Ugh wrong number

By Spiderman7578776

629K 20.4K 14.2K

Just a cliche when Tony Stark meet his not son son Peter Parker and their adventures (Hihihi) Btw the Avenger... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 1

Part 29

12.5K 446 330
By Spiderman7578776

With Peter

 Working with Mr Stark was a dream come true. I can't believe that I'm standing in his lab, having a conversation with him about a thing I did. That was the last thing I expected from this day. After around an hour or two he gave ме a project to work on, while he worked on his ironman suit.

"So kid. Tell me a little bit about yourself. Like do you have siblings, or who do you live with?"I didn't look up from what i was working. I pause a little to think. I don't want to tell him about me, living with May. Or about my parents or uncle. Or my very depressed life. Why? I dont know.

"I don't have siblings. I-I live with my parents"My voice cracked a little at the end. I cough.

I can't describe Mr Stark's expresion. Something between confusion and...that's the part that I can't describe. He returned to his work.

We were silent for around 5 minutes, before he grabbed his phone. It's rude to stare, so i get back to my work. Seconds later my phone rang. Mr Stark's head immediately snapped to me. I took it as a bad sign and i begin to apologize

"I'm so sorry sir, i forgot to put my phone on silence-"

"I-Its ok you can answer"Did he stutter? Why did he stutter? I took my phone and answered the call, without checking who it was.


"Hey Peter"

"Oh hey Ned"

"Do you want to come over? I mean now you are free so I-"I felt a little buzz from my phone, but i ignore it, thinking it's just notification.

"Sorry Ned I can't. I will tell you tomorrow why"Another buzz

"Why what happened?"He ignored what I said, but I felt another buzz.

"Tomorrow. I can't talk right now, byee" I said and i hung up"I'm realy sorry about that Mr Stark"

"It's ok... I will be right back"He said and got into the elevator. I was confused, but returned to my work.

With Tony

I was sure that this is the baby. I mean how many 15 yo kids geniuses are in this company? But when i think about it, last night he didn't say a word about how he got fired. And if he was on his phone with his friend, while i'm calling him it's obvious that this isn't him. I sighed and entered the living room. I don't know how i got here, i just want to think for a second alone.

"Hey Tony wassup"Clint tried to get my attention from the couch. I sat next to him and let out a breath"What?"

"Peter is not the baby"He stands up a little from his place.


"I called the baby and his phone rang, but it wasn't me that was calling him. Plus he told me that he have parents. And yesterday he didn't say anything about being fired"I explained.

"...What are you going to do now? Fired him?"I didn't notice Natasha. She was in the kitchen cooking something. But what she said...I can't fired him. He is all I'm looking for for a personal intern. Not annoying and actually helping me with things.

"...No..."I get up and walk inside the elevator.

When I entered the lab I saw Peter, very focused on his project. So focused that the tip of his tongue protruded from his mouth. He didn't notice me coming from the elevator.

"Hey kid"I didn't mean to scare him, but I did. He jumped from his chair. Doing that the chair fell, but Peter was still in the chair, so he fell too. I tried not to laugh, while helping him up. "Sorry" In the end i was laughing. He smiled and started laughing too.

"It's rare for me to get scared"He said when we stopped laughing.

"Don't challenge me kid"He smiled ear to ear. He looked like a puppy when he was doing that."Ok that's it. Challenge accepted"

"This won't end well"We laughed again. It's weird that this is not him. They have so much in common.

"Boss, Mr Parker's work day is over"Peter grabbed his phone and put him in his pocket. Then he grabbed his jacket and put it on. While he was doing that I went to my desk and started searching for his pass.

"Kid wait"He was just zipping his jacket when I grabbed his attention"You might need this"I gave him the level 8 pass, which is for friends and family of the avengers.

"Wow thank you Mr Stark"He took it from my hand and he looked at it."See you tomorrow?"

"Yep. Wait, does anyone normally get you from the internship?"

"Oh no, I normally just take the subway"The subway?

"The subway? I can drive you home"

"No no no it's ok I like to take the subway"He likes to take the subway. I didn't use that thing for years and from what I saw no one liked it.

With Peter

 I don't like the subway, but I don't want to be a bother to him.

"You sure? I can ask Happy to take you if you want."Happy? Oh I remember him. Once when I was in the tower as Spiderman he stormed inside the room and took Mr Stark for a little, before returning. Ms Natasha told me that this is the head of security and Mr Stark's best friend.

"Yes, but thank you Mr Stark...for everything."I start walking to the elevator and wave at him, just before the doors closed. I saw him smiling.

I won't take the subway. Changing into the Spiderman suit during winters is...awful. There is this minute when I have only my boxers on, but the second I put it on I told Karen to put on the heater, something I added last month.

"Patrol?"She asked me.


While I was swinging home I thought about today. Just wait until Ned and MJ heard about this. The problem is that I won't have time to see the avenger as Spiderman...again. wait. SPIDERMAN. I almost fell on the street when I remembered SPIDERMAN. HOW I WILL HIDE SPIDERMAN FROM MR STARK? Ohhhh shit. Great and what now? I don't want to quit. I guess i have to be...just...careful? Does that mean that I wont see the avengers as Spiderman that often? Or at all? Ugh. Just great.

I open the door for my apartment after I change in my normal clothes and get inside. I saw May on the couch, watching something on the TV and eating popcorns.

"Umm Ma'am?"She didn't even turn around. She didn't even say something to inform me that she is listening. She didn't even sighed. She just ignored me. I sigh "I-I have news"That got her attention, because she looked at me and standed up. I took the opportunity to get my 'official document' as Mr Stark called it from my backpack to show it to her. She was now standing right in front of me, crossing arms.

Mr Stark made me take the paper home, so I can show it to my 'parents'. I didn't have a reason to deny so I just took it. I handed it to her, while she was looking at me dead in the eyes. She kept eye contact with me, but took the paper and started to inspect it. I smiled, seeing her eyes widen. She smirked and looked at me.

"Good. You can eat from the kitchen for a week. But don't get too much"I smiled even more and made my way to the kitchen, leaving May to read the 'official document' again, just to make sure i'm not lying.

When I finally got to my room after the dinner I opened my phone. Hundreds notifications from Ned and a few from MJ. Most of the messages were:


Whats the important thing you were talking about


Come on 

Please tell me 

Are you hired again?





MJ's texts were just three:

Answer the other loser

But really what is happening

Ned is saying something about very important thing?

I answer them both in the group chat

Nerds and MJ


Guys chille 

Its nothing bad

Guy in tha chair

Peter you scared the shit out of me




But what happened


You will never guess

Guy in tha chair

You get hired again?


Yes, but with something else


You got promoted?


Oh you have no idea how much I get promoted


What does that mean


You will see tomorrow 

Guy in tha chair


The Baby changed the group chat name to 'Area 51'

Mr Thunder

I dont get the name


Area 51...

Yk because in area 51 have aliens 

Mr Thunder



Yeah yk

This things that are not from earth 

Mr Thunder




Mr Thunder

Am I an alie-

Ms Witch



Ms Witch and Mr Fast


Ms Witch


Mr Fast


Ms Witch

Shouldn't you been working

Ms Fast


Ms Witch


Mr Thunder

Am I an alien 



Have you been there?

Mr Thunder

No, but I guess this is a place to find friends

I will be right back



Thats a good one


Yeah thats a joke 

Ms Witch 

Yeah totally 

Mr Fast

A funny one

Mr Bow

Nothing more

Ms Nat




Ms Witch


Mr Fast


Mr Bow 






Is anybody going to stop him from going to area 51?

Mr Grandpa


Ms Nat




Is he really going to area 51?





Did you heard that Tony Stark bought area 51?

Mrs Boss Lady


Mr Grandpa



Yeah its pretty cool isn't it?


hell yeah

Mr Bruce

But the question is why?

Mrs Boss Lady

Im sure that Stark have a reason to buy it

Right MRB?



Yeah of course he have honey

Ms Nat

What do you think is the reason hmm?



He maybe just...




Mr Boss Lady



Nah I don't think thats the reason 

Maybe he was searching for an alien that happened to be in area 51 and when they didn't let him to get inside he just bought it



Yep he is right

Thats the whole reason to why he bought it 

Mr Grandpa

Dear god

Mr Thunder

Yes Captain of America's midgardians?


What hahahah

Mr Grandpa

You are back?

Mr Thunder

They didn't let me go inside


I can fix that

Ms Nat

No you cant


No I cant


Anyway guys I have great news

Ms Nat

What are they?




Thats great kid congrats 

Ms Nat

Congrats little spider 

Where are you working now?


Up stairs 

Ms Nat 

Yeah but where exactly


If I tell you you will find out who I am




Because you can just ask FRIDAY to tell you who got promoted today

Ms Nat

He got a point



Hey do you want to hear a joke?

Ms Nat 

Do I want?


Of course you want 

So what mouse walks on 2 legs?

Ms Nat

Idk what


Mickey Mouse 

What duck walks on 2 legs


Donals Duck?

Peter and Ms Nat

No every duck


Wait you knew that joke

Ms Nat

No Im just smarter than MRB


Umm Excuse me?

Do you want to start that conversation? 

Ms Witch


Just dont be suspicious 


Yeah I got It


I have great invents that are used from thousands people everyday 

Millions even

I have-

Ms Nat

Yeah but you dont know which duck is walking on 2 legs



Ms Nat


They continued arguing for another 20 minutes while I enjoyed their absolutely fun conversation. I love how close they are. The other day Mr Grandpa told me that MRB had a picture of all of them on his wall inside his lab, but yesterday they had a fight, because Mr Fast told MRB that he had a weird looking mustache. I imagined him with a mustache, so It wasn't shocking news.

Sometimes I dream about having a family like theirs. They are the funniest, goofiest and loyal people I have ever met. Or text? Noo met sounds better. I wish one day I can meet them and maybe be a part of that family. I don't know if that will ever happen. I like them all a lot and I don't want to ruin everything with something stupid i will probably say. I just want someone... anyone who is like family. Yeah Ned and MJ are like brother and...




and MJ. yeah.

I close the chat with them after they say goodnight and start scrolling through Instagram, until something catches my eye. I didn't notice that I have more notifications from today. More like I forgot to check. I saw that I have a missed call from MRB today. He had never called me. It must be something important, but why didn't he say something while we were chatting a minute ago? It's weird, because he called the same time as I was talking to Ned. Ohhhhhh so that's why I felt these buzzess. 



Hey MRB 

I saw that you called today?


Ohh yeah that

I misclicked 


Oh ok



Gn kid

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