, flashing her ass. His eyes fall over her, feeling a wave of arousal hit him as he sees her "Fuckk.." His whispers escape him. "What?" quizzing him as she takes a seat on the bed, her voice snapping him from his trance. "Uhh...nothin" rubbing his neck nervously as he takes a seat on the bed next to her. "So how come you couldn't sleep" she was hoping it wasn't because of her, he hesitated for a moment, trying to think of a reason but with no success "Oh I dunno....Guess I was thinkin too much" shrugging as he rests against the pillow "How come you're up anyhow", "I was.....doing something.....reading" stuttering nervously. 

He suddenly starts wriggling around uncomfortably, twisting his face around as he slides his hand under the pillow. She nearly swallows her tongue when she realizes what he's found. He grasps his hand around something, slowly pulling it out from under the pillow. A huge smirk rests on his lips, a spark of intrigue and arousal in his eyes. "I thought I saw this when I came in.." lifting it up and staring at the device in his hands, A gentle laugh sounds through the room, "Oh My God......I'm so embarrassed ... " her voice muffled through her hands which were covering her face. "Don't be honey....I wouldn't be here if I didn't hear ya" smirking at her with his sexy gaze, her jaw drops open as she lifts her head "Yo-You heard me?" whining in embarrassment , A low husky groan slips from his lips, sending a tingling feeling through her body "Mmmm...It's still wet" her juices touching his fingers as they grip the toy, she gasps in shock and yanks it out of his hand. "Oh My God" throwing it into her bedside drawer then burying her head back into her hands. "I can't believe it.." whining through her hands "You're a kinky little thing aren't ya" winking at her through his fringe. "You're not helping you know" cocking her brow at him with a serious look which only made him laugh more "Don't laugh at me.....I'm embarrassed" lightly slapping his arm with a pout.

 "I'm sorry.....cmere" opening his arms out and gently pulling her in for a warm embrace, her head resting on his hairy chest with her hand resting on his abs. He lightly slides his velvet fingers up and down her spine, making her shiver under his touch. "You don't have to be embarrassed babe" His soft husky voice enticing her. Her breathing gradually getting heavier whilst her fingers caress his abs. A little whine escapes her lips when His fingers move up and down her arm, his warmth tingling her. "Jonn..." her voice a breathy whisper, she looks up to him, their faces inches away from each other "Yeahh..." his whispers tickling her skin. She leans towards him, her lips lightly grazing his, their noses caressing one another. She takes his bottom lip, lightly tugging at it between her lips, she hesitates when she feels his hand run down towards her ass. "I-I can't.. I'm sorry" shaking her head as she pulls away. He reaches out for her, caressing her arm "Hey...Hey...It's okay....I'm sorry.....We'll just talk" His voice soft and gentle to try and soothe her. She nods her head with a nervous smile "Cmere, lie back down" opening his arms out for her which she accepts by lying down in his warm embrace. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to lead you on" stuttering through her words "Hey you don't have to apologise for anything.....I didn't exactly help" letting out a light hearted laugh as he soothes her skin with his hand, she laughs in response "Tell me about it....I was in here masturbating over you". The words blurted out of her mouth so fast she couldn't stop them, she could feel her face turning neon pink. All you could hear in the room was Jon's snickering "I knew it.....I'm just a big flirt...You gotta get used to it honey", "Okay rock star....don't let your head get too big, you won't fit through the door" cocking her brow at him, a loud laugh burst from his lips. 

They talked for quite a while as she lay in his arms "So yeahh...I've only had one boyfriend and he was a dickhead" trailing off as she thinks back, a look of concern fills his face. "Why what'd he do?" lightly squeezing her, for a tighter embrace "Well I kept telling him I wasn't ready to have sex yet but one night he was horny and drunk.....forced himself on me and I couldn't get him off and half way through, I managed to lift my leg up and knee him in the nuts....That's part of the reason I went to America" shrugging as she finishes the story, he's silent for a moment as he takes in the information, he caresses her cheek ever so carefully. "I hope you know I'd never do anythin like that", she nods with a smile "I mean...It hasn't put me off wanting to have sex...I want to...Just", "Just not with a guy you barely know" nodding in confirmation, his voice soft and gentle "And speaking of exes....earlier when I shut you out when you asked if I was ex was messin bout with other guys.... so I broke up with her 2 months ago", "I'm sorry.....You don't deserve're such a nice guy" twirling strands of his lion mane round her fingers. 

"So I've been researching abit more about the weather and time travel and there's another big storm at the end of this week so I dunno, maybe we could go back to the theatre and see if anything happens" shrugging as she suggests her idea. "Yeah, worth a try" A light hearted smile on his soft lips "And if it doesn't work we'll go back to the drawing board". They lay silently for a while, both with their eyes closed but not asleep. She was playing with strands of his hair and her leg was draped over his waist while his hands were caressing her back. "Jon..." Her high pitched whispers found there way to his ears, all he managed was a little groan "Mmhhmm", "Tell me about New Jersey.....Tell me about what you were like as a kid" letting out a satisfied sigh as she nuzzles her head into his furry chest. He had been talking for a while about his home and his childhood in such a soothing voice it made her fall asleep but he only realised when he heard her let out a little snooze. He tried to slide himself out from underneath her so he could go back to his room but she only slid herself further on top of him, wrapping her arm around his waist with her leg. Various sighs and murmurs filled the silent air, she sounded like a cat purring. He lay there just appreciating the beautiful woman in his arms before falling asleep himself.     

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