Pokémon XY x male reader

By Zodisaaasan

1.8K 18 1

Join (Y/N)'s journey through being a Pokémon trainer as he learns more and more about the world he is in. More

Journey to the kalos region
A new adventure
Goodbye and final one


905 11 0
By Zodisaaasan

I woke up on a hospital bed. This felt like it was my first time opening my eyes.

Doctor: Hey you, you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border? Walked right into that imperial ambush,like us and that thief over there.

(Y/N): what? What are you talking about?

Doctor: you really don't have any memories left. You would've laughed at that.

(Y/N): why would I laugh at that? That's not even funny.

Doctor: well, I'm here to tell you that you've lost your memory, and you're gonna stay in this hospital until you regain them.

(Y/N): do you at least know my name?

Doctor: ah yes! It says here that you're 11 years old, and your name is (Y/N).

(Y/N): so, what do I do now?

Doctor: please get into your room. You will get breakfast shortly. It's to the right and at the end of the hall.

(Y/N): thank you!

You went down the hall and entered room 177013.

You walked in and laid on your bed.

You laid down for a bit. Then you started hearing strange noises outside.

You opened the window and saw a strange, monkey like creature.

(Y/N): WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!? I better call the nurse quick! It might hurt me!

The monkey creature tried calming you down so you wouldn't call anyone.

But you still pressed the button.

This monkey seemed intelligent. It started panicking and ran around the room.

While this all happened, you hid under your bed and waited for the nurse to get that thing out.

Nurse: Hello?? Are you okay?

(Y/N): There's a monster here!

Nurse: The infernape?

Nurse: OH! Um, I'm sorry sir! I'll get it out. Oh! And cover your ears. This gets loud.

You covered your ears and didn't look out for about three minutes. You got out from under the bed and got on there again.

This time, you see a remote to your side. You turn on the tv in front of you.

It showed different Pokémon professors from different regions explaining what Pokémon trainers do and how to become one.

However, there was one specific professor that interested you. His name was professor sycamore. He showed off the starter Pokémon that he gave to new trainers on their journey.

You then realize what you saw was a Pokémon, and not a monster.

You were interested in Pokémon as a concept now. You then felt bad after treating the Pokémon as a monster.

You then clicked the button that called the nurse.

A few minutes later, the nurse came in.

Nurse: is there anything else you need? Did a beedrill get in again?

(Y/N): No... I was wondering if I could see that Pokémon again.

Nurse: oh, I'm terribly sorry. That infernape is back where it belongs.

(Y/N): it's back home?

Nurse: oh no it isn't.

(Y/N): excuse me?

Nurse: oh! Uh, please forget I said anything! Now, go back to bed!

(Y/N):... okay.... before I do, can I ask a question?

Nurse: what is it?

(Y/N): what region are we in?

Nurse: oh, we're in the galar region.

(Y/N): There's another thing I'd like to ask, if you don't mind.

Nurse: and what would that be?

(Y/N): um, what was I like before I lost my memory? What was my life before coming here?

The nurse then turned her head and thought for a moment. After a few seconds she turns around.

Nurse: well, uh, you really enjoyed watching tv in your spare time, and you were very interested in Pokémon.

The nurse seemed to be sweating. She obviously was hiding something and just made that stuff up. She had no idea what she was saying and she realized this.

Nurse: um, please excuse me. I have other patients to attend to.

However, you knew that something was up. This nurse seemed nervous about everything she was doing. This may have been just her personality but you wanted to be completely sure. However, If you were to do this, you needed to play your cards right.

(Y/N): of course! Please, do what you need.

The nurse nodded her head and quickly ran out. After she ran out, you quickly, but stealthily, open the door.

You turn to your left to see the nurse zooming down the hallway and take a left. You DEFINITELY knew something was up at this point. You then follow her.

On the way there, you saw a big red door that you heard was the distilling of a bed behind it. You paid no attention and focused on the nurse.

But to your surprise, she was gone, nowhere to be found. This upset you for a little bit until you pay mind to the big large red door.

Your curiosity got the best of you and you opened the door.

You weren't really sure what you were expecting other than the royal- looking bedroom. There was a large bed that took up the most of the room where it was seen someone tossing and turning under their sheets.

They were obviously still asleep so they didn't know someone was in their room. You turned your head to see a portrait on their dresser. You take a look and see a man with a woman and two children.

Something about this picture resonated heavy with you, and you didn't know why, but you took it. And walked out, quietly closing the door behind you.

You go to your left to find where the nurse had gone. After a sharp turn at the end of the hallway. You notice a door with a 4- digit code input near the doorknob.

Coincidentally you looked behind the picture you took from that room, and the numbers 0415 were marked with black marker.

You put in the code in the door and unlock it. You look inside and what you saw shocked you.

The room itself was huge. It looked as if it could fit 18 sized queen beds.

You saw giant tubes linked together with multiple cables inside this gigantic room. There were humans AND Pokémon inside each of them.

And then you blacked out.

This happened due to a sharp pain at the back of your head.

??? Minutes, maybe hours later...

You woke up on a large bed. You tried to get yourself up, but your arms, legs, everything that could help you were strapped to the bed.

???: hey you, you're finally awake.

You look in front of you and see a middle aged- looking man that's wearing a black formal suit with a red tie at the collar. He also has short brown hair and black shoes.

(Y/N): Y- you're the guy in the picture...!

???: so it was you who took my family photo. Well, it doesn't matter.

The strange man then had a big smile on his face which didn't AT ALL make you feel comfortable.

???: do you know why you're here?

(Y/N): I lost my memory and I'm being treated, I think. What's going on here? Who are you?

???: You really have lost your memory. You truly are different from the rest. And you look completely human.

(Y/N): What is going on here? And who are you?

???: who I am does not matter. And what's going on here does not matter either. Telling you what will happen will be useless because of what's going to happen next.

???: I'm going to erase your memory and start over. I'm going to make the strongest bio-human to ever exist. Starting with Pokémon DNA.

(Y/N): so that's what's going on here. You're gene splicing!

???: that is correct. Now, sit tight. I'm going to- AUGH!!

The sinister man looked down to his chest to see a hand going through it, bloody.

???: Wh- WHA???

He turned around and saw the infernape who broke in earlier, who had now impaled him.

???: YOU! How dare you defy me! I am your master!

The infernape made an angry face at the man. And with the hand that had impaled him, it went in flames, burning the man alive, but leaving the hand okay.

The infernape made his way toward you and freed your hands and legs from the bed.

The creature beckoned you, telling you to follow him.

You agreed and followed him. You went through countless hallways and stairs, but while you were running, you remembered.

(Y/N): we need to go back! There are others! The Pokémon and the humans!

The infernape turned around, and looked at you confused.

(Y/N): there are others! While I was investigating, I saw that there are other victims.

The infernape then realized his mistake. He started freaking out and visibly panicking.

(Y/N): what's wrong?

The guilty infernape pointed behind you.

You turned around and saw a huge body of flames that were quickly spreading the whole building. If you didn't hurry, you'd both be burned alive.

The infernape quickly grabbed your hand and led you to the exit.

You both were running, but every few seconds, the fire would catch up.

Almost there.

You ran as fast as your body could take you to catch up to the infernape. But you felt they were giving out soon. But the fire wasn't. It was so close against you.

So close.

The infernape ran down the stairs and so did you. So did the fire.

Under this floor, you felt the ceiling begin to crumble due to the fire upstairs. You turned around and see the flames inches from your body.

To make things worse the ceiling finally began to cave in. As prices of the ceiling was falling and almost crushing your whole body under them.

SO CLOSE!!!!!!!

You were 5 feet away from the infernape who held the door open for you and was frantic

You looked to your front and saw the exit door.

You then leapt over to the Pokémon who held out their hand. The fire was just a inch from touching you and the crumbling ceiling was getting close too.

The Pokémon grabbed your hand and threw you outside to safety.

This infernape was quick enough to run to safety too. (The Pokedex says so)

You landed on a bush and saw the flaming building crumble and burn into nothing.

The infernape looked very guilty, knowing he killed so many innocent people, but realized what he needed to do.

He puts his hand through his bag and grabs a poke ball.

He then hands it to you.

(Y/N): I know this! This is what you do to catch Pokémon. Do you want me to catch you?

The infernape then very clearly, tells you no.

He grabs your hand and takes you to a beach with a very, very large body of water. This windy of water would lead to the entire ocean.

(Y/N): huh?

He points to a lapras who's sleeping in the water.

(Y/N): you want me to catch the lapras?

The infernape nods his head.

(Y/N): alright, I'll just...

You chuck the Pokémon at the sleeping lapras.

At contact, the lapras wakes up but it's too late.

The lapras was caught in the poke ball. Thus making it your first Pokémon caught.

The infernape grabs the poke ball and throws it into the body of water and releases it.

The infernape grabbed your hand and jumped on the lapras.

Lapras: *questioning lapras noises*

Infernape: *tells the lapras to go to the kalos region in pokenese*

Lapras: *accepting*

The lapras swims forward into the endless ocean.

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