Imperfectly Perfect (A WeiLan...

By Poly007

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The perfect human being Zhao Yunlan falls for the perfect human being, Shen Yezun but ends up getting married... More

Prologue and Character Intro
1. Mr Perfect Meets Mr Perfect
2. Miserable Mr Imperfect
3. Lost My Heart
4. Do Not Fall For Me
5. Pronounce You Husband and Husband
6. Wei, Not Ye Zun
7. Troubled Mr Imperfect
8. Stuck With Him
9. Upside Down
10. Ride to Hell
11. Fallen Angel
12. No Breather
13. Bow Wow
14. Chaos Chaos Everywhere
15. Chaos Chaos Everywhere - II
16. Hey, Husband
17. Black and Blue in Love
18. Realisations
19. Making Amends
20. Love Is All You Need
21. Teas and Traumas
22. Jealousy and Wars
24. Love or Obsession
25. Love and Dark Pasts
26. Desperations and Drunken Shenanigans
27. A Lot Like Love and Love
28. Love Me
29. Fates and Destinies
30. His Karma
31. In The End - I
32. In The End - II

23. Jealous Husbands

859 58 60
By Poly007

They did not even realise, and they had started looking and acting like a married couple. Somehow Shen Wei had managed to become an angry wife and Yunlan, an eternally-at-fault husband.

Shen Wei glared at Yunlan, his jaws slightly tensed while Yunlan could feel his palms go sweaty in nervousness. He considered himself lucky that Shen Wei wasn't drunk.

"Umm... I..."

Before Yunlan could complete, Shen Wei stormed into his room, slamming the door loudly. The humiliation did not really go down well with Shen Wei. How dare Yunlan pull him by his arm and commanded him to go inside, and that too in front of Lin Jing.

Yunlan's lips remained parted in shock. He quickly strode towards the closed door.

"Shen Wei!" He banged the door, infuriated by Shen Wei's reaction.

"LEAVE!" Even though the shout was muffled, Yunlan jumped in scare. His fist that was about to knock on the door was quickly retracted. His momentary anger was instantly transformed into fear.

He already accepted defeat, not wanting to infuriate Shen Wei any further and invite painful consequences. And how was he supposed to tell Shen Wei that he was, all of a sudden jealous of seeing him with Lin Jing?

And the thought hit Yunlan like a lightning bolt. Why was he jealous of Lin Jing?! He looked at the closed door, confused and in dilemma. Why does it even affect him to see Shen Wei with Lin Jing? Yunlan now had questions that only he knew answers to.

While Shen Wei, the angry wife was giving Yunlan, the troubled husband, a hard time. Shen Ye Zun was slowly transforming into a paranoid wife to a cheater husband.

* * * * * * * *

Ye Zun went through Lee's clothes. He did not even know what he was looking for, but he never stopped. Just kept frantically rummaging through his stuff.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Zun jumped on the voice and turned, his face washed in nervousness.

"I... I was looking for my... for my hoodie," Ye Zun nervously grinned.

"This one?" Lee looked down at the hoodie he wore, "I stole it. It is soft." Lee hugged himself with a dimpled grin on his face.

And Ye Zun could feel all the paranoia leaving his limbs. Lee was too pure to cheat and too dumb to keep it hidden. He smiled when Lee walked closer to him and wrapped his arms around his waist.

Ye Zun never felt his heart flutter like it was fluttering right now just to see Lee's pure smile. In response, Ye Zun's smile widened when Lee buried his face in the crook of his neck.

"You want it back?" Lee breathed into Ye Zun's neck, sending chills down his spine.

Ye Zun's eyes closed; carnal needs surge through his veins on the closeness, "Mhmm..." he moaned when the warm mouth was placed on his throat.

Sex was Ye Zun's weakness and Lee knew it.

"Then take it," Lee shoved Ye Zun into the wardrobe behind but not before cupping the back of his head protectively in his hand.

Without losing another moment, he smashed his lips hungrily on Ye Zun's. Their warm mouths remained pressed against each other as they walked slash stumbled towards their bed, taking off each other's clothes on their way. Without losing the contact, they got on the bed.

Soon Ye Zun was breathless as Lee's tongue worked on his nipples and his manhood simultaneously. Ye Zun could feel his head exploding with euphoria.

"Take me..." Ye Zun somehow managed to breathe, "Take me..."

Lee looked up and smirked. Without stopping his handwork on Ye Zun's erection, Lee positioned himself at the entrance and slowly inched in, wringing an obscene moan out of Ye Zun.

"Ohhh..." Ye Zun moaned as he threw his head back on the pillow, the pain was soon turned into pleasure. The way Lee made love to Ye Zun reminded him why he fell in love with this walking disaster in the first place.

Each thrust accompanied by passionate kissing made him fall for this person all the more. He hugged him, wrapping his arms around, and that's when something within him shattered.

Ye Zun caressed the scratches on Lee's back that he did not remember giving him. Ye Zun was frozen. In that very moment, everything went silent for him. He laid beneath Lee, just breathing in and out with each thrust. The amorous pleasure was long faded.

Moments Later

Ye Zun sat on the bed, his half-way lit cigarette between his petite fingers while his brain never stopped spiralling beyond his control. He turned his head to see a peacefully sleeping Lee beside him. In the reflection, Ye Zun could see Lee's passionately marked back. He knew it was not him.

So, Lee was cheating on him. Ye Zun took a long puff, his hand trembled as tears threatened to fall.

* * * * * * * *

Yunlan tossed and turned on his bed but sleep never came. He sprung up on his spot and looked at the wall clock. It was past midnight; he swiped his fingers through his locks in frustration.

He was still not able to understand why Lin Jing's friendship with Shen Wei was bothering him so much.

"Asshole," he whispered a curse at Lin Jing one more time for a reason known to him only and decided to smoke but then he heard someone talking in the living room.

Burglars?! Yunlan got worried for Shen Wei's safety instantly. He quickly got up and only half-opened the door to peek. He kept his phone handy to call the cops and to attack whoever it was in case it was needed.

But all he saw was a shyly smiling Shen Wei on the sofa with his phone in his hand. His eyes went small in confusion. Who was he talking to and that too at this hour? But it did not take Yunlan another second to jump to the conclusion.

"Lin Jing," Yunlan gritted teeth and quickly walked out of his room.

Shen Wei glanced over at him while still talking on the phone. Yunlan quickly walked towards the fridge, pretending to get water. Shen Wei did not suspect anything and got his attention back to whoever it was on the phone. Yunlan discreetly looked at him while filling his glass with water.

Yunlan could feel his insides burning to see Shen Wei smiling. In his head, he punched Lin Jing on his nose. He picked up his ears and tried listening to him.

"Yeh-yhes, mh-h-h-I think we can," Shen Wei fixed his glass and responded sincerely.

"We can?" Yunlan screamed inside his head, his jaws clenched, "What you can, Shen Wei!"

"This weekend?" Shen Wei quizzically responded again, "I don't have mh-h-h-any problem."

Yunlan's frown worsened.

"Lin Jing was asking Shen Wei out!" He threw the glass on the floor with all the force but quickly wore expressions of a lost puppy the moment Shen Wei turned towards him.

"I... I'm sorry, it slipped," Yunlan pouted innocently, looking like the most innocent creature in the whole universe. For extra effect, he even placed his palms on his cheeks, "I'm sorry, Shen Wei."

Leonardo DiCaprio rolled eyes at Zhao Yunlan's overacting.

But the trick worked. He mentally grinned when he saw Shen Wei hanging up and walking towards him.

"mh-h-h-you h-alright?" Shen Wei was concerned.

Yunlan nodded, his face still that of an innocent puppy with his lips pressed in a thin line.

"Umm... mh-h-h-you are bleeding, Yunlan."

Yunlan's eyes swelled. He quickly looked down, a scream left his lips the moment he saw his left foot bleeding profusely and a big shard of glass pierced deep in his skin. He again placed his palm on his cheeks and screamed on top of his lungs.

And this time he was not pretending.

Moments Later

Yunlan winced when Shen Wei dressed his wound. Shen Wei sincerely dressed the wound while Yunlan winced and whimpered in pain.

"Mh-h-h-you should be more careful," Shen Wei spoke while wrapping the gauge around the injured foot.

Yunlan nodded and then looked up at Shen Wei's face. He suddenly felt guilt stabbing him right in the gut. What all he had done to this person and yet here he was, taking care of him without any grudges. He removed his gaze, Zhao Yunlan wasn't that courageous.


"I'm sorry..."

Both spoke at the same time, then looked at each other at the same time, and then averted at the same time.

"Mh-h-h-I'm sorry for acting mh-h-up," Shen Wei fixed his glasses, "Mh-h-h-it is done."

Shen Wei never allowed himself to show his real emotions t0 anyone. Even he was surprised when he expressed his outrage at Yunlan's behaviour towards him.

Yunlan looked at his foot, a small smile on his face, "the fault was..."


Before he could complete, Shen Wei's phone rang. The frown was back on Yunlan's face when he saw Shen Wei smiling at the phone screen.

"Who... who is it," he asked discreetly while pretending to examine his dressed wound, "... at this hour?"

"Lin Jing," Shen Wei simply spoke, not able to figure out Yunlan's turmoil, "Mh-h-h-you need anything?"

Yes, Lin Jing's head... on a spike! Yunlan forced a grin and shook his head in no.

"Call me mh-h-h-if you need anything." Shen Wei walked out of his room.

Yunlan groaned in frustration and fell backwards on the bed, "I will kill you, Lin Jing!"


Yunlan sat right up, on hearing the faint tone of the phone from another room.


Another text. Yunlan's eyes swelled. They were talking. Yunlan, held his forehead.


Yunlan started biting his nails.


Yunlan wanted to strangle Lin Jing.


Yunlan wept into his palms.


"LIN JING!!" Yunlan screamed into the pillow.

Shen Wei never thought that this tiny piece of technology could be so useful. He could not stop smiling to read Lin Jing's funny texts. For the first time in his life, someone was interested in talking to him. At first, Shen Wei was hesitant, then he realised, Lin Jing did not mean harm. He genuinely wanted to be friends with him. He could use one more Guo in his life, he thought.

Texting back was still a struggle. He was about to text back when there was a knock on his door.

Take 1 scene 2 aaand... ACTION!

Yunlan pouted, holding his pillow close to his chest, "Can I sleep with you, Shen Wei?"

Shen Wei's eyes went small in confusion. The phone kept receiving texts, but he could not see them, he was still trying to process Yunlan's words.

"Mh-h-h-you... but... I..." Shen Wei was stuttering but out of hesitation. He suddenly ran out of polite excuses to refuse Yunlan.

"It is alright if you don't want to," Yunlan looked down and dramatically hugged his pillow closer, "I cannot expect you to be there for me like I was... when you needed me."

It was a cheap shot but Zhao Yunlan decided to go for it. He scoffed and turned around. The naïve Shen Wei could feel terrible for even refusing.

"And the Oscar goes to..."

Leonardo DiCaprio kicked the chair and stormed out of the Oscars Ceremony.

Yunlan was on Shen Wei's bed.

"Can you please spoon me? My foot is hurting," Yunlan grinned wide and turned on his side with his back welcoming Shen Wei to join.

Shen Wei's eyes swelled. He was already laying at a distance from him, resembling an ice slab. He turned his head to find Yunlan's back staring at him.

"Ahh, my foot," Yunlan fake groaned when Shen Wei did not move.

But his terrible acting skills worked, and Shen Wei hugged him from behind without losing another moment. Being the smaller one, spooning Yunlan wasn't very comfortable but he did not complain.

Yunlan smiled wide to himself. It was a small victory but Yunlan was determined to win. There was no way he could let Lin Jing win Shen Wei over.

Yunlan went through all the texts between the two when Shen Wei fell asleep. He realised that Shen Wei was not even aware that Lin Jing was trying to hit on him. Shen Wei was too dumb to take hints, none of Lin Jing's pickup lines worked on him. His responses were absolutely innocent, and this gave Yunlan immense relief.

He looked at the phone and smirked to himself.

I forgot to add an author's note. I'm so sorry for all these late updates.

Apologies. 😭😭😭😭😭

I'm just grateful you people are giving your precious time to this story.

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