Trust?|| N.G.||

By larissakaye

6K 168 76

"So your that bad boy here" i said sulomly. "Yea, you can put it that way" he lusted "What do you mean you ca... More

Becoming to and end


181 4 4
By larissakaye

So jane left an hour after arguing with me about nash. I know nash might hurt me again i just cant keep him off my mind. I really like him but hes going to need my trust back. I sat on my bed scrolling through twitter when something popped up. Nash Grier has mentioned you! Well then.

It was a picture of Him, cam, and me at the beach. the picture was me in the middle and the guys kissing each of my cheek while i was doing the cupcake face. i favorited it and retweeted it. i commented "awhh" on it. the caption was "Take me back when it was nice". i smiled to myself. 

*Next Day*

I was at my locker when Nash and his posse were looking at me. i didnt pay attention because Nash isnt changing a bit. i think he meant he wont talk to me ever at school. I dont know. I shut my locker and started to go to my first period. Kaitlyn, Tianna, Payton, and Jane came up to me. 

"Hey" the said together.

"Hi" i responded not to excited.

"whats wrong." Tianna asked.

"i dont like this school at all" i said.

the shook there head to agree with me.

I look behind me. Nash was talking to a girl and laughing. i guess he is dating her because he kissed her cheek. My heart hurts so bad. i clenched my fist and turned around.I sat down and held my head up with my hand facing jane. Nash walked in and i felt his eyes burn through me. I made it noticable that i was sad.

"You ok." he tapped my shoulder.

"yea" i said weakly."im just going to go home" i got up and walked out. He followed me.

"did i do something." he asks

"No No its just me." i said rubbing my arm.

"Can i drive you?" he insisted but i just let him.


we got into his car headed off.

"Well i met a girl" he said 

"Thats cool" i said trying not to burst into tears.

"Yea shes cool" he smiled.

"Thats good" i tried to say.

"yea are you sure your ok." He stopped the car.

" i am fine j-just go." i said as i looked out the window.

"No tell me or this car isnt moving" he said trying for me to look at him.

"im just not feeling well" i said

"ok but either way i will find away to get it out of you." he smiled 

I weakly smiled back. im hurting so bad. i wanna cry so bad. so i did. i looked out the window and the tears came out. He didnt see but i gotta admit i wish he did. We got to my house and i started to open the door.

"Hey" he said.

" if you dont want me to date the girl i wont." he said

"If your happy with her then do it, i cant obviously cause everyone thinks im a sucidal freak...and i would just make you look bad, its your decision not mine." i said

He had a blank face.

" Thats what people think"

"Well you pretty much yelled it on my second day of this school, they believe everything you say." i shut the door. i heard nash walking up to me. He hugged me so tight. i really thought he loved me.

I was texting nash all day. He kept asking if i was ok but i just replied with a thumbs up. 


Wanna hang out?


Cant meeting the boys at the park.


Ok tell them i said hi.


Ok :p

Thats when Matt texted me.


Wanna hang out.


I thought Nash was coming to the park and hanging with you guys


No i asked him and he said hes with his girl and so i texted  you.


He told me he was hanging with you. Come over?


Ok i will be there in like zero point 5 seconds because im here right now.

I heard a knock and i zoomed down stairs.

i opened the door

"hey beautiful" he said smiling.

"heyyyy come in" i smiled at dragged him in.

"ok now what do you want" he said laughing.

" we should go to the park and like ask him why the fuck would he do that." i said while crossing my arms.

"Ok fine lets go" he held his arm out and i grabbed it. we walked and walked until i seen Nash and that girl kissing on a bench. My heart was beating fast 

"hey you ok, i knew you had a thing for nash, you sure your up for this." i shook my head yes. 

"but can you say something i dont wanna burst out into tears while trying to act tough" i said laughing

"yea i will" he laughed.

As we went up there Nash and her was already done kissing. He seen us and his face grew pale. 

"Oh hi Nash wheres the guys, oh that right you lied to me and most importantly to Marcy. Do you even care about your friendship with us or even marcys." Matt said loudly

"and you think dating my ex will be even better...Yea hi kristen." kristen looked away in shame

'Dude i didnt know"Nash said 

"oh i dont care really but dont hurt marcy like that. Shes sensitive and i dont like when people mess with her." he said calmly.

I smiled. i didnt know he cared for me.

"Yea but i mean if you l-love her then just leave me out of it please  i really hate crying everyday. Oh and t ext me when you guys are done" i turned away and waved at them,. Matt came up from behind and hugged me. i smiled really big. Nash was filled with jealousy.

"Wanna make him jelly" he whispered in my ear. i shook my head. He turned me around and kissed me so passionatly. i smiled into the kiss. Oh my gosh this was perfect. i never knew that i would be kissing matt. We broke away and we smiled at eachother. He bit his lip and grabbed my hand as we walked away with no shame.

"Holy shit matt that felt so real." i said.

"i know i actually kind of liked it." he said nervously

i stepped closer to him

"its ok i think i liked it a little to much." we both laughed and looked back at each other. We slowly leaned in and my phone went off.

"ha awkward" he said rubbing the back of his neck 

i laughed

"hello" i said

"hey marcy um is it possible that i am falling for you to and i hate seeing you with matt." he said.

"Nash dont do this"i said shakingly

"i really like you, acutally i wanted to date kristen to get my mind off of you but i cant, i am in love with yo-

he started to crack up laughing. i hung up and through my phone into the grass. i grabbed Matts face and kissed him. i kissed him really strong and we didnt stop from there. i headed up to my room and we kissed on my bed. He was on top of me still making out. he started to kiss my neck leaving little love bites. i bit my lip. i really like this. He stopped and then kept his self up with his hands. he leaned down slowly and kissed my lips again.

"i like you alot." he said

"and i like you alot"  we both giggled. he then went on the other side of me

"so who called" he said as i rested my head on his shoulder.

"Nash said he loved me and then he started to laugh so i hung up thats when i realised i dont need him. but i need you." i said.

"Well i know you still love Nash but i will wait for you." i said while smiling.

" I hate getting hurt by him why does it only happen to me." i wrapped my left arm around him.

"its ok" he said stroking my hair.

"Why do i have to like Nash"

I hurridly and got up. That was a dream?

it was so decritive

i think i fell asleep when nash dropped me off. i got up and seen i had 2 text from nash and like 50 from the guys. All it says is that Nash wants me to come over and that they want us to hang out. i texted back because it was just like 4 minutes ago when the texted.


Hey matt can you pick me up to come over


Yea sure and we need to talk ok



within 5 minutes i heard a honking noise. i went outside to see matt in his car.

I got in a sat down.

"ok i had a dream that we kissed" he said

O my god.

"i did to, its ok." i said.

"it was so weird though" He said.

"i know haha" i said awkwardly

"especially because your like me little sister."

"i know your like my big brother and its weird" i said 

He shook his head and laughed. it was silent the hole way back.

We were there and i stepped in and all the guys shirts were off. Matt shut the door and took his off.i looked at nash. Holy shit.

"uhh are you guys trying to kill me or..." i said laughing. i sat on the couch between glinsky and dallas.

"Hey cuz." he said waving. ok hes my cousin but he has a nice fucking body.

"hey." i said. this is so awkward. Nash kept staring at me and i got to admit i just wanna kiss hip all over. he was wearing blue jeans and no shirt he knows i love when guys do that . my jaw clenched. i bit my lip.the guys were playing xbox...except for nash. Nash got up and came over to me.

"hey" i said

"hey" he replied while looking at my eyes and then back at my lips.

i licked my lips to tease him.

His breath was uneasy

"soo um whats up"he said

"Uh nothing really i mea-

"Follow me" he said.

i followed him upstairs. He shut and locked the door and the he harshly pinned me against the wall. He started to kiss me everywhere. 

"i heard about matts dream and let me say i was jealous." he said against my neck.

"mhm and did i tell you i had the same dream and i liked it." i said trying to make him more motivated.

'Fuck, really...well then did i tell you that Kristen is fucking hot and i would tap it any day." he growled into my ear. 

"well if you really like her then get off me." i said smirking

"i do like her but its hard to stay away from you" he said while sucking my collar bone. I bit my lip and moaned. He then went up to my lips and kissed them. His tounge swiped the bottom of my lip and i let him in. Without breaking the kiss i pushed him on the bed while laying between his legs. i was slowly grinding on his hard erection. He groaned in the back of his throat and bit his lip i dont know if this is right but it feels right. He lifted my shirt over my head and massaged my boob. "Nash, oh my gosh,mm" i moaned " Oh you like it huh?" he said seductivly. i shook my head yes. he then took his pants off in a fast motion and got back onto me. He then pulled my sweats off and started to rub my spot. I moaned loud. he licked his lip and then took both my underwear and his boxers off. i covered up becaue im very insecure.

" your to beautiful to cover up" he smiled. 

"Nash its my first time" he smiled and whispered.

"i will be gentle." he smiled and inserted. obviously it hurt. i bit my lip so hard it was bleeding . i dug my nails into his back. "god i love you" he moaned out. "Nash" a tear slipped out of my eye. "want me to stop babe." i shook my head no. He thrust in and out slowly. My pain quickly turned into pleasure and soon enough he was shaking the bed fast and it was hitting the wall hard. he was sweating and i was to. He then pulled out and flip me over on my hands and knees. He lined it up with my entrance and pushed in. i moaned and moaned.

"Im abo-ut to-to cumm" he said. i came onto his and he wasnt yet. he pulled out and i gave him a hand job. He came onto my hand.He colasped on me and was out of breath.

"you werent bad babe." he said 

i smiled

"so are we a thing now" i said

"i dont know are we"  he said smiling

"Yes." i layed my head on his chest 

"good." he said 


Im so horrid i cant believe i just wrote a smut. im sorry if it sucks. but holy shit. i just described the hole thing. 

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